Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Closed Doors ❯ 18: growing down ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

18: growing down

Heero sits in the corner of a club and sips his vodka as he watches the thriving, pulsing, grinding of bodies. He does not recognise the music, only the ritual act that outlasts time. He does not join it. He is beyond time.

He looks at his hand and studies the gold flesh. Smooth and young, instilled with the youth of men. Heero looks back at the young people drowning their sorrows, giving into the urges of youth and downs his drink. He has been here, like this, like them, for a decade. He does not age. And time continues to pass.

And he has another drink.

The lights grow brighter and he knows its getting close to closing time so he heads out before the rush. It's cold in the late winter air but he doesn't feel it. He wanders off down the street with nowhere to go, waiting for the laptop in his worn backpack to beep, but it is quiet tonight. Too quiet.

He's alone in the town, and on his journey, and he fears he will be alone at the journey's end, but he keeps walking because in his heart he knows it is too late to do anything else. The only alternative is to go with the angels, and he's not ready for that. Not he who once commanded demons.

So he just walks, and lets the air cool skin which refuses to age, and he waits. Growing down as time segues.