Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ By Any Other Name... ❯ By Any Other Name... ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Summary - They're `Preventers' now, not `Terrorists', not any more. - Ficlet, gen
Rating - PG
Disclaimer - I don't own Gwing
By Any Other Name…
We're called `Preventers' now, not `Terrorists', not any more.
We fight for peace and we fight for justice, our cause is no different than it's ever been.
The way people look at our actions now though has changed us from the most hated figures on Earth to heroes, just like that.
But we haven't changed, just our title, our name, and it's true what they say, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet and a Gundam Pilot by any other name is just as deadly…
The world hasn't changed either.
No matter how much we try to whitewash the past and pretend that everything's better we can't.
Because it's been less than a year since Zechs and Treize's deaths and there are already murmurs… Or maybe that should be there are still murmurs.
They're not loud but they're there if you're listening.
And we're always listening.
Always listening, always watching, always waiting, ever ready.
And it's doubtful we'll ever stop.
Because that's not something we have the luxury of doing, this life isn't one you get to just leave behind as though it never existed…
As though there was never war, as though there were never sacrifices, as though we never killed.
Because the world hasn't changed and neither have we.
None of us really believed in peace anyway, that's probably why we were such good soldiers…