Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Chips Ahoy! ❯ Chapter 1

[ A - All Readers ]

-Duo and Wufei are sitting at a booth at Burger King-

Duo: *sips at his drink* I'm bored...Woofey...let's do something.

Wufei: How dare you call me that pet name in public...

Duo: Pet name!? I was just teasin' ya!

Wufei: Get away from me, Maxwell.

Duo: Why do you call me by my last name...? That's so anoooyiiing.

Wufei: Injustice!

Duo: Oh, shut up!

Wufei: Such injustice!

Duo: You're one to talk! Look at the mess you made on their table! *He
pointed to the crumbs of a whopper lying in front of Wufei*

Wufei: That is a mere accident. Leave me alone, you ignoramus! I no
longer want to be seen in public with you!

Duo: *shocked* Now that's just rude! *He got up from his seat and
marched off*

Wufei: Damn right...

-We follow as Duo walks back to his cozy apartment-

Duo: *opens the door with a key and sighs* I'm bored again. *Shouts*
Is anyone here?

Heero: Omae o korosu...

Duo: Heero! Hey buddy! Whatcha doin' here?

Heero: ...I'm not so sure myself...I want to get out.

Duo: Nonsense! Come on, stay!

Heero: Let me out the door.

Duo: No! You're gonna go back to watch stupid chick flicks with
Relena. Come on...if you stay we can watch cool movies!

Heero: And what do you propose a "cool movie" be?

Duo: One with lots of fightin' and action and blood!

Heero: You ninny...

Duo: Geeze! What is it with the name-calling today?

Heero: I'm going to go see Relena...

Duo: But why!?

Heero: Because she has...nevermind.

Duo: Ohh...sorry that I'm a guy...

Heero: That's not what I meant!

Duo: Oh.

Heero: She has...those...cookies.

Duo: I have cookies!

Heero: have Chips Ahoy.

Duo: Those are cookies!!

Heero: No...those are what I call "revolting". Relena's are homemade.

Duo: I can learn!

Heero: *walks out the door*

Duo: NO! Now I have to learn to make cookies! Damn it! *Walks over to
the oven*

Wufei: *Opens the door and walks in*

Duo: Woofey! You've gotta help me! Please! I need to make homemade
cookies! *Shakes him violently*

Wufei: Get your filthy hands OFF of me, you oaf!

Duo: *lets go* See what I mean! What's with the names?

Wufei: Cookies?

Duo: No, names.

Wufei: Cookies?


Wufei: Cookies?

Duo: NAMES! N-a-m-e-s, names!

Wufei: No, I mean, you need to make cookies?

Duo: Oh. Yeah! Do you know how?

Wufei: Only fortune cookies.

Duo: ...

Wufei: Look in the cook book, you half-wit.

Duo: Okies! *Grabs a cook book and spots a recipe for chocolate chip

Wufei: *gathers everything as Duo reads it out*

Duo: Okay...'take the green bean and slice it so the points are facing
the left'

Wufei: Right?

Duo: No left.

Wufei: Left?

Duo: Right.

Wufei: Right?

Duo: No left.

Wufei: Left?

Duo: Right.

Wufei: Right?

Duo: No left.

Wufei: Left?

Duo: Right.

Wufei: God damn it, Maxwell. Make up your mind!

Duo: I did! I said LEFT!

Wufei: And I asked you if that was `right'.

Duo: ...OH!

Wufei: Imbecile!

Duo: No!

Wufei: Yes!

Duo: NO!

Wufei: Yes!

Duo: NO!!

Wufei: Shut up!

Duo: No, as in, this is the wrong recipe.

Wufei: *growls*

Duo: Silly me! Green bean stew, I must be on the wrong page! Lets
start over!

-At Relena's-

Relena: Remind me what you're here for again, Heero?

Heero: *mumbles* Cookies...

Relena: Pardon?

Heero: *speaks a bit louder* ...I said cookies.

Relena: What was that?

Heero: *shouts* COOKIES!

Relena: OH!, let me get them for you. *Runs into the
kitchen, grabs the cookie jar, runs back out and hands it to him*

Heero: *eats timidly*

*The doorbell rings*

Relena: Oh dear, I better get that. Hold on Heero! *Runs over to the
door and answers, in surprise to see Duo and Wufei, covered in flour*

Duo: Hi Relena!

Relena: Why "nice" to see you. Come on in!

Wufei: What about me?

Relena: ...Likewise.

*Relena, Duo, and Wufei all walk in and sit down*

Heero: *munch munch*

Duo: HA! You should see your face Heero!

Heero: *takes out gun in the midst of his munching* Omae o korosu.

Duo: *flops over on a large chair*

Relena: What's wrong Duo, you look famished.

Duo: I've been spending all afternoon with Justice-Man here trying to
figure out how to make cookies.

Wufei: With no success.

Duo: Shut up.

Heero: *glances back and forth to the speakers*

Duo: Gee Relena, I don't know how you do matter what I do,
Heero won't even talk to me.

Heero: *glare*

Duo: How do you make those cookies anyway?

Relena: Make them?? These are chips ahoy!

Author's Note: Hello everyone! Umm...welcome to my insane world of
fanfics. This is one of my fics where I just kinda went crazy and
anything I thought of kinda fell out of my brain and plopped onto the
computer screen. It's not very detailed, or great, but I thought I'd
put it up anyway. ^^ Any questions or comments, or if you want to use
this sad little fanfic, e-mail me at