Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Confessions II ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Confessions II: Reunion
Part 4
By Amataru Arcus
1x2 3x4 5xS 6xN
Disclaimer: I had thought I would only do one fanfic about Gundam, but I was wrong. I was thinking about this on the way to school and so I got to work on it right away. I hope it turns out okay like the last one. I hope your expectations are high!! Also I would like to point out again, I do not and will never own the Gundam Series. ::sniff sniff::
Warnings: Again, I would like to say I support Yaoi and Yuri, if you couldn't tell by the pairings above. Heh, I am tempted to put a little yuri in here . . . Though, I just might not I dunno. Depends on if it will fit the story right. It just might get a few people mad at me if I do! It is a lime, not a lemon, at least not in this part . . . I am just doing this by whim if you couldn't tell! Anyway!! Read, Reply, Respond!! Paallleeeezzzz!!

Then they herd a small cry from the door. Heero turned around to see Wufei starring with his typical small eyes wider then Duo's. Duo grinned as he saw how stunned Wufei was, his right eye brow twitched nervously.
"Hey Wu-Man!" pants down and everything, dripping with pleasure.
"Injustice! You did this on purpose Maxwell! I'm going to chop that braid of yours!"
"Heh, you miss understood Wu-Man!"
"Duo . . . Wufei, this has nothing to do with you. We just got carried away."
"In my room?!"
"Your room is one more down."
Wufei realizing his mistake, whisked quickly away shutting the door behind him.
"You didn't have to make it worse."
"I couldn't resist, can you blame me?" realizing the mood was now lost he pulled his pants back up and Heero moved away. "Heero?"
"I trust you."
Heero looked at him questioningly, realizing he wasn't going to explain.
"Shall we go shopin' then?" he jumped up and bounded to the door but Heero grabbed his wrist stopping him.
Heero couldn't think of why he had done that so he looked deep into Duo's mind trying to see what he truly felt. All he saw was confusion. So, like the secret romantic Heero was he recited a poem,
"Darkness in memory gently shut
seeking a destination in an aimless yesterday
I could see those delusions with wings giving way
I'm getting hurt . . . People always lose the opportunity to go back to another time and place . . .
And just why do I, for the sake of a cause, lose control?
The wind is whirling
I feel again that peace of mind I've thrown away-only if you smile . . .
The distinction of the seasons
Loneliness from wrath
Shadow from light
They'd not matter anymore tomorrow . . .
Just sitting here
Messages around-but for me there's only the sound of your shoes dissolving in the night...
This pulse is striking this innocence
Shaking the sleeping earth-getting in this place in my heart . . . !
I'm so over whelmed with dreams-and they're still a long was off . . .
And just why do I
For the sake of someone, lose control?
The winds blowing right through me
And it would break me down-only if you smile
Both pleasure and painlessness
Even the cramped now-jump out of them all and on tomorrow . . .
The wind is whirring
I feel again that peace of mind I've thrown away-only if you smile . . .
The distinction of the seasons
Loneliness from wrath
Shadow from light
They'd not matter tomorrow . . ."
The confusion left Duo's eyes now and were filled with pure joy, "You write poetry?!"
"H-Hai," and Duo thought he saw a small discoloring of Heero's cheeks.

(Ama- I didn't write that. It is the translation of one of Heero's character songs called 'If Only You Smile'. In my opinion I think Heero would make a better poet then the other Gundam Pilots, maybe not Quatre, I dunno. My reasoning is that Heero doesn't't talk much, while Duo does so he can get all his feelings out, even if they aren't his true feelings. Heero on the other hand has a lot kept up in him. Trowa doesn't seem to be the poet type, and I can just see Wu-Man in a mocha house resighting haiku's. *_*
Sally Po- You'd be surprised.
Ama- Hey you all are here?! Yea!!
Duo- My favorite scene is coming up, how could I not be here?!
Wufei- She is such a weak onna.
Ama- You guys aren't being nice to her.
Heero- You get stalked and see how you feel.
Ama- Yeah, I guess so . . . But still.
Duo- Next Part, Relena gets DUMPED!!
Ama- I didn't want it to be like that!! I am going to get so many flames now!!
Trowa- I'll take care of them Amataru-sama.
Quatre- Suck up.
Ama- Do I need to tie you all up like I did with Angie-Chan?
Wufei- Leave Angie out of it. ::hold up his sword::
Ama- I was just saying-
Heero- Just start writing Amataru.
Ama- Right right!!)

Heero had never been so nervous in all his life. He had always been ready for death, but nothing like this. It was now five minutes till seven and he still hadn't come up with any thing to say to Relena. He couldn't bail out, Quatre knows, Trowa would know, Wufei knows. the next person who should know is her. Heero tried convincing himself that he shouldn't feel guilty about it. He never officially told her that he loved her, or that he had any feelings what so ever for her. he just felt that it was all his fault and should be punished for his crime. Duo had helped some that day, by keeping his mind off of Relena and the inevitable. But Duo couldn't help at that moment, no one could as he headed out side into the crisp cool night air and headed into the garden.
Sure enough, there sat Relena on a bench next to a small rose garden. (Ama: Hey... Where's Anthy??!!)
"Hello Heero. I was afraid you wouldn't show up," she smiled cheerfully unaware like always about what was to happen.
Heero stood there a few feet in front of Relena waiting for the right moment to start.
"Please Heero tell me of your mission . . ."
His mouth was so dry he didn't think he could do it but he tried, "I have a confession to make."
"So do I Heero," she smiled brightly unknowingly placing a dagger to his heart.
"No Relena, I don't know what you feel for me-"
"I love you Heero. I always have! Couldn't you tell?" she got up and reached for his hand but Heero moved away and placed his back to her.
"I don't Relena."
"I understand your afraid of these feelings for me, it's okay, I'll help you get past your fears."
"You don't understand. I love someone else."
Relena's heart stopped beating for a second as her dreams where shattered. "Someone . . . Who?"
"Duo . . ." he said quietly.
"That isn't funny Heero. Stop playing games," said she.
"No Relena," he turned to her, "This isn't a joke. I have strong feelings for Duo. He's the only one who truly understands me, the only one I can truly be my self with."
"You can be your self with me."
"No I can't Relena," he looked into the greenish-blue eyes starting to fill up with tears. "I did have feelings for you, a long time ago. At least I thought they where feelings for you. I could never kill you, so I thought I loved you. That scared me so I ran. In truth, it was responsibility that stopped me. I was to bring peace to the colonies and Earth. You where the only one to do so."
"When did you start loving Duo?"
"Since I met him," Relena's tears streamed down her face and the knife went deeper and deeper into his heart. "I'm sorry."
"No don't be," she smiled tears in her eyes. "I was a silly child who wanted a knight in shining armor to save me. I realize now that it can't happen. I'm sorry I put you through all this. Good night Heero," she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek and left him standing alone in the garden. It was now 7:15. He soon had to go in and practice for the wedding of the brother of the girl he just herd. He didn't know if he could face anyone at the moment. He just wanted to be alone.
Heero sat down on the could bench and thought to him self.
'The Rose of love is beautiful
But it has it's fall
It's own death
Will my love die with the seasons
As it did any other?
Just another bloom to look at for the moment
For the instant
Then will it die
Leaving only scares behind from the touch
The touch of love stings deep
Are the scars permanent
Or is it a temporary need
To show off one's vulnerability?
For I am just a bird
Who sits and watched for a moment
The love charade
Then fly away
Back to it's cage and hides
Afraid to see loves end . . ." (Ama: I wrote that. ^-^)
Heero didn't respond at all he just sat there looking at his hands. Duo joined him on the bench.
"The wedding rehearsal is about to start," Heero still didn't make a sound or move at all. "Heero you had to do it. It's not your fault."
". . . the look in her eyes . . ." Duo put his arms around the shaking soldier.
"Let's go in now . . . Your cold."
". . . her eyes they . . ." Duo just let him ramble on, making no sense to him.
'He needs to teach me Japanese some day . . ."
"I caused it all . . . the pain," he finally broke down and cried softly into Duo's chest. Duo sat there holding on to him trying to be strong for his sake. Secret confessions spilled out of Heero's mouth in his native tongue. He went on and on till he seemed to calm down a little. "Gomen nasai, koi."
"Hee-Chan, I speak little Japanese but I do know this, you have nothing to be sorry about."
"I shouldn't be putting you through this, it's not fair to you. Or Relena. I'm sorry I'm so selfish."
"Heero," he said sternly lifting up his head with his hand, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Baka. You are the most UN-selfish person I know! If you think it's unselfish to tell the truth, then say it's an early Christmas present for, okay? Speaking of which, what do you want?"
"To be alone."
"Aww, Hee-chan, you know that wont happen."
"Duo please, go away . . ."
"Okay, Okay! I was just trying to help . . ." he got up and headed to a rose and picked it. Not even getting pricked. "If you respect the rose, it will not hurt you." and he walked away to the wedding rehearsal.