Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ever Fall in Love? ❯ Ever Fall In Love? - Duo ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N Just something I wrote, I was listening to the song and this just popped into my head.

Rating - PG

Summary - Two songfics to the same song, one from Duo's POV and one for Heero's, both detailing their feelings for each other.

Disclaimer - Yeah, I own Gundam Wing which is exactly why they're all screwing like bunnies.

Ever Fallen In Love - Duo

You spurn my natural emotions

You make me feel like dirt

And I'm hurt


`Baka,' why am I not surprised? simple but effective, not very original but then again maybe I'm not worth any originality.

I take it I've messed up again, not surprising is it? After all what can I do, just a piece of street trash, what good can I be?

And if I start a commotion

I run the risk of losing you

And that's worse

I'm not going to argue, I never do, do I? Just take it in my stride, it's not like it's going to bother me anyway is it? Why the hell should I care what he thinks? Nothing gets to me, 02, Duo Maxwell, Shinigami, no matter which mask I'm using this time it doesn't matter because nothing ever bothers me. Nothing ever matters.

I never argue because if I did you might stop altogether. Every insult with you is just a statement and when it is I can almost fool myself into believing that you don't mean it. I know that's not true though but at least this way you talk to me.

Ever fallen in love with someone

Ever fallen in love

In love with someone

Ever fallen in love

In love with someone

You shouldn't've fallen in love with

Why was I so stupid? How could I have been so stupid? I guess there's some truth in the insults after all. How did I manage to fall in love with you? Heero Yuy, of all people I had to pick someone who's incapable of loving me back. Someone who probably wouldn't care even if he did know, someone who's only concern would be if this was going to affect the mission in anyway.

I can't see much of a future

Unless we find out what's to blame

What a shame

What the hell happened to you anyway Heero, why is it that you believe so totally and whole heartedly that emotions are a weakness unbefitting of a soldier, was it just continuously being told so… or was it something else?

And we won't be together much longer

Unless we realize that we are the same

We aren't really that different Heero, you and I, you have your mask and I have mine, you have your fighting style and I have mine, you have you life of war and I have mine. Notice any similarities? Every time in every way, every situation and in everything that we do our actions, reactions and thought processes are controlled by the fact that we are at war. Why the hell do you fight anyway? You don't believe in peace, no really, I don't think any of us do now, maybe Quatre but even there I doubt it.

We're both soldiers, we have completely different ways of dealing with the things we do but we both have to deal with them.

Ever fallen in love with someone

Ever fallen in love

In love with someone

Ever fallen in love

In love with someone

You shouldn't've fallen in love with

At least, I think we do, there's always a chance that my original assessment of you was correct and you really aren't human.

You disturb my natural emotions

You make me feel like dirt

And I'm hurt

I'm not hopeless, I'm not impossible; I'm not just a mere distraction. Why is it that I believe this and yet one word from you can send me tumbling back into the abyss that I've just crawled out of? What gives you that power over me?

And if I start a commotion

I'll only end up losing you

And that's worse

I can't loose you, I can't let go of you, I won't let my own feelings get in the way of this, I won't let myself ruin this, I give you a reason to leave like everyone else did.

You can't leave Heero… please…

I won't change, I'll ignore the looks Quatre, Trowa and Wufei give the two of us, I'll keep smiling for everyone, I'll smile for you Heero but only when you can't see me.

Ever fallen in love with someone

Ever fallen in love

In love with someone

Ever fallen in love

In love with someone

You shouldn't've fallen in love with

Ever fallen for someone you know you shouldn't have fallen for?

I have. And I can't tell you how much it hurts.

Ever fallen in love with someone

Ever fallen in love

In love with someone

Ever fallen in love

In love with someone

You shouldn't've fallen in love with

Fallen in love with

Ever fallen in love with someone

You shouldn't've fallen in love with


A/N Next chapter's Heero's version on what he feels for Duo.