Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ In The Bedroom ❯ Night 21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

In The Bedroom: Night 21

There comes a time when the pain doesn't so much as fade, but simply vanishes. When the mind goes beyond the point of control and switches the body off. When you simply are, and at the same time you are not. At this time, anything could happen and you would never know. Never care. Never need. Duo was there.

He knew the floor was cold. He knew the door was locked. He knew he was dying. The only reason he knew these things was because he had known them before. Before it all vanished and he vanished along with it.

And so it was that Duo never knew the door opened. Never knew the guards slumped at the entrance to his dark cave, dead. Never knew a lone figure wandered in, picked him up and dragged him into the light. He would of course come to wonder when he awoke on a transport heading south with an all too familiar pilot at the wheel, but by that time the pain will have returned and he won't care. He'll simply know it's warm in the blanket he's wrapped in, and that the cave, for the moment, is gone.

And Heero will drive.