Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ In The Bedroom ❯ Night 27 ( Chapter 27 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
In The Bedroom: Night 27

In The Bedroom: Night 27

Heero Yuy stood on a street corner he didn't know, in a town he could not name, on a colony he could not recall. He stood, uncaring, and just stared. At something, nothing, what did it matter?

Peace had found the universe, and it was…peaceful. There was no place here for soldiers. No place for fear, and fighting, and battle and beam cannons. Here was for laughter, love and languor. Heero Yuy knew none of those things. Once, almost, but not quite, and it was gone forever. Where, he could not begin to guess, and he had certainly tried.

Eventually, Heero stepped back from the curb, backed up against the cold stone wall and sat. And continued to watch. There seemed very little else to do, and here was as good a place as any.

A hand reached out, touched the empty, cold cement at his side and could almost feel warmth there, but it was merely the brush of memory. The brush of what was and is no more. He had tried. Harder than he cared to admit.

Heero Yuy often wondered what happened. What went wrong when all else had gone right. What had he done. There were no answers. There never would be. So he just sat. And stared. At nothing. Anything. It didn't matter.

Where are you? I think…you're too late.

Sometimes we sleep with shadows.