Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Only Time Will Tell ❯ Surprise! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Only Time Will Tell

Disclaimer: No mater how many times I wish and dream about it, I do
not own Gundam Wing. Sunrise, Bandai, and TV Ashai have all the
rights. I'm just a kid who gets kicks out of playing with the charas.

Note: Slowly over time children began to mature faster. In the early
AC period the drinking age was lowered to 18, and the age where
children pass into adulthood down to 16. At this time, in year AC 201,
another bill is on the floor to lower that age again to 15.

Chapter one: Surprise!

Heero's doorbell rang late in the afternoon. He left his work and went
to answer it. He couldn't help but wonder who it was. He wasn't much
for company. He opened the door. A shocked look covered his face.
"Relena? What are you-"

"Could I please come in Heero? We need to talk." She said solemnly.
She was dripping wet. It was pouring outside. She didn't have a coat
or an umbrella with her. This made Heero too curious to close the

He moved out of the way and let her though. He went into the bathroom
of his little one room apartment and grabbed a towel. When he came
back into the sitting room Relena was dripping all over his couch.

He handed her the towel and sat down next to her. He waited for her to

She took the still folded towel and whipped off her face, wet from
both rainwater and tears. She stared at the deep green towel on her
lap and shakily began. "Remember that night about two months ago?" She
asked quietly.

/Why did she bring /that/ up?/ He wondered, "What about it?"

"Well um... I... you see... um... I'm... we're..." She stuttered false
start after false start. She let out a staggered sigh and looked at
Heero, giving it one more try, "Congratulations, daddy."

Heero jumped up. He started walking backwards, shaking his head, "No,
it's a mistake. That night was a mistake. It's got to be a mistake!"

Relena shook her head, "No, it's not."

"Shiiiitttttt!" He said though clenched teeth. He frantically looked
around. He needed to get out. He headed for the door. He reached out
for the knob when she spoke.

"You're not running away, are you?" She asked.

He froze, his hand touching the knob. She was right. He was torn.
Should he run from the responsibility he was in no way prepared to
handle, or be a man and stay? His hand slowly dropped from the knob.
He hesitivly turned around. Suddenly very light headed, he leaned up
against the door.

"What do you want to do? You could always-"

Relena shook her head, "I'm not aborting this child."

"What hen?" He asked.

She looked up at him and then back down, "I was um... kind of hoping
that you would move in with me, so that we could do this together."

"What are you saying? That you want us to get married?"

"No, nothing like that. I just don't want to do this alone."

"Relena, you know I don't love you, and us spending one night together
won't change that."

"Nine months is a long time." She said with a weak smile.

"I... need to think. You go home, I'll meet you there later." He left
his apartment, and Relena, sobbing on his couch.

Duo's door flew open, scaring the shit out of him, not literally. He
chocked on his beer and looked up to the door. He watched Heero walk
across his apartment and collapse into his recliner. He rested his
elbows on his knees and his forehead on his knuckles.

"Shit... I don't know what I'm going to do." He mumbled.

Duo turned off the hockey game. He'd never seen Heero like this, it
had to of been important.

"Why don't you tell me what happened."

Heero looked up, "I knocked up Relena."

"Fuck!" Duo exclaimed.

"And now she wants me to move in and play daddy."

"When did this happen?"

"At that party a few months back."

"I remember. Dude, you two were so plastered!"

"Think I would do that sober?"

Duo leaned forward, "So how was it?"

Heero shot him a questioning look.

"The sex man!"

"How should I know!? All I remember is waking up with a splitting
headache and with her head on my chest. It scared the shit out of me!
Come on Duo! You have to help me."

"Sorry." Duo stood. He closed the still open door and headed for the

He came back with a liquor bottle and a shot glass. He poured him a
shot, "Looks like you could use some help."

Heero picked up the shot glass and stared at it. He finally put it
back down, "No, that is what got me into this mess."

Duo laughed, "Hey man don't worry. What are you going to do? Get
wasted and get me pregnant?"

Heero didn't need this. He inhaled the shot without so much as a cough
and poured another. Three shots later he looked over at Duo,
"Seriously what should I do?"

Duo shrugged, I'm not exactly an expert in this field, but if you want
my input I say stay. If you run you will never be able to forget, or
stop wondering."

Heero downed another shot. He looked to Duo, "Speaking from

"Hell no! I would never be that stupid."

Heero glared at him and poured another shot and then another. Duo took
the bottle off the table.

"Hey, I'm not done with that."

"Well I am. Remember, you're driving. I'm not about to have some
sniveling drunk crash at my place."

Heero returned to his leaning forward position and sat there with his
eyes closed. He hoped that the alcohol would numb his mind from the
experience. He decided to get all his thinking in now before that

"Sorry about that last comment. I'm just saying that running isn't the
answer. And I /do/ speak from experience there."

"So I should go move in with her?"

"If that's what it takes."

He brought his hands back though his hair and looked up, "Now?"

"Un-uh, I'm not having that kid be fatherless. Why not hang out here
for a few hours and let the alcohol ware off. She'll kick your sorry
ass out if you come back drunk."

"I owe Wu Fei fifty bucks."

"And this is relevant because..."

"I bet him that you would be the first of us to knock some chick up."

"What, Quatre doesn't count?"

"He's married."

"Well then, it's good to know you think so highly of me."

"You are the best candidate."

"I resent that." Duo said. "At least it's good to know that I proved
you wrong for once."

Heero sighed. He laid back in his chair, forcing it to recline. He
stared up at the ceiling; he didn't want to talk any more.

Duo set the remote down on the chair's arm. "There's a good action
movie on HBO and the game's on as well. Enjoy."

Heero didn't show his gratitude. He did sit up and turn the TV on
though. That was close enough to thank you to satisfy Duo.

Relena came out of the bathroom adjacent to her room. She turned the
bathroom light off and stopped cold. There was the silhouette of a man
stretching across the floor. She followed the shadow to its source and
let out a sign or relief. "Heero, don't scare me like that." She
snatched up her bathrobe and put it on over her spaghetti strapped

"I thought about what you said." He said, not budging from his leaning
position against the wall, "I'll move into a guest bedroom as soon as

"Thank you."

"Remember Relena, this doesn't mean I love you, but I can't deny my

Relena went over to him and embraced him. Heero tensed up, fighting
the embrace. "Thank you, I know how hard this is for you." She

"I want you to come to the doctor's with me tomorrow." Relena said
while buttering her toast.

It had been only one week since Heero had moved in. He looked up from
the newspaper, "Why's that?"

"Because we are going to get to listen to the heartbeat."

Heero shrugged, "Alright." He said.

Relena smiled gratefully. "The appointment's at noon. And thanks for
doing this."

Heero pulled up to the hospital in his totally restored 66' stingray
vet. After parking it as far away from the hospital as he could he
walked the long walk across the parking lot casually. On the inside
though he was as nervous as a kid being grilled by his prom date's

He asked the receptionist for directions and worked his way to the
maternity ward. When he got to the doctor's office Relena was already
there. She was lying down on the bed in a hospital gown. He looked
over to him and smiled, "Hi."

"Hi." He muttered.


Heero shrugged. In reality he was terrified. He was hoping that it was
all some terrible mistake and that he could move out and go on with
his life. He was still in denial of what was really happening.

The doctor came in shortly after. After the introductions where
Heero's title was "the father" they got under way.

Heero moved over by Relena to get a better look at what the doctor was
doing. She set some devise on her abdomen. An extremely fast "woish
woish" sound filled the room.

"What is that?" Heero asked.

"That's your baby's heartbeat." The doctor replied.

"But it's so fast."

"All babies' heartbeats are."

Heero felt something on his hand. He looked down and watched Relena
intertwine her fingers with his. She smiled happily at him. He
returned a very small one as she squeezed his hand.

She looked over to the doctor, "Can we get a recording of this?" She

Heero's own heart began to pound. It wasn't a dream, he was living the
nightmare. Might as well bust out the pink and blue ribbons and
announce it to the world. He was going to be a father. The thought was
so frightening that he thought he would pass out.

Relena felt his trembling, "Are you okay?" She asked.

He nodded, not trusting his voice. He broke his hand loose and went
outside of the room. He sat in one of the blue chairs and lowered his
head. His title to the doctor repeated it's self over and over in his

The father.

Relena came out of the doctor's office about fifteen minutes later.
She was back in her skirt suit. She looked down to where Heero was
sitting and took a seat next to him.

"I know this is hard for you."

"It's really happening isn't it? In a few months there is going to be
a kid that's half of me and I will always be refeured to as `the
father' for the rest of my life."

"I know you can do it. You've saved the world before. I'm sure you can
handle bottles and dippers."

"This is so much more then any of the battles I have every fought."

"I'll understand if you want to back out. I'm strong, I can do it on
my own."

Heero shook his head, "It's my kid as well. I'm not going to run from
my mistake."

He could feel her smile. "Do you remember that next morning?" She


"You were so scared. You jumped out of the bed and started putting
your pants on. You kept saying things like, `that didn't happen. No
way did that happen.'"

"And you were too shocked to move. You just sat there with the
blankets pulled up high almost in tears."

Relena nodded, "I couldn't believe it really happened."

Heero nodded.

"You know why I was almost crying?" She asked, "Because I had wished
for years that something like that would happen. But when it did it
was nothing like my fantasy. In that dream, you were happy and so was
I, plus, we could remember what happened."

"Didn't work out that well did it?"

"No, it didn't."

"Come on, let's get going. Are you hungry?"

She nodded, "Only if it's chicken soup though, that's all I can keep

"Not chocolate covered sushi or something weird like that?"

"God no!" She laughed

"Alright, let's get you some soup."

The phone started to ring. The chorus of tones from the numerous
phones in the house filled the air. Heero looked up from his laptop.
He watched Relena walk across the den and pick it up. He went back to
his work, listening to the conversation with only mild interest.

"Hello?... Oh! Hi!... You just got back huh?.... That's great, I'm
glad to hear that.... Tonight? Um, yeah, I can do that.... Mind if I
bring a date?... You might say that... Oh, you know him... Have to
wait and see.... 6:30? Sounds great!... All right, see you then...
Good bye."

She hung up the phone and turned to Heero, a smile gracing her
breaking out face, thanks to the hormone increase. "Guess who that

"The president asking if you want red or white roses in your
congratulations bouquet." He said sarcastically. She had announced her
pregnancy last week. Now the house looked like a flower shop; filled
to the brim with bouquets from everyone.

She laughed, "No, that was Noin. My brother and her just returned from
assignment. They asked us over to dinner."

Heero looked up, "How long have they been gone?"

"Four months I guess."

Relena was three months a long, so they didn't know yet. He stood and
started to head for the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

"To get my gun."

"What? Why?"

"Might as well be prepared for when your brother tries to kill me."


He stopped and faced her, "Think about it Relena. You're starting to
show, it's not like we can hide this anyways. I might as well send him
my head on a silver platter."

"I'm sure if we explain-"

"Explain what? That we aren't married, or dating, or truthfully even
like each other, one night we fucked and guess what Zechs? You're
going to be an uncle! That's going to go over real well."

"It's not like that." She said quietly.

"It is like that. Stop living in your fantasy Relena. That's what

"What do you want to do then? Move and change our names? We can't run
away from this."

"That's not a bad idea. In fact, fuck the we thing, why not just run
off alone?"

"Why are you doing this? Why don't you except that this happened and
we can't change that?" She asked, fighting back tears.

"You're the one not getting it. Zechs hates me! He's always waiting
for me to do something wrong. Did you know that once he cornered me at
one of your parties and told me that if I did anything to hurt you in
anyway that he would hunt me down and kill me? And let's face it, on a
scale of 1-10 on how to hurt you this is a 12!"

"He'll understand, I'm sure he'll understand."

"Fine, we'll go, but I'm bringing my gun, and my bullet proof vest for
that matter."

"No we aren't going. Why would I want to go anywhere with a selfish
bastard like you? You won't even face your fears!" She ran upstairs

Heero sighed. He collapsed into one of the den's chairs. He sat there
for a few minutes with his eyes closed. He opened them and looked at
his watch. It was nearly 5:00. Would that be enough time to make up
with Relena in time to get to Zechs and Noin's? He factored in the
half hour drive and decided it wasn't. He picked up the phone and
pushed *69 on the keypad.

It rang twice before Noin picked up. Heero was glad it wasn't Zechs,
"Hi, Noin?... yeah, it's Heero... Yeah... Could we push the dinner
back an hour? Something's come up.... You can? Alright, we'll see you

He hung up the phone and grabbed the keys for his vet. It wouldn't be
enough to just say sorry. He had to go all out, no mater how much he
wished he could blow of Noin and Zechs and let Relena be mad at him.
This would take roses, chocolates, and those saltine crackers she
couldn't get enough of.

They arrived at Noin and Zechs' right on time. They sat in the vet for
a few seconds, trying to prepare themselves for what lay ahead.

He looked over to her, "Ready?"

She sighed, "I am if you are."

He opened his door, closed it, and opened hers. He was still in the
doghouse and was actually making an effort to please her. If worst
came to worst at least that way she would defend him against Zechs'

They rang the doorbell and waited anxiously. They held hands for
support against the offence there were about to face, and to make a
seemingly futile attempt to look like they were together.

Relena didn't try and hide her slightly protruding tummy. Her pants no
longer fit her, and she wasn't about to ware a pair of Heero's faded
old jeans, especially out to dinner. So instead she wore a long skirt
and a blouse.

Noin answered the door a few moments later. "Relena, it's so good to
see you." She said, embracing her.

"I know, it's been so long." Relena replied as they pulled apart.

"And Heero." Noin said, acknowledging him. "How have you guys been?"

"Well..." Relena started, "All three of us are doing fine." She turned
sideways and put her hand under her belly so that it was perfectly

Noin covered up her mouth, "Oh my God!" She exclaimed,
"Congratulations!" She hugged Relena again.

Zechs came in from the backyard. He caught Noin's response, but not
her reason. "What's all the excitement?" He asked.

"Congratulations Millie, you're going to be an uncle!" Relena said

"What!?" Zechs was very aware that Relena wasn't seeing anyone, or at
least she wasn't before they left four months ago. "Who... how?" He
noticed Heero for the first time, "Is this your doing!?" He demanded.

"Yeah." Heero said quietly.

"And when did this all happen?"

"Zechs, calm down." Noin cautioned.

"When did this happen?" He asked again with the same angered tone.

"Well you see, there was this party and well we got um... a little
drunk..." Relena managed.

Zechs had heard enough. He moved Relena and Noin out of his way and
grabbed Heero by his shirt collar.

"Millardo stop it!" Relena yelled.

"Go a head and hit me, I deserve it." Heero said, refusing to meet his
eyes with Zechs.

Zechs happily accepted Heero's offer. He landed the hardest punch he
could muster. At the same time he released his shirt- sending Heero
flying across the porch.

"No!" Relena ran past Zechs and went to Heero's side, "What did you do
that for?"

"For you."

"For Christ's sake Millardo don't you listen? It's not his fault; it's
both of ours. You should be proud of him for not leaving me to handle
this alone." She stood, right in front of Zechs, "If you are going to
punish him, then you should do the same to me."

This stopped Zechs. He glared at Relena for protecting him and went
back outside to check on the barbeque.

Noin rushed outside to them. Heero stood up by his self after Noin and
Relena both offered to help. "I'm so sorry about that, you know how he
is." She said with her hand on Relena's shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, we expected worst." Relena said truthfully.

"Let's get you inside. I'll get you some ice."

Heero wiped the trickle of blood from his lip, "That's not necessary."
He said as Noin showed them both inside.