Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Gundam Renn Faire ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thx for the reviews all! I feel so loved!! =) I'll keep the story coming!

I don't own Gundam Wing, no matter how much I want to...don't sue, Ayanami-chan has no money earned from this fic, blah, blah, blah

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Chapter 1: The Gundam Renn Faire
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Heero speeded down the road, excited, happy, and smiling. (AN: Heero's serious OOCness starts here. Please, don't be afraid, he's only smiling....OK, it's Heero, be afraid, be very afraid)

He couldn't wait, he loved the faire. He pulled into the staff parking lot, and had the breath knocked out of him as a 70 pound, and very wet, weight came in contact with his chest.

Groaning, Heero grabbed onto the weight, and it started to squirm, laughing. "Anna, your getting big! And why are you so wet?"

"I went swimming in the lake. And guess what! I'm 6 now. I'm a big girl now!! Can I drive your car, Heero? Pleeeeease?"

Heero lifted the girl out of his lap, slung her over his shoulder, and opened the door to his black convertible. "No way kiddo, no one touches the car."

"But I can touch it!!" Anna squirmed her was out of Heero's grasp, and then proceeded to get muddy hand prints all over his chrome bumpers.

"Heero!! Is that you? We've been waiting! And does anyone know where that pest is?" A woman's voice rang out over the bustle of people preparing for Faire.

"She's right here, getting mud all over my car!! And yeah, it's me. I'll be over in a few minutes." Heero picked up the little monster, and quickly wiped some of the mud away with the wet towel that Anna left lying on the ground.

He started towards the tent farm that would be his home for the next month, ignoring the girl once more trying to escape him. He hoped his friends wouldn't figure it out....he wanted to surprise them. Hell, it would be a surprise any way it turned out, but he wanted to catch then totally unawares.

Duo has a brain, even though the never bothers to use it. He knows I've requested leave every year from my post as Relena's bodyguard, and weather it is granted or not, I leave for a month. He also may have noticed that I disappeared for a month during the war, but he probably won't put two and two together. I hope.

Heero arrived at the Pewtersmith's tent, and put the soaking little girl down. "Now go inside and change into dry clothes, OK?"

"OK Heero!!" Anna ran into the tent, and Heero turned around to find White Fang's most feared assassin in his face. The only man who could get through Zechs' defenses. That man was the only reason Relena needed Heero as a bodyguard. (AN: Some White Fang still exists here, and is the only group opposing peace.)

"Long time no see!" The american man slapped Heero hard on the back.

A grin split Heero's face. "Mike! It's only been two weeks."

"Yeah, I can't wait for them to give me another 'kill Ms. Peacecraft mission'. Not only do you give me the perfect excuse to fail each time, I get a free drink! I love my job!"

The two men heard a young girl yell out "Grub's up!!" and started down to where dinner would be served.

" turn 21 on Monday!! That means if you want me to spare your princess next time, a coke won't cut it! I wanna real drink!" Heero laughed at this.

"OK, ok, I give, next time you come, I'll buy you a real drink." They sat down at one of the long tables, and Anna, now in dry clothes, jumped into Heero's lap.

"Dinner time!!" Her cheerful voice rang out.

I'm home. God, I love this. I'm home. Now only if Relena was here....

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I hope you like it!! I didn't mean for this to be a Heero-only chapter, but I think I needed it. Now, why does Heero regard the Faire as his home? How does he know Anna, not to mention a White Fang assassins? Find out in Chapter 2!

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Please R&R my first fanfic!! Thx so much!!
-Ayanami-chan ami_shrine