Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Gundam Renn Faire ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Gundam Wing, no matter how much I want to...don't sue, Ayanami-chan has no money earned from this fic, blah, blah, blah

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Chapter 3: The Gundam Renn Faire
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Duo waited around for something interesting to happen. He knew Heero was planning something, which was why Duo was so nervous. Heero planning something definitely qualifies as a 'not good thing' in Duo's book.

He was waiting with the other pilots and the girls, and it was 7:50 Monday morning, at the main gate, and the was no sign of Heero. Everyone was dressed in costume, except for Wufei, who was called away on business for the Preventers. That's good, he would've ruined the day anyway Duo thought, but it looks like Heero will do that for us. If he doesn't show, Relena will be seriously pissed.

An act was going on up on top of the main gate, as they welcomed people to the faire. After a few minutes someone up on the stage shouted out.

"Halt, now, this act of merriment, for it now be time to welcome the good people to the shire!" Yelled the man, so he could be heard by all. "As be Faire tradition, we have for you good folk a speech to bring you in, that you may spend all your mon-"

This earned him a whack from the wench to his left.

"I mean, that you may enjoy the faire. This speech of welcome has been given by the same young lord, a friend of the queen he be, for the last 18 years. Considering that on this day, he does see his 21st summer, methinks that this boy, now a man, be a true child of the faire."

Relena watched this all with mild interest. Heero was late, and that wasn't like him. The thought that disturbed her was that he might be planning something, that was not good, not good at all. Relena, bracing herself for a boring speech, just like those at her diplomatic part-

Relena gasped.

Collective dropping of jaws.

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Heero walked onto the stage, grinning like an idiot. He walked up to front, where he could be seen by all, and delivered a speech, just like he always did. He knew that he was handsome in his medieval lord's garb, and he used it well. As always, he flirted with girls near the front in the stage...but this time it wasn't for the crowd's entertainment.

Heero figured that as soon as he started the flirt routine, Relena would snap out of her trance and then things would get interesting. Just as he saw Relena's jaw shut tightly and her face turn pink, he returned to the center of the stage.

"Ah, the dial doth read the hour of 8, the shire now be open, for all those who wish to visit." Then he bowed low, and rose once more. Relena was halfway up the stairs to the stage. "I pray, do enjoy the faire, good folk!" And then, he turned, and ran to the stairs on the side of the stage.

None of our other gundam friends have yet recovered.

Heero, hadn't stopped his grinning throughout his entire speech, and he didn't think he could, even if he wanted it. He met Relena at the top of the stairs.

"Rele- Uh!"

Heero grunted as Relena delivered a solid blow to his stomach. It didn't hurt, he just wasn't expecting it.

"Who the hell are you, and what have you done with Heero?!" At that, Heero began to laugh. He laughed until his eyes were tearing up. As he laughed, he took Relena's hand and led her down to where the others were only now removing their jaws from the ground.

"Heero!!???" The collective yell sent Heero into another bout of laughter.

Duo, needing to convince himself it truly was Heero, followed Relena's example. He punched Heero in the face, hard. Heero rolled with the punch, and then firmly connected his fist with Duo's stomach.

"Yep," Duo croaked, doubled over, "that's him."

"Heeeeeeerooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!" A shrill voice cried out. "Ahhhhh!!!! I'm gonna tell Mary and Mike you were fighting!!!!" A girl, not older that 7 ran up, and dressed much like Hilde- as a commoner- jumped into Heero's arms.

"No way, mini-wench." He slung her over his shoulder- like it was second nature, Relena thought- so her head was upside down, bouncing against his back. Her little feet were kicking at his chest, and she was giggling in delight. "Let's see, what can Heero give you to keep your little mouth shut?"

"Fudge!!!" she yelled, just as Heero mouthed the word to his friends.

"Uhh....Heero....why are you bribing a little girl?" Quatre asked.

"Because I'm not afraid of death, I'm not afraid of any military force, in fact, I'm afraid of almost nothing. But I *am* afraid of what Mike and Mary will do to me if I break the rules." He took the little girl off his shoulder, and set her down on the ground.

"OK Anna, we'll go to the Fudge Shoppe right now." With that the girl, Anna, squealed in delight, and grabbed his hand. Before the perfect soldier set off, dragged behind a girl of 6, he turned and asked, "Well, guys, are you coming or not?"

Relena recovered first, and ran after him, the rest of the group following behind.

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Thx for all the reviews!!! I can't wait to finish the story!

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Please R&R my first fanfic!! Thx so much!!
-Ayanami-chan ami_shrine