Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Thin Red Line ❯ Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Thin Red Line (6/7)

By Anne Olsen

Rating : This fic has been rated in accordance with the approved TTFF rating system.

OK (Oz/Kiwi spelling/grammar etc) - PG - Action, drama, angst, romance.

Author's notes: This story is part of the 'Triunity' canon based arc, which is a joint project with my partner in crime, Sakura Rose. For further information please visit the series archive at

The writing soundtrack for TRL is 'Thin Red Line' by Glass Tiger.

Pairings: 3x4, 1xR, 2x5

Summary: The shuttle transporting Relena, Quatre and Trowa to a political conference is hijacked in an endeavour to reveal the identity, and exact revenge, on a specific Gundam pilot. But it's five years after the Eve Wars, and people change. Or did they always have a predilection for attempting stupidly heroic things in the name of love and friendship?

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing belongs to Bandai, Sunrise and Sotsu Agency. I promise to return the boys and Relena in one piece, more or less, when I'm finished, but hold no liability for any broken bones or psychological trauma sustained by them in my fiction.

Thanks: To Sakura for many hours of plottage conversations, beta reading, the summary and the soundtrack. To Bast for beta reading, encouraging the … evil, and suggesting wonderful bloody solutions to certain problems. And to Anon, Gina and Hex for their support, and input.

Comments to: anneo @

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Chapter Six

"Thank you, Doctor," said Quatre, wincing as he eased the Preventer issue jacket over his sore arm. Trowa gave her a nod of thanks. Although his hand still hurt like hell, the painkillers were finally beginning to take effect.

Doctor Pike smiled at both of them as she collected her equipment. "Take as much time as you need before you brave the vultures outside." Une had managed to clear their shuttle to land directly on the hospital emergency helipad; when they had arrived, there had been members of the press waiting for them. Quatre had promised their friends that he and Trowa would deal with them once their injuries had been seen to. Heero and Wufei had enough to worry about.

"We could always slip out the back way," Trowa suggested after she'd left. All he wanted to do was to return home to spend some quality time with Quatre. Once they were sure that Relena and Duo were all right; the press could go to hell.

Quatre shook his head. "No, we need to do this." He slipped one hand into the pocket of the borrowed jacket; when he removed it their wedding bands were in his palm. "I'm tired of hiding our relationship…"

"Where did you find them?" Trowa held out his left hand and Quatre slid the ring on his finger, as he'd done a year ago when they'd married. "I thought…"

"I…they were in her pocket," Quatre gave his own ring to Trowa, and held out his ring finger to allow Trowa to do the same. "She's dead, Trowa. Her whole family is dead and I'm responsible." He pulled away his hand and examined the ring, twirling it around on his finger.

"We're /all/ responsible." Trowa took Quatre's chin in his hand and forced him to look up. "Walker made her own choices; no one forced her to take revenge into her own hands. Cat, the war is over - it's not good to keep regretting the past."

"I don't regret all of it," Quatre replied, pulling free of Trowa's grasp. "I just…sometimes it seems as though we'll never be free of what we did."

"I'm not sure we're meant to be free," Trowa shook his head. "And if we don't remember, who will? Wars are often glorified into something romantic - it's important to keep the facts alive for the next generation. White washing is dangerous." He paused. "But so is allowing the guilt to prevent us from moving on. We all did what we had to at the time; it's impossible to win a war without casualties, and that's what she was, Quatre. A casualty."

"An innocent," Quatre whispered. He put one finger on Trowa's lips to prevent him speaking further. "No, I know she wasn't an innocent; when she hijacked our shuttle, she gave up that right. But I can't help thinking about her unborn child; that child had its future ripped away before it had even had a chance to…"

After removing Quatre's finger from his lips, Trowa kissed him on the forehead. "There's no way of knowing whether she would have carried the child to term even if her husband hadn't died." He placed his good hand over Quatre's. "It's time to move forward and leave the past where it belongs. We know the demons of past mistakes exist, but we can't live on regrets."



"I'm sorry for what I said before," Quatre blushed. "I know I was under the influence of whatever that drug was they gave you, but I shouldn't have told you to 'fuck off'."

Trowa managed a sheepish half smile. "You were right. What I said was completely out of line; I still can't believe I…" Losing control in public was something he rarely did; he wasn't proud of it. "When they were trying to extract the information, all I could think about was what would happen to you if the truth came out. Once I realised that we were at Corsica, I knew you were the pilot they were looking for, and that it wasn't me they wanted…" Trowa paused, and squeezed Quatre's hand. He'd come so close to losing Quatre; memories of his vigil at a bedside five years ago, plus what he'd felt the first time they'd met, had overlapped to form a twisted jigsaw he couldn't break free from. He'd focused on Quatre and reached out for him through their empathic link in an effort to stay in control. As long as Quatre remained unharmed, he'd had the hope that together they would be able to survive.

"I don't need protecting," Quatre said softly. "I'm perfectly able of taking the fall for my own actions."

"To say nothing of the guilt trip," Trowa reminded him.

"Thank you. I'm well aware of that," Quatre poked out his tongue. "We all have our failings; you still need to learn not to be so over-protective."

"Pot meet kettle," said Trowa, dryly. He reached over to help Quatre zip up his jacket; they hadn't had the chance to replace Quatre's shirt as yet and Trowa wasn't keen for pictures of his husband's unclothed chest to make the front page. "Are you sure you want to do this?" The noise outside the door was growing louder; if they were going to confront the press it would be better to get it over with.

"I should have done this a year ago," Quatre replied. "No secrets. We have a better chance of controlling the situation if the information comes from us, rather than from rumours."

"Definitely," Trowa agreed. He pulled Quatre into an awkward embrace and kissed him; it was awkward to manoeuvre around his hand and Quatre's injury. "We're in this together, Cat."

Quatre smirked. "We make a great pair don't we? Matching injuries - your right hand, my left arm." He sighed dramatically. "I'm not sure I'll be able to cope with showering on my own tonight; it's difficult to reach all those important places."

"If you ask nicely, I'm sure I could find someone to help you, but at a price of course."

A blond eyebrow rose. "Negotiating is something I'm rather practiced at."

"You drive a hard bargain, Mr Winner."

"Practice makes perfect." Quatre paused, slipping his right hand into Trowa's left. "Ready?" he asked.

"No, but let's get this over with," Trowa nodded. Using his shoulder to push open the door, he walked through, Quatre at his side.

The press converged as a gestalt - vultures smelling blood and moving in for the kill. Trowa started to take a step back, then stopped. Quatre turned to him and smiled; their hands were still linked, it would be interesting to see how long it took someone to notice.

"Mr Winner, was your kidnapping a ploy to destroy the peace talks?" The man edged forward, his microphone at the ready.

"Mr Winner, I have it on good authority that the Gundam pilots were involved. Do you have any comments?" Quatre and Trowa exchanged a glance. How had that information been leaked? Walker was dead, and everyone else involved was in custody. Everyone but whoever Davis had been in contact with through the earpiece Quatre had discovered.

"No secrets," Quatre mouthed. Trowa nodded. Giving their side of the story and confirming their part in the war would be far less detrimental in the long term.

"Any comments, Mr Winner?" the reporter repeated. She glared at the man next to her who was attempting to shove her out of the way to get his own question in.

Quatre opened his mouth to speak, but Trowa took a step forward instead. Walker had gone after /him/ in an attempt to find Quatre; he would answer the question. "The shuttle was hijacked because those responsible believed I might have information leading to the identity of a specific Gundam pilot."

A hum of conversation filled the corridor. "Why you, Mr Barton? And I believe I asked Mr Winner the question."

Quatre smiled at her and moved closer to her microphone. "Trowa has knowledge of the Gundam pilots," His smile turned into a smirk, "and enjoys a close relationship with one in particular." On some level Quatre was enjoying this, and Trowa didn't blame him. Quatre had been hassled several times during the past year about his love life and revenge was going to be sweet.

"How close is close…exactly?" The reporter wasn't about to let the revelation phase her. "And were you aware of this before you hired him as your bodyguard, Mr Winner?"

"Oh very much aware," Quatre answered. Without loosening his grip on Trowa's hand, he brought his own up to his mouth and coughed. It would have been difficult to miss the gold band on Trowa's finger. Trowa would have smiled at the show Quatre was putting on, but for the sudden wave of pain. The medication the doctor had given him was effective, but he'd been on his feet for far too long, and his defences were low. "Trowa?" Quatre turned to him in concern, his gaze hardening as the reporter interrupted with another question.

"How was Mr Barton injured?" She continued before waiting for the answer. "Is it serious? Were there any other injuries? I notice Ms Darlian-Peacecraft isn't with you."

"Our abductor had lost family in a Gundam attack during the war," Quatre explained, ignoring her question about Relena, "and Trowa knew the identity of the pilot responsible."

"Do you know the identity of the Gundam pilots, Mr Winner?"

"Yes, I do." The hum of the crowd changed to a frantic twittering as reporters pushed against each other in an effort to get the next question in.

"Do you know the identity of the pilot Mr Barton is close to?" The next question wasn't exactly unexpected. They might have agreed that it was no longer the time for secrets, but that didn't mean Quatre wasn't going to make the reporters work for the information.

"Yes." Quatre raised his left hand as though about to stop her next question. "I've known him all my life." Trowa raised an eyebrow at that comment and waited for someone to notice the matching ring on his husband's finger.

"Mr Winner, is this why you've been reluctant to talk about your personal life to the press?"

"Could you rephrase the question?" Quatre asked politely. "I wasn't sure whether you were referring to the fact that I'm a Gundam pilot or that Trowa and I have been married for over a year." Trowa had to admire Quatre for his restraint; the only hint as to how annoyed the question had made him was the slight stiffening of his back, and the way he was shifting his weight onto to balls of his feet and back again. "And my personal life is really none of your concern. It doesn't effect the running of Winner Enterprises or reflect on the position I'm taking in the upcoming peace talks."

"Oh your personal life is very much our concern, Mr Winner. And I think you know it is. Otherwise why would you hide such important information?"

Quatre's voice was cold. "I'm going to presume that you are referring to the fact that I've only just announced that I'm a Gundam pilot, and not that Trowa and I are married. The reason we haven't revealed that information before now is because we value our privacy."

"Are you afraid of how people will react to the head of Winner Enterprises being involved in a homosexual relationship?" The woman didn't seem to realise that she was treading on dangerous ground. "After all, Mr Winner, you have standards to live up to…with your position…"

"I very much hope you aren't insinuating what you appear to be, Ms…?" Quatre's eyes glinted dangerously, and he leaned over and gave Trowa a kiss. Trowa could feel all eyes watching them both carefully and he wondered, not for the first time, how Quatre survived living under the scrutiny of the press. "I'm sorry," Quatre whispered as their lips brushed. Trowa replied by kissing him firmly back. He'd married Quatre knowing /who/ he was; they were in this together, and together they could deal with whatever was thrown at them.

There was a sudden silence. Quatre's declaration of exactly what he'd thought of the reporter's question had been stated very effectively.

Breaking the kiss, and drawing strength from Quatre's presence, Trowa took a deep breath. "Quatre and I were /both/ Gundam pilots during the war. His full name and pilot designation is engraved on my wedding band as is mine on his." He held up his left hand and spoke clearly. "Quatre Raberba Winner. Pilot 04."

Quatre smiled at him, and placed his own hand over his husband's. "Trowa Barton Winner," he said. "Pilot 03."


Relena was pale, but the look in her eyes was one of determination. Heero was proud of her.

There hadn't been any other bleeding apart from the initial show. Heero had to believe that this was a good sign. Pregnancy was a subject outside his extensive field of knowledge, and recent events had not left time to rectify that lack. If…when, he corrected, the doctor confirmed that Relena and their baby were not seriously injured, Heero decided that he would track down all the information available and familiarise himself with any possible future scenarios.

"You baby is going to be just fine, Ms Darlian-Peacecraft." Doctor Archer smiled as he reassured her.

"What was the cause of the bleeding?"

Archer met Heero's glare with one of his own. "And your relationship to my patient is?" Heero was impressed by the man's determination not to break doctor/patient confidentiality.

After exchanging a glance with Heero, Relena nodded. Although they had been going to wait until after the press conference to announce their engagement and Relena's pregnancy, it now seemed foolish to do so. "Heero is the baby's father" she explained, "and my fiancee."

His eyes lingering on their clasped hands, Archer gave Heero a nod. "The bleeding is a result of a condition known as partial placenta previa."

"Which is?" Heero asked, not seeing the point in wasting time on social niceties.

"Partial placenta previa," Archer continued, "is used to describe a low placenta. It's nothing to worry about; the placenta often moves up and corrects itself as the pregnancy continues. A little piece overlaps the cervix, and this, with strain, can cause the bleeding you experienced. Have you been overexerting your self over the past few days?" He coughed. "Any more than usual, I mean? I realise that in your position…"

"You could say that," said Heero dryly. It was fortunate for Relena's kidnappers that they were in custody. He did regret that whoever was behind this was still free, but he doubted that they would be for much longer. At present, Heero's place was with Relena but that would not stop justice from being served.

"I didn't have a choice," Relena said quietly. "Is there anything I should do to further ensure the safety of our baby?"

The doctor nodded. "I'm going to prescribe complete bed rest for the next month. You're approximately eight weeks into the pregnancy: most miscarriages usually take place now or at eleven weeks." He continued hurriedly, "I don't think your child is in danger, but after what you've been through I'd prefer to play it safe until you're past the first trimester."

"The peace talks are going to have to survive without you," Heero told her. "Quatre can speak for both of you." He doubted that Trowa would be leaving Quatre's side anytime soon. Although Trowa disliked the political arena, he would provide Quatre with the support he required.

"I'd also like to do an ultra sound," Archer said, pulling over a trolley with some electronic equipment and small monitor. "Seeing your baby will help to put your mind at ease."

"But shouldn't I drink several glasses of water first?" Relena asked.

"A full bladder is preferable, yes," Archer explained, "as it helps to improve the view of the uterus, but it's not always necessary." He began squeezing gel onto the flat oval pad of the transducer. "This might be a bit cold," the doctor apologised. "Sound waves travel through liquid so this helps us to obtain a better picture."

Moving the transducer over Relena's stomach, the doctor smiled and pointed to the screen. "There," he said, pointing to a shape which looked more like a lima bean than a baby, "that's him…or her."

"It's so tiny," Heero spoke aloud before he realised that he had. Even though he'd acknowledged consciously that he and Relena were going to be parents, on some level it still hadn't seemed real. He peered more closely; the sonogram wasn't as clear as he had expected but there was no mistaking the regular pulsating of the baby's heartbeat.

"A nice regular 150 beats per minute," Archer remarked.

"He's beautiful," Relena breathed.

"He?" Heero asked. It was difficult to make out much besides the heartbeat; there was no way of ascertaining the sex of their child. He doubted those organs were even formed yet.

Relena smiled. "I have a feeling it's a boy," she said. "I know it's too early to tell yet, and feelings have been known to be wrong, but…"

"It's better than referring to our child as 'it'," Heero agreed.

"Would you like some time alone?" Archer asked. "I can leave this hooked up while I'm gone unless you'd prefer me to…"

"Leave it," Heero said. Relena glanced at him and he added the word "please." They hadn't had a proper chance to talk since discovering Relena was pregnant, and it was only a matter of time before their friends came hunting for them. Heero hoped Duo was all right; the look on Wufei's face as he'd realised his lover was trapped beneath the rubble was one Heero would never forget. They'd managed to free both Duo and Walker; the woman had died on the way to the hospital and Duo had yet to regain consciousness.

He waited until Archer had left the room before speaking again. "If something had happened to either you or the baby, I would have held myself responsible."

Relena stared at him. "Why? None of this was your fault. Life happens, Heero." She glanced at the screen and the picture of the tiny life within her. "I'm in love with you; you're the father of this baby, and the kidnappers had no idea we were together when they hijacked the shuttle. They wanted Trowa in order to find pilot 04, remember?"

"They were after a Gundam pilot; I'm a Gundam pilot."

"They didn't know that," Relena said reasonably. "My position is very high profile; assassins and kidnappers are more likely to target me than you."

"Thank you," Heero frowned, "that reminder has done a lot to put my mind at ease."

"I didn't say it for that reason," Relena gave an exasperated sigh. She patted the bed next to her. "Come here, Heero." He hesitated and she rolled her eyes. "I won't break, you know. I think surviving the past twenty four hours has proven that rather well."

Heero sighed. "I know you are more than capable of looking after yourself, but…" He pointed to the screen. "We have our child to worry about now. What if that bleeding had been more serious? I thought…" Heero swallowed; it was difficult to find the right words. He was aware that his train of thoughts didn't necessarily make sense, but it didn't mean they were any less persistent.

"I thought I was going to lose you…both of you." Heero sat down on the bed, and put his arms around her, before kissing her gently. "You've changed my life, Relena, made me realise how much it has to offer. Before, when I first piloted Wing, my only focus was completing my mission; it was the only thing I could offer of any importance." He took a breath. "Now I know that I can make a difference, that together we can make a difference. In a war there's no room for fear; it can jeopardise a mission before it even starts, but I was scared…you were in danger and from something out of my control."

"It's okay, Heero." Relena returned the kiss and embraced him. "We can't always control everything in life - admitting that is the first step in taking control back over what we can. I was scared too, but I knew whatever happened we'd get through it together." She placed his hand on her stomach. "We have a future together, our family is growing. We have to keep sight of that; it's something to hang onto when things do get difficult." Relena smiled ruefully. "I know I was somewhat naïve when I was younger, but the war made me realise that it's often necessary to fight for what's important."

"Yes, it is," Heero agreed.

There was a knock at the door, and Quatre poked his head in. "Is it okay if we come in? We're just on our way to check on Duo, and wanted to see if…" His voice trailed off.

"Come in, please," Relena said. "And everything is fine." She smiled at Heero. "We're all fine."

Quatre crossed the room to her bedside and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He noticed the monitor and his eyes widened. "Is that the baby?" he asked.

"There's only one, right?" Trowa leaned over Quatre's shoulder for a closer look. Heero remembered the story of Cathy's reaction when she'd discovered she was having twins. The initial shock had banished her severe morning sickness for several days.

"Yes, that's the baby," Heero answered. He examined the monitor again carefully. "And yes there's only one."

"We would have been here sooner, but the evil press were waiting outside the treatment room," Quatre apologised.

Giving a mock shudder, Trowa rolled his eyes. "It's not something I'm keen to repeat anytime soon." His expression grew serious. "They knew that the shuttle hijacking was connected to the Gundam pilots."

"Did you confirm this?" Heero raised an eyebrow.

"It seemed…less damaging to give our side of the story," Quatre sighed. "They now know that Trowa and I are Gundam pilots, and that the hijacking was an attempt to locate me, but that's all." He paused. "The official story is that the person responsible lost family in an attack by Gundam 04. Mrs Walker and her family have been through enough; it's time to move on and let them rest in peace."

Noting that Quatre didn't include anyone else besides Walker in that statement, Heero nodded his approval. When things had quietened down, he was sure that they would be paying a visit to Davis, as just eagerly as he would be.

"Have you heard anything more about Duo?" Relena asked.

Both men shook their heads before Quatre spoke. "I think I'd know if…" Quatre frowned, and Trowa placed his good hand on his husband's shoulder.

"Heero," Relena nodded in the direction of the door. "Go with them; Wufei needs to know that we're there for him…and for Duo."

"Relena…" Heero wasn't sure that he should leave her; even though she was right about Wufei, and he wanted to check on Duo himself, his place was with his family.

"They're family too," Relena must have guessed what he was thinking. "I'll be fine, and I need to rest. Give Wufei," she hesitated, "and Duo my love, and my apologies for not being there."

Heero leant over to give her a kiss. "I'll be back as soon as I can," he said before following Quatre and Trowa out of the room.

Once they were out in the corridor, Quatre stopped and placed a hand on Heero's arm. "You should be very proud of her, Heero. She held her own during the fight against Davis and his men, despite her inexperience and pregnancy."

"I am," Heero said. He took a step backwards in case Quatre decided to hug him. "And I wanted to…thank you for looking after her."

"We looked after each other," Trowa replied, after exchanging a glance with Quatre. "We're family, Heero, all of us, and we always will be."


"There's nothing much we can do but wait." The doctor paused. "You could try talking to him; that often helps too."

"Thank you," Wufei said.

"If Mr Maxwell has a special someone in his life, it would help if that person touched him. Often touch and hearing are the first things to return, and knowing someone is with them helps bridge that gap between unconsciousness and waking."

Wufei gave him a curt nod. "Yes he does," he said quietly. "And I will."

After watching the man leave the room, Wufei pulled up a chair next to Duo's bedside and grasped his lover's hand with his own. "Don't leave, Duo," he whispered. "I can't lose you too."

A smell of flowers filled the room, but Wufei wasn't sure whether it was real or just a memory of another time he'd watched someone he cared about slip away from him.

He'd lain Meiran in a field of flowers; she had been taken away from him just as he had realised how important she was to him. They could have had a future if she had survived…

Caressing Duo's fingers with his own, Wufei's thoughts drifted back to his wife. She would have approved of Duo; in many ways they were alike. Neither conforming when there was an alternative; both stubborn and fiercely protective of those they loved.

While Duo was still alive, there was hope. The doctor had said that his heartbeat was strong and regular; the only equipment which they'd left hooked up to him had been the drip supplying him with the liquid and nutrients that he needed to sustain him for as long as it…

"Aww, Fei, don't cry over me. I'm not worth it."

Duo's voice seemed so real that Wufei found himself checking to make sure that the still figure in the bed hadn't spoken. But no…Duo lay there as still as he'd been when he and Heero had dug him out of the rubble.

After the building had collapsed, Wufei had heard someone scream - and then time had suddenly slowed.

Duo was still inside.

"I'm sorry," someone had said, but Wufei hadn't stopped to listen. He'd run, refusing to believe that Duo was gone, and had begun to dig a path through the rubble with his hands. They had fought a war and survived near suffocation on the moon. Duo couldn't be dead. Not now, not five years after the peace they'd worked so hard for was this close to reality.

Duo had wanted to tell the world that they were together but Wufei had been more cautious. What people thought didn't worry him, but the fear of failing Duo somehow, of making that failure public, and what that would do to Duo, did. It was something he'd been too embarrassed…no… ashamed, to tell his lover. Although Wufei was determined to make things work between them, there was the doubt at the back of his mind that it wouldn't. Wufei despised weakness, but even more so in himself.

But Duo loved him.

Yet in some corner of his mind Wufei still couldn't understand why. He knew he wasn't the easiest of people to get along with, and that his temper, although more controlled now than when he'd been a teenager, was still rather more…explosive was the word Duo had used…than he'd prefer.

Explosive. Wufei couldn't help but laugh bitterly, considering the events that had lead to this.

Fate had smiled on them; Duo had been trapped under a fallen beam, but the beam had prevented any further injury, apart from the piece of timber that had struck him on the temple. Surely he wouldn't have been spared just so that Wufei could watch him die later.

"I love you, Duo," he whispered. "Please come back to me." Wufei climbed onto the bed next to Duo and, placing his arms around his partner, kissed him gently on the lips. "I'm sorry for doubting us." He raised his eyes to the ceiling and pleaded with whoever might be listening. "It's not Duo's time yet - he has so much to offer the world."

Why had it taken them so long to admit how they felt about each other? A year together wasn't long enough. "You give me the strength I need to keep going when things get bad," Wufei admitted.

"Strength…" The voice in his head sounded a lot like Duo's.

"You have an ability to find humour in any situation." Wufei paused, and stroked Duo's brow. "Even though I know you also use it to hide behind."


"We all have our…" Wufei stopped. The voice he'd thought he'd heard earlier seemed to have taken on an argumentative tone. It also seemed rather croaky…"Duo…you're…" Wufei wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. Duo was awake. He was awake and he was going to be all right.

"Oomph," Duo groaned. "Fei, I love you and all, but could you tone it down? I have one hell of a headache." He frowned. "And why is there two of you? Not that I'm complaining but…."

"I thought…" Wufei pondered moving, then decided not to. He pulled Duo into a rough embrace. "I though I'd lost you. Duo, I'm sorry…"

"Sorry?" Duo sounded puzzled. "What for?" He winced and groaned again. Wufei pulled out of the hug, and eased him back onto the pillow. "What for?" Duo repeated.

"For doubting us, for not wanting you to tell people we were together." Wufei answered Duo's first question before he lost his nerve.

"It's okay," Duo muttered under his breath. "You're not the only one who's scared about announcing stuff like that in public."

"I wasn't…" Wufei began. He smiled sheepishly. "Okay, maybe. But that stops now." He bent and kissed Duo soundly on the lips. "I love you, Duo Maxwell, and I don't care who knows it."

There was a cough at the door, and a young nurse entered. "Good to see you're awake, Mr Maxwell." She paused. "Would you like me to give you some time alone before informing the doctor?"

After pulling away from Duo, Wufei nodded. "Yes please…" He strained his eyes to read the name tag, remembering he'd removed his contacts earlier, and didn't have his reading glasses with him.

"Amanda," the nurse supplied helpfully. "I'll be back later. If you want the doctor sooner or need anything, please use the call button."

"Thank you," Wufei said. "We appreciate it."

Squinting against the light, Duo watched her leave the room. He frowned before speaking. "What happened? Walker…I remember grabbing her and…"

"There was a series of explosions after you went back for her." Wufei's voice shook. "You were both buried under the remains of the building; luckily a falling beam protected you from further injury. You've been unconscious since we pulled you out from under the rubble."

"And Walker?"

Wufei shook his head. "She didn't make it."

"Excuse me if I don't say I'm sorry," Duo didn't bother to look shamefaced. "Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have left to her die, but after what she did to our friends, it's no more than poetic justice."

Wufei had tried to find some sympathy for the woman, but hadn't been able to do so. Although her life had been ruined, it did not justify inflicting that loss onto others.

"How are Rel and the guys?" Duo asked, pulling off the adhesive tape holding the needle from the drip in place. "And don't look at me like that. I'm awake now, I'll take my food and drink the usual way."

"Just don't expect me to explain it to the doctor when he returns," Wufei snorted.

"I think I'm gonna puke." Wufei handed Duo a sick bag, and helped him into a sitting position as he dry heaved. "This sucks," Duo complained. "Someone stop the room spinning, I want to get off," he joked weakly, leaning back on the pillow.

"I haven't heard about Relena yet," Wufei changed the subject by answering Duo's earlier question, in an attempt to distract him. "I haven't left your side since you were brought in. Once the doctor has examined you, I'll go find Heero and the others."

"I hope she's going to be okay," Duo sighed. "Relena's one brave lady; she and Heero have been through enough." He grinned. "Though I'm still trying to imagine Heero as a dad; we'll just have to do the uncle thing and give him some helpful pointers."

Raising an eyebrow, Wufei decided to continue with the explanations rather than pursue that particular topic. "The first explosion, and the one you were caught in, were the first of several. The Preventers have been over what's left of the site, and the nearby buildings. They discovered the central control box rigged to the detonation devices on the ground floor of the old silo." The Preventer shuttle had arrived while they were still digging Duo out, and Une had radioed them with the initial report while they were on the way to the hospital. Once he and Duo had arrived in Corsica, they had informed Une of the situation and requested backup.

"Time delayed?"

Wufei shook his head. "Manual. Whoever Davis was yelling at through that earpiece Quatre found was just waiting for the right moment. I doubt it was just Quatre he or she was after - this was a cleverly orchestrated plan. Walker might have thought she was in charge of the operation, but she was being played, in much the same way we were all lured to the ruins of Corsica."

"Round one to us," Duo smirked, before growing sombre. "You didn't catch them did you?"

"No." Wufei sighed. "And there's no doubt in my mind that they'll try again, considering the depth and determination that went into this operation." He placed his hand on the bed next to Duo's and Duo squeezed it. "But yes, we've won this round. Let's enjoy it while we can."

There was a tentative knock at the door. "It's all right, I'm decent," Duo called out.

"Duo!" Quatre peered into the room before entering quickly, followed by Trowa and Heero. He embraced Duo first, then Wufei. "How are you feeling?" he asked Duo.

"Like someone dropped a building on me."

Trowa rolled his eyes. "I see the experience hasn't improved your sense of humour." He leaned back against the wall, placing his good hand around Quatre as his husband moved over to join him. The gold on his wedding band glinted in the last rays of the fading sunlight.

"How's Relena?" asked Wufei, changing the subject before Duo could counter Trowa's comment with another bad joke.

"Fine," Heero replied.

"And?" prompted Quatre, breaking the silence following Heero's detailed explanation.

"The baby's fine too," Heero continued after giving Quatre a glare. "Relena needs to rest for the next few months, but the doctor doesn't think they are in any danger. She sends her love - to both of you."

"That's great news…Dad," Duo said.

"We all need to watch our backs until we find the person behind this," Trowa warned them. "We've been lucky this time, but next time…"

"There won't be a next time," Heero said coldly. It had been a big mistake threatening Relena; Wufei knew that he would not allow it to happen again.

"No taking risks though, Heero," Quatre reminded him. "You have a family to think of now."

"We all do," Wufei said, looking at Duo.

"Yes," agreed Trowa, tightening his grip on Quatre. "We do."

"Even though the press only knows that you and Quatre are Gundam pilots," Heero told Trowa, "the person behind this would have to be an idiot not to have figured out that we all are."

"The person behind this /already/ knows," Wufei voiced the suspicions he'd told Duo earlier. "This whole exercise was aimed at all of us. I suspect that the shuttle hijacking was merely bait. Walker's so called revenge was only a front for whoever was working with Davis."

"There is never anything simple about revenge…or justice." Quatre said quietly. "We've always achieved our objectives working better as a team; I say we approach this mission in the same way."

"Mission?" Heero raised an eyebrow.

"Mission," repeated Quatre, firmly.

"One for all and, all for one," contributed Duo. The other pilots glared at him and he shrugged. "Of course we could always take the guy down with a piece of chewing gum and a rubber band…"

If only it was that easy. They'd managed to escape this encounter; Wufei could only hope that they would be as lucky the next time.

And judging from the looks on his friends' faces, he knew there would definitely be a next time.


End of Chapter Six