Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Dancing Elements ❯ Creature Inheritance ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Harry Potter. I do not make a profit off of this fanfiction.
Summary: Betrayed, alone, and lost, Harry finds himself stuck in an awkward relationship with a Malfoy, friends gone. But when a mysterious girl and four new guards come into the picture, Harry finds his hands full with responsibilities and questions. And who are these new guards exactly? A new trick devised by Voldemort? Dumbledore? Or are they the spies of another group? One thing's for sure, this year hasn't even started and already Harry's hating it. Pairings are Harry/Draco, Sesshomaru/Kagome, Silas/Inyx, and Elliot/Vira
Creature Inheritance

When Harry woke up the next morning, he was still thoroughly exhausted. But he made his body get up, groaning at the tightness of his muscles.
He placed his feet on the ground, and shivered at the coolness of the tile. He put his arms over his head and stretched out his muscles, feeling more than hearing the satisfying popping sounds.
Standing up, he quietly made his way out of his small excuse for a room and into the bathroom that was conveniently right across the hall.
He stripped himself of his clothes, and stepped into the shower, making sure the water wasn't too hot or too cold. He felt his muscles relax as the water pounded on his shoulders and back, relieving himself of the tension underneath it all. The bathroom became steamy fairly quickly, so Harry hurried it up so that it wouldn't be humid in the bathroom when his uncle went to take a shower.
He grabbed his special mango scented shampoo, and poured a reasonable amount into the palm of his hand. Rubbing his hands together, Harry massaged it into his scalp, making sure to get his whole head, before washing it out. Taking out the conditioner, his thoughts started to drift.
`What happened last night? All I can remember is getting that goddamn letter and letting Hedwig out of her cage. Hmm…ugh, I'll think more on the subject once I get out of the shower.'
He quickly finished washing himself, and turned off the water. Grabbing a faded blue towel, he wrapped it around his waist and walked over to the mirror. He wiped it clean…and gasped in shock.
The mirror showed a 6'3 pale young man, somewhere around the age of sixteen and eighteen, with piercing emerald green eyes that showed that he had seen more things in his short life than most people see in a lifetime. He had pitch black shoulder length hair with emerald green one inch long tips in a `just been shagged' look. The man's face was free of baby fat, and had sharp inhuman edges, high cheekbones, and full cherry red lips, hiding sharp canines and incisors. His muscles were well defined but not overly so, and he had a nice six-pack. The man's arms were muscled as well, but you would only be able to tell if you were looking at them from the right view point.
Harry walked toward the mirror until he was right in front of it. His shaking hands gingerly touched his face.
“Oh, wow, this is really me,” he said aloud.
All at once, the memories of last night flooded into his head, causing him to grab his head and close his eyes in pain.
He took a desperate breath, and leaned against the wall. Only his legs didn't seem to be able to keep him up, and he found himself sliding down to the floor, still looking at himself in the floor length mirror in front of him.
`Why does all this seem familiar?'
And then he remembered. It was in the middle of last year, and Hermione and he were in the library finishing up their essays. Well, Hermione was finishing up her essay. Harry was skimming through a book, looking if not anything else, bored to death.
He went back into the chapter index to look for something, anything interesting when something caught his eye. The black book was crammed in between two bookshelves, as if someone had been trying to hide it without actually stealing it. And Harry had to admit that if he hadn't been looking that way he never would have noticed it.
He glanced over at Hermione, and saw her completely engrossed in her essay. So he quickly and quietly got up, and pulled the book out of its hiding place.
The front of the book simply said, `Inheritances,' but managed to catch Harry's interest. He discretely placed it into his large tan bag, and looked over at Hermione, making sure that his voice didn't sound like he was hiding something.
“I think I'm gonna head up to the common room so I'll see you later, alright, Hermione?”
She just waved her hand at him dismissively, and continued her fevered writing.
Walking out of the library, Harry made sure no one was around before bolting up to the seventh floor. And into a hallway with a couple of armors and a lone picture of some troll.
He walked past the wall opposite the picture three times, and an old fashioned black door appeared in front of him.
Once again making sure no one was watching, he opened the door and slammed it shut.
The room had two windows that had a view of the Black Lake. Two of its walls were silver with two animated black snakes with emerald eyes, while the other two were light green and dark green thick stripped. There were a couple of black leather sofas, four comfy silver armchairs with a mixture of connecting black designs that took up most of the silver, a cherry wood coffee table, a plush black carpet, and a huge fireplace. The lighting in the room came from four beautiful crystal chandeliers delicately hanging from the ceiling.
On the back wall, on either side of the windows, were two queen sized beds. Both their sheets were dark grey and black stripped silk, as were the pillow cases. Both beds had emerald green down comforters with a big black old fashioned cross and a silver snake wrapped around the lower half of the cross with its head resting on the top half.
Harry walked over to one of the armchairs, and got himself comfortable before he opened the book and started reading.
When a wizard receives his/her inheritance, his/her magic core matures over night on his/her sixteenth birthday. When their core matures, they might discover certain talents that they may have had a small affinity for before hand, and will find that they're perfect at it. Some will receive special powers such as telepathy or the Sight.
It is, however, a rare occurrence when a wizard will turn into another creature. Most of the old families can trace their ancestry back to the beginning of time, and will find that, along the way, their family members mated with other creatures. For example, veelas and elves or, for some of the older families, demons and angels.
If a wizard changes into a creature on their sixteenth birthday, not only will their appearance change, but their senses will become sharper, their magic will multiply, and they will inherit new powers. Listed below are a few of the more common and a couple of the rare creatures:
Veela-Light blonde, almost white, mid-back to waist length hair, silver, grey, or white/lavender eyes, soft features, and an irresistible pull. Veelas have destined mates. Their mates aren't normally other veelas, and, when angels and demons weren't as scarce as they are now, their mates were commonly angels and demons.
Elf-No distinct hair color or length, green, black, blue, or red eyes, soft features, and pointed ears. Are usually short for their age.
Vampire-Black, dark brown shoulder length to thigh length hair, black, dark red, brown eyes, sharp features. Vampires have what they call soul mates. Once they find their soul mate, they'll find that both them and their mate will slowly fall in love with each other. Distantly related to demons
Demon-Silky but no distinct color but is usually not a normal hair color although black is common, between mid back and floor length hair, unusual colored eyes, sharp features for males and soft for females, immortal unless killed, and pointed ears. The royal demon families have tattoos on their forehead, cheeks, wrists, and ankles. Rare powers that only they can control. The more powerful the demon, the more human like they will look. The weakest demon will look only like the animal demon it is. There are different types of demons according to the different types of animals, insects, and fish there are. Some demons are even a multitude of types of demons. The royal demons and other assorted powerful demons are rumored to have a destined sword; a sword that was made for them the moment they were born. Demons are traced back to Japan.
Angels- Ah, angels. One of the most rare as they came directly from Heaven hoping to live peacefully on earth, while demons were more common in the Feudal Era, coming directly from Hell after being rejected. There are two types of angels: Dark Angels and Light Angels. Now, what most people in the wizarding community don't realize is that not all Dark Angels are evil just like how not all Light Angels are good. Dark Angels are defined by their large black feathery wings, and Light Angels by their large white feathery wings. Both types of angels can retract their wings into their bodies. Dark Angels-Dark hair colors, no distinct length, eye color, or feature, snow like pale skin, and a small black tattoo in their favorite design anywhere on their body. Light Angel-Light colored hair, no distinct length, eye color, or feature, moonlight pale skin, and a small molten gold, sapphire blue, or emerald green tattoo in their favorite design anywhere on their body.
Both demons and angels have mates; soul mates to them.
Harry quickly ran back into his room, still conscious of his uncle, aunt, and cousin, and went straight to his truck. He emerged only moments later with a roll of regular parchment, a bottle of black ink, and a gold quill with a silver tip.
His hand raced across the parchment, making sure he wrote it all down before he forgot any of it.
He finished in only fifteen minutes, and he sat on the sad excuse for a bed, making sure to grab a small mirror, and looked at the five creatures listed.
“Okay, so according to these descriptions, I'm a Dark Angel. So that means that I have a mate that could quite possibly be a veela. Well, I might as well retract these wings. Ugh, I'm gonna kill that bastard!” Harry exclaimed, thoroughly frustrated.
`Oh shit, how am I supposed to go out looking like this?' he mentally growled.
Harry groaned and fell back onto his bed, covering his face with his hand. `And I can't use a glamour because I'm not of age yet. Dammit all to Hell and back!'
He took a deep, calming breath and massaged his temples. “Okay, this just means that I have to leave…somehow. Hmm…alright. I'll take the Night Bus to The Leaky Cauldron, and I'll pay for a room. Then tomorrow I'll go into Diagon Alley and buy a new wardrobe and my books for next year. And maybe I'll stop by that tattoo and piercing place in Knockturn Alley.”
Harry got off the bed for the third or fourth time that day and threw all of his things into his trunk. Then he hurriedly got dressed into a pair of tight fitting black leather pants, black vans, and a form fitting emerald green silk shirt. Grabbing the handle of Hedwig's cage, he took his trunk and carried them both downstairs, finding them feather light.
`Must be because I'm an angel,' Harry thought.
He walked to the end of his block, looked around to make sure no one was looking, and held out his wand.
A big bus appeared in front of him, and a man with bad acne stepped off the bus.
“Ah, Neville, nice to see you again. What's with the hair? Going for a new style?”
Harry smiled tiredly. “Yeah, I thought it would look cooler.”
The man nodded, and took Harry's trunk and cage, moving to let Harry on the bus.

© 2008 Inyx Dawn