InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ "Love and Destiny" ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha and related characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own them.
Author's Note: This is a short fiction meant to serve as an ending to the regular Inuyasha story. I pictured it as a final episode. (If the anime had continued with the manga.^_^) I have already begun writing a sequel with a new plot, new conflict, etc. This is my very first fan fiction. All reviews are greatly appreciated. I hope you enjoy the story.
Ch. 1
“Hey Kagome! Wake up sweetie. It's really late.”
“What? Oh, good morning Mom,” replied Kagome drearily. The blinding day light stung her eyes as she began to wake. Every fiber of her being was exhausted. Had her mother not woken her, she could have slept for eternity.
“Is it time for school?”
“Don't worry about that now. You can go tomorrow.” Mrs. Higarashi's response was soft and comforting. She knew her daughter had just endured, and was still enduring a terrible ordeal. She knew her daughter could never see the man she loved again.
After her mother had left, Kagome sat up in bed, blankly staring into space as she thought to herself.
“I can never return to the Feudal Era. I'll never see my friends again, and Inuyasha…” His face flashed before her eyes, as the tears again began to fall. “Stop crying Kagome. It was really for the best. It never would have worked out. He could never have really loved me back. I just have to move on.”
With this thought Kagome promptly got out of bed and began to dress. She was determined to get her mind off of Inuyasha. She couldn't sit around and cry in self pity any longer. The past was past.
“Where are you off to Kagome?” asked Mrs. Higarashi.
“I'm going to school late.”
“Are you sure you're alright?” asked her mother with concern.
“I'll be fine. I just need to get away. Bye Mom.”
Mrs. Higarashi watched her daughter hurriedly leave. It was painful to see her daughter in such a state
“Please feel better Kagome.”
In the Feudal Era.
Sango turned to see Miroku standing behind her. He was looking deep into her eyes. His stare caught her off guard.
“Have you forgotten your promise?” he asked slyly.
“Huh? Oh yes,” answered Sango, blushing as she remembered.
“But…I'd like to wait. With Kagome gone and everything, things are going to be hard for quite a while.”
“I understand completely. We all miss her. But I think Inuyasha is having the hardest time dealing with this reality. He's barely said a word since it happened.”
Miroku and Sango looked off into the distance. They could see Inuyasha sitting alone on a high tree branch.
Inuyasha stared into space. The scene would not stop playing in his mind. A bright light shone from where Naraku had been. His body and soul were destroyed; he disappeared, but so did Kagome. The explosion had destroyed the nearby well, Kagome's way from her time to theirs. Inuyasha, much like everyone else, could hardly move at the time. The battle had been long and hard; he was severely wounded. All he could do was sit and listen to Kagome's voice fading
away as she called to him one last time.
“At least I know she's alright,” Inuyasha thought to himself. “I know she's in her time now. I just wish…”
A familiar scent suddenly caught his attention.