InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Dog in the House ❯ Chapter 10

[ A - All Readers ]

Prompt: Kitten - from Riku Ryuu's random prompts
Min words: 100
Actual: 141
Sesshomaru had introduced a new form of training for his pups, getting them out of doors and allowing them to use their natural `gifts.'
`Not to mention their natural instincts,' he smirked internally.
Having driven the pups to his protected land and parked in a large, flat area, he pulled a small pet carrier from the back of the family vehicle once the pups had exited.
Sesshomaru instructed the golden-eyed pups to transform to their inu forms. Their task was to let go of their `human' nature and to submit to the inu within. However, they were not to harm.
Opening the carrier revealed a small, grey kitten. Tentatively crawling out of the carrier, the feline saw the two canines, hissed and then bolted for the hills.
The two pups chased and `played' with their prey as their father watched on.
AN: No animals were harmed in the writing of this fic.