InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Backstage ❯ Tired Much? ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By Akira & Yuki

Disclaimer: We do not own Inuyasha characters or any other Inuyasha related Citeria.

Chapter Fourteen

“Dang…don’t you think you were a little hard on him?” Sesshoumaru said sweatdropping as he looked at the hallway door he just exited through.

“Hah! You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me. I didn’t even do half of what I should’ve done. I should’ve done worse!” Andrea said toying with the sword prop she had picked up earlier.

Inuyasha snickered as he watched her swing it around Heh, those women got some strength…haha, Bankotsu got beat up by girls. He stuck his tongue out as he thought more.

“What’s with the face?” Andrea asked Inuyasha, swinging the prop sword onto her shoulder.

“Whoah!” Sam exclaimed moving onto a higher riser. “Watch where your swingin’ that thing Andrea, you could’ve got me.”

“Sorry.” She swung it back around and put its blade to the ground, “So as I was saying, what’s with the face?”

Inuyasha put his tongue back into his mouth and grinned, “Oh, nothing. Just thinkin’”

“Better not be anything perverted.” Andrea said pointing the sword his way.

“Is that a challenge?” He said putting his hand on the tip of Tetsusaiga.

“You kiddin’ me? She’d whip you.” Came a voice.

“Shut up Sesshoumaru!” Inuyasha spat turning towards him.

“Heh, I was just stating facts.” Sesshoumaru said lightly as he sat on a riser in between Sam and Andrea’s.

“Chill guys, Chill. Im not in the mood to hold back either one of you. You got that?” Sam said taking her game manual out of her back pocket and pointing it between the two.

“Why are you even reading that…didn’t the game break?” Andrea said eyeing Sam’s manual.

“S-so!” Sam said looking offended.

“Maybe I’d be able to chill if Sesshoumaru wasn’t being such a loser.” Inuyasha said turning away from Sesshoumaru.

“Hey, Hey. Watch it. The last thing we need is you two fighting off set.” Andrea said putting the prop sword in its sheath.

“Hm. Whatever.” He said trying his best to ignore her.

“Well is this how it is all the time around here?” Sesshoumaru asked, sitting up; looking around for Rin making sure she didn’t get into trouble.

“Pretty much, yeah.” Miroku said joining the conversation, taking a seat near Sesshoumaru.

Kouga waltzed in dragging Rin by the top of her kimono and stopping at the front of the risers.

“Is this..” He let go of Rin, “Yours?” He pointed accusingly at Sesshoumaru.

“Oh, um…well I guess you can say that” Sesshoumaru replied in a confused way.

“Well, she was messing around with my stuff!” Kouga replied sharply.

“OOH, not KOUGAS STUFF!” Sam exclaimed flailing her manual around, then laughing.

“Hey! Don’t make fun of me! It wouldn’t be funny if she toyed with YOUR stuff.” Kouga said matter of factly.

“Sorry ‘bout her.” Sesshoumaru said, “Cmon Rin, sit over here.” He patted the seat next to him.

“Kay!” She said climbing and sitting next to her with Andrea glaring at her.

Kouga stomped out of the room.

“So why’s she always follow you around?” Miroku said looking on with curiosity.

“Hmm, you know. I don’t know. Maybe its one of those looking up to things.” He replied looking at Rin.

“HA! AS IF!” Inuyasha said acting as if it were the funniest thing in the world.

“Well, maybe.” Kikyo said taking a seat near Sam. “I overheard.” She said staring at everyone as they stared back, wondering where she came from.

“Maybe it’s the eye shadow.” Andrea said playing around.

“Haha, very funny.” Sesshoumaru said glaring at her as she smiled.

“Hmm, mysterious child.” Kikyo said looking over at Rin.

“Agreed.” Sam said turning the page in her manual.

“You know, no matter how many times you read that thing, its not gonna change!” Kikyo said watching Sam as she buried her face in the manual.

“You’d think I know! Fine! I won’t read it.” Sam said tossing it to the side as she put one hand on her knee and one hand on her knee and under her chin, supporting it.

“Haha! Finally. She listens!” Andrea said looking amused.

“Haha, you guys have a game-freak? How lucky.” Sesshoumaru said, sarcastically.

“’Ey don’t you start too!” Sam said getting frustrated.

“Err…yeah so…what’s everyone’s plans for tonight?” Andrea said thoughtfully, trying to change the subject.

“Sleep. I’m all tired out.” Inuyasha said stretching his arms.

“ Ditto! “ Kikyo cheered, rubbing the back of her neck.

“Games.” Sam mumbled.

“Freak, eh um…fixing up the car then bed.” Sesshoumaru said, coughing as a disguise to the first comment.

“You should really do something about that cough, heh.” Miroku said.

“Hmm..well. Lets here what your up to.” Sesshoumaru yawned.

“Heh, well you see…I’ll simple it down. Bed. “ Miroku laughed a little and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Ewwww!” Andrea said instantly, and Sam threw her shoe at him.

“Just kidding, just kidding!” Miroku said half smiling tossing the shoe back.

“Right, right.” She replied putting her shoe back on.

Andrea coughed heavily and in between coughs faint “Liar” ‘s could be heard.

“Ah! I’m not!” He said frowning.

“Yeah, well anyways, continuing--” She started,

“Guys im leavin! Everyone else has….’cept Bankotsu so…I’ll see ya later!” Kouga interrupted.

“Bye!” They called as he exited.

A quiet yawn could be heard as everyone looked at Rin.

She was snuggled into Sesshoumaru’s side, fast asleep.

Everyone aww’ed as Sesshoumaru sighed.

“Again…I guess I’ll have to take her home now. Little kiddies need their rest!” Sesshoumaru said carefully picking up Rin, trying not to wake her.

Everyone whispered a ‘bye’ or a ‘so long’ and a few comments as Sesshoumaru creeped slowly to the door.

“BYE SESSHOUMARU, RIN!” Andrea yelled just to be an ass, as Sesshoumaru scowled.

Rin stirred but didn’t wake, luckily for Sesshoumaru as he took her to the car, and they were off.

“BANKOTSU!” Sam screamed as a whimper was heard.

“Cmon. I wont hurt you! I swear! Not on purpose “ Sam yelled, and whispered the second half.

“Fine.” Bankotsu appeared and sat next to her.

“That’s a good boy!” Sam said ruffling his hair, then putting her hand on his shoulder.

“Haha, like a puppy!” Andrea added.

“Haha! Watch out Inuyasha! You have competition for being a dog!” Kikyo joked.

“Keh!” Inuyasha exclaimed, turning away again.

“So what’s your plans for tonight buddy?” Sam said shaking his shoulder.

“Umm…not getting beat up? Polishing my sword, washing my hair, brushing my hair, everything about my awesome hair, then maybe a few things before bed.”

“Aww man. Nobody wants to play video games? Fine. I’ll just go to a gaming mall and beat the crap outta people there. But it’s Andrea’s fault if im late for work.” Sam exclaimed as Andrea smacked her forehead.

My fault? Why My fault? Shouldn’t it be your fault?” She asked rubbing her shoe to get something off of it.

“Well, technically, yeah. But since its me were talkin about here. I thought I’d blame it on you, besides. I need a new game. I’ve beaten all my other ones..” Sam said taking her hand off of Bankotsu’s shoulder.

“Go play Halo 2 or something.” She replied back, sitting straight.

“Fine. Only because that game rocks. But if I get bored, im going to that gaming mall.” Sam was starting to get more into video games, and everyone else knew it.

“Bankotsu look what you do!” Andrea accused, “Give Sam a video game and BAM. She plays it all night, and morning and then comes to work half dead, then we all wonder why we don’t get enough work done.” She sighed.

Bankotsu laughed, “ Isn’t my problem. “

Andrea cracked her knuckles and shot a glare at him.

“Until you arrive!” He finished up.

“Right.” She replied after.

“So. I’m getting way tired; I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Later!” Kikyo said standing up; making her way out of the door.

“Don’ t sniff too many Smarties!” Sam called as Kikyo slammed the door shut.

Miroku sighed, putting his head back on the riser behind him. “Im tired…”

“Aww! Poor baby!” Sam teased, flicking Miroku’s forehead.

“No! No! You do it like this” Andrea explained, flicking Inuyasha’s nose.

“Ah! Wench! What was that for?” Inuyasha screamed, rubbing his nose from the pain.

“It was a lesson, relax!” Andrea retorted.

“I’m wide awake.” Bankotsu said, after what seemed an awkward moment of silence.

“Di-tto!” Another person said, but it was only none other than Sam.

“You two scare me. Seriously.” Andrea said turning to look at them both.

“Well you scare me” Bankotsu said, as he crossed his arms.

Inuyasha cackled, “Course she does!”

Bankotsu looked offended and put his hand out to both of them.

“Oh, lemme guess. Talk to the hand?” Andrea said trying to hold in her laughter, but failing.

“Hey, ‘least he’s creative!” Sam said.

“This is WAR!” Inuyasha cheered throwing both of his hands in the air.

“Now, whose team will Miroku be on?” Andrea said curiously as she tried to look over Inuyasha and spot him.

“Aww, hes sleeping!” Sam said looking at Miroku, whose head was tilted back onto her riser and his arms were sprawled out on the one he was sitting on, one of his legs propped up, the other straight on the riser.

“Heh!” Bankotsu rubbed both of his hands together, as if plotting something evil.

“You thinkin…” Inuyasha started.

“What we’re thinkin?” Andrea finished.

“Dude, that was corny.” Sam said, smirking.

“Man shut up. The point is, we all want to do something to Miroku while he’s asleep!” Andrea explained.

“Wow, you can at least wait until he’s awake for that kinda stuff” Sam said snickering.

“Ew! I think his personality has rubbed off on you!” Andrea made a face.

“Haha it was a joke! Gosh. Chill!” Sam laughed, moving closer to Miroku as the rest of them.

Everyone got up and found something to paint on Miroku with.

“Hey, you think if we rearrange the way his body is he’ll think something happened?” Bankotsu asked, out of curiosity.

“Maybe, he’s sorta smart so…he might suspect something.” Inuyasha looked on putting his hand on his chin, in thought.

Sam dipped her paintbrush into the black paint and painted over his eyebrows, as he twitched a little but didn’t wake luckily.

Everyone inhaled as they watched, but exhaled as soon as she took the paintbrush off of his face.

“Great! He didn’t wake!” Bankotsu exclaimed, getting excited.

“You’re tellin’ me.” Inuyasha said eyeing the cosmetics in his hands.

They snickered as they moved closer and drew out their ‘weapons’

To be Continued
Hahaha this one is long because Akira said it had to be 1800 characters before she stopped. Go Akira!
R/R come on peoples you know the drill