InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Challenge Destiny Movie Madness: June - Comedy ❯ Just A Hint of Spice ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Originally posted to Challenge Destiny on June 8, 2012 for Movie Madness June: Comedy/Romantic Comedy.

Title: Just A Hint of Spice
Prompt Name/Prompt List/Ficlet # : Naked Lunch – June - #3
Author: ananova
Rating: T
Genre: Admin's Genre-Comedy
Universe: Canon
Word Count: 700
Summary: Inuyasha insults Kagome's cooking. Again.
Warnings: None.


“Gah! Are you trying to burn my tongue off wench?!” Inuyasha yelled as he spit out the food he had just taken a bite of. He then proceeded to dunk his head into the nearby stream.

Kagome frowned worriedly at him before retrieving his bowl and taking a bite herself. “Inuyasha! There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. You jerk!”

“What do you mean there's nothing wrong with it?!” Inuyasha hollered as he stomped back to the others. “It's too spicy!”

“No it's not!”

“Is too! Why do you always gotta ruin everything you cook by spicing it up?!”

“Ooh, you jerk! See if I ever make you anything to eat again!” Kagome turned and snatched up her bag before heading back toward the well. She had known this picnic was a bad idea as soon as she had suggested it.

“Oi! Where do you think you're going?”


The others shook their heads as the pair disappeared into the distance, still arguing. A few moments later “Osuwari!” and a loud thump echoed throughout the area.

“He'll never learn,” Sango shook her head before smacking Miroku over the head. “And neither will you.”

Shippou looked at them and shrugged. “More for us,” he said, beginning to eat.

“That jerk, always insulting my cooking. Fine, no more special effort for him. Tomorrow he can have a naked lunch,” Kagome mumbled to herself as she looked through the pantry, never noticing the shadow of the figure that had paused just outside the door.

'D-did I hear her right? Naked lunch?' Inuyasha turned as red as his haori at the images that ran through his mind. “Gah!” He fled back through the well.

The next day Kagome climbed out of the well with a new bag of food. “Let's try this again,” she said as she greeted her friends.

'She can't have meant what I thought. There is no way that Kagome is going to get naked, not with the pervert and brat here.' Inuyasha looked up in time to see Kagome pass food to everyone but himself. “Oi, where's mine?” He gulped when she smirked at him.

“Well, since you always complain about the food I make, I decided to do something different,” she said as she reached into her bag. She stood and approached him, pausing to adjust her shirt which had shifted when she stood.

Inuyasha's face began to redden as he saw her adjust her shirt. “No, wait!” he blurted before she could say or do anything. “You don't want to do this! Not with Shippou here! He's a little kid, you don't want to scar him.”

“What are you talking about?” Kagome asked as Shippou yelled out “I'm not a little kid!” and Miroku and Sango exchanged confused glances.

'Wait, she bathes with the brat. That won't work.' His eyes lit up. “Miroku! You wouldn't do this in front of the pervert! He'll never let you forget it!”

Kagome frowned. “Again, what are you talking about?”

His jaw dropped. Was she actually going to do it? “I'm sorry I insulted your cooking, alright?! You don't have to embarrass yourself by getting naked to get me to eat it. Give me the food and I'll eat whatever it is, just keep your clothes on!”

“W-what?!” she shrieked.

“I heard you. You said you were going to give me lunch, naked! Don't debase yourself that way!” Inuyasha glared at Miroku when the pervert lit up at the thought.

“That's not what I said! I said I was going to give you a naked lunch! Here!” A beet red Kagome thrust the bundle in her hand at the hanyou.

He opened it to find a bowl of porridge and a bland looking sandwich.

“Since you always complain that everything is too spicy I made the blandest food I could. Hence, a naked lunch with absolutely no flavor, let alone spices or seasonings. Enjoy!” She stomped back to her seat, face still glowing with embarrassment.

“Yuck!” Inuyasha complained. He just couldn't win.