InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Chosen Pathes ❯ ........................ ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ya, ya you can all really bash me for being sooo late on this chapter and it not even being that long, but hey I do have a life, school, which gives me over 3 hours of homework each day because of the levels of my classes, marching band, and a bunch of problems. But the length of time that i waited to do this is redicuals (and so is my spelling ^_^;;) So let the bashing begin..........
~Amanda a.k.a. Kazk
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"Poor ningen whelps. They have no mind left of them."

"Do you think they really don't have their own minds InuYasha. I remember when we were with Miroku and the priest attacked us, but he got his mind back after we destroyed the jar."

"Myoga, will that work the same way with the charmer?"

"I'm sorry my Lord, but this is no ordinary Worm charmer, like I said before. There is no way to get the childrens minds back unless you free them by killing the charmer, which will be harder than killing Kagura. The only problem is it has to be within three weeks of the infecting. And from this I would have to say it is too late for some of these children." said Myoga, sitting cross-legged on InuYasha's shoulder with his eyes closed.

"What do you mean it is too late for some of them?" asked Kagome as she looked from the kids to Myoga and back again. "How long have some of these children been under this demons control?"

"Well, my Lady, some of them have only a day or so and a few have been under controll for over the time, he has been collecting them for a month now."

"Is there anyway to tell the difference between the ones that are hopeless and the ones that still have a chance?"

"INUYASHA!!!!! It doesn't matter if they are already dead, they are still kids and you can't kill them!"

"No, my Lord, there is no way to tell currently who is gone and who still has a chance." Myoga hops down from his pearch on InuYasha shoulder to the branch. "The soul piper had been wondering around with no childrens souls following him lately because the children in this area have all been taken. Only those who have under 10 Springs are being taken it seems. Yet, I don't know how long that will last. ::Sigh:: It seems...."

"Myoga, shut up for second." said InuYasha oviously pissed about something. "Shit, he's coming."

"Who's coming InuYasha? I don't sense anymore shards heading this way." asked Kagome as she slid off his back and leaned against the tree.

"Sesshomaru." growled InuYasha looking the way they had just came. "He coming in a big hurry. Shit how the hell did he know we were here and what does he want."
Just as he finished the sentance the two headed dragon, Un and On, (I just spelled them how they sound, I don't kow the true spellings) came into view with Sesshomaru and Jaken on his back. The dragon swooped low to the ground and made a gust of wind go through the tree InuYasha, Kagome, and Myoga were currently in. It made on more circle before huvering above the children's heads and Sesshomaru jumped off, landing only a few feet away from InuYasha on the same branch. "Umm....." he said with a cold stair at InuYasha. "What are you doing here?"
"I was going to ask you the same question." growled out InuYasha with a hand gripping the Tetsusaiga tight. "Why would you be interested in human whelps?"
"That is none of your concern why I am here. I have my own reasons and do as I please." answers Sesshomaru calmly placing a hand on Tokijin.
Down below, the children seemed to increase in mass and a low sound caught Sesshomaru and InuYasha attention. It was like a low lulaby that would will any child to drift off into a very deep sleep. It was sad yet gave off the idea of calm and peace. InuYasha supressed a yawn and returned his attention to his older brother. "What are you doing here? You should have no interest in ningen welps?"
Still looking in the direction the music was coming from, Sesshomaru gave an emotionless answer. "I have lost something of mine. I belive this demon is responsile for it." With that he sprung off in the direction of the sound leaving Jaken screaming for his master as he urged the dragon to follow, which oviously didn't want to.
"Kagome, lets go!" said InuYasha. Kagome climbed onto his back and they took off after Sesshomaru.
* * *
"Sango, would you like to accompany me on a walk while we wait for InuYasha and Kagome to return?" asked Miroku with hope. He had hates sitting on the bed all day because Kaede said he was still to weak to go out, but he felt alright to go on a short walk.
"Houshi-sama, are you sure Lady Kaede thinks its alright for you to be waling around? You still are sick and well, we have sometime before InuYasha and Kagome will return."
"Thats the point, we do have some time and I just can't keep sitting around all day. I am monk use to travelling with three demons, a miko, and a demon hunter, I am not use to suck a dull period of time. Even Shippo is getting bored. Lady Kaede still thinks I could use a little more rest, but she is also more usr to treating farmers and women, not people so use to travel." with that Miroku turned and began to walk slowly away form the hut. After he got a good 20 yards he purposly stumbled a little bit causing Sango to rush to his side. He had never gotten near to toaching the ground but he did it just do Sango would join him.
"Houshi-sama, you really should still be in bed. You are still no strong enough to walk around on your own."
"If you were to join me, I wouldn't be on my own."
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I have a party and then I got horseback ridding on sunday so I will begin to write it sun in the car so maybe tuesday. I am in all Honors+ cvlasses so i can't write during school and well over the summer i was away over 90% of it but that still is a lame excuse