InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Destroying the Well ❯ Destroying the Well ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Destroying the Well
By: TuxedoUranus89
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha!!
LiveJournal Community:
Author's Note: So, I made a challenge to the inuyasha_fanfic community on LiveJournal (not the community posted above, that's for people who like my work to come and ask things about them), and this is my example/entry. It's about a random flaw you find in the InuYasha world, or the fanfiction world, 500 words or less. =3
“If you even THINK about going back there, I'm annihilating that gods'-cursed well!”
The all-too familiar bickering echoed through the forest, as the irate hanyou followed the annoyed schoolgirl back to the well's clearing. “Osuwari.”
He hit the ground. “Bitch, what was that for?!”
“You KNOW what it was for, InuYasha. I'll be back in a few days, don't sulk the whole time.” She told him, skipping ahead through the wildflowers.
Three seconds later she screamed as a red and silver blur moved past her at Mach-5, crashing against the weathered wood not twenty feet ahead. “Hey!!”
The hanyou smirked, dusting off his hands from the pile of wood beneath his feet. “Ha, can't go back now, can you?”
Kagome glared at him, and looked from the wood to the nearly-invisible hole in the ground. Raising an eyebrow, she smirked and slipped down the rabbit hole, so much like Alice. The last thing she heard from the Sengoku Jidai was an enraged howl. Emerging from the still-intact well in her own time, she mused the idea that some poor sod must have fallen down the hole and broken his neck for them to rebuild it. `That, or there would have been an extremely terrified peasant…'
((So this whole, destroying the well thing… I dunno about you, but I think you can climb around a tree, at least by how it's drawn… and I think it would still work if the wood was gone. XD Just a random little blurb, hope you enjoyed, leave a review? =D Love!))