InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Enemy or Lovers? ❯ A New Day. New Teachers ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm back again I told you I will be back soon. Hope you like this chapter.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters.
A New Day. New Teachers
Last Time
“Bye Kagome”
“Bye Sango”
“Bye Kagome”
“Bye Miroku”
After they left I just remembered something important I don't know where my class is.
This time
Damn where the hell is that place at least they should put directions or something because people could get lost in this huge place.
Fuck 2nd period. Great, now what do I have next. Ummmmmmm let me see foreign language ok I can deal with that, first I have to ask for directions. I walk through the hallway and a lot of kids is passing now.
Excuse me can you please tell me where is foreign language class is.” A boy with brown hair and dark eyes turn around.
Well you will have to go straight make a left when you see the girls bathroom then your class will be the 7th room to the left. And by the way, you really look cute do you want to go out with me.”
First I this kid is telling me directions then he is asking me if I want to go out with him he must be really crazy he is not normal.
“Aaaaahh I don't even know your name.”
“Oh I forgot my name is Hojo, what's your name.”
“My name is Kagome.”
We stood there for about 2 minute until the late bell rang.
“Uhh nice to meet you Hojo but I got to go so bye.”
“Wait Kagome you never answered my question”
By the time he said that I was already down the hall.
I saw the class room and went in very quietly and sat on a seat all the way at the back.
“Hola, my name is Mrs. Soto and I'm your Spanish teacher for this year. To let me and your classmate know you guys better each and every one of you will introduce yourself to the class. First say your name, age, last you are going to tell your classmate what you want them to know about you”
I was day dreaming I really didn't care about what these idiot names was I was already having a bad day. I wasn't paying attention to a thing until I heard the name Koga my head shot up and I look to my side and there he was no problem like nothing happen everything was all cool. I kept looking at him his silky hair up in a pony tail nice and neat. He turned his head and he looked at me I gasped and quickly turn my head around I didn't want to let him see my face.
Mmmmmmmm WAIT I'm next and I don't know what to say I can't say anything while he is there. Oh shit oh shit oh shit I don't know what to say.
“young lady next to Koga your up next”
I stood up slowly and got the courage to speak up “um my name is Kagome Higurashi I'm 17 years old and I like to shop” I sat down taking a big gulp of air.
Thank you very much Kagome”
Finally the stupid bell rang I took my back pack and left the class room.
Hey Kagome over here”
I looked to where that voice was and it was Hojo. Shit damn fuck. He started to come next to me. Kagome run run run RUN.
“Why did you leave you still didn't answer my question”
Damn Kagome you had the chance of leaving but you choose to stay how stupid can you be now you have to answer his stupid question.
“I was late for class so I didn't want to get in trouble by the teacher on my first day.”
“Ohh I understand so do you want to go out with me”
Kagome you better think of something that is going take you out of this mess.
“um I hear my friend calling me I got to go cya”
“but Kagome!!!”
Real smooth Kagome real smooth who is going to fall for that. sooner of later he is going to know that you don't want to go out with him so just tell him.
I was too caught up in my own thinking I wasn't looking at where I was going then I bump into something hard. I fell right on my butt I got angry.
“WATCH WHERE THE FUCK YOU GOING YOU STUPID ASS” once the person turned around I wish I could have taken back what I said it was Koga .
That's all he said he was sorry that's it I felt like an idiot and ran to my next class.
I went inside P.E. class and saw a lot of girls. I was looking for Sango somewhere inside.
“Hey Kagome come over here.”
I turned around and it was Sango.
“Hi Sango, I had a rough day today. Fir-“the whistle blew and cut my sentence.
“I'm your gym teacher Mrs Kaede. I know what ye youngsters are thinking about, how an old person be your gym teacher. I can explain that, ye do all the work I tell ye and I just sit down looking, got that clear.”
No one answered but there was a lot of mumbles.
“hey Sango this teacher is a real bitch”
“yea tell me about, how dare she tell us we do all the work and she would look at us doing her work.”
The whistle blew again but it seems that no one was paying attention so Mrs Kaede blew the whistle harder then everyone shut up.
`Thanks I have to set some rules for this gym room. No kicking, no pushing, no shoving no screaming, no yelling, no throwing balls at each other. Ok got the clear. Now let's play dodge ball.”
I looked at Sango and she had the most confused face ever.
“ummm Kagome did she say no throwing ball at each other and now we are playing dodge ball is she crazy”
Should we tell her or we should leave it alone”
“Kagome I don't really know”
“I think we should leave it”
The girls got into two groups and now getting ready to get the ball but the whistle blew again.
What one moment what were ye guys are doing, did I say no throwing balls at each other. I just said the rules and ye already ignored it”
I didn't care what she was saying at point of moment I was just waiting for the bell to ring.
Every girl ran out the gym room. Me and Sango sauntered out of the gym room. I was thinking about Koga I just can't get him out of my head. I snapped out of my thought when I felt someone touching my ass.
I heard a snicker behind Miroku. Who is that?
I finished YES I'm done. The next chapter will come quicker than you ever thought ok Bye.