InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Enter The Demon Diva. ❯ Studio Time ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: All characters and songs go to their rightful owners.
Link and I sat in the studio booth after school as all the women seemed to fawn over Amethyst until she began to cry. The young woman quickly handed her off to my mother but she wouldn't stop crying. Eventually, I left the booth and took her, she quieted almost immediately, “How odd, your little sister quiets for you but not your mom.” I looked up at my mother, “That's because she isn't my sister.” I handed her back to my mother after rocking her and speaking to her. “Okay where were we?” The technician looked at my mother, “Start from the bridge.” I nodded and began.
Frozen inside,
Without your touch,
Without your love darling,
Only you are the life among the dead.
All of this time I can't believe see.
Kept in the dark,
But you were here in front of me.
I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems,
Got to open my eyes to everything.
Without a thought,
Without a voice,
Without a soul.
Don't let me die here.
There must be something wrong.
Bring me to life!
“Okay stop right there for now and we'll all have some sweets.” We walked out of the booth and I took Amethyst into my arms, “Hi Amy, how's mommy's baby?” She cooed at me and even as I turned to look at him I could tell before I saw that he had heard me. “Mommy? She's yours?” I simply nodded I couldn't even look up into his eyes. “Hey, look at me. At least let me see your beautiful blue eyes.” Those words made me look up quickly a look of confusion on my face. “I thought that would make you look at me. I do like your eyes though. And look, don't worry, if you don't want anyone to know I won't tell anyone.” He had come closer to me as he spoke and smelled very familiar to me but I couldn't place it. “It's okay, I plan on bringing her to class tomorrow. We do have the whole health project thing.”
Before he could ask questions there was a commotion. “Let me in my son is in there.” Link groaned outwardly and turned around. “Oh so she went behind my back and let you sing anyway.” I looked at the man who had just entered he was as tall as my father and long black hair. “Kouga, what are you doing here?” He spun around to face my father, I mentally slapped him, no one was supposed to recognize us. Before he could speak I pulled my father aside. “Dad no one is supposed to know we're here.” My father patted me on the head, “He already knew sweetie, he was one of the contacts your mother kept.” I gave a sigh of relief. We walked back into the room my mother and uncle Kouga was fawning over Amethyst. “Link did I ever tell you my friends were moving into town.” Link merely looked at him and rolled his eyes. Now I knew why he smelled familiar. Kouga Lang had been in my life since I was born and growing up we were taught to call him uncle, we spent a lot of time together. He smelled like his father, almost exactly like him. That's when I realized, my mother must have made them charms because I had no idea he was a youkai. “You're youkai? I couldn't sense it at all.” He shook his head, “Not youkai, hanyou, like you. My father couldn't keep it in his pants and he got my mother pregnant.” Uncle Kouga gave a grunt and looked at Link who refused to look at his father. “Well maybe not exactly like you, my mother isn't the strongest miko in the world. Actually she isn't a miko at all.” He smirked. I smiled sweetly and took Amethyst from my mother once more.
My father was pouting when I turned to him, so rolling my eyes I gave her to him and he grinned. Uncle Kouga spoke up, “The great and powerful Ian pouting? I never thought I'd see the day.” My father would've glared at him if he hadn't been afraid of frightening Amethyst. “Shut up wolf breath. I can still whip you.” Amythest was laughing at her grandfather as he made funny faces at her his voice still mean when he spoke to Uncle Kouga. Uncle Kouga made a small dismissive sound as some people came in with pastries. My mother walked back in with them two bowls of steaming hot Ramen. My father and I both looked over to her and I took them so she could grab her granddaughter. “Still obsessed with noodles eh?” Both of us answered with a `Keh' and ate quickly. “I swear she's so much like her father.” Link watched my parents as Uncle Kouga laughed at my mother's comment. “She may have his hair and attitude but she has your eyes.” My father looked up from his food, which was rare. “She has her mother's attitude; she just has my appetite and strength.” I grinned at all three of them and drank down the water. “Are we going to continue or go on to another song?” Our parents looked at each other, more to see if Uncle Kouga would let him continue. “Sure go ahead but only because it's Rowe over here.” He had called my father by our protective name and for that I was very happy. The name Takahashi was still very much influential, but it could get us killed. It was why we took my stage name and built our family around it. Amy was born Amethyst Takahashi but she wasn't in need of any documents yet. Still that's what money was for. “Okay Maria, I'll leave and let your husband do his job. I want to see my son's contract though.” My father nodded as we went into the booth. “You'll see it later Lang, not now.” He nodded in understanding and said something about returning to work when the booth door closed. “Once more please.” We went through the song a few more times before we were done. “I think I still have calculus homework to do.” I was rubbing me head where my ears should be when I spoke to Link. “Im stuck on Chemistry.” He looked embarrassed by the fact. “If you have video conference I can help you.” He nodded and we exchanged our email addresses. We parted and got into our own Limo's. I feel asleep on the way home, my father was saying something about Auntie Kagura wanting me to come home and record in Japanese or Korean.