InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Facets of the Living Jewel ❯ Communi consilio: Primoris ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the other characters. Ms. Takahashi does. I have used her name, Yourei Taisei, as the name for my own character who functions as the Sensai for Inuyasha; however, my “Youkai-soul great-spirit" is not a…dishtowel. Forgive me, those of you who prefer that the fanfiction writers stay true to the manga.
Communi consilio: Primoris
By Licentia poetica
The taiyoukai paced through the forest, gazing with detached interest at the terrain around him as he moved beneath the forest canopy for the first time in many months. `It would be faster to revert to my true form, but I do not wish to frighten any humans and it is welcome discipline to force myself into this slow form of travel. Most of those I meet will not be comfortable with this form, either.'
Tall, regal, with two large, black-patterned wings sweeping from his shoulders to tapering points where they almost swept the ground, his appearance and accompanying youki tended to intimidate most youkai, let alone humans. His long, slate-black hair was tied at his nape with a leather thong and thinned as it twisted between his wings, ending in feather-like strands that floated behind him as he moved forward gracefully. Two piercing yellow eyes on either side of an aquiline nose gave an imperial cast to his features, but it was the markings on his high carved cheekbones that made most beings pause.
His facial markings would have been immediately recognized by an alchemist: four small triangles surrounding a center parallelogram that kept the pulsing energies of each symbol separated. The markings represented each of the four fundamental elements and their ability to join into the hexagram of spirit. The uppermost symbol was a red triangle, divided horizontally by a line, symbolizing the element Air. Directly below the parallelogram keeping the energies apart was an inverted triangle, also bisected by a line and colored a deep, forest green: the symbol for Earth. To the left a vivid blue, inverted triangle with a black dot in its center represented Water and the bright yellow of the Fire triangle blazed on the opposite side. Most youkai could master one element or a combination of two to three. For a single taiyoukai to possess all four markings was an indication of enormous power and control.
His personal power was augmented by the presence of two blades: one an elegant katana in a white saya, the other a wakizashi with a black saya. Both had been made by the master swordsmith Toutousai, who had decorated the tsuba of each blade with a delicate feather pattern as he imbued the living blades with special attacks designed exclusively for Yourei Taisei's abilities. Yourei Taisei had named the katana Kiritsu and the wakizashi Konran and had rewarded the master swordsmith handsomely for his trouble, but the taiyoukai rarely used the special attacks. He was a master swordsman, a sensei to powerful taiyoukai, and his personal youki was usually enough to deter the foolhardy who came to challenge him. Those that were foolish enough to attack him with the intent to do harm were usually ignorant or stupid or both, and soon death washed their ignorance away.
As he walked, he mused on the purpose that had drawn him from his remote eyrie, bringing him once again into unwilling contact with the human world.
`I must find a way to discourage Toutousai from sending me more pupils, if they all will cause such disruption in my life. That young hanyou, in possession of the legendary Tessaiga? What was the Inu no Taisho thinking?' A ghost of youki flickered across his senses and one eyebrow rose infinitesimally in response, the only acknowledgement he gave to the subtle warning. `Ah, what am I thinking? Of course that idiot pupil of mine would act without remembering any of the lessons I taught him. At least his hotheaded whelp has enough untapped power in his youki to handle the katana, if he ever learns any control.' His other eyebrow rose as the faint trace of a powerful youki returned again, obviously closer, but he continued to walk calmly forward and focused his thoughts on his current dilemma. `The whelp is dangerous…power like that needs disciplined control, and the boy is too stubborn and willful to accept my authority…much like his father. He did master the exercises with uncommon ease, but he fights with emotion and intuition, not control. How will I ever reach the son when the father tried my patience to its limits? I sent the boy away, telling him to come back when he was ready to be a man.' He gave a snort of amusement as he recalled the colorful language that the whelp had used to describe Yourei Taisei's parentage as he left. The youki encroached on his senses once again and he assessed it, dismissed it, and continued to walk forward. `It did not take much time to dismiss the youth from my mind, but the Miko was most insistent. I am growing soft in my old age; why again did I agree to take on the unruly hanyou and a human?' He stopped as the youki swelled in his senses and he felt a sudden urge to shout his frustration and leap into endless heavens where he belonged. `That vision she showed me…a time when all magic, all youkai are gone. Given the alternative, I must help them, but I do not look forward to training such pupils. And this one…another former pupil. I could use his cold detachment right now.'
Taking his stance, he casually withdrew the Kiritsu but did not issue any challenge. When the hidden taiyoukai did not appear he gave some of his youki freedom, his voice ringing like a falcon's shriek through the clearing as he called, “Come out.”
Sesshoumaru stepped silently into the clearing, the Tenseiga unsheathed in his hand.
Yourei Taisei stared back impassively. “Well. I am surprised that you have sought me out, my former student. Let us see what you have learned.” He waited for Sesshoumaru to attack, his body poised, balanced and controlled.
Without a word, Sesshoumaru raced forward and the two met in a tsubazeriai with a powerful clash of the youkai weapons. Both taiyoukai stared into each other's faces, neither one betraying any emotion as the youki of the katanas hissed and flared at the contact point.
Yourei Taisei gave no sign, but he was impressed. `The youth has developed some skill…but you are still not my equal, Sesshoumaru.' Pressing carefully, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of Sesshoumaru's stance, he spoke quietly. “You have lost an arm. Do you not find it a disadvantage?”
“This Sesshoumaru has learned to adjust and time will rectify the omission.” Sesshoumaru stepped back a fraction and pivoted slightly, trying to force Yourei Taisei's blade to slip to the side.
Yourei Taisei almost smiled. “You will have to be more cunning than that, Sesshoumaru. I showed you that move when you were just a whelp.” He forced Sesshoumaru's blade toward the midline, away from the power that came from the shoulders. Then he felt the tension in the blades shift and knew what was coming next. `Does he remember nothing of what I taught him?' Sighing inwardly, he waited for the obvious attempt to disarm him, and when it came he parried it with a flick of his wrist, forcing Sesshoumaru's blade down and to the side. Stepping in, he backhanded Sesshoumaru lightly across the face. “You are not paying attention, Sesshoumaru.”
He pivoted away, expecting an angry response, but it did not come. Sesshoumaru recovered with a feint to his midsection followed by a second engagement of the Kiritsu in a tsubazeriai. The expression on his face had not changed. `Interesting. This one never loses his calm detachment. Yet he is not here to defeat me.' He feinted slightly to catch the younger taiyoukai's attention and asked “What is it you seek, Sesshoumaru? Why do you fight me?”
“I seek to know if you are still worthy of being my Sensei. To know if you have anything left to teach me.” The katanas strained against each other, youki sparking, as Sesshoumaru sought an opening.
“Heh. You are still arrogant, Sesshoumaru. You fight with no emotion, only clinical analysis…you are completely detached. How can you hope to defeat me? You have not even mastered yourself, let alone your katana.” A frown appeared in the otherwise emotionless face of his opponent. `Finally, a response!'
Sesshoumaru took a long step backwards, disengaging from the conflict, and Yourei Taisei lowered his katana.
“This Sesshoumaru would seek to master the Meidou Zangetsu Ha of the Tenseiga.”
Yourei Taisei waited, his eyebrows raised.
Sesshoumaru hesitated. `Damn the old man!' Inwardly he sighed in irritation, but he let no emotion show on his face as he sheathed the Tenseiga.
“This Sesshoumaru would seek to master the Tenseiga…Sensei.” He gave an infinitesimal inclination of his head with the honorific. `I bow to no one.'
`Perhaps the Generals have their hands in this meeting. I can use him.' Yourei Taisei gave Sesshoumaru a knowing smile while sheathing Kiritsu. “I will undertake your instruction, Sesshoumaru, but you must agree to one condition.”
Sesshoumaru waited for the stipulation, raising one elegant eyebrow in query.
“You must train with the pupil that I am traveling to teach. He fights with emotion and very little analysis, the exact opposite of your fighting style. I think you will learn a great deal from each other, but you must give me your word that you will follow through with the training, even if you find the other student…distasteful.” Yourei Taisei watched the motionless face of the young taiyoukai and waited patiently for a response. `Your problems with your hanyou brother are the stuff of legend, but he will test your abilities more than you know, Sesshoumaru. I wonder, though, if you have not already fought with him…there are not many who could have caused you to lose that arm.'
“And if this Sesshoumaru will not give my word?” Sesshoumaru growled. `I do not like the sound of this. Why would he insist I stay?'
Yourei Taisei shrugged his shoulders and began to leave the clearing where they had engaged. “If you wish me to be your Sensei, I will not allow you to dispute my teaching methods. We will go our separate ways, and I will still teach the other pupil.” He paused and looked back at his former student, almost smiling with anticipation as he chose his next words with great care. “He will learn discipline from me whether or not you are there, and you will have to find out for yourself how to master the Tenseiga, knowing that there is a pupil of mine who will be capable of challenging you.” He waited, readying his youki for the expected response, knowing exactly how his seemingly-stoic pupil would react to his words.
Sesshoumaru locked gazes with the taiyoukai but gave no outward indication of his thoughts. His youki rose in challenge to the other male and he allowed it to grow, testing the strength of his former teacher. `Damn you, Yourei Taisei! Why was I foolish enough to engage you? I learned long ago that the solitary path is the gateway to power…yet I feel the Tenseiga's reluctance to open the Meidou. What have I overlooked?' For a long moment the clashing youki between them stirred a violent wind in the nearby trees before the younger taiyoukai spoke softly, almost menacingly, and withdrew his challenge. “This Sesshoumaru will give you his word. He will complete the training.”
“Excellent. Walk with me, Lord Sesshoumaru.” Yourei Taisei began his measured pace again, turning away. `Gods, he didn't even give forth a fraction of his strength. Such power…but used with all the emotion of a rock. He has no control at all over Fire and that means that he cannot master Air. No wonder the Tenseiga refuses him.'
The use of his honorific was not lost on Sesshoumaru. `Hmmph. It means I have passed his first test and he has already begun my training, but what lesson have I learned? Does he honestly expect that I will follow like some lackey?' He growled softly as he realized that his word had effectively trapped him into following the taiyoukai. `It is fortunate for all the lesser demons in the area that I have my duty to Rin and Jaken to take into consideration.' He refused to turn in the direction that the taiyoukai had taken and spoke with the same menacing softness. “I regret…Sensei…that this Sesshoumaru cannot walk with you at this time. There are some matters of concern to address that will not take long. This Sesshoumaru shall meet you at the dojo.”
Yourei Taisei paused and glanced over his shoulder, one eyebrow raised slightly. “Very well. Meet me at the Bone Eater's Well in one day's time and we will begin training there. Farewell.” He nonchalantly resumed his measured pace, leaving the clearing and disappearing into the trees.
Sesshoumaru stood still as a stone in the clearing, eyes blazing in impotent fury. `Damn you to all the hells, old man! You have just tricked me into training with the half-breed and there is no way to get out of it without breaking my word and losing my honor!'
Communi consilio: Primoris. Latin; By common consent: the first.
The HIST symbol (described above as Yourei Taisei's markings) is a modern interpretation of the hexagram symbol representing two isosceles triangles joined together at 180 degrees. The hexagram is an ancient symbol used by European alchemists to show the binding link (Spirit) joining the four elemental symbols (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) which are in turn represented by individual isosceles triangles.  The Air and Fire triangles point upwards while the Earth and Water are inverted. Interestingly enough, the Japanese philosophy of Godai uses the same elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Void (also interpreted as Sky or Heaven). The five-tiered pagodas found in some Japanese architecture and the stone lanterns found in many Japanese gardens reflect these five aspects. In some interpretations the aspect of Fire (which Sesshoumaru has not mastered) can represent passion and emotion; Air, clarity of thought and control of spiritual energy; Water, subconscious and spiritual energy; and Earth, steady progress, fertility, and overall abundance.
Katana refers to the larger, curved, single-edged sword traditionally used by the Japanese samurai. It is meant for cutting. The wakizashi is a similar, shorter sword, designed for stabbing. The two weapons together are called the daisho, and represent the social power and personal honor of the samurai. The tsuba is the handguard (tsuka, already translated in a previous chapter, is the grip). When two fighters lock their katana and try to push each other off to gain a better position, it is a precursor to an actual attack, and is called tsubazeriai (clash with the tsuba). A great illustration of this particular form of battle can be found in the third Inuyasha movie when Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha and So'unga have a little conversation together.
Kiritsu: order, rules, law
Konran: disorder, confusion, chaos