InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Facets of the Living Jewel ❯ Feles mala! ( Chapter 50 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the other characters. Ms. Takahashi does. I do, however, own this story's plot and I'm owned by a cat.
Thank you Shawna560 for seconding both nominations for `Facets' at IYFG (Best AU and Best Romance, Inuyasha/Kagome). I am both honored and excited (still can't quite believe that this is happening to me…people reading the story, people enjoying the story)! There's a big smile on my face today…
Symbols for thoughts:
`Inuyasha or Others'
A/N: For the purposes of this chapter, the Neko language will be shown in its translated form, with the exception of certain names. As always, translations follow the chapter. Please keep in mind that Neko is a complex language, filled with nuances and subtle shades of meaning, and that the humble author has tried to convey the underlying premise in all Neko speech: Cats are Superior to all other beings and They Know It. If you read this to your cat at home, be prepared for The Superior Stare because they will feel I have not translated correctly.
Another bit of information to keep in mind about our favorite Neko: a pride community of felines (lions being the prime example) has a hierarchy, but it is subtle. There can be more than one breeding “king” male, but usually one male is dominant (similar to but more subtle than the wolf alpha). The females of breeding age tend to view each other as equals (Science, Volume 293, July 2001). Although domesticated cats are slightly different, recent research has shown that they exhibit the same kind of pride behavior as lions. Also, the information given about foxes and their “cat” characteristics is biologically correct.
This chapter takes place during chapter 49.
Feles mala!
By Licentia poetica
Bandit mock-growled at Shippo while the kitsune grabbed his neck ruff and pulled hard, rabbit-kicking his back feet against the male Kai-wolf's chest. As the kit growled back, Bandit opened his mouth and pretended to bite Shippo's shoulder, pushing the small nuisance away and pinning him with a paw. Shippo growled again and grabbed on to Bandit's foot, wrestling with it as the Kai-wolf held him down. Bandit began to lick Shippo's face.
Kirara growled low in her throat. She was irritated and uncomfortable: her morning nap was long overdue, she had to guard the Unscented One, and the stench of dog was permeating her fur. One of the vermin in particular seemed overly fascinated with her kitten.
Not that she was jealous, mind you. A Neko never, ever, showed petty emotions, especially when a scrawny, flea-bitten excuse for an animal was licking her kitten's face and he was giggling in response.
She licked at a paw, trying to keep her fur clean, and grimaced at the taste of dog.
Well, in the larger scheme of things it won't be for much longer. It is an inu, after all. I can afford to be patient.”
She swiveled her ears back, listening to the thudding sounds and controlled breaths of My-Sango and the He-Who-Was-Kohaku as they performed their fight dance.
`Amazing, really, that they can move so well with only two legs, poor things. So awkward and unbalanced, no wonder they have to practice so hard.'
The whistling of air being forced aside by their movements painted their position in her mind. A Neko did not need to use eyes to see; scent and sounds were sometimes more efficient tools for her predator's brain.
`I wish the Unscented One in front of me would move: she is too silent and I can't memorize a smell. But My-Sango and the other kittens must learn the consequences of their decisions, so I will let the Unscented One live for a bit longer.'
Placing her paw delicately on the ground in front of her, she stood up to give her muscles a leisurely stretch, flexing her claws into the pebbled ground and anchoring them. She pulled back and away, raising her haunches high in the air to flex her back and lashing her tails. Giving a bored yawn, she luxuriated in the delicious feel of uncoiled muscles for a long moment before moving back to a sitting position. Her ears flicked again, listening to the soft murmurs of My-Midoriko and the Shrewd-Falcon. My-Miroku spoke angrily but quietly for a moment, so her ears rotated backwards to catch the words.
“You are willing to put Sango in danger to try to reach him? Have you seen the boy fight when he is like this? He has no humanity!”
My-Midoriko spoke soothingly. “Sango is more than capable of taking care of herself, Miroku. Trust Yourei Taisei in this.”
The Shrewd-Falcon dismissed My-Miroku's words: “I will teach as I see fit, houshi, and your mate is a formidable opponent. Return to the village, and take the prey I provided with you. I have gutted it already, so see to it that a nourishing meal is made. Both your mate and the hanyou will require energy.”
Kirara's tails fluffed in irritation at the Shrewd-Falcon's response. `It is wrong to treat My-Miroku as if he was an omega male to be driven from the Pride. He is My-Sango's mate, and wise in the ways of humans.' She examined her pristine claws, looking for any speck of dust. `Too bad the Shrewd-Falcon isn't a bit smaller. I love to chase birds, especially when they insult My kittens.'
She could smell a change in My-Miroku's scent: he was in pain, but overlying that acrid scent a swirl of anger pheromones wafted through the air. She tensed, waiting for the usual action that followed those particular smells, but they abruptly ceased. She glanced back to see what was happening and saw him smiling, focusing on a blushing My-Sango.
`The Shrewd-Falcon is foolish but lucky. I have smelled that from My-Miroku before, and the Wind Tunnel usually followed.' Flicking her ears, she sensed the renewed movement from My-Sango and proudly acknowledged Shrewd-Falcon's assessment of My-Sango's abilities. `He is right, she is quiet, efficient, and lethal. Almost as good as a Neko.' A contented purr rumbled through her chest for a moment. `I have taught her well.'
Movement within the circle caused her to abruptly return her attention to guarding Kanna.
`As I thought, they are losing their concentration. Worthless inus.'
The Kai-wolves were yawning and stretching, as bored with the vigil as Kirara. The fact that she had yawned and stretched first and that her attention had been diverted was immaterial to the neko demon.
`Well, at least three of them are keeping a fairly decent guard over the Unscented One. The bitch can't, but none of the idiot inus seem to understand why.'
Aoi was restlessly pacing under a tree, whining softly at intervals. Her eyes continuously flickered between Shiro and the path to the village. Shiro's ears flicked forward and back as he listened to his mate, but he dutifully kept his attention on Kanna.
`Perhaps it is their first litter? The kittens will come soon, and Shiro-leader-of-the-idiot-inus is not listening well. Perhaps I should tell them because Aoi-bitch-of-the-idiots is not sure either.' Another whine from Aoi grated on Kirara's nerves. `Poor little bitch. Perhaps I will not call her an idiot. After all, she's about to be a mother.'
Movement on the other side of the circle caught Kirara's attention: Jinx stood up and began fidgeting, obviously wanting to join in as she watched Bandit and Shippo play. At a growl from Shiro, she stretched and gave an insolent yawn in his direction. Another warning growl, louder and more threatening, made her finish her yawn and lay back down. She lay sphinx-like with her ears pricked forward, facing Kanna, but her eyes kept flicking to Bandit as he played with Shippo.
`The smallest is the best at watching, though she is the omega female. How odd, for the females to treat each other unequally. Stupid practice, really.' Runt sat near Aoi, but in spite of the intermittent whines from the alpha bitch her attention was completely on Kanna, her body tense and her ears on point. As if aware of Kirara's gaze, her eyes flicked up to meet the neko demon's, but Kirara bared her fangs and growled. Runt immediately lowered her eyes, her head ducking in submission.
`At least that one knows their true place: submissive to Me.'
Shiro gave a low growl, and Kirara glanced at him. He was warily watching her, and had moved closer to Runt, obviously protective of his Pack mate.
“She is mine. Mine to protect, mine to kill.” The hackles on Shiro's neck rose as he glared at Kirara.
“Pfffffft, you would kill a member of your Pride?”
He did not understand her and Shippo was too busy playing to translate. Kirara disdainfully ignored the Kai-wolf, her attention turning back to the Unscented One.
`I wish she would at least keep up some small movements. Immobile prey is boring to watch.'
Her attention wavered again, although she kept her body taut for the sake of appearances. She was drawn to the play between Shippo and Bandit. The kitten had managed to crawl on top of Bandit's back, and the male Kai-wolf growled as Shippo began chewing on his ear, flexing his forward claws into the male's neck fur.
Kirara couldn't stand it any more. “Mmmmrrrprrrt! Get that out of your mouth, it isn't clean!”
Shippo clamped down on the ear and looked up at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes. At her insistent growl, he let go of it and jumped down, running over to her. She stared at him in regal distaste; he stank of Kai-wolf. As Bandit stood up to follow, she fixed him in place with a glare and an angry snarl.
Shippo glanced back at Bandit, then up into her face. “I'm bored, Kirara! Why can't I play with Bandit?”
“Mmmmrrrprrrt, playing with prey is an important lesson, but that prey is,” she flicked a paw in distaste, “dirty. It's an inu!”
“But you let me chew on Mmrrowhhsssaa's ear.” The kitsune gave an odd inflection to her word for Inuyasha. “How come I can't chew on Bandit's?
Kirara eyed the kitten. `The way he says thatI wonder if he's figured out the true translation? He is certainly intelligent enough.'
“Mmrrowhhsssaa is different. At least he takes a bath.”
She had never fully translated her names in Neko for either Shippo or Inuyasha, knowing that inflection and order were key to understanding her language. Both of them understood enough to communicate with her, but not enough to appreciate the word games she played with them from time to time. She also was wise enough to know that Shippo would not take well to being labeled either “little” or “kitten” and the hanyou, part inu that he was, might be offended if he knew she thought his ears looked like hers.
`It really is the most wonderful compliment, but he is stubborn and foolish sometimes. It must be the inu in him.'
She had accepted both as members of her Pride long ago, but she had to reconsider given the kitsune's interest in the Kai-wolf. `He is like a kitten, though kitsunes are like inus as well, poor things.' Kirara purred at Shippo as he frowned up at her. His front claws retract, he fluffs his tail when challenged or frightened, and he uses My superior slink-run method for stalking his prey. He really is like me, although he isn't a very good hunter yet.' She stared down at him as he fidgeted in front of her. `Well, My-Kagome and My-Sango take care of him, so it is natural to adopt him as the Pride's kitten.'
“Baths are stupid.” Shippo folded his arms and stood defiantly; a miniature Inuyasha. If her Neko features were capable of it, Kirara would have smiled.
`He copies Mmrrowhhsssaa as King, though Mmmmrrrprrrt still needs some lessons from me on the proper way to behave. He is getting too cunning to have a kitten's protection for much longer, and he risks exile if he is not more careful.' She placed a velveted paw on the kitsune to pin him to the ground and began a thorough cleaning of his face and hands, ridding him of the inu stench.
`Uhh! The taste is awful! The only reason I tolerate these Kai-wolves at all is that their ears remind me of Mmrrowhhsssaa's, and he has accepted them into the Pride.'
Shippo struggled, growling at her as she bathed his face. “Kirara! Stop it!”
`I will not allow the smell of inu to linger on My kitten.' She paused for a moment, considering the dog in Inuyasha's taste and smell. `Mmrrowhhsssaa is another matter. I do not mind his scent because he is so like a Neko in his ears, grace, and strength. It's hard to believe he's half inu.' She began bathing Shippo again, ignoring his growls of protest.
Kirara stopped abruptly and growled herself, but it was not due to Shippo's complaints: a specific scent and aura permeated the air. “Quiet Mmmmrrrprrrt. The Pfffffft Hhhsssss is here.”
Shippo gulped, sniffing the air and scrubbing his face dry with his sleeve. “I'll go back to the village with Miroku and the others, Kirara. O.K.?” The kitsune scurried over and hid himself in the curtains of Miroku's robes, his eyes averted from the area near Kirara and the Kai-wolves. `I don't want to stay here without Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru scares me.'
The Inu no Taisho arrived on his transportation cloud with a dead wild boar behind him. He gave a cold glance in Kanna's direction, completely ignoring Kirara, and spoke in Inu to the Kai-wolves.
“Eat.” He dissolved the cloud, depositing the boar near Aoi's tree. The bitch looked at the carcass and turned away, whining low. Sesshoumaru gave her a long, measuring glance.
Shiro spoke, his nose lowered but his eyes raised to Sesshoumaru's. “I thank you, Inu no Taisho, for providing us with prey, but The Pack Leader has left us with the task to guard the Unscented One.”
“This Sesshoumaru will guard while you eat. It is necessary.”
As Sesshoumaru moved into position, Shiro moved away from Kanna to touch noses with Aoi. He tried to move her to the carcass, but she whined and turned away.
“You must eat, Aoi. It has been a day since you ate, and you carry pups.”
Aoi growled angrily and Shiro hesitated before rubbing his shoulder against hers. She growled again and moved away. “I am not hungry, and I wish to return to the place the Pack Leader's Mate prepared for me.”
“We must guard the Unscented One.”
“You do not need me, and I am useless in a fight now. I must…” she gave a low whine of protest as she glanced at Kanna. “I must protect the pups.”
Shiro carefully stroked his chin over his mate's muzzle, muscles tense in case she decided to snap.
Sesshoumaru spoke without turning in their direction. “Let your mate go. She is near her time, and there is nothing in the area which could harm her except this.” He glared at Kanna, then glanced up at Kirara and curled his lip. “This Sesshoumaru is sufficient to guard it.”
Kirara fluffed her tails in anger. `Arrogant inu. I was going to take a nap, but that was a challenge if I ever heard one.'
Shiro stroked his mate again, whining in excitement. “Go and rest. I will come as soon as it is safe, and I will send Jinx when the Pack Leader returns.”
Aoi gave a feral growl and he moved his sensitive nose out of her strike range. Her blue eyes snapped with anger as she looked at Jinx. “No. Send Runt.”
Jinx lowered her head, her eyes averted from the alpha female.
`Jinx, you pushed Aoi at the wrong time. Perhaps once the puppies are here our Pack will be easier to manage,' Shiro sighed as his mate trotted slowly off in the direction of the village. Turning to the carcass, he tore at the soft underbelly to get at the choice liver. Oddly, there was very little blood as he bit into the tasty organ. His Pack Mates, who had been waiting as was proper, began to feed on other parts of the body.
Kirara stared haughtily above the Unscented One's head at Sesshoumaru, who was watching the He-Who-Was-Kohaku. `He seems to have a new arrangement with Mmrrowhhsssaa, but I do not trust him. They smell alike and he is attractive, though it is a pity he does not have the Neko ears. I wonder why he remains in the two-footed form?' She quickly became bored again at Kanna's stillness. `I should ask him.'
“Pfffffft Hhhsssss. Why do you not appear in your true form?”
Sesshoumaru turned from his appraisal of Kohaku to meet the eyes of the neko demon. `She insults me? She is both insolent and ignorant.'
“This Sesshoumaru does not need to answer questions from a lesser demon.” He spoke in Inu, wondering if she was as proficient in his language as he was in Neko.
Kirara's red eyes flashed. “Lesser demon? I am a Neko, fool. There is nothing `lesser' about me.”
“This Sesshoumaru is aware of your origins.” Sesshoumaru's eyes moved to Kanna, and he placed his hand on Tenseiga's hilt as his upper lip moved in a snarl. “Do not forget your task here, small neko.” His thumb loosened the katana in its saya.
Kirara flexed her claws at his insult. `You will regret that comment, Pfffffft Hhhsssss.'
“How like a male, to lecture me on my task while you lack my reflexes, my claws, and my fangs. You must uselessly posture with your little poker.”
Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed and he bared his fangs. “Do not make this Sesshoumaru forget that you are a member of Inuyasha's Pack, and under his protection.” He tapped Tenseiga's tsuba with a claw as his tone became icy and more deliberate. “Do not insult my father's fang.”
Kirara tucked her tails around her paws, completely unimpressed. “A toothless little poker. I have seen that it does not bite as a true fang should.”
Sesshoumaru smiled, and the menace behind the expression made Kirara suddenly cautious. “This `toothless little poker' changed when this Sesshoumaru acknowledged his need to protect his Packs. It will not harm my Packs, but it answers my will when I attack those who threaten them, little neko.”
Sesshoumaru watched Kirara fluff in anger, although she was trying to hide it. `Little and small are as much of an insult in my language as Pfffffft Hhhsssss is in hers. Small implies cowardice, and she is reacting exactly as I expected. Nekos are so predictable.' He tapped on Tenseiga's hilt again, considering his battle with Kouga. `The Tenseiga still does not kill, but it will warn, and the Meidou is improving.'
Kirara tried to keep her tails from fluffing in anger. `How is it that this arrogant male bothers me? When have I ever been bothered by the words of an inu? Perhaps it is because he is so aloof when he speaks…it's as if I'm talking with another Neko. But the foolish puppy has shown me a weakness.'
“So, you feel that you can protect my Pride with your little poker? I protected them when you did not, Pfffffft Hhhsssss.”
“For a small demon, you have done well.” Kirara's fur stood on end in anger, making her appear twice her size. Sesshoumaru smiled inwardly at her predictable reaction to his choice of words. `This neko is actually amusing.'
“Inu, I am a NEKO. You would do well to remember that.”
Sesshoumaru gave Kirara a supercilious stare. “A true taiyoukai can appear in many forms. You began life as a neko, and although you can make yourself larger” he smirked at her fluffed appearance, “you do not assume other forms.”
Kirara hissed, a low sibilant sound that was almost a laugh. “It is true that I began my life as a Neko, but I had enough experience to become a two-tail long ago, and as a Nekomata bonded to My-Midoriko I gained much wisdom.” As she spoke, she stalked him, going behind Kanna so that the demon girl could no longer see her. Glancing backwards, she made sure that Shippo and the humans were out of sight and that My-Sango and the others were not looking in her direction.
`I am not sure why I feel I must do this, but I will not allow this inu to insult me and become complacent about me. Lesser demon. Pfft!'
Sesshoumaru, glaring haughtily at Kirara as she readied herself for a pounce, suddenly found himself lowering his head to stare into the silver eyes of a petite, beautiful woman.
A heart-shaped face emphasized her mocking eyes as she raised one elegant eyebrow in imitation of his slightly surprised expression.
`I did not expect her to be powerful enough to transform.'
The flawless ivory skin of her face was accentuated by a black diamond in the center of her forehead and full lips which were curved in a teasing smile. Black-tipped cat ears peeped through long, flowing, cream-colored hair, several shades darker than his own.
She moved toward him with a lithe grace, the full curves of her body highlighted by the silver patterns woven into her red silk uchikake. A thin silver obi fastened her cloud-white kosode, and he realized his hand could span her tiny waist.
`She moves like flowing water…exquisite control.'
The dark diamonds of her pupils widened as she extended her closed right hand, stopping just short of touching his chest. Pursing her lips she opened her fingers to reveal a small flame cupped in the center of her palm. Mesmerized by her gaze, he watched as her silver eyes moved to it, then insolently back to his. She spoke in Japanese, her voice a rich contralto.
“I do not need to appear in many forms to prove that I am superior, you foolish puppy.”
She gave him a heart-stopping smile as he bristled at the insult…and tossed the fire at his face.
He was caught off guard and closed his eyes in reflex, jerking his head back. He felt a gentle warmth pass by his cheek, almost as if a hand had caressed it, but the threat had been given and he opened his eyes with a snarl.
And found that she had reverted into the neko demon form and was sitting across from him again, idly washing her paw. `Damn, she moves fast.'
She glanced at him, looking inordinately pleased with herself, and he snarled again.
She gave the sibilant hiss which was her laugh and spoke in Neko. “I prefer this beautiful form, Pfffffft Hhhsssss. I pity you, knowing that you cannot transform into a feline. No wonder you prefer your two-legged version. Your other choice is—an inu.” At his continued growls, she raised the paw she was bathing and lazily extended the claws, turning the implicit threat into a languorous stretch. “This form is preferable for fighting, as well. But I know who the real enemy is, and why I bother to linger here.” She pointedly looked at Kanna.
“This Sesshoumaru will not forget your insults.”
“Insults? I spoke only the truth.”
“Know this, neko. If this Sesshoumaru did not have other obligations, you would answer for your insolence now, and the fact that you are female would not save you.” He had ceased growling and spoke in a preternaturally calm voice.
Kirara, suddenly uncomfortable, stared into implacable golden eyes. As the Kai-wolves moved back into position, sated with feeding, he continued to hold her gaze. The cold smile that had made her cautious appeared on his face again.
“This Sesshoumaru has great patience and can wait for the right time, little neko.”
She almost responded to the insult, but his smile reminded her of a time from her Neko life; a time when a large dog had chased her and she had only managed to escape death by leaping up into a tree. The dog had waited at the bottom, staring up at her and growling. It had been three days before she was able to get away.
`That was long ago, and I was not a Nekomata. I have learned much since then, but perhaps I was unwise to taunt him.'
His gaze did not waver, and her discomfort increased, so much so that she called out to Yourei Taisei.
“I thought we were going to train, sensei of My-Sango?” She broke eye contact to turn her head and speak. `After all, one must be polite.'
“Not yet. Not until I am satisfied that your friend is worthy of my time.”
Chagrined, both at the Shrewd-Falcon's treatment of My-Sango and at the fact that she had no excuse to leave the circle around Kanna, Kirara turned back around to find a smirk on Sesshoumaru's face. His eyes met hers and he raised an eyebrow in quiet challenge. When he spoke, however, it was to the Kai-wolves.
“Tell your Pack Leader that I will return with Rin this evening. Guard well, you are sufficient to the task.” He gave a final, challenging glance to Kirara before transforming into a ball of energy that flew directly at her. Before she could react, it paused above her head and she felt slow, moist warmth pass delicately over the top of her head and down the back of her neck. She sprang to her feet shuddering in distaste, but he was gone.
`Damn that insolent inu! He licked me! Where I can't reach!' Disgusted, Kirara began to give herself a bath, stretching as best she could to rid herself of his touch.
Kagome dressed while the ramen reheated, giggling as she watched Inuyasha try to put on his clothes with his hands wrapped.
Finally, he glared at her in frustration, lifted his hands and flexed his forearm muscles. The gauze split as easily as if it was made of paper.
`Why that…all along, he could have…' She put her fists on her hips and glared at him.
“Inuyasha! You…”
At his smirk, she sighed in exasperation and shook her head. “You need to keep the wounds covered!”
“Not like this, wench.” The carefully wrapped bandages fell off in shreds as he shook them from his hands and finished pulling on his clothing.
“No, Kagome,” he growled. “I can't protect you this way.” He glanced at her and noticed an odd expression on her face. “Kagome?”
The time threads appeared again as the bandages fell, freezing the gauze in midair. Kagome stood in the middle of what seemed like hundreds of time threads, faced with too many possibilities to process.
`Midoriko said that the hardest alternatives come in what seem to be the easiest times; that it is the little choices that make the big decisions. What do I do now?'
The time threads swirled, demanding a choice, and she began to panic. `I wish I had some help! How do I choose?'
The mark on her forehead pulsed and she felt a strong sense that she was not alone. Although no answers magically appeared, she felt calmer and was able to study the threads. 'I'm not going to choose an easy way. Too many of these seem easy, which means that they're probably wrong, given the darkness of my past choices.'
Abruptly the swirl slowed, with fewer possibilities, all of them conveying danger to her time sense.
`I want to choose a path that keeps all my loved ones safe, but…none of these feel like they will lead that way; we're all in danger. Maybe I can pick one where we help each other the most, where we're more of a unitthat might give us the best chance against Naraku.'
Two pathways abruptly presented themselves. In one, she fed Inuyasha the ramen, even though his hands were free again. In the other, she let him feed himself.
`What? Such a little decision? But both pathways lead into darkness. Well…'
She made her choice and fell back into time again. She heard Inuyasha call her name and looked over to him, giving him a small smile as he looked at her with concern.
“It's O.K., Inuyasha. I just had one of those `time decisions' again, but it felt…odd.” She finished pulling on a new set of clothing, opting for cropped pants and a T-shirt because of the heat, then walked over and handed him his haori.
His eyes narrowed and he growled low in his throat as he finished tying his hakama in place. He took the fire rat from her reluctantly, pulling her into his arms and placing his chin on top of her head.
“I don't like it that you go there without my protection Kagome.”
“I don't choose to go there, Inuyasha. It just happens.” She stroked the bottom of his chin with the top of her head and stepped away as he began to shrug into the haori.
She knelt down on her knees and bent over to stir the ramen, the fabric of the pants tight against her thighs and hips. Absent-mindedly flicking her hair to one side, baring her neck, she was blissfully unaware that she was causing an argument in the hanyou behind her.
[Look at her!What a magnificent bitch!]
(You want to do it again? We just finished!)
[You are interested in the front. I'm interested in what we cansee right now. We have never taken her my way.]
`We are not doing anything now. Kagome still hasn't eaten enough, and neither have we.'
[You are satisfied, because the human is satisfied.] The demon sounded frustrated. [I get the full moon!]
`Maybe we'll do it your way before then. She does look…'
Inuyasha's train of thought was interrupted as Kagome sat up and turned back to him, smiling innocently at the intensity of his gaze.
“What are you thinking about, Inuyasha? You look so…focused.”
`Shit! We're getting worse than the monk!'
“Nothin' wench. I'm just hungry.”
[But not for ramen.]
(Always for ramen!)
[Give me the fullmoon!Give me time away from this human!]
`Shut it, both of you!'
Kagome grabbed a set of chopsticks and the ramen pan, not bothering with separate bowls, and walked over to him.
“Come on, sit down.” She smiled as he tensed at the word. “The Beads are holding the barrier, remember? I guess I'm not the only one who forgets that.”
“Keh. You'd find it hard to forget, too, if you'd been slammed to the ground enough times.” The growl in his voice was offset by his arms, which wrapped around her as he sat and pulled her down into his lap. Delighted that he hadn't tied his juban or haori, she snuggled up next to his bare chest, sitting sideways across his lap, and began to feed them both the ramen. He raised his eyebrows at her as she held the chopsticks up to his mouth, but accepted the noodles. As she fed herself, he swallowed and tightened his arms.
“So, what was the time decision about?”
She held up another bite for him, waiting until he had begun to eat it, then quirked her mouth at him.
“Whether or not to feed you ramen.”
“Damnit, wench! I'm serious!”
She gave him an irritated look as she chewed on her own noodles. Grabbing another bite for him, she held it up, frowning at him as he refused it. “I'm serious, too, Inuyasha. Eat, and I'll tell you.”
They shared the ramen, Kagome explaining in between her small bites the odd experience in the time threads. As she fed him the last bite he eyed the pan, obviously hoping for more.
Kagome smiled up at him. `Why do I get the feeling that I'm being played here? Probably because I am, but this is too much fun.' She lazily got up and went to get more water.
“I'll make some more, but you get to feed it to yourself.”
“Keh, fine.” He looked away from her, pouting, and saw the remains of the meal that Kaede had left.
“You eat the fish that Kaede left for us.” He frowned at her as she wrinkled her nose. “You need it, Kagome. Those energy things aren't that good for you.”
She stuck out her tongue at him, but shrugged and rolled her eyes as he growled. She picked up the fish and took an exaggerated, but very small, bite. “Mmmm, yummy. There, satisfied?”
“Keh. Stubborn wench.”
She poured more water in the pan and set it to heat. As he watched her work he picked off the last of the gauze bandages. The palms of his hands were still raw, but the fingers had already begun to heal, itching with the slight pain of regeneration.
[Maybe we should let Kagome bandage the palms again.]
(I thought we were strong and didn't need any help from a human.)
`Kagome is our bitch, not just a human. He followed Kagome's movements as she hummed next to the cooking fire, boiling water and tearing the packaging from some ramen. She picked up the extra bandages and gave his hands a furtive glance. `Besides, she wants to bandage me again.'
(And the demon likes it when she touches us.)
[It is natural to want to touch our mate.]
(Admit it, you like it.)
`Will you fucking stop arguing? You're giving us a headache, damnit!'
[(Keh. )]
He cleared his throat to get her attention. As she looked up, he held up his hands. “Oi wench, I know you want me to keep these bandaged, so go ahead.” As she smiled and gathered up the fresh gauze, he growled “But no funny stuff this time.”
She rolled her eyes and began to attend to his hands. A few deft turns gave him fresh bandages over the palms but allowed his fingers freedom to move. He flexed them experimentally as she gathered up the remaining materials and replaced them in her backpack, smirking to himself at her satisfied smile.
`Good, she's happy. Now if I can just get her to eat and rest.'
As she prepared his ramen he grabbed the fish she had begun eating and sliced a piece off with his claw, holding it out to her as she brought him the ramen.
“Eat, Kagome.” She wrinkled her nose at him but accepted the slice in her mouth as she settled in his lap again. They quietly shared a few pieces of fish and the cup of ramen, both enjoying the sense of peace and partnership that had developed between them.
Inuyasha was relaxing for the first time in too many days, holding Kagome against his chest, when his ears flicked at the distant sound of voices outside the hut.
Kagome stirred. Her eyes had been drifting closed as she snuggled against his warmth, but she knew something was wrong from the tone of his voice.
“What is it, Inuyasha?”
He growled low in response, pulling her closer. “Shit! Why don't they let you rest?”
She frowned at him, not understanding, but before she could speak Midoriko's voice was raised outside the hut, pleasant but insistent.
“Kagome! Let down the barrier please.”
“Unless, of course, you are…indisposed.” Miroku's voice was just as polite, but the tone carried a teasing quality.
“Damn that houshi,” muttered Inuyasha, rubbing his chin over the top of Kagome's head before lifting them both off the ground together. He held her close for one moment, breathing in her scent. `Shit! They never leave us alone!'
Kagome buried her face in Inuyasha's chest, sighing. `I hoped we could at least have the afternoon to ourselves.'
Inuyasha released her and began to tie his juban and haori as she walked to the door. She glanced back, making sure there was nothing that the monk could use for ammunition, and gave him a rueful shrug as she pulled up the Beads and broke her barrier.
Midoriko entered with an apologetic look, Kaede following. The old miko nodded with approval as she saw that the fish had been eaten but frowned at the leftover rice and ramen cups. She moved forward, shaking her head at Kagome as the younger woman tried to help her clean up the mess. “Midoriko must speak with ye, child. I can take care of this.”
“My apologies, Kagome,” Midoriko sighed. “I know you've hardly had time to eat, much less relax, but there is a problem.”
“Keh. Why does Kagome have to solve your problem? Leave the wench alone, she needs to rest!” Miroku and Shippo entered the hut and Inuyasha gave them an angry glare as Miroku first placed his staff by the door, then walked over and handed the serow to Kaede for preparation.
“What the hell are you two doin' here? Who's watching Kanna?” Inuyasha folded his arms into his haori sleeves, irritated at the smile that Miroku was trying hard to conceal. `Damn hentai. He's got a good nose for a human, and he knows what we were doing, even if the women don't.'
Shippo, who usually ran at Kagome, leaped to Inuyasha's shoulder instead.
“Lord Sesshoumaru came back, and he brought some food for Bandit and everybody. He was guarding Kanna while they ate, but I didn't want to stay around him if you weren't there.”
Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. His first reaction to Shippo's leap had been to knock the kitsune into the wall, but the expression on the kit's face changed his mind.
You do not need to be afraid of the Inu no Taisho. He knows you are my Pack.”
Shippo shrugged and ducked his head as Kagome pulled him off Inuyasha and into her arms.
“Well, O.K., but…” he stopped speaking as Inuyasha gave him a curious sniff.
“Why do you smell so strongly of Bandit and Kirara, pup?”
Shippo folded his arms and pouted in Kagome's embrace. “Cause they both gave me a bath. I need to go to the hot springs to get rid of the smell, damnit!”
Inuyasha gave the kitsune a cuff. “Don't curse, pup.”
Kagome laughed outright and Shippo stared wide-eyed at him, mouth hanging open.
Inuyasha frowned at Kagome. “What?”
Kagome just smiled and shook her head, though Shippo stilled gaped like a fish.
Miroku stepped forward, the smile fading from his face as he held up his cursed hand. “Forgive me, Inuyasha. The reason we came is, unfortunately, my problem, but one that I hope can be solved with a new idea Sango gave me.”
Kagome tucked Shippo to one side and reached toward Miroku as she saw the angry red wheals on his hand. “Miroku? Is it the Wind Tunnel?”
He gave them a tight smile. “Yes. Kanna was right, and the…exercise this morning has hurried the expansion along. I don't have much time.”
[Pack Brother .]
(Gods, Miroku.)
`Keh, we'll find a way to protect him.'
“I know you need to rest, but you must learn to create a Mind Meld with Miroku as soon as possible,” Midoriko said to Kagome. Turning to Inuyasha, she smiled. “Forgive me, Lord Inuyasha, if I ask for some time alone with your mate. We must work with Miroku, to try to stop the expansion. We will also need to discuss something with both you and Sango later, especially if the Mind Meld doesn't work to stop the Wind Tunnel. She's training with Kohaku and Yourei Taisei now.”
“Training! Damnit, is Sesshoumaru the only one who's guarding Kanna?”
Miroku held his hands up in a calming gesture. “Kanna has sat completely still since you left with Kagome. Kirara and your Pack are guarding her as well, but Yourei Taisei is convinced that he can help both Sango and Kohaku recover from Naraku's treachery if he has them practice together.”
(We should guard Kanna. She is a threat, and our Pack is alone.)
[Our Pack is sufficient.]
`Kirara won't let Kanna get away with anything.'
[As long as she stays awake.]
(Kirara does like to nap.)
`Kirara is smart enough not to screw around with Kanna.'
He turned to his mate and plucked Shippo out of her arms, placing the kit on his shoulder. “Kagome, I'm gonna go guard Kanna. I don't trust her.” He glanced at their companions. “You'll be safe, but don't go anywhere by yourself.”
Kagome gestured to the two mikos and the houshi. “I think most demons would think very carefully before bothering us, and we can raise a barrier.” She moved to him and tapped her forehead, smiling mischievously. “Besides, I can always call you if I need you.”
“I'm serious, wench. Don't go anywhere by yourself.” His mouth twisted. “I wasn't fast enough last time.”
She gave him a tender smile, shaking her head softly. “It wasn't your fault, baka.”
Shippo looked away from the two, almost embarrassed. The tone she used for the epithet had been as intimate as a caress.
Kagome spoke in a more brisk tone. “But I promise, I won't go anywhere alone.” She walked over to her backpack, pulled several water bottles out of it and handed them to Inuyasha. “Take these, for you and the others.”
He snorted. “Keh. I won't need `em.” Looking over at Miroku he let his fangs show in a wicked smile. “Keep your hands to yourself, monk.” Miroku gave him an answering grin, so he pulled Kagome to his chest with his free hand. He stroked the top of her head with his chin. “Hang on, Shippo,” he said as he released her, spinning around and leaping from the room.
Two humans and two Time Lords blinked, stunned at the speed with which he had moved.
“Well,” Midoriko quietly stated. “We'd better sit down. This will take some explaining, Miroku…”
Shippo clung to Inuyasha's shoulder as he ran back to the clearing.
“So, Mmrrowhhsssaa, you feel like Kirara's family, huh?” The kitsune giggled. “Must be the ears…Mmrrowhhsssaa.”
(Damn. He's figured it out.)
[Remind him that she calls him her little kitten. It is time he grew up.]
Inuyasha stopped abruptly in front of the Kai-wolves' shack and grabbed Shippo, tossing him into the air and catching him by the scruff of the neck.
“Listen, Mmmmrrrprrrt.” He placed careful emphasis on the syllables, to show Shippo he knew exactly what the word meant. “You may have gotten away with things before, but I don't have the damn `sit' Beads anymore.” Gently shaking the kitsune before placing him on the ground, he asked “So what if Kirara thinks my ears look like hers? She calls me Pride Leader, and she calls you her Little Kitten.” He purposefully used the Inu language in the final sentence so that the word “little” became an insult.
Shippo gasped, but Inuyasha knelt on one knee next to him and held him by the back of the neck. He continued to speak in Inu. “When are you gonna stop runnin' to the bitches to save you from the shit you pull? She's gonna keep calling you `little' until you show her that you know what you're doin', pup.”
Shippo looked up with his lips compressed in a pouting frown, his eyes bright with unshed tears.
(Damn. He's still a kid, give him a break.)
“Look pup, when I was your age I was on my own, and nobody gave a shit whether I lived or died. I didn't want that to happen to you, so I've made sure that you had food and were protected. I've let you learn to hunt and fight along with me so that if something happens to me and the others you'll survive. But you shove shit my way and go hide behind the bitches, and you're gonna stop it.”
Shippo turned under his light hold and grabbed his bent leg, putting his head down on the top of Inuyasha's knee. He turned his head, baring his neck in submission.
“I'm sorry, Inuyasha,” the kit sobbed.
Inuyasha fluffed Shippo's hair. “Keh. It's O.K., pup.” He gently grabbed the kit by the scruff again and let his hand rest there. “Just don't let on to Kirara that I know what her words mean.”
At Shippo's quizzical look, he smirked “She'll figure out somethin' else to call us and I'll have to figure out what the fuck it means. Damn her word games.”
Shippo laughed and stepped away from Inuyasha's leg. On an impulse, he leaped up and gave the hanyou a hug around the chest, making sure his head was turned away from his Pack Leader's neck so there was no threat. “I won't let her know…Pack Leader,” he said the last two words in Inu.
“Pack Leader!” The new voice was a relieved growl.
The two males turned to find an irritable Aoi heading to the shack.
“Aoi, what's wrong? Why are you alone?” Inuyasha asked as he glanced back along the pathway.
“The puppies are almost here, and I need to make my den. I will use the place that your Mate made for me, Pack Leader.”
[She is ours to protect, but we must see about Kanna.]
(Maybe we can carry her back with us.)
[No!She will bite us. Never bother a breeding bitch, and if youtry to take her from her chosen denshe'll be a hellion.]
`Keh. Let's just make sure she's safe and has water. Damn that Kanna! We should just kill her and get it over with.'
(No. Miroku is right, we might need her information.)
“I'll go get her some water, Pack Leader.” Shippo picked up a bowl Kagome had left in the corner. “I…I know you want to go to the clearing where Sango is, so I'll stay here and guard Aoi if it's…umm…if it's O.K.?”
Inuyasha reached over and mussed the kitsune's hair again. “Sure, pup. You stay here and help guard Aoi. Come and get me if there are any problems.”
Shippo left to get water, and Inuyasha watched Aoi circle around the blanket that Kagome had placed in the corner. She sighed as she finally lay down, wearily closing her eyes and flopping sideways.
“I wish I could lie down properly, and put my chin on my paws.” She sighed again. “Damn that Shiro!”
Inuyasha frowned. “I'll send Shiro back when I get there.”
“No, Pack Leader. There is still time.” Aoi raised her head and gave him the dog equivalent of a grin. “You smell worried. Do not be! I am not alpha female because I am weak, especially with Jinx around.”
“Call for us if you need the Pack. Shippo could come, but your Call is faster.”
“I will, Pack Leader.”
As Shippo returned, letting the water slosh a bit over the edges of the bowl in his hurry, Inuyasha ran on again. He stopped at the edge of the clearing to drop the water bottles and take in the smells, making a quick reconnoiter of the area. Kanna was seated where he had left her, surrounded by the remaining Kai-wolves. He could smell that Sesshoumaru had just recently left, and noted the remains of a boar under the tree. His gaze was drawn to Kirara, who was frantically washing herself.
`Keh. Sesshoumaru hunted for the Pack, but Kirara doesn't seem too pleased.'
(She probably doesn't like the smell of dog.)
[She'll have to get used to it.]
Sango and Kohaku were doing a kata, but without weapons. Yourei Taisei stood to one side, watching their movements and speaking quietly to them. Periodically he would step in and reposition their limbs, showing them an error in their movements.
Inuyasha stepped over to the circle around Kanna. He spoke Inu in the hope that Kanna would not be able to understand.
“You've eaten?”
Kirara froze; her tongue suspended above her paw. She placed her paw deliberately on the ground in front of her and drew herself up regally.
Shiro glanced up at the Neko and then answered “The Inu no Taisho brought us prey. It was good hunting, if a bit dry.”
Giving a sigh of exasperation, Kirara derisively said “Mmrrowhhsssaa, you've finally returned? Join me in watching this Unscented One do…Nothing.”
“Hell, Kirara. I know it's boring, but what the fuck else can we do?”
“We need to get My-Kagome and My-Miroku to create a barrier around her, if you kittens still want to keep her.”
Inuyasha raised his eyebrows. “Good idea, but they're busy right now.”
“Then we should kill her and be done with it. I do not like this—I haven't sported with my prey in many years.”
“No, Kirara. We might need the information that she has. I wanna know where the hell Naraku is.”
Kirara sighed and began washing again.
`This is tenth time I've washed my ear and it still tastes of inu! Damn Pffffffttt Hhhsssss!'
Engrossed in her libations, she hardly noticed as Mmrrowhhsssaa left to go learn the fight dance. Finally, she huffed in irritation.
`I still smell of that arrogant inu! I'll never get clean!'
Time crawled past for her as Kanna sat and did nothing and her kittens learned their dance. Her ears swiveled as she listened to the conversation between Mmrrowhhsssaa and My-Sango, and she smiled at her Pride Leader's assessment of the He-Who-Was-Kohaku. `He is wise. He knows that the scent isn't right.'
As Mmrrowhhsssaa began the fight dance near her, she admired his Neko-like grace, but then a twist in the scents coming from the He-Who-Was-Kohaku and My-Sango drew her attention. As the two from her old Pride began to fight, her fur began to stand on end. She turned to watch, growling softly.
“Remember when … that really big … storm … hit? How you … and I and … Kirara … ooof!”
Kirara tensed as My-Sango rolled closer to her.
`My-Sango! She is usually more careful!'
She relaxed and purred at My-Sango's grace as her kitten jumped quickly to her feet and disarmed the He-Who-Was-Kohaku. Mmrrowhhsssaa, standing next to Kirara, had stopped his dance and was growling in warning, his hand on his katana's hilt. They both tensed as the He-Who-Was-Kohaku ran to the side to snatch his blade from the ground. He turned away from them and ran back to My-Sango, and Kirara's ears flattened against her head at the sound from the clash of their weapons.
“Kiai! Kohaku!” My-Sango's scent began to change again, anger wreathing with her emotional pain. Kirara's ears flicked backwards at the sound of a soft movement behind her.
`The Unscented One.'
My-Sango's voice reflected her inner pain. “During the storm we held each other and Kirara purred for us. We helped each other with our fears! The other memories may be awful, but I have them, too! I was there!”
Kirara's muscles tensed. There were no further movements behind her, but she knew in her bones that the prey would strike at the first true opportunity.
My-Sango spoke again. “Why do you shut me out? Let me be your sister again!”
The He-Who-Was-Kohaku screamed, and Kirara pounced.
As blow after blow rang in the clearing, Kirara bristled in front of a standing Unscented One. `Damn inus. They were watching the fight. I was letting the prey think I was watching.'
Kanna stared at Kirara and began to raise her mirror, although it wasn't directed at the neko. Without hesitation, Kirara cuffed the Unscented One roughly to the ground and knocked her senseless. As My-Sango fell, Mmrrowhhsssaa's scent changed.
`Not now! Pride Leader!'
“Sango!” Mmrrowhhsssaa tensed and grabbed his sword, so Kirara leaped in front of him and hissed.
“Do not interfere, Pride Leader.”
Mmrrowhhsssaa growled at her, and she realized that he would not have harmed My-Sango. Her ears flicked backwards as the air shrieked around a descending katana blade.
`That is a killing strike…'
Feles mala!: Latin; Bad kitty!
Nekomata: Japanese, a mythological creature believed to evolve from domestic cats. After a cat reached ten years of age, its tail would slowly split into two tails, and the cat would develop magical powers which increased with age and wisdom.
Neko language:
Pfffffft: dog; with no specific tones this is usually an insult.
Mmmmrrrprrrt: My Little Kitten, with specific tones for Shippo.
Mmrrowhhsssaa: Pride Leader with Neko ears, with specific tones for Inuyasha.
Pfffffft Hhhsssss: Bad Dog; never used with specific tones and considered a particularly rude Neko insult.
R&R thanks:
Special thanks to Malim Praedari for the collaboration and for our shared laughter.
Neko-Lady: Thank you for the long, kind review. I'm sorry I did not reply personally `til today, but my life has been quite hectic lately.
Inuyashaloverr: Thanks for the messages. I'm glad IYFG straightened us both out, but I do think `divergence' fits this fic better than AU. Thanks again for nominating Facets at FA; I'm honored! I need to get over there and see how the site works…haven't had much time lately.
Neko-Lady (Mrrr prrt? Pffffft Hhhsssss mrr Raoow!), Lady Niltiak, Inuyasha05, hanyou master, Pho Poe, billysgotagun (thanks for the multiple R&Rs!), Fenikkusuken (hey, Feni!), XxkittiexxstarxX13, Anima Poetic, yoyo person (I think up the story lines while driving my kids in the car pool…how prosaic!), Moonlit Showers, Mrs. JediK1 (yeah, poor Kohaku; lots of burdens. E-mail me and I'll let you know about the Live Journal…it's lots of fun over there with the Legions, even though I'm a noob in so many ways…they're kind to my neophyte Cawfeather!), mcleigh1979, TASKFORCE: SPARTAN (thanks for the multiple reviews. Kouga, a flying meat popsicle? Lol! Can't tell you about Kanna, that would be giving away a huge portion of my story line, and I can't tell you whether Kouga has survived, either. Sorry! Please, stop staring at the screen! The guilt is killing me!), Moomoogirl1.
Leo-mae: (Throws last Kouga voodoo doll in the trash) Well, I'm glad that's over. `Course, I kept you hanging again for this chapter, too. Sorry, but vacations don't come that often! Back on track now, hope you like this one even though Sesshy and Inu haven't come to blows yet. Don't worry, they will!
Ardent-Amber: What? You didn't like all the polysyllabic discourse? But I love your evil laugh of doom! ;)
Mysterium: I'm glad you like it. I wanted to diverge from all the fanon out there, largely because much of it pertaining to the biology of dogs and wolves is just plain wrong. The whole marking bit is so off of real canine behavior that I had to try to set the record straight. If she posts it on MM or FF, read a very funny one-shot on marking from Fenikkusuken (hey Feni, bring it over! It was hysterical!). Thanks for the R&R!
Inuyashaloverr: Well, you got a little bit of Inu/Kag in this chapter, but it was mostly my second favorite Neko (Patches being my first…I had to say that, she's staring at me…eep!). I'll make it a bit more clear why Kohaku is reacting the way he is in the next chapter…you might ask Miroku to borrow Kagome's “Introduction to Psychology” text if you want to try to figure it out beforehand.
Kilika and demoncatkuroro: Thanks for the R&R!
Alterfano: I don't quite know where you are in Facets, but hopefully you'll get here to see my thanks for the R&R!
Spring blessings on you all, and thanks for reading!
Oh yeah…why iPoe? (Ignore this, my LJFs)
My name's much too long in the realm of the blog
To type in at midnight when all's in a fog
But Lice? Eww! Now really, I just have to say
My muse is offended you're talking that way.
Now iPoe: I'm not sure if Apple'd complain
Since iPod and iSight and iTunes remain
Part of their business, but Edgar I'm told
Won't mind (`cause he's dead) and the raven's so old.
But what's in a name? Call me what you will!
LP is the easiest typing, but still
iPoe is quite fun, and LiPo very nice
but please…I really don't want to be Lice.
Yeah, it's my poem (actually, I wrote on LJ and modified it for here), and thanks to Midoriko-sama for my moniker and my icon!