InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Facets of the Living Jewel ❯ Ex luna, scientia: Tertius ( Chapter 58 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the other characters. Ms. Takahashi does. I do, however, own this story's plot and I like the demon side of Inuyasha!
Thanks to MouF (and Mage Delbene) for thirding `Facets' for Best Characterization: Inuyasha in IYFG's 3rd quarter awards. I'm honored that the story is once again moving on to the voting and I thank you! I'm still swamped by work and writing in the wee hours of the night, so your encouragement is most welcome! Voting takes place until November 25th.
I am speechless with laughter and a misplaced sense of true accomplishment: `Facets' has been parodied! If you're old enough and don't mind hentai go over to “Nunc Coniunctis Viribus: All Together Now” by Butteryasha, a dear friend with a wonderfully raunchy sense of humor. He wrote the parody in response to the disqualifications of both his character (Inu's male parts) and my InuDemon as Best Characterization in the IYFG nominations, and let's just say that poor Inuyasha has another voice in his head. It's a very funny story with a spicing of tenderness, plus there's an inside joke about the challenges for those of you who can translate Latin hidden in the story. Thank you Butteryasha, you truly made my week! You'll find the story (Warning! It's rated X for sexual situations and offensive language!) at www(dot)mediaminer(dot)org/fanfic/view_st.php/132498/1.
Warning! Lemon later in the chapter.
Ex luna, scientia: Tertius
By Licentia poetica
The bored young store clerk had been channel surfing but finally stopped and turned to his friend on the other side of the counter.
“Every stupid station is carrying emergency broadcasts since the earthquakes this morning.” His eyes shifted to the only customer in the store, a woman with a cart filled with ramen, candy, canned goods, and bottles of water. His voice fell to a whisper. “I never figured Mrs. Higurashi for a nutcase. She looks like she's going to turn into one of those survivalists.”
He watched lazily as the lady in question glanced up at the front of the store while bringing the last box of ramen down from the shelf. When she suddenly froze and stared in his direction, the forgotten box of ramen halfway to the cart, he grimaced at the thought that she might have heard his comment. She remained frozen in position and he realized she was looking at the television screen over his head. He looked back at it and his eyes widened as he stared himself, shocked by the pictures.
The video showed the sun with large black sunspots like plague pustules covering its face. Writhing arcs of plasma flares twisted off its surface, careening into others as titanic forces ripped them apart.
`Gods…it looks diseased!'
Innin felt a similar dread, but unlike the hapless store clerk, she knew exactly what was happening. `Oh gods…the time-space continuum! I'm running out of time!'
She shook her head and forced her body to move, dropping the ramen into the already filled cart and moving to the front of the store. She got close enough to hear the television's audio feed and began to walk faster. The news anchor was speaking calmly and professionally, but static was already beginning to mar both picture and sound.
“…celestial news the sun is exhibi…strange flaring beha…… and magnet…... entists say…….umerous sunspots.” Static hummed between the words, emphasizing the terrible sense of loss that Innin already felt in her soul. `All the other people, but what can I do! I need to get Sota from school immediately. The sun is another manifestation of what's going wrong.'
“The magnetic… …moon is… tidal wa…” the picture faded to complete static and the young clerk switched channels, only to find every channel exhibiting the same static and lack of sound.
Mere feet from the register Innin suddenly had to brace herself as another aftershock rattled the shelves of the grocery store, grimacing as a stack of cereal packages fell over and scattered their contents over the floor in front of her cart. `Gods, they're getting worse each time! The earthquakes are gaining in strength instead of diminishing.' She shielded her head with her arms and tried to wait out the tremor, but the earth groaned and as she watched, horrified, the front doors twisted in their hinges and literally popped out into the street, shattering glass everywhere. As the tremor finally eased she brought her arms cautiously down, glancing casually at her digital watch as it passed in front of her face. Her eyes widened as the numbers showing the seconds on the watch face reversed order, blinked wildly for a moment, then jumped ahead by several seconds before settling down to their normal, steady advance.
“Oh gods,” she breathed. `Oh gods!' she repeated silently. `I know that's not a problem with the watch! Sota! Kensei!'
In desperation she ran to the front of the store in spite of the continuing tremors, pushing the cart over the mound of scattered cereal and slipping on the crushed flakes. As she ran the lights flickered and went out, leaving the store illuminated only by the twilight of the evening. When she reached the registers, the flustered clerk stared up at her from his crouched position, his eyes wide in his shadowed face.
“I have to buy these. Right now! Is this enough?” She thrust a fistful of money at him.
“Uhh…y…yes, Mrs. Higurashi.” The clerk glanced at the cart and raised his eyebrows. “Actually, it's too much, Mrs. Higurashi. If you'll just wait a moment for the power to return I can…”
“No, thank you! Just keep the change!” As she raced for what was left of the doors she shouted over her shoulder “I'll bring the cart back later!” She eased her way through the shattered glass, ignoring the still shaking earth and the shocked expression on the faces of the clerk and his friend as they watched her leave.
`Gods be with you, I know you think I've gone crazy but you don't know what's happening.' Fighting tears at the thought that she was leaving them to death or nonexistence she bit her lip hard. `I can't care! I have to get Sota and get to the shrine!'
When she was clear of the glass, she sprinted for the school and the cart careened on two wheels as she raced around the corner. Several boxes fell out but she didn't stop to gather them up. `I shouldn't have let Sota go but it might be the last time until Kensei says it's safe. Just be at the gate, Sota. Be ready to run with me!' Gasping both from fear and from the unusual exercise, she reached the corner of the block where the school was located and saw her son walking toward her, a concerned look on his face. She stopped abruptly and yelled.
“Sota! Come here immediately!”
“Mama? I just had the weirdest…”
“It…doesn't matter! We…have to…get to the shrine right now! Run!” With the immediate surge of adrenaline gone, she was panting from exertion as she tried to turn the cart around.
Sota shook his head and spoke in an oddly calm voice. “I know. I knew you were coming. I knew I had to leave school.” He jogged over to meet her and took control of the cart. “Mama, I knew where to come to find you.”
She grabbed the front of the cart to steer and he pushed it through the empty streets, running for the shrine. As they turned a corner Innin glanced at his pale face and wide, staring eyes. “You…saw the…time threads…didn't you?”
He glanced at her quickly as he grabbed at a package of ramen that threatened to drop from the cart. “You know about them? The choices?”
Innin grabbed at a stitch in her side but kept on running. “I'll…tell you…when…we reach…the shrine.”
In silence they ran through the streets. As they turned the final corner, they both stopped abruptly, staring up into the sky.
The rising full moon was much too close. Huge and threatening, it loomed over the skyline of Tokyo with a bloody line eating away at one edge. It rose swiftly and a black crescent began to follow the red arc. Another tremor began to rattle the houses around them.
“Gods,” Innin breathed. “It's in eclipse! Run, Sota! Run for the Well and don't stop for anything!”
They fled down the abandoned street and Innin nearly wept in relief when the gates of the shrine appeared. They raced up the driveway and around the back of the shrine, never pausing until they reached the Well building. Innin tore open the doors and slammed the cart through, dragging a still pale Sota into the building with her. She fell against the Well, reached for the mind meld, and choked back a sob as she felt the comforting, welcoming presence of her husband.
`Thank the gods, Beloved. I was so worried!'
`Sota is here with me. He has had his first experience with the time threads already.'
Her husband's mental sigh was weary. `I think that's because time is becoming unbelievably warped here. He shouldn't be old enough yet.' He paused for a moment and she wondered whether he was using his power to stabilize the Well or whether he needed to gather energy to speak with her. She used the time to pull a dazed-looking Sota into a hug.
“Mom? The walls…what's that other place?”
She glanced around at the undulating walls and shook her head. “It's all right, Sota. That's where Kagome goes. I'll explain in just a moment.”
`Innin, you need to stay in here with me. Don't leave for any reason…I'm having incredible difficulty holding on to this end of the Well.'
`But…my brother!'
`Can you yell for him?'
`I can try. What's happening?'
`I don't know, but I get the sense that Kagome's finally found the way out of the Nexus, and the future has to change to accommodate it. Stay with me!'
`Kensei, the moon is too close and it's in eclipse, but this time the full shadow of the earth is on it. It's going dark.'
Her husband cursed but his mental voice was drowned out as Sota frowned up at his mother. “Mama?”
She attempted to reassure him with a fleeting half-smile. “Hush, Sota. Give me a moment.” She gave him a brief hug and reverted to speaking with her husband. `Can you talk to him? How am I going to explain?'
Back in the time dwelling, Kensei hung his head and fisted his hands. `He wouldn't be able to hear me, Beloved. He wasn't old enough to know me and we won't be able to make contact right now. He shouldn't even be able to see the other time period.' He gave a sigh and prayed that he was right about the Nexus, rubbing the back of his neck to ease the tension there. `You'll have to explain everything again, and when things have calmed down I'll have enough energy to make a connection with him. But the fact that he has his time powers too early is just another indication of how convoluted the time streams are becoming at your end. Don't leave the Well! I'm too exhausted to keep more than the immediate area anchored. '
`All right, love, I'll stay here, but I have to try to reach my brother. I can't just leave him! And we'll need clothes, and more water, and…' she swallowed against the thought of the other people she knew. `What about all the others? Isn't there anything we can do?'
`Beloved, if I could save them I would. I'm just one Time Lord and the rest are trapped. I can't do any more than I'm already doing, not without losing everything we've tried to save. Not without losing Kagome in the time threads.'
The frustration and weariness in his tone made her wince. `I know, love. Rest now. I promise to stay here…I'll reach my brother somehow.'
`I don't think I'll get much chance to rest, but I need to break our connection. I need to save my strength to hold on to the anchor at that end. I have to keep you safe, Beloved!'
She felt the connection fade away and breathed a weary sigh. “Well, Sota.” She stroked his cheek, smiling down tentatively, apologetically at her confused son. He met her gaze with a questioning look, scrambled to his feet, and turned to gesture at the flowing walls, currently depicting the serene meadow of the Sengoku Jidai and a bright, untarnished full moon.
“Mama? What is happening? Why is the moon there different from ours?”
Glancing through the doorway at their bloody, blackened moon, Innin groaned to her feet and took a deep breath to begin to explain. Suddenly a sharp tremor rocked the ground around them, leaving the Well shrine a stable island in a writhing world. One side of their home collapsed and she held on to Sota as he cried out.
“Mama! My room, my video games! Ojiisan!” He lunged for the doorway.
She grabbed his arm. “Sota, you can't leave this building! Stay right here!”
He twisted in her grip. “Mama, what about Ojiisan!” His voice rose and he screamed out “OJIISAN!”
In desperation she clasped her arms tightly around him to hold him next to the Well. The world around the buildings convulsed, filling the air with snapping sounds and loud groans like the moans of an agonized soul. As they stared out of the doorway in horror they became aware of the only other stable refuge in the devastation around them.
The Goshinboku was shining with an eldritch light, the dark of its bark contrasting sharply with a glow from within
Sota gave a sudden yell and twisted out of her arms. “Ojiisan! I saw him in the house!” He leaped for the door.
“Sota! Don't leave!” she screamed and lunged for her son. With the swift reactions of youth, he slipped past her grasping hands and ran out into the yard, staggering as the ground bucked beneath him. He managed to keep his feet under him and ran like a drunken man for the front door.
“I'll be back, Mama, I promise!”
“Sota! Come back!”
“I have to get Ojiisan!”
She watched helplessly as he ran into the house against the backdrop of the bruised moon. Seconds passed as she stared at the home, wringing her hands and breathing short, inarticulate prayers for her loved ones' safety.
The sounds of tortured rock increased and another sharp tremor made the ground in front of the shrine ripple. Innin gave a heartsick, piercing scream as the entire front section of the house collapsed. `Oh gods! My son! My brother!'
The space-time continuum buckled as time lines warped and alternate realities collided.
Our world fractured.
In the Sengoku Jidai the night-darkened earth pulled on the bright full moon with gentle, inexorable force, tethering it in an age-old dance of gravity and inertia. Gleams of light interspersed with dark areas on its shadowed face as its glowing companion coaxed moonglades from serene, dark waters and reflected off of polished mountain granite.
Kagome quietly accompanied Inuyasha as he moved through the forest, but to truly follow him she would have required wings.
`At least I know where he wants me to go. The Goshinboku.'
She moved quietly down the hill and into the shadows of the forest, watching him race the moonlight through the trees, his long hair flashing silver semaphores and scattering moonlight as he leaped ahead of her.
She was struck dumb by the beauty of his movements; the physical expression of power and masculinity, the manifest joy that he exhibited as he tested the limits of the earth's hold.
She moved quietly through the shadows, a dusky accompaniment to his streaking luminescence, gathering her powers around her like a cloak. Her black hair reflected gleams of moonlight that filtered through the leaves as she moved, but when she reached the Goshinboku and stood still in the darkness beneath it she was wrapped in shadow.
She waited quietly, passively, knowing that he would not be able to resist coming to her. The connection between them was a compelling, magnetic force, making her aware of his position even though she could not see him. He was light and movement and power, but she was as potent a force in her hidden mystery and patient stillness.
As if pulled by a tether he returned and landed in front of her with coiled grace, panting slightly and staring at her with commanding eyes. She smiled at him.
Immediately he reached for her and pulled her close, growling softly as he gripped her lower jaw with his teeth. Her miko powers flared against his youki where he touched her and she tried to pull back, startled by his action. He growled louder, tightening his hold on her arms to still her movements. An eerie glow appeared as their antagonistic powers ionized the air surrounding them. `What's wrong? What did I do? What should I do?' She went limp and turned her head, submitting to his hold.
The glow faded as he growled softly again, the sound pulsing the rhythm that she had come to recognize as Inuyasha's Pack Call. He released his hold slightly and nuzzled her under the chin, laving the indentations from his fangs with his tongue and causing her to shiver as the sensations of their competing powers tingled through her nerves. He took the point of her chin between his teeth and shook it slightly before nuzzling her again.
`He doesn't act like my hanyou. I have to find out what I did so I don't make him angry again.'
“Inuyasha? Why did you bite me? What did I do wrong?”
His smooth baritone voice soothed her while his touch continued to spark her arousal. “This Inuyasha did not bite you, my bitch. You bared your teeth to me and this Inuyasha gave you comfort.” He began nibbling along the line of her jaw toward the pulse point in her neck. “You have the most wonderful taste.”
Kagome gave a little moan of pleasure before pursuing the matter a bit further. “I was trying to express happiness.”
He kept up the assault on her senses as he spoke, his hands holding her upper arms still while he concentrated on nuzzling and kissing her neck. “Perhaps the hanyou would understand, but baring your teeth at me means either that you are nervous or that you are trying to establish dominance.”
`Oh! That explains Shiro's behavior earlier, too…wait a minute!' As she tensed with irritation at the dog's actions Inuyasha pulled back to stare down at her and she was struck by his resemblance to Sesshoumaru. “This Inuyasha does not wish you to feel nervous so he greeted you in the Pack manner.” He stroked her face with the back of a claw. “There is no need to fear me, you are my mate.”
“I wasn't nervous.”
It was his turn to tense, growling softly but menacingly, and as their powers flared again she realized her mistake. Immediately she bared her neck to him. “I…I wasn't being dominant either! Inuyasha, I'm human. I don't understand your language!”
He cocked his head and relaxed, his copper-eyed gaze compelling her to look straight back at him. “Perhaps it is a good thing that the hanyou has the human to help him understand your strange behavior.”
`Arrogant jerk!' In spite of the fact that he could kill her in a second she began to lose her temper. She shrugged out of his grip and hissed “My strange behavior?”
His eyes narrowed and he gave a warning growl but she glared at him, no longer spellbound to silence by his youki.
“You don't intimidate me just because you're full demon, Inuyasha.” They gazed in silence at one another for a moment before she ventured “Why do you think that smiling is strange behavior?”
He seemed to hesitate before saying cautiously “This Inuyasha does not express happiness by baring his teeth.”
She narrowed her eyes at him and leaned forward, unknowingly expressing dominance. “Obviously. So how do you express it?”
His eyebrows raised and he opened his mouth slightly, his breath coming slightly faster as his body went taut. “This Inuyasha does not wish to intimidate you. He is pleased that you are not weak, magnificent bitch.”
She leaned back and crossed her arms. “You didn't answer my question.”
He gave a growl of annoyance and flexed his clawed hands. “This Inuyasha answered it. You did not pay attention.” At her confused expression he growled “Why is this conversation necessary? This Inuyasha does not approve.”
She narrowed her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. “It's necessary because I want to understand you!”
“Then see what this Inuyasha sees.” He smiled at her and she realized why Sesshoumaru's smiles had always made her uncomfortable; it was not a human expression. He leaned forward and the smile deepened, but instead of comforting her it caused her to take a frightened step backwards.
“Do not fear this Inuyasha.” He stopped smiling and gazed at her seriously.
“I…I'm not afraid. But I don't know how to communicate with you. How will I understand?”
He stepped forward and traced a claw in a slow path from her chin down to her neck. “Do not speak with only your mouth.” The tip of his claw caught the necklace that held the small bottle with Kouga's shards around her neck and he flicked it to the side and out of his way. “Do not listen with only your ears.” He took a step closer and she felt his heat radiate against her skin. “Listen with your body,” he whispered as his claw moved downward to the collar of her tank top and teasingly traced patterns on the sensitive skin just underneath the fabric. “Feel my intent. Breathe in my words.” She opened her mouth and began to pant as his youki evoked a response from both her body and her power. His nostrils flared slightly and he nodded at her, still caressing her only with the single claw.
“Now you are ready to listen to this Inuyasha. You will understand.”
A low bass rumble began to throb in the air around her, the sound bringing the familiar lassitude of the Mate Call. Inuyasha continued to trace a path with his claw, sensuously caressing the bare skin on her shoulder before circling back underneath her collar again. She focused on the feeling and suddenly became more aware of sensations in her body; the subtle caress of their antagonistic powers, the heat of his body, the sounds of his breathing and the strong beat of his heart.
He traced the claw down her arm and picked up her hand, keeping his gaze locked on hers. Turning it palm up, he rubbed the finger pads of his other hand across the calluses on her index and middle fingers, developed after years of drawing her bow. “You fight well, my bitch.” Her entire palm tingled as his youki tangled with her miko powers.
She opened her mouth to speak but his next actions took away her breath. He held on to her hand and stroked his other hand up the side of her arm, his touch stimulating, sensuous, and purposeful. She gasped and closed her eyes as he reached her upper arm and placed his claws over several small white scars, one for each of his fingers and his thumb.
“This Inuyasha gave you these,” his voice mourned as he lifted her arm and twisted it slightly to place an open-mouthed kiss on the outermost scar, moving his hand to stroke the sensitive skin on the back of her arm. “I was bewitched,” he kissed the next scar, “trapped,” his wet kisses moved inwards and he turned her arm gently to have better access, “and I did not wish to hurt you.”
She gasped out “Why are you using `I' instead of `this Inuyasha'?”
He gave a soft whine as he gently nuzzled the innermost scar, his hand supporting her arm from behind. “There are times when I should not be alpha.” He kissed her arm again and his head unintentionally rubbed the side of her breast.
“Aaahh.” She couldn't help but release a little moan as the reverberations of his touch spiked down to her core, creating a pleasurable ache.
He raised his head and gave her a wicked look, his eyes partially hooded and suddenly very predatory. “But remember, my bitch, most of the time this Inuyasha is your alpha.” He leaned in and placed his fangs at the juncture of her neck and shoulder, nibbling lightly.
She trembled with the almost painful intensity of her arousal at the touch and reached for him with her free hand, stroking his long white hair and gently pulling until he raised his head. Freeing her hand from his hold, she cupped both hands around his jaw and pulled him up into a kiss.
Antagonistic miko and youki powers augmented the sensation of his smooth lips sliding sensuously across hers and the stroke of a sharp fang sent a bolt of arousal straight through her body. She moaned into his mouth and he growled the Mate Call in response.
She insinuated her hands within his haori and juban, stroking the smooth skin of his chest as he pulled her into a tight embrace. The air ionized around them as their powers tangled, swirling around them and twining their hair together in random patterns of shadow and moonlight.
Tasting her mouth with a deep kiss he began removing her clothes with infinite care, slowly pulling her tank top up, his hands spanning her back and stroking her shoulders. A flick of his claw across her back unfastened her bra and she couldn't summon the concern to find out if he had actually unclasped it or merely cut it. He reached for her breasts with both hands, pushing the material of her clothes up and cupping their weight in his palms, stroking the pads of his thumbs across the nipples. As she gasped and arched her neck in response, he smoothly pulled her top completely off and tossed it aside.
Electricity sparked briefly from the material as it landed but they ignored it, not realizing the effect of their powers as they perused each other with their hands, gazes locked.
“This first time will be for you.”
“First time?”
He opened his mouth and panted again and she suddenly realized that it was his smile. “This Inuyasha is an Inu, after all.” His hands stroked pleasure from her breasts and she trembled against him.
“I don't understand.”
“You will see what pleases this Inuyasha by the time this night is over.”
She traced the satin steel muscles of his chest with both hands and asked huskily “What pleases you? Let me please you.”
His hands left her front and stroked against her flanks, pulling her hips against him as he buried his face in her neck again, growling the Mate Call. The air ionized again but he pulled back after a moment, breathing hard.
“Do not test the control of this Inuyasha, my bitch.”
He pulled her back into a kiss, threading one hand through her hair and using the other to caress her breast with the tips of his claws. As she whimpered in response he slowly began moving that hand lower, splaying the fingers across the smooth skin of her stomach.
Suddenly she became the aggressor, growling in frustration at his slow advance and stripping his haori and juban down off of his shoulders. She reached for the ties to his hakama, maintaining the kiss but intensifying it, becoming almost frenzied in her need for him. As she pulled him free of his clothing he responded by growling and slicing her yoga pants from her hips in one smooth two-handed gesture, leaving them hanging in tatters from her legs. Still maintaining the kiss she kicked off her shoes, stepped out of the ruins of her pants, and pressed herself against his erection, rubbing the soft skin of her stomach against him.
He growled his approval into the kiss and lifted her up with effortless ease, one hand beneath her thigh and holding her open to him as he impaled her on his shaft. She arched back with a cry and came in contact with the bark of the Goshinboku. He pushed her against the tree as they coupled, one arm cushioning her back while the other supported her thigh, holding her hips at an angle that magnified her pleasure with each of his powerful thrusts. She gasped helplessly in his grip as she felt him get larger within her, the sensations in her core magnified throughout her body by the interplay between their powers.
She became aware of a mental touch, similar to the mind meld but far more primal. It was not a contact of thoughts but a bond of body and soul, a connection between his hard masculine force and her receptive femininity. She could feel it igniting her blood, surging through her body and mind, robbing her of sentience and driving her aroused body toward completion.
Eyes tightly closed as the sensations threatened to overwhelm her, Kagome did not see an ivory glow begin to pulse from Inuyasha's forehead, nor did he pay attention to the silver gleaming from under her sweat dampened bangs as he became lost in their mate connection.
She screamed his name as an intense orgasm reverberated throughout her body, milking him so that he climaxed with her. He howled her name and as they became one through the mate connection he gave one final hard thrust. Their youkai and miko powers bled together and the area surrounding them was blasted by the explosive force of that blending.
As she arched backwards at the peak of her pleasure the small glass vial containing the shards was ground against the bark of the Goshinboku. His final thrust against her pushed it deep within the bark and as their powers exploded the frail bottle shattered and drove the two shards into the living wood of the tree.
The Nexus erupted around her, the power shining brighter than the full moonlight.
Ex luna, scientia: Tertius: Latin; From the moon, knowledge (motto of Apollo 13), third..
Ojiisan: Japanese; grandfather.
Special thanks to RPW the Hun for beta work in these last two chapters!
A digression on Yin and Yang as represented in the Taijitu: Yin is the dark portion of the circle and represents aspects of the world that are dark, hidden, receptive, passive, yielding, cool, soft, and feminine. Yang (the light portion) represents aspects that are illuminated, manifest, aggressive, active, controlling, hot, hard, and masculine. One cannot exist without the other and the interior dots of each figure show that each force contains the seed of the other. Furthermore, the flow of the diagram shows that each force does not replace the other, it becomes the other. Earth is a yin object and the heavens represent yang. I chose the moon to represent yang although it is typically considered a yin object and the sun is the celestial embodiment of yang. Grant me poetic license, because the moon reflects the sun's light! It was fairly obvious where I took this with dark haired Kagome and the silver mane of Inuyasha; however, though yin is usually seen as feminine and yang as masculine, everything is a mixture of the two. Passivity can actually be quite active, as the martial arts of Judo and Aikido show: one does not originate an attack but uses the opponent's own force against them.
R&R Thanks:
Ranuel, Leo-mae, InuyashasBiggestFan, bluezinthos, toratsume, OrlandoLover, InuYoukai24, Okaasan-7, inuyashaloverr, SusyLynn, neobaby08, lunatickat, Vegetas4Life06
Ranitagoyle, Mrs. JediK1, kitsune-koinu, Photographing Poetry, Fenikkusuken, Lady Niltiak, Inuyasha05, Foenixfyre
Bless you all!