InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Facets of the Living Jewel ❯ Salve me! ( Chapter 63 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the other characters. Ms. Takahashi does. Houseki, though in need of a good psychotherapist, is mine.
Thanks to everyone who voted for `Facets' in IYFG's 4th quarter awards: it won two seconds, missing first place by two votes (Best AR/AU) and one vote (Best Serial). I'm honored that `Facets' is now up for voting in IYFG's Best of 2006 in four categories: Best AR/AU, Best Serial, Best Action/Adventure, and Best Characterization. If you're a member I'd be honored with your support and even if you don't vote for `Facets' there are other stories and categories which deserve a vote, too! You need to get over there, `cause the voting stops sometime this week (March 15? I'm not sure.).
As for the late update: my trusty old laptop and a cup of coffee had a head-on collision and neither survived. That coupled with midterms cut my writing time to nothing for two weeks. Sorry!
Salve me!
By Licentia poetica
Innin disconsolately leaned against the shoji of the Well House as she sat staring into the absolute blackness that surrounded all that was left of her home. Dust from the cataclysm that had destroyed her world covered her from head to foot, powdering her face completely except for twin vertical streaks etched by a continuous flow of tears. She cried quietly, one enervated hand upturned in her lap, the other lying limply on ground in front of her. She had been sitting for hours in the same position, her mind too numb with shock to process anything in her surroundings. Finally a subtle, flickering change in the illumination around her caused her to turn her head, but that movement brought her brain out of its paralysis. She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood as the enormity of her loss nearly overwhelmed her.
`My son, my brother, all my friends, everything I knew. Gone.'
The flicker of light dimmed as she looked over to the glowing Goshinboku, the only source of light left in the unmitigated darkness. A few cobblestones marked a thin tunnel to the glowing trunk; she could see a few lower branches and hear the soughing of leaves murmuring in a nonexistent wind, but concentrated shadows surrounded the tunnel on all sides, devouring the eerie glow that still emanated from the tree. The susurration of the leaves was the only sound in the profound quiet, the radiance of the tree the only light in the total blackness.
She cocked her head listlessly as a golden light, reminiscent of sunlight, flickered for a moment on one side of the tree before fading out.
`There it is again. I wonder what it means?'
She gave a start as a mental voice came from behind her. `Beloved.' The profound weariness in Kensei's tone touched her raw nerves and she staggered to her feet, her muscles protesting the sudden movement after hours of immobility.
`Kensei? Kensei, he's gone! Sota's gone!' She sobbed aloud, the sound deafening in the silence, and stumbled toward the Well, desperate for her husband's comfort. `He left me and ran into the house to try to save my brother. They never came back.' She reached the Well and grabbed on to the worn wood, clutching at it in frustration as she realized her physical need for his touch could not be filled. `They're gone!'
`Sota's gone? He can't be! I can feel'
`He was in the house when everything happened. There is nothing but blackness outside the sphere of your power except for a small tunnel to the Goshinboku. I can't see most of the tree but I can hear the leaves.'
`I don't understand...I can still… suddenly his voice took on a note of sorrow. `Gods I'm sorry, Innin. I wasn't enough. I couldn't keep you all safe.' Innin's head drooped at the sound of the pain in his mental voice, but her heartache was so strong that she could not find words of comfort.
They remained connected in silence for a while, sharing the pain of their loss. A flicker of light warmed the glow from the Goshinboku, reflecting off of the inside walls through the open shoji.
`What was that?' Kensei's voice was abrupt, concerned, but oddly held a glimmer of excitement.
`I don't know. Light…it's like sunlight, but it's over near the Goshinboku.'
`Does it come from the tree?'
`No. Is something wrong?'
`Beloved, light can't exist without time to carry it. I felt power, not light, and if the light isn't coming from the tree it means there's a time path being created out there.'
A fragile hope bloomed in Innin's chest. `Do you think it could be Sota?'
`I don't know, Beloved, but he's the only other free Time Lord that I know of besides Kagome. He shouldn't be powerful enough to forge his own time paths, he wasn't old enough! I felt tremendous power, and it reminds me of Kagome…I hope it's Sota.'
`So he's alive? He just has to find a way here?' Innin gave a sigh of relief and smiled happily, but the smile faded at her husband's next words.
`It isn't that simple, Beloved. There are literally an infinite number of possible time paths and he has to find the one path that will join with mine.'
`But the light…doesn't that mean he's found it?'
`I don't know, Beloved. Kagome is still forging the time in the past, I'm the anchor that assures you will all exist, and he has to find a way to connect to us both. He may not be able to unite with me until Kagome's time path has solidified.'
Another flicker of sunlight, stronger this time, illuminated the Goshinboku and reflected into the gloom of the well house.
Innin gave a gasp of relief. `There it is again! He's going to find us!'
`I hope so, Beloved. But don't be too hopeful.'
`Time is like a wave. Imagine you are singing without being able to hear, see, or feel, and you're trying to match someone else's note. They can sing an infinite number of notes at infinite volumes…it's almost impossible.'
`We have to help him!'
`I can't let go of the anchors of the Well. The only one who could possibly help him is Kagome, and there are strange things happening in the time on that side of the Well.'
Innin frowned and folded her arms. `There must be something I can do. I'm not just a helpless human, you know.'
`I never thought of you as helpless, Beloved, but what can you do?'
She gave a determined sigh and began to walk toward the tree. `I'm his mother. I may not have time powers but there is a connection between us and I'm going to call him. I'll just have to sing until he can hear me.'
Kirara stared balefully at Houseki. `This. Is. Unacceptable. Something must be done, and quickly, or this Brainless One will drive us all mad!'
A harsh call sounded above and every head jerked upwards as they scanned the sky through the foliage. A solitary crow swooped under the boughs of the Tree and landed next to Houseki, cocking its head to stare up at the amalgam with one unblinking eye. Suddenly a familiar, age-roughened voice emerged from somewhere on its back. “Oh, Lord Inuyasha! This is quite an interesting situation! It's lucky that I managed to catch a ride with my friend here, because now I can help you solve this problem!” As the crow gave another croak and spread its wings, a small figure bounced to the ground and immediately set off on a trajectory for Inuyasha's nose.
“Myouga?” Inuyasha gave a disgusted snort and used his blunted claws to pull the flea off before he could steal a blood meal. “Well, at least we know that the attacking demons can't be too close yet.”
The crow gave a series of odd rattling chirps before awkwardly hopping from the ground and deliberately buffeting Inuyasha's hand with its wings as it took to the air.
“Stop that, you ungrateful beast! I promised to never feed from you again!” Myouga turned in Inuyasha's grip and momentarily seemed to be trying to stab his proboscis into the fingers that held him. “I'd much rather feed off of…err.” He cleared his throat and glanced guiltily at Inuyasha's face as the hanyou brought him up to eye level. “Your blood, Lord Inuyasha…why does your blood have such a different smell?” Myouga's eyes began to glaze and he struggled to feed from the fingers that held him. “Such a wonderful, intoxicating, delicious—” Before he could finish the sentence Inuyasha flattened the flea between his fingers.
“Keh! You ain't feedin' off me, jijii!”
The flea popped back into shape and stared longingly at the hand near him. “But, Lord Inuyasha, your blood is practically pure haku! How can you expect me to resist? Every demon will want to feed from you!”
Kirara gave a low, warning growl and suddenly the flea demon shuddered and bowed his head. “I apologize, Lord Inuyasha. I am old and sometimes the pleasures of the flesh hold too much power over me.” He folded his arms as best he could in Inuyasha's grip and solemnly stated “I bring grave news. Mouryoumaru has absorbed the demonic powers of numerous low-level demons and he is surrounded by hundreds more. They are on their way to this village and could be here at any moment. You must be ready with the Tessaiga.”
“Keh! We already knew that.” Inuyasha sighed and looked up at his pack. “We don't have our normal powers and I can't use the Tessaiga.”
Myouga visibly paled. “What? Mouryoumaru is stronger and more abominable than before. You must get your powers back!” There was a moment of silence and Inuyasha released the flea demon, dropping him into his opened hand.
“We know. We will.” There was no mocking tone in Inuyasha's voice and he stared with a serious intensity at Kagome.
Myouga cocked his head and stared up at Inuyasha as if he didn't recognize the hanyou. Finally he jumped to Inuyasha's shoulder and gestured at Houseki. “What is that?”
When Inuyasha remained silent, Kirara, still in her demonic form, gave a low rumble followed by a series of short mews and yowls. When she finally subsided, she glanced at Houseki and gave a short hiss of displeasure.
“This is dreadful! It does explain why your blood scent is so wonderfully…err, I mean it explains why your blood is almost pure haku: Houseki holds your kon. Unfortunately, you are in terrible danger; Mouryoumaru and the demons will most assuredly feast on your delicious…err, your haku-filled bodies. You must find a way to balance immediately!”
“Well, there is a way that this can all be solved quickly when Mouryoumaru gets here,” Kagome said quietly, but at the sound of her soft voice Houseki suddenly began shaking its head violently in negation.
“No, no, no, no, no!” the amalgam began backing away from its creator, crossing its arms in front of it repeatedly in a gesture of denial. “We won't let us do that!” Obviously terrorized, it turned to Midoriko. “Don't let us do it! We're…mate-sister-mother's going to try to join with Moomoomaru! We can feel it!”
Midoriko stared at Houseki in consternation for one moment before her eyes widened and she whirled to face her pupil. “Kagome!” Midoriko's voice cracked like a whip in the morning air. “Do not seek to walk the path that I took; it is a trap and an abomination! Do not seek to use the Moonstone to make a new jewel with Mouryoumaru!”
Kagome glanced furtively at Inuyasha as he gave a vicious growl. Edging away from the group, she held out her hands in a placating gesture and explained “But through him I can forge a bond with Naraku and remove them both! When I anchored to the Goshinboku earlier I could remember how it felt when Kouga killed me. I was drawn to Naraku's power in the shards.” She turned to Midoriko as the older miko shook her head sharply in denial. “I know how you made the Shikon Jewel. I understand how to forge it with the time powers and with the Moonstone I can force a balance.” Her expression became plaintive and she reached one hand out to Inuyasha as he continued his furious growl, pleading for understanding. “I could fix all my mistakes! It's my fault that you've all lost your powers. It's my fault that the jewel was shattered in the first place! Maybe this is why I was brought back here…to make sure that there are four souls in the Shikon jewel.”
No! You will obey this Inuyasha in thismatter. Your duty is to the Pack and we will hold you with the Mate Connection. I won't let you do it. Houseki and Inuyasha glanced at each other with identical surprised expressions on their faces; they had spoken simultaneously.
“I have to fix this!” Kagome insisted.
No, Kagome! This time, Houseki, Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo all spoke with one voice and the leaves of the Goshinboku rustled in a wind that did not affect any other trees. Kagome gasped and staggered a bit as their combined powers fed back through her mind meld with Houseki.
Shaking her head in impotent frustration, she turned back to Midoriko and gestured to her friends. “Without their powers they'll all be killed, and I can't bear that. How else can I fix this? I have to do this!”
Midoriko shook her head with a melancholy smile. “Kagome, you must balance Houseki before you do anything else or you will take your friends with you into the new jewel. Besides, adding you and Naraku to the Shikon would only create a jewel with infinitely more power. The balance you would forge would still be corruptible by whoever possessed it!” She held up her hand in a warning gesture as Kagome opened her mouth to reply. “The power of the Shikon already lies in the balance between yin and yang: even at its most corrupt there is a core of purity; at its purest state there is still a taint. The energy, the power of the jewel, comes from the conflict between the two.” She shrugged and shook her head again. “It was created in conflict and there is no possible way to either purify or corrupt it completely. In order to prevent it from being used it must be destroyed and removed from the time threads.”
“Again, you are telling me to kill you.” Kagome's voice quavered on the last words.
Midoriko glanced at Houseki and her lips quirked in an odd smile. “None of us can know what will happen when the Living Jewel destroys the Shikon. There are more powers at work here than ours, and you must....” Suddenly she turned back to Kagome with narrowed eyes and her voice dropped to an intense whisper. “It would be better to have my soul obliterated for all time than to have my will and intent robbed from me every time some power hungry idiot gets their hands on me through the Shikon. Yes, if it is necessary, I am telling you to kill me.”
Kagome stared at her sensei in horror.
“Ah, but making a new jewel isn't the only way to get the powers back to their rightful owners. You have me, after all!” Myouga interrupted the tense silence, the jocularity of his voice completely at odds with the discussion.
Inuyasha sighed and picked up the flea with his thumb and forefinger. “What are you babbling about, jijii?”
“Isn't it obvious? You need a male and a female demon to complete the balance. I am the ultimate representation of wisdom and surely you would all agree that the lovely Kirara is the epitome of courage. You have your balance right here!”
Absolute silence fell as the entire group stared at the diminutive demon.
After a few tense moments Houseki began to laugh. “Hahahahahaha! Eeehee,hee,hee, hee!” The amalgam snorted with laughter and shouted “That's funny, Myouga!”
The flea demon folded his double sets of arms and tried to look as dignified as he could while gripped in Inuyasha's fingers. “I fail to see what is so funny.”
Houseki continued to laugh as the rest of the group exchanged glances.
Miroku gave a long sigh and said irritably “Houseki, hush!” He turned to Kagome and whispered ruefully “It is somewhat disconcerting to find my innermost thoughts revealed so blatantly by our collective subconscious.”
Houseki stopped laughing and stared at Miroku with a puzzled but somehow delighted frown. “Is that what we are? A collecting subconfucius? That sounds…uhh…” it cocked its head for a moment and then said carefully “…hhmmm, we didn't get that right, did we?”
Miroku raised his hand to forestall any further comments. “Never mind, Houseki.” He quirked an eyebrow at Kagome and at her confused shrug he turned to Myouga, still held between Inuyasha's diminished claws. “Perhaps I can enlighten you on Houseki's response to your generous offer. The joining of minds for the Living Jewel is based on mutual trust and acceptance. It was difficult for Lady Kagome and myself to establish the proper mind set that allowed our joining and,” he glanced lovingly at Sango, “it was not until several impediments were removed that we were able to join at all.”
Myouga opened his mouth to reply but Midoriko held up a forestalling hand. “It is a kind offer, but I'm afraid there are obstacles.”
Myouga bristled. “Why?”
Midoriko sighed and hesitated for a moment. “The reason that I chose to teach Kagome and the others about the Living Jewel was that their souls were so close to being in balance already and they knew how to rely on each other. Courage, wisdom, faithful acceptance, and love had to be balanced within them so that they could contribute their strongest aspect to the jewel. I'm afraid that, in spite of your obvious wisdom and intelligence, the response from Houseki indicates that the group cannot accept your offer.”
Myouga turned to Inuyasha with a frown. “You don't trust me?”
Inuyasha smirked “Oh yeah, we trust you all right. We trust you to run when there's danger. How can we trust you to fight Naraku with us?”
“I run away because I am wise! It's the smartest thing to do!”
“You're a coward, flea,” Inuyasha growled, then glanced over at Miroku with a smirk on his face. “Miroku's smart, but I'd let him fight at my back any day. If we need more wisdom, we need some with some balls.”
“Perhaps not, Pride Leader.”
The attention of the entire group had been fixed on Myouga and Inuyasha and they had missed the swirl of youki behind Sango.
As they all reacted to her smooth contralto voice, Kirara stepped forward in her humanoid form. Houseki's scream of surprise startled them again and Myouga used Inuyasha's moment of astounded inattention to escape the hanyou's grip and leap back up onto his shoulder.
“Quiet, Brainless One.” Kirara glared at Houseki as she glided forward, her movements feline and graceful as she walked to Inuyasha. She reached up and pulled the astonished hanyou's head down so that she could rub her cheek against his, then stated calmly “I am sorry I waited so long to show how much I trust you, Pride Leader.”
“Kirara?” Inuyasha twitched his nose, testing her scent and obviously unsatisfied with his blunted senses.
“Yes, Pride Leader.” Kirara turned to look at the rest of the group, an enigmatic smile on her face. `Well, I've finally revealed my true nature to my Pride. If things weren't so serious, I think I'd rather enjoy their astonishment.' She softened her smile as she looked at Sango, knowing her kitten would feel some hurt.
Sango stared at her with wonder but then her face fell a bit. “Kirara? All these years you were able to…why— ”
Kirara interrupted her, knowing the question before it was asked. “Why didn't I let you and the rest of the Pride know? It was not for lack of trust or love; you are my kitten.” She walked up to Sango and began to purr, standing on her tiptoes to rub her cheek against the taller woman's jaw. Placing both hands on Sango's cheeks she gently forced her head down so that they could look into each other's eyes. “After all that we have been through together, do not begin to doubt that I would give my life for you.” She purred a bit louder and turned back to the rest of the group, shrugging noncommittally. “I am a Neko and it is my nature to reveal little of what I am, even to those I love. Accept me as I am, even I as accept you.”
“Keh. I always thought you were too damn smart for a mouse chaser,” Inuyasha smirked and folded his arms. “I trust you too, Kirara.”
Kirara gave a little growl at his jibe but inclined her head to him when he nodded at her. She purred quietly and waited patiently while the astonishment waned on each of their faces.
“There, see?” Myouga's voice was petulant. “She shows great courage in revealing her true form to you. Of course, with my powerful demonic wisdom, I knew she had the ability to be in that form all along!”
Kirara growled and stared malevolently at the flea demon. She opened her mouth to make a scathing comment, but at that moment Runt came running into clearing in a frantic haste.
The Kai-wolf ran up to Shiro and Inuyasha, tail and head drooped in submission as she brought the bad news from the village. “Pack Leaders! The Unscented One is in the human dens with the Pack Eldest and Pack Sister Sango's brother. Pack Eldest told us to warn you away.”
Inuyasha growled viciously and translated for the group. “Kanna's in the village with Kaede and Kohaku. We can't let her see us this way.”
Midoriko and Sango gasped simultaneously. Sango turned toward the village and began to run, but Jinx stepped in front of her and blocked her path. As the Kai-wolf gave a low growl of warning, Sango turned to Inuyasha. “I have to go make sure he is safe! I can't let him be alone with Kanna!”
Before he answered, Inuyasha first glanced at Midoriko. She had turned toward the village with a look of fear on her face, but as he watched she looked down at the ground with a sigh and shook her head, remaining in place. He turned to Sango and was about to speak when Runt yipped to get his attention. “Pack Sister Sango's brother is scented with danger again. He regained the scent on the path back to the dens, just as the Unscented One came onto our territory with a demon carrying the Big Falcon. The Big Falcon's scent is…there but not there. He is badly injured, but…I do not know what his scent means.”
As she paused in confusion, Inuyasha growled “Sango, wait. It isn't just Kanna, and Kohaku's shard is under the influence of Naraku again.” He glanced at Midoriko as he spoke, but other than a tightening around her mouth she remained still. “Yourei Taisei has been badly injured and Kanna had him carried here.” At that statement Midoriko looked up at him, her face bleak. Turning back to Runt he asked in Inu “Did Kohaku tell Kanna where to find us?”
“No, Pack Leader. As the scent of danger increased the Unscented One had the demon strike Pack Sister Sango's brother. He is in the hurt sleep.” She cocked her head and in a bewildered tone said “Then the Unscented One killed the demon. I do not understand. Is the Unscented One helping the Pack?”
Growling his frustration at not being able to see the situation for himself, Inuyasha translated for the group before answering her question. “Kohaku's been struck unconscious and Kanna killed the demon that did it, but somehow Runt thinks Kanna made the demon hit Kohaku in the first place. I need to get down there and see what's going on.” Turning back to Runt, he squatted down to look her in the eyes. As she averted her face he growled his approval and scratched her head and neck. “I don't know if Kanna is helping. You did well, Runt.” He stood up to survey the group and as he met Midoriko's eyes she spoke gravely, her voice stern and commanding.
“You must balance Houseki and return your powers to your bodies. Naraku took control of the shard when Kohaku was out of my sphere of influence. I do not know what Kanna's role is in all of this, but you must assume the worst.” She turned to Kagome. “Find a way to balance, now.”
“I…how can we balance with Kirara and Myouga? It took days for Miroku and I to make a connection!”
“It is simple. You will not use Myouga for wisdom,” purred a contralto voice.
Everyone turned to look at Kirara, who was inspecting her nails. She looked up, smiling her inscrutable smile, and stated calmly “I am the obvious choice for wisdom. A Neko, and in this case a Nekomata, is the most wise, cunning, wily and intelligent being.” She returned to inspecting her nails and brushed at an invisible piece of dust. “You have mere human intelligence with My Miroku. Choose me for animal wisdom and I will also give you the obvious choice for the male demon to represent courage.”
“Well, it sure as hell ain't Myouga.” Inuyasha growled, ignoring the flea demon's squeak of protest.
Kirara patted the hair on the side of her face to make sure it was in place and gave him an arch look. “No. It is not Myouga, but although the demon I have in mind is the obvious choice he is both arrogant and cautious. We must be careful in our approach to him. Your kind of courage is brash and impetuous; he is calculating and will let an opportunity pass if he feels that it does not fit into his long range plans.” An odd look appeared on her face and she said quietly “It takes a different kind of courage to plan and remain patient, bending others to your will so that your plans will come to fruition.”
Inuyasha snorted in irritation. “Yeah, well it won't do any good to ask this demon to join us if we don't trust him and he doesn't trust us. Who the hell is it?”
“He is someone you know well. He has honor and strength and I believe he will trust you.” Kirara sighed irritably and looked a bit put out. “He recently showed that he trusted me and at the same time gave me a lesson in courage; he dared to risk years of planning on my actions. I only hope he is not too irritated at my natural response.”
“Kirara.” Inuyasha practically growled her name, obviously barely holding on to his temper. “Who. Is. It.”
Kirara sighed again. “Use your best judgment, Pride Leader, and do not react hastily.”
Kirara hissed, obviously put out. “It is Lord Sesshoumaru, the Inu no Taisho. Your brother.” Slightly under her breath, she added “Pfffffft Hhhsssss.”
Houseki jumped up and down, obviously excited and pleased. “Oh, yeah! What a wonderful idea!” Without waiting for anyone else's response, the amalgam threw back its head and howled “AAII, AAII, OOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEAAAH!”
As the Kai-wolves answered the Cry and they heard Bandit, Aoi, and the dogs of the village answering in the distance, Inuyasha seethed “Damnit Houseki! That was the wrong Cry!”
Houseki looked confused. “What? That's what brought him before! It was the ChallengePack Cry. You did not wait to consult this Inuyasha. So what? So he's gonna be angry when he answers, that's what. He will require death or exile, especially since this is the second challenge. Houseki's eyes widened and it brought its hands up to its mouth. “Oops!”
For a moment everyone was in stasis, but then Houseki ran to Inuyasha, pushing Runt aside as it grabbed his arm. “You'll save us, won't you, mate-father-brother?”
Myouga mumbled something and leaped off of Inuyasha's shoulder.
“Well, I think that says everything,” Inuyasha grumbled. “Unless I can find a way to make him listen to me, he'll destroy you.”
“What will happen to the rest of us if Houseki is destroyed?” Sango asked, a bit of hysteria in her voice as she held her stomach with both hands.
Kagome looked at Midoriko hopefully. “I don't know, but perhaps—”
Midoriko cut her off. “You will die. Houseki holds your kon.”
“Perhaps our kon will be reunited with our bodies. After all, Houseki is an artificial separation of our kon and haku, so we don't really know what will happen,” Miroku interceded, his voice calm and abstracted.
“Your only hope is the positive response of Houseki,” Midoriko said carefully. “But you must be able to persuade Lord Sesshoumaru to join with you, and that might be difficult.”
Several voices were raised in debate but suddenly Inuyasha growled loudly, causing them all to look at him and go silent. “Kagome's attached to Houseki with a mind meld. If Sesshoumaru attacks Houseki, he's attacking Kagome and she could die. I won't allow that, so any solution we come up with has to be now and has to prevent him from upholding Pack Law. This will not be easy.”
“It is in his nature to uphold the Law. He is a Pride Leader, after all.” Kirara moved to step in front of Inuyasha and Houseki and with a flare of youki assumed her demonic form. Looking back over her shoulder, she growled in Neko “I think I know how to speak to him, Mmrrowhhsssaa. Will you trust my wisdom?”
Houseki, Midoriko, Kagome, and Miroku suddenly jerked their heads, responding to a strong pulse of youki coming from the west. At the same time a rumble, the signature of a large mass moving at supersonic speeds through the atmosphere, began to increase in intensity. Inuyasha stared into Kirara's enigmatic eyes and said quietly “I trust you with my life, Kirara, but I am alpha. We'll save Kagome together.'
Kirara gave a purr and averted her eyes. “Thank you, Mmrrowhhsssaa. You honor me, as I honor you.” She crouched and tensed her muscles, fire appearing at her tail tips and flexing claws, as Inuyasha stepped up next to her.
The sonic rumble increased to the point of pain. Inuyasha flattened his ears and yelled “Shit, he's pissed! Runt, Jinx, flank Houseki.” Switching to Japanese, Inuyasha called out “Midoriko, Miroku, Sango, stay by Kagome and Shippo.” He looked down at Shiro and shouted “Will you guard my mate?” Shiro glanced at Houseki and gave the dog equivalent of a shrug before trotting over to stand next to Shippo and Kagome. The kit reached over and grabbed on to Shiro's ruff, shaking like a leaf.
The rumble increased in pitch and volume, culminating in a large explosion as Sesshoumaru's energy form landed in a blast of youki, flattening several smaller trees and causing them to shield their eyes against the dust created by the immense whirlwind. A loud snarl split the air as Sesshoumaru's energy form began to morph into the shape of a massive inu.
A large paw solidified, but in the sudden silence after the snarl another sound caused them all to gasp in alarm, jerking their heads to the south.
The piercing cries of hundreds of demons clamoring for blood.
The sky darkened with jyaki—Mouryoumaru had arrived.
Salve me! Latin; Save me!
Jijii: “gramps”, old man
Haku: the force that moves the body
Kon: along with tamashii it is the heart or soul: the intelligence, conscience, spiritual sensitivity, and divine intuition that ascends after death.
Jyaki: evil energy
Warning: there will be a TON of edits coming up. Sorry to spam your boxes but I want to leave `Facets' in the best shape I can (yeah, we're nearing the end). I'm particular about my writing, but I think you appreciate a well crafted story.
Thank you RPW The Hun and Ranuel for beta work!
R&R Thanks:
Neko-sama, Fenikkusuken, ghost2279, tigerlillyhime
Inuyashaloverr, Em, Ranuel, BladesoftheValkyrie, InuyashasBiggestFan, inuyoukaikiyo, Isc33
Photographing Poetry, Inuyasha05, kitsune-koinu, Taeniaea, hanyou master, shalinilahiri, Mrs. JediK1, Fenikkusuken
And a great big thank you to all my readers!