InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Facets of the Living Jewel ❯ In his ordo est ordinem non servare ( Chapter 68 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the other characters, Ms. Takahashi does.
In his ordo est ordinem non servare
By Licentia poetica
“Do you mean to tell this Sesshoumaru that you have absolutely no idea how to access and use the inherent power of the connection we just formed?” The taiyoukai's voice was calm, almost conversational, but the spike in his youki caused Shippo to look up from where he was coloring with Rin in the shade and evoked an answering rise in Kagome's houriki; she flinched. “That we have forged a potent weapon but neither you nor the monk has any concept of how to wield it?” He raised one eyebrow in polite inquiry, but his youki continued to roil.
Kagome blushed hotly and ducked her head in response. “I've tried the mind meld…it doesn't work like it used to,” she answered ashamedly, self-consciously adjusting the bandages on the three injured Kai-wolves lying next to her in the shed. `It's like…looking into a deep, black hole! I was too scared to try to reach anyone.'
“Keh! Leave her alone. It's not like you and I figured out the old man's fangs that fast,” Inuyasha growled over his shoulder from his protective stance at the crest of the hill.
Kagome glanced at her mate from under her concealing bangs, grateful for his support but still deeply embarrassed. `I can't believe I never asked Mama or Sensei Midoriko what would happen after I formed the Jewel. I never even questioned that it had to be done and now Sensei's gone andand I don't know what I'm supposed to do!' She raised her head and stared morosely at Runt's freshly dug grave. Inuyasha had buried the Kai-wolf underneath one of the trees near the Kai-wolves' weather-beaten shed while Kagome had bandaged Shiro, Jinx, and a battered Aoi under the forlorn gaze of Bandit. The beta male now lay at Jinx's back, his mournful eyes watching every movement around him cautiously. Sesshoumaru had stood at the top of the hill after moving the dead and injured to the village. Most of the time he had watched Kaede's hut but at other moments Kagome had looked up from her ministrations to briefly meet his intense, probing gaze. `I thought he felt he was above helping Inuyasha dig Runt's grave, but I guess he was just guarding us. I'm grateful he gave me Kaede's potion to make the Kai-wolves sleep.' She glanced at Inuyasha again; he was standing in the exact spot where Sesshoumaru had held his vigil. `I should have realized it was Kanna bothering him; the two of them don't trust her at all.'
Inuyasha radiated a tense, guarded aura, which gave her a slight headache and disturbed her concentration. Like her, he was now fully clothed again, standing with his ears perked forward and his body angled so that he could see the shed and still be able to look down the hill toward Kaede's hut. Though his arms were crossed within the sleeves of his suikan and he appeared relaxed, she knew he was poised to pivot in either direction to protect his packmates. `Except for the time that Sesshoumaru guarded us, he hasn't taken his eyes off of Kanna since we returned from the clearing. His stripes are so vivid—he's worried about Miroku and Sango being down there with her, but she's just sitting next to Yourei Taisei near Kaede's hut.' She shifted slightly, tucking a whimpering puppy closer to Aoi's warmth as she thought of the distressing task her adopted sister was performing down in the village. Poor Sango. If only I didn't have to figure out why the Jewel won't form! At least she still has Kaede and Miroku…Miroku was already saying the Makuragyo at the clearing and Kaede and I will help with the Otsuya. I still can't believe that the villagers agreed to allow Kohaku to be cremated! He wasn't one of their leaders but he was taiji-ya and Sango will be able to take his ashes back to her old village. And maybe…is Sota really Kohaku's reincarnation? Will he remember when we go back to the other side of the well?'
Sesshoumaru's youki flared briefly and she looked up to find him staring at her with narrowed eyes, his cocked eyebrow reiterating his unanswered question.
`Oops! I haven't answered him and he's getting angry.' Kagome sighed, closed her eyes, and massaged her temples to ease the growing headache that his flaring youki was giving her. `I can't remember Sensei or Mama saying a word about what we should do when there were four of us and now there are eight. Is there something that I missed? Maybe Mama knows…or Papa. Somehow I have to persuade Inuyasha to let me go through the well.' Taking a calming breath, she opened her eyes and met Sesshoumaru's now impassive gaze. His eyebrow was still raised politely, but she could feel the underlying tension in his youki so she cleared her throat and tried her best to answer him. “I'm sorry, Lord Sesshoumaru, but Sensei Midoriko was preparing us for something that had never been done before. I know that she wanted the four of us to act as a unit and that was why Yourei Taisei was teaching Inuyasha and Sango new techniques together. It was why Miroku and I learned to meditate together, too, but with eight of us…I'm really not sure just what we are supposed to do and how to act as a unit.” She winced as another pulse of youki evoked an answering spike of pain in her head. “Please just give me…give us a little time to sort this out. We are all involved, but have no one to teach us how to use the power now.”
Sesshoumaru's eyebrow lowered gradually and his face became stoic again. “This Sesshoumaru will allow you time, miko.” His lip curled slightly. “But not much. You will practice and attain mastery of this weapon. Your inability to control it puts this Sesshoumaru's power in inept hands.”
Inuyasha looked directly at his brother and growled fiercely; the taiyoukai snarled back until Kirara stuck her head out from under his mokomoko-sama and began purring, stroking her forehead under the taiyoukai's chin. Kagome, though angry at his words, suppressed a grin as Sesshoumaru blinked once and his growls subsided, stopping completely when Inuyasha stopped growling as well and resumed looking down the hill at Kaede's hut. Kagome thought she saw her mate's mouth twitch as his head turned. `He's trying not to laugh, but it is cute to watch Kirara melt “this mighty Sesshoumaru” and calm him down. He's being a jerk…but he has a point.'
Kirara made a small chirping sound and snuggled under the mokomoko-sama again. Sesshoumaru took a deep breath and growled something that made Inuyasha glance back at him for a moment. When the hanyou turned away, he bit his lip and his shoulders shook momentarily. `I wish I could understand what they're saying and what's so funny!' Kagome thought irritably, remaining seated as the taiyoukai gracefully turned and stalked over to stand next to his brother.
A deep silence fell over the group. Kagome watched a slight breeze chase tree branch shadows after the late morning sunlight, rippling waves in the long grasses of the hill and ruffling Aoi's pelt where she lay next to Kagome.
Sesshoumaru turned his head and gave the daydreaming Time Lord a stern look. “Practice, miko. Do not make it necessary for this Sesshoumaru to chastise you for wasting time he does not have.”
Kagome bristled and Inuyasha gave a feral growl. `So…just like that, Lord of the Pack Sesshoumaru? You think it's that easy?' She fisted her hands and tensed to stand but Aoi stopped her, nosing her fist and whining softly. The mokomoko-sama on Sesshoumaru's shoulder rippled for a moment as Kirara reached up and batted Sesshoumaru's ear; a rapid series of neko and inu growls ensued. `I wish I could understand what they're saying!' She settled back irritably and sat seiza, preparing to try meditation once again, as Inuyasha visibly relaxed and shot her a mischief-filled glance.
Her attention was drawn from the tableau as Aoi whimpered; the Kai-wolf had tried to point her ears and the bandages wrapped around the tattered pinnae made them stick out from her head at an odd angle. Kagome gave a sympathetic sound and reached down to pat the bandages back in place. “I'm sorry, Aoi.” She shook her head as the Kai-wolf bitch sighed and placed her nose on her forepaws, blinking her eyes sleepily. `I can't believe she held off three demons all by herself!' Her smile widened as she mentally added, `Well, she had a little help from the pup.'
Three five-eyed, giant rat demons had broken off from the main group that morning and attacked the den, thinking that the nursing bitch and her pups would be easy prey. Aoi had severely injured one almost immediately and had managed to hold the other two at bay until Inuyasha, still staring at the Moonstone in Kagome's palm, had heard the fracas. He had paused only a moment to growl something at Sesshoumaru, fist Kagome's hand around the Moonstone, and swing her around onto his back. She had felt Shippo leap on to her shoulder as Inuyasha raced away, ignoring her surprised gasp and the astonished calls from Miroku and Sango.
“Hang on tight, kit,” was all Inuyasha had said, and before she could get her bearings to ask what was going on he had tossed her off of his back, spinning to catch her and steady her on her feet. She had a moment to process that she was behind the Kai-wolves' shed and that he had caught her without looking at her; his head was turned to the side and his ears were pricked forward as he growled menacingly at the noises on the other side.
She had barely taken a breath and steadied herself before he barked something at Shippo and sprang away, leaping gracefully toward the front of the shed and the feral snarls coming from Aoi. Kagome had taken one step forward, wondering at the gratingly high squealing sounds coming from the other side of the shed, but Shippo had tugged on her hair and said sharply, “No, Mama.”
She had turned her head in astonishment at the command in his voice, but before she could say anything the squealing sounds had become death screams and Shippo's grasp on her hair slackened. The kit had sniffed the air carefully before making a high whining sound. When he was answered by a low, huffing growl from the other side of the shed, he jumped from her shoulder and turned around to speak, lowering his head and looking away as he saw the irritation in her face.
“You can go now, Mama,” he had said quietly, his gaze flickering between her face and the ground. “Inuyasha says he's killed the demons and it's safe now.”
`I'm not helpless!' She had taken a deep breath and let it out, tamping down on her anger. `They're just trying to keep me safe and Shippo is following Inuyasha's orders.' Holding out her hand, she had tried to inject kindness in her tone when she replied, “Thank you for guarding me, Shippo.” The abashed kit had straightened up, his face alighting with a relieved grin, and the rest of her anger had vanished as he happily leaped to her shoulder and nuzzled her hair.
The remaining demon was still barely alive; Aoi's sharp teeth had torn out part of its throat and Inuyasha dispatched it easily with one swipe of his claws. Kagome shook her head slightly as she recalled how the dissolution of the body had revealed the little white pup, his eyes still fused closed, growling in a high soprano as he clumsily tugged on its vanishing ear with his milk teeth. `He's going to be a little demon himself, I can tell. That thing was bigger than his mama!'
Aoi stirred under her ministrations and nosed her hand. `Thank goodness Aoi wasn't hurt too badly and the pups are safe.' She glanced furtively at Sesshoumaru, who had moved to stand next to his brother during her musings. The brothers' silver hair stirred in the breeze as they both stared down the hill, growling softly to each other, and she sighed with resignation. `They don't trust Kanna, but we don't know whether she was helping us or not. For them it's black and white; they don't want her here, but sometimes you have to try to trust people and I'd rather she stayed with us. She is just a child, after all.'
Sesshoumaru growled something and Inuyasha gave one short, sharp yip in response, his eyes straying briefly to Sesshoumaru's face before returning to focus with predatory ferocity on Kanna. Kagome watched the two converse quietly in Inu. `I wonder what happened in the clearing after we left. Sesshoumaru is probably telling Inuyasha off for leaving him there to deal with all the `weak humans'; he wasn't happy when they came back to the village.' Sesshoumaru glanced over at her and raised one eyebrow. `Oh for…yes, Bossy Alpha Male! I'll try to form the Living Jewel again!' She closed her eyes and focused on slowing her breathing to enter a meditative state.
In reality, a stunned Inuyasha had yipped in astonishment when Sesshoumaru asked him politely to guard the Pack alone while he went back to the tono to reassure the other Packs and his betas. “What?” `Fuckin' amazing...the asshole is asking me?'
Keeping the conversation in Inu, Sesshoumaru continued, “You and the Pack are sufficient to the task, brother. This Sessh—I must return to the tono; there will be repercussions because of my rapid departure this morning and my time here is limited.” He shifted slightly as Rin and Shippo giggled behind them, turning inward toward Inuyasha so that he could glance at the two before shifting his gaze to Kagome. He gave a soft growl before turning back.
Inuyasha kept his eyes on Kanna's motionless form. “I know I can handle it, Pack brother. I just can't believe you'd bother to ask me.” He gave a low snarl and continued, “So…you've gotta go make excuses why you'll be associating with your hanyou half-brother and the humans in his Pack?”
Sesshoumaru returned the low snarl, escalating the volume slightly. “This Sesshoumaru agreed to accept our Pack. Do you doubt his word?”
Inuyasha turned his head to stare dominance and snap a bitter rejoinder, but paused as Kirara began a soft purr from under Sesshoumaru's mokomoko-sama. `Shit, she's right. I need to calm down.' Looking back at Kanna so that dominance wouldn't be an issue, he took a deep breath and said quietly “No, I don't doubt your word…Pack brother.” He shook his head. `He's serious, but after all these years I can't believe he's accepted me.' He finally added, “It's difficult, sharing alpha status.”
“Hn. This Sesshoumaru agrees…it is difficult.”
“You will get used to it. After all, it makes so much more sense to do things the Neko way,” Kirara purred softly as she pushed the mokomoko-sama aside, washing the paw that moved it as soon as the fur was arranged to her satisfaction.
The taiyoukai moved his left arm slightly; flexing his shoulder just enough to realign the mokomoko-sama back to its original position. Kirara's body disappeared under the fur and Inuyasha, glancing briefly at Sesshoumaru in response to the movement, had to suppress a laugh as the tip of her nose, wrinkled in disgust, became the only part of her that was visible.
Kirara gave a hiss of irritation and Sesshoumaru answered her with an alpha's admonishing growl; Inuyasha looked back at Kanna and bit hard on the inside of his cheek to suppress his laughter.
“Pfffffft Hhhsssss,” Kirara continued warningly, batting the mokomoko-sama aside and sitting up.
“Peace, little one.” Sesshoumaru said quietly but forcefully in Japanese, pulling the nekomata from his shoulder and tucking her into the crook of his arm.
As Kirara gave a little grumbling growl followed by a lingering hiss of complaint, Inuyasha hazarded another glance and nearly choked trying to stifle his laughter. In spite of her angry tone, Kirara's eyes were half-closed in pleasure as his brother petted her head absentmindedly with his regenerated arm. `He's getting his scent all over her where she can't wash it off and he doesn't even realize what he's doing!'
Sesshoumaru continued on in Inu as if the interchange with Kirara had not happened. “In Pack Law it does not make sense to share the alpha position; however, I am now your alpha and you…,” he paused and a slight frown appeared on his face. “You are my alpha as well. It will be difficult, but we have fought together and protected each other before. There is…potential.”
Sobering and ignoring Kanna for the moment, Inuyasha turned his head completely and stared into his brother's eyes. He nodded his head once and grinned slightly, showing just enough fang to express dominance and yet not threaten; a human would have called it a smile. “We're Pack.”
“We are Pack,” Sesshoumaru reiterated, his facial expression a mirror image of his half brother's for a moment before he showed a bit more fang. As Inuyasha narrowed his eyes in response, the taiyoukai continued, “However, it will still be necessary to present you to the Packs for acceptance and you must defer to me as Inu no Taisho at that time.”
Giving a disparaging snort, Inuyasha turned back to make sure that Kanna had not moved. “I won't grovel.”
“This Sesshoumaru expects you to follow Pack Law. You are the Inu no Taisho's blood brother and Packmate,” the taiyoukai replied in a deceptively smooth tone of voice, “but this Sesshoumaru will not allow you to dishonor our father's blood. You will defer to me.”
“I. Won't. Grovel.” Inuyasha's hair began to stir in his youki's wind.
Sesshoumaru's fanged grin widened and his voice became even smoother as he responded, “You are an ignorant half-breed, Inuyasha. Most taiyoukai alphas find groveling distasteful but…,” he paused and watched as Inuyasha's youki flared, letting his own rise in response. As red bled into the hanyou's eyes, the taiyoukai actually snorted a laugh. With a voice as smooth as his silks, he finished, “But, this Sesshoumaru said `defer' not `grovel'.”
What the hell?' Narrowing his eyes as he scented relaxed amusement coming from his brother, Inuyasha growled “You're just fucking with me?”
“Your lack of knowledge and tendency to make assumptions makes it so easy to annoy you, Inuyasha. However, this Sesshoumaru would be delighted to accommodate you if you insist on groveling.”
`Oh, fuck you, asshole.' As Inuyasha opened his mouth to snarl a rude epithet, he was shocked silent as Sesshoumaru suddenly gave a startled yip. Kirara had driven her front claws into his forearm.
“Stop it, Rrowhhsss Pfffffft,” she hissed in Neko.
Sesshoumaru growled and clamped his hand around the back of her neck. “Cease your liberities with my person, jigokuneko.”
“You are taking liberties with me, Pfffffft! How dare you try to scruff me!” Kirara hissed as she twisted under his grip. “Stop that! You're leaving your scent all over me!”
“I take no liberties, jigokuneko,” the taiyoukai replied, relaxing his fingers just enough to lightly scratch beneath her jaw. “You offered your submission and this Sesshoumaru accepted. You should have my scent; you are mine now.”
Kirara abruptly withdrew her claws and froze in position, the tips of her two tails quivering. “I'm…yours?” She hissed quietly, her eyes dilating.
`Well…shit!' Inuyasha glanced from Kirara's astonished face to his brother's caressing fingers. `He accepted her? Keh, the bastard means to get his scent all over her.'
[It is the neko who does not realize what she continues to promise.]
`Keh…I never thought I'd be glad to hear you again. Why are you two so quiet?'
(We have better control now.)
`Hell, yeah! So, what is she promising?'
[She submits to him as Kagome submits to us. She continues to accept his touch, in spite of the anger in her scent; given our Pack brother's acceptance of her, they will probably mate.]
Kirara gave an odd-sounding mew that he couldn't translate. “You forget your place, My-Sesshoumaru. No one owns a Neko. You belong to me.”
The taiyoukai continued to stroke Kirara's jaw and a small, visible tremor rippled through Kirara's fur. “You offered yourself to this Sesshoumaru. He is your alpha and you will play this game by his rules. You are mine.”
“We shall see, My-Sesshoumaru.”
It took all of Inuyasha's hard-won control not to laugh out loud as, in spite of her acerbic tone, Kirara arched her neck under his brother's ministrations and contentedly closed her eyes.
`An Inuyoukai and a Nekomata?'
(That's just…wrong.)
[They will not mate in their youkai forms.]
(But…“the entire world is beneath my notice” Sesshoumaru and “the entire world is beneath a Neko” Kirara?)
[They have a great deal in common: ice and fire; Inu and Neko. Completely opposite, completely arrogant. They deserve each other.] The youkai voice was filled with humor and Inuyasha finally could not suppress a bark of laughter.
Sesshoumaru and Kirara both glared daggers at him, but he was saved from explaining as Kanna responded to his laughter by turning her head and looking up toward the sound. The movement from below caused the hanyou and the two youkai to instantly focus on the potential threat. Three matching growls rippled down the hill and Kanna glanced at each of the trio before turning her head away again and staring into her mirror.
Inuyasha broke off his growl. “Before you leave Sesshoumaru, tell me what happened after I left the clearing. I don't trust that scentless freak, and something happened that made you angry.”
“I agree with your distrust; however, the beta male advises against killing her. It is best to act with deliberation and we do not know her true connection to Naraku. We can afford to wait and stalk; the prey will flush itself.”
Inuyasha shifted slightly and grunted his agreement. “Still, what made you angry?”
“She did not follow my commands and began a dominance contest with me.”
“No shit! She tried to stare you down and she's still alive?” Inuyasha gave a disbelieving snort. “Why did she try it and why didn't you kill her?”
Sesshoumaru's youki began to rise slightly. “This Sesshoumaru merely indicated that she would walk at the front of the group as we made our way back. She stared at me and did not move; as this Sesshoumaru prepared to gut her, the beta male made the point that this Se—” Sesshoumaru stopped suddenly at a soft mew from Kirara and gave a rather irritated sigh. “That I took into consideration. He asked me to refrain from ending her worthless existence until we know more about her connection to Naraku. This—” he gave another sigh, this time accompanied by a soft growl, and continued “I have already acted with unusual alacrity today, so I agreed. She finally complied with my orders, though she stared at the beta's cursed hand for some time before she moved toward the village.” He shifted again and looked back toward Rin, his youki flaring sharply for a moment. “She may have threatened Rin. If it were not for the beta male's advice, I would have eviscerated her in an instant.”
Inuyasha gave a low snarl. “What? How did she threaten the pup?”
“Humans do not seem to understand Pack Law and Rin is still a young pup, prone to thoughtless behavior. As Kanna passed me, Rin foolishly ignored the fact that I had placed myself in front of her to protect her,” he growled softly. “She is usually reluctant to approach outsiders, but she seemed to want to say something to the demon child and stepped around me. Kanna stopped and looked at Rin; her mirror moved.” He growled softly and raised his regenerated hand, gazing mildly at his claws as they began to glow green; the astringent stench of acid filled the air.
Kirara sneezed delicately before growling acerbically, “You over-reacted to the Scentless One, though I still believe she should be destroyed.” She batted at the taiyoukai's flexed, glowing fingers. “Now stop testing your new hand's abilities so I can breathe again!”
The green aura dissipated abruptly as Sesshoumaru clenched his fist and gave a satisfied smirk. “This Sesshoumaru does not over-react, little one,” he said softly in Japanese.
Ignoring Kirara's soft hiss at the epithet, Inuyasha reverted to Inu. “So how did you get back to the village without killing Kanna?”
Sesshoumaru resumed stroking Kirara's jaw; she abruptly stopped hissing and her eyelids drooped. “It was a simple matter of using my poison to remind Naraku's spawn to continue walking.” He gave the Inu equivalent of a bored shrug. “We reached the elder miko's hut without further incident, although we will need to make sure that the Pack is protected from the villagers. They are stupidly unaware of this Sesshoumaru's superior hearing.”
Inuyasha growled low. “Ignore their muttering. They do it all the time, but the minute a demon shows up they're damn glad I'm around.”
Sesshoumaru shifted and glanced back at Rin and Shippo. “I do not pretend to understand the vagaries of humans, but at the least we must protect the Pack from this spawn of Naraku. She walked past the elder miko as if she did not exist and went directly to Yourei Taisei.” The taiyoukai frowned and stared down the hill at the motionless form of the hawk youkai. “His scent is…strange. Muted.” He suddenly gave a perplexed growl as Kaede appeared on the other side of the hut, making her way to the stream for water. “Pack brother, do you trust the elder miko?”
“She's Pack,” Inuyasha replied cautiously. “Why don't you trust her?”
“As we approached her abode, the elder miko was staring pointedly at Rin and her scent was…not frightened, but wary. She rubbed her hand over her eye and mumbled something about being unable to see a light.”
“Keh. We'll have to ask her later. The old bat wouldn't hurt Rin.”
“Hn. Our Pack is certainly different from most. It will make my tasks as Inu no Taisho more…interesting.”
“Keh! You mean you're gonna have trouble with the pure bloods. I'll be at your ba—” Inuyasha stopped abruptly as a sudden, brief whisper of contact in his mind was interrupted by a rustling sound and a thud. He turned and immediately leaped to Kagome; she was collapsed on the ground surrounded by a diminishing coruscation of blue power. Aoi stood quivering stiffly next to her, the puppies at her feet whining in protest at the loss of their mother's warmth.
“Kagome!” He knelt down reached for her face; as he touched her the blue vapors of power receded completely and she moaned. He gathered her into his arms and held her, stroking his jaw over the top of her head and nodding acceptance to Shippo and Rin as the children ran over but then hesitated, waiting for his permission to touch the young Time Lord. Shippo reached out, but at that moment Kagome clutched at Inuyasha's suikan, trembling violently. He stroked her with his jaw again and asked, “Kagome, what happened?”
She took a deep breath and pressed her body closer to his, tremors still wracking her frame. “I…I was trying to form the Jewel. It's like falling forever. It was so hard to try to reach you and toward the end I didn't know if I could find my way back.” She swallowed heavily and relaxed her death grip on his suikan. “I tried to use our Mate connection to get out.”
Shippo patted her back, looking up at Inuyasha with confused eyes. “But Mama, I felt you.” At her gasp the kit climbed up on the hanyou's lap and hugged her from the side.
Rin reached out a tentative hand and patted Kagome's arm before leaning against her back. “Rin is sorry you are unhappy.”
“Hn. This Sesshoumaru also felt your mental touch.”
Inuyasha began growling and pulled Kagome closer. Shippo gave a small growl of protest as he was squeezed between the two adults.
Kirara leaped from Sesshoumaru's shoulder and trotted over to the huddled group. Jumping to Inuyasha's shoulder, she nuzzled his jaw before delicately pawing at Kagome's dark curls, meowing softly when the young woman looked up to see what was pulling on her hair.
“She says she felt you, too,” Shippo translated.
“What the hell?” Inuyasha relaxed his hold as Kagome released her death grip on his suikan and pushed gently against his chest.
Kirara jumped to the top of Shippo's head and touched her nose to Kagome's jaw. Turning her head to look directly at Sesshoumaru, the nekomata leaped to the ground and began to rub against Rin's legs. Giggling, the girl reached down and petted Kirara several times, unconsciously replacing Sesshoumaru's scent with her own. The nekomata purred and then trotted several steps toward Aoi and the puppies before stopping to bathe her paws and face vigorously.
Sesshoumaru smiled sardonically at her actions and Aoi lowered her head in response, but suddenly the taiyoukai growled softly, turning his head to the side and looking down the hill. “It seems as though the others felt the touch, as well. The monk and the taiji-ya are headed this way.” He glanced at Inuyasha before turning his gaze back at Kanna. “This Sesshoumaru has never heard of the Mate connection being transferable to others.”
It was not the Mate connection.”
Kagome rubbed her forehead, ignoring the rise of her houriki in response to Inuyasha's flare of youki. “I don't understand.”
Trust me, my mate. The youkai's voice was a low, sensual growl as he pulled her closer and nuzzled her hair. “This Inuyasha would know if you had initiated the Mate connection.
Kagome blushed as her body responded to the low rumble that accompanied Inuyasha's words. The hanyou gave another low growl and she found herself baring her neck to him just as Miroku reached the top of the hill with Sango at his side. The rings of Miroku's shakujou jangled as he leaned against it and regarded the scene, cocking one eyebrow at Kagome with a suggestive smirk on his face. `Oh gods, as if he didn't already have too much information about my sex life!' Kagome flushed even redder and pushed away from Inuyasha's chest, baring her neck even more in her attempt to get away.
“Did we interrupt?” Miroku asked in a deceptively mild voice as Sango stepped past him. “Were you sharing experiences with us again?”
“Oh gods!” Kagome moaned. `I will never live that down!'
Sango turned around abruptly, her stance tense and angry. “Husband?” she asked in an acidly sweet tone of voice.
Miroku blanched and his posture shifted slightly as he grasped the shakujou, bringing it closer to his body. “Yes, lovely Sango?”
“I am having a very bad day. If you ever want to `share experiences' again you will keep your hentai mouth shut.” Sango spun on her heel and gazed fiercely at Sesshoumaru before continuing her turn. She paused for a moment as she caught sight of Runt's grave, but finally moved to the group gathered around Kagome. Dropping the Hiraikotsu to the side, she knelt and touched Kagome's arm, the only part of the woman not wrapped in hanyou or children. “Ignore my baka husband, Kagome. Were you trying to form the Jewel?”
“Yes, but…oh, let me up!” Kagome pushed away from Inuyasha and struggled to stand. As Sango stood and backed away in response, Aoi grumbled a warning growl and protectively nosed her puppies underneath her legs.
“Rin.” Sesshoumaru's tone of voice made the monosyllable an affectionate command.
The child turned her head immediately, and although the taiyoukai made no other sound or movement she responded “Yes, Lord Sesshoumaru!” Taking two skipping steps, she scooped up a startled Kirara and bounded over to stand next to him.
Inuyasha gave a grumbling growl and Shippo stopped hanging on to Kagome's waist, finally allowing her room to move. The kit slumped back into the hanyou's lap and folded his arms just as Inuyasha tucked his own hands into his sleeves behind the kit's head. Kagome suppressed a laugh; the disgruntled expression on both of their faces and their body language matched exactly. She finally managed to stumble to her feet, running her hands through her tousled hair as Inuyasha pulled Shippo to his shoulder and stood up himself, moving away from Aoi and the puppies.
Kagome sighed and looked up; the faces of the group were all turned to her, their attention focused on her actions. “I don't know what to say. I don't understand how the connection formed with all of you.” She turned to her mate. “Inuyasha, I need to go through the well. Without Sensei Midoriko, I don't know what to do and maybe Mama can help.” She hesitated, knowing what his response would be, and added “Maybe I can reach Papa again.”
“You should go, wench, but there's no way in hell I'm letting you try to contact your father. Not after the last time! And I'm going with you.” He grinned as she opened her mouth and abruptly closed it again, her eyes wide with astonishment. “What…didn't think I'd let you go without an argument?”
“The well?” Sesshoumaru asked in a bland voice.
`Oh shit. I forgot he doesn't know.' Inuyasha pulled his mate toward him as Kagome stiffened; her suddenly uneasy scent made his youki rise. “Kagome isn't from this time and the well is her way home,” Inuyasha growled back in Inu as Shippo gave a protective, tenor growl from his shoulder. `That's it Shippo. Let him know we'll guard her.'
“What time is she from?” Sesshoumaru growled softly back, his face and body completely still but his youki and scent practically shouting inquisitive interest as his gaze flicked from his brother's face to Kagome's bowed head.
`Shit…a dog scenting prey.' Inuyasha pulled Kagome behind his back, ignoring her squeak of protest and Shippo's startled tug on his hair as the kit almost lost his balance. “She's from our future, damnit! We don't talk about it to protect her!”
Sesshoumaru turned to Miroku, taking a long, measuring glance down the hill at Kanna before he spoke quietly, almost too softly to hear, in Japanese. “You spoke earlier this morning of a future world without magic and youkai, a world where `human science overwhelms the spirit.' This Sesshoumaru agreed to join our Pack partly to prevent your words from coming to pass.” As Miroku opened his mouth to answer he brought up his hand to halt the monk's response. Cocking his head, he looked back at his brother, speaking in Inu again. “Magic is not a tool to be trifled with; how is it that you plan to prevent this future? Is it not already fixed in time by her presence here?”
Inuyasha sighed and allowed Kagome to come forward. At her inquisitive glance he whispered “Stay here for a minute. You're gonna have to explain the Nexus and the well to him, but I wanna make sure Kanna can't hear.” He took Shippo off of his shoulder and set the kit down, pushing him toward his crayons. “Go play, runt. This could take some time.”
Shippo looked up for a moment before shaking his head and trudging over to the shade again. “Rin? You coming?”
Rin looked up at Sesshoumaru. He reached down to take Kirara from the child and gave a brief nod; Rin laughed and scampered over to join the kit under the trees.
“I'll keep an eye on them,” Sango sighed. Kagome reached for her and the two women clasped hands for a moment. “I'm all right Kagome,” the taiji-ya said with a sad smile. “The sooner you go through, the faster I will find my brother again.”
Inuyasha listened, but underneath their voices he heard Kirara whisper “I can move by myself, you know. Let me down!” He glanced over at Sesshoumaru, but the taiyoukai ignored the nekomata's irritable hissing and tucked her into the crook of his arm, composedly petting her head again.
`Gods, this is too funny!' Inuyasha bit his lip hard to stop himself from laughing as Kirara seemed to melt into the caress in spite of her grumbling, but then all humor left him as Sango's scent abruptly changed.
Answering some unspoken question in Kagome's eyes, Sango said softly “I know he might not remember, Kagome, but Kaede said that he knew he was Kohaku and that he was your brother, too. I just have to make sure that his soul journeys across Sanzu-no-kawa at this end.” The taiji-ya let go of Kagome's hand, picked up the Hiraikotsu one-handed, and walked quietly toward the children, her scent heavy with sadness and a hint of tears.
`Damn, I'm sorry, Sango. As soon as we can, we'll go get Sota.' Suddenly reluctant to move away from Kagome, Inuyasha pulled her toward him, briefly brushing his jaw over the top of her head. She relaxed into his embrace immediately with a soft sigh. `I just want to take her away from here and find someplace quiet…away from Kanna and all this shit.' After a few seconds of stolen peace he released her and moved to take his brother's place at the top of the hill. “I'll guard,” he said gruffly. “Kagome's better at explaining this stuff.” Turning toward Miroku, he continued “You should go, too, but keep it quiet.” At Sesshoumaru's measuring glance he growled in Inu “Just make sure that no one can hear you; I don't want Kagome to be in any more danger than she already is! And don't talk forever—I can tell you're curious as hell.”
Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes. “This Sesshoumaru does not need as much of an explanation as you think, Pack brother,” he growled back. “You were careless to leave numerable interrupted scent trails in the residue of magic that surrounds the well. Time travel explains many things that this Sesshoumaru has already conjectured, so there is little that your mate will have to explain.”
Inuyasha snorted in amusement and, responding to Miroku's mystified expression, reverted to Japanese. “Don't get all smug! You're dying to know the answers.”
Arching one eyebrow, Sesshoumaru glanced at Miroku and stalked toward Kagome without deigning to respond.
Miroku looked at Inuyasha, raising his eyebrows in mute inquiry. The hanyou shook his head and motioned with it toward his departing brother. “Go on,” he whispered. “He'll probably have questions that you can help Kagome answer.”
Sesshoumaru turned around as he reached Kagome and called in a smooth, cultured voice, “Come, beta. There is little time and this Sesshoumaru must return to his tono as soon as possible.” He cocked one eyebrow at his brother, as if daring him to make a comment.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “Keh!”
Miroku grinned wryly at Inuyasha and grabbed his shakujou. Walking swiftly to join Kagome and Sesshoumaru, he said quietly “Let us enlighten Lord Sesshoumaru on the intricacies of the time-space continuum and choices, Lady Kagome.”
As their voices became muffled whispers that he could barely hear, Inuyasha turned from the group and stared down the hill. `Shit. Kanna hasn't moved from that spot for hours. What if Kagome's right and she was helping us? What is it about her that bothers me?'
As if aware of his intense scrutiny, Kanna looked up from her mirror and turned her head, returning his stare. He snarled at her silently, not wanting to disturb the conversation behind him. `That's right…I don't trust you. You may look like a little girl, but you don't act like any little girl I've ever known. You're still Naraku's offspring and you play by his rules.' The pallid child blinked once, slowly, and then returned to gazing at her mirror. `What the fuck is it that has her so fascinated? I wonder what I'd see if I looked in that thing.' For a few minutes the soft susurrations of the whispers behind him blended with the teasing breeze and distant sounds from the residents in the village; Kanna remained immobile. `Gods, I'd go crazy being that still. It's like she's not even in that body.'
“Inuyasha.” Sesshoumaru's complacent voice startled him from his observation, though he didn't let it show.
“What?” He kept his gaze on Kanna as his brother moved up to stand next to him, using his ears and youki to sense Miroku and Kagome moving to comfort Sango. `Shit, that was fast!'
Sesshoumaru spoke in Inu. “Perhaps sharing alpha is not such an onerous issue after all. Your mate must return, but we must see to the needs of the Pack and I must go to the tono. Every moment I spend here creates more danger for all the Packs, but mostly for ours.”
Inuyasha flicked his gaze to Sesshoumaru's face, startled by the genuine unease in his brother's voice and the concern permeating his scent. `What the hell?' Sesshoumaru's stoic face belied his scent and the tone of his voice. “So we'll protect them.”
“Indeed.” Sesshoumaru shifted slightly and when he spoke again his voice was its normal cool baritone. “This Sesshoumaru is Inu no Taisho and will not tolerate dissension among the Packs or any challenge to his decisions, but there are those at the tono that will threaten our Pack. They will challenge based on Pack Law, but I am Pack Law.” He turned his head slightly and lowered his voice. “I advise that you protect your mate and seek answers on the other side of the well. I will take Kirara and Rin to prepare for our Pack's arrival at the tono, and I will transport the Kai-wolves there as well; I have a knowledgeable healer who can hasten their recovery and assist the bitch with her pups.”
As he paused for breath, Kirara spoke up from the crook of his arm. “Why should I go with you?”
“You belong to me.” At her hiss he continued “Is it not the role of the alpha females to assist in the well-being of the Pride?”
“Do not twist Neko custom to suit your own ends, Pfffffft Hhhsssss.”
Amusement began to permeate Sesshoumaru's scent and he spoke in Japanese. “You will be an invaluable asset, little one.”
“Flattery will not help you, Pfffffft Hhhsssss, especially when wrapped in veiled insults.”
“Aw hell, Kirara. Just go with him,” Inuyasha growled. “You're the best one to find out what's going on behind all the fake posturing.”
Kirara gave a satisfied purr. “There are few who can suppress their youki as well as I and nothing can surpass the stealth of a Neko.”
“You mean that nothing can be as devious as a Neko,” Sesshoumaru responded in a silky, cool tone.
Inuyasha almost barked a laugh. `Damn, why did I never notice before? He uses that tone when he's fucking with someone's head. The poor bastard's met his match with Kirara, though.'
“Devious has nothing to do with my level of skill. I will barely need it when dealing with the uncouth inus at your hovel.” She gave a dainty yawn. “I will go with Pfffffft Hhhsssss if you request it, Mmrrowhhsssaa.”
Sesshoumaru gave a low, throbbing growl that made the hairs on Inuyasha's nape rise.
[Perhaps it would be best to acknowledge his claim over her.]
“Do what he wants,” he said casually, giving the Inu equivalent of a shrug. “He's your alpha.” As Sesshoumaru's growl abated and Kirara glared at him, he added “Miroku should stay here and guard the rest of the Pack `til Kagome and I get back.”
“I agree.” Without further discussion, Sesshoumaru stalked over to the injured Kai-wolves, growling a low command to Aoi as he passed. The bitch looked over to Inuyasha.
“Go with him. He'll protect you and the pups and help Shiro and Jinx get better.” Bandit whined as the transportation cloud appeared under him, but Sesshoumaru growled the Pack Call reassuringly and the beta male's complaint subsided.
Aoi watched cautiously for a moment before carrying the white pup over to the cloud, gingerly depositing it on the vapor and watching nervously as a depression appeared to cradle the pup. Growling softly, she swiftly fetched the other two pups and gently lowered them into the depression before stepping hesitantly onto the cloud herself.
“I take it that we are moving elsewhere?” Miroku asked Inuyasha.
The monk was relaxed, leaning on his shakujou as he stood behind Kagome and Sango. Kagome was softly rubbing Sango's back, talking quietly, but looked up at Miroku's words.
“Not all of us,” Inuyasha answered bluntly. “Sesshoumaru is going ahead to prepare the other Packs for a shock: we're going to be adopted.” He grinned as the human members of his pack looked at each other in astonishment.
Sango suddenly sat up straight, her face bright with interest. “A taiyoukai ceremony?”
“You are indeed privileged, taiji-ya,” Sesshoumaru replied dryly.
A sudden swirl of youki buffeted Sesshoumaru's hair and clothing as Kirara transformed into her humanoid form and moved away from his body toward the group around Sango. She glared at Inuyasha for a moment before turning toward the mussed taiyoukai. “I will go with you, though I am not happy about following your rules.” She glanced at Inuyasha and her voice softened as she returned her defiant gaze back to Sesshoumaru. “My Pride Leaders are correct; no one will be able to discover hidden plots better than I, especially if I appear in this ugly form and lull them into a false sense of complacency.”
Miroku tensed and the loops on his shakujou rattled slightly as he shifted his stance. He glanced at Inuyasha but the hanyou shook his head, forestalling the query he saw in the monk's eyes.
Turning, Kirara gracefully knelt and gently smoothed the taiji-ya's hair away from her face before rubbing Sango's cheek with her own. “I grieve for him too, my kitten, but remember that he found his true scent before the end and we will see him again soon.”
Sango returned the caress. “Thank you, Kirara.”
Kirara stood and held out her hand to Rin. “Come, My-Rin. We must travel with…Lord Sesshoumaru.” The child laughed happily, oblivious to the deliberate hesitation and slight emphasis on the title, and reached up to grasp the proffered fingers. “Bye, Shippo!”
The kit whined softly and trotted over to Kagome, staring up at her with pitiful green eyes.
“Oh, come here!” Kagome pulled the kitsune into her lap and he sighed happily.
“My hands are almost as big as yours, Lady Kirara!” Rin exclaimed delightedly.
Kirara stroked her free hand over Rin's hair, smiling as the child sighed happily at her touch. “Come,” she repeated.
She turned back to Sesshoumaru and the taiyoukai met her gaze with an expressionless face, but when she moved toward the cloud he began to grin lazily; her smile faded in proportion to the increase of his. When she finally stepped on the cloud, pulling Rin up to stand next to her, she chided herself on the nervous feelings he was evoking even as her heart beat faster. `He is an inu. I can match wits with him any day, any time, any where. I am Neko!' She raised her chin and met his gaze defiantly, only to squeak in surprise as he growled and tugged on her free arm gently.
“What are you doing?”
“Do my actions frighten you? Why do you resist a gentle touch?” he said smoothly, his eyes gleaming with suppressed mirth.
Kirara narrowed her eyes. `Those are my words! Damn you, Pfffffft Hhhsssss!' Fuming, she allowed him to pull her so that she was standing with her back to his chest, and she pulled Rin into her embrace in retaliation. `If you insist on getting your scent all over me, I'll get mine all over your kitten.' She seethed as she felt his chest vibrate with a suppressed laugh.
“Farewell, Inuyasha. I will come to gather the Pack when all is safe.”
“Wait, Lord Sesshoumaru.” Miroku interrupted forcefully as Sango stood, her hand outstretched toward Kirara. “Although I have already performed the Makuragyo, please be aware that we require at least one full day for Kohaku's Ostuya and cremation. My wife and I will not be free until the ceremonies are finished, and…we would wish to have our family with us.”
“This Sesshoumaru is aware of your human ceremonies; youkai also honor the dead.”
The cloud rose gently in the air but Kirara leaned over to make eye contact with Sango. “I will return this evening for the Ostuya, My-Sango,” she said gently. “My-Kohaku was part of my Pride.”
“And then you will return with this Sesshoumaru.”
“Yes.” Kirara hissed softly as she was pulled back into a warm, solid chest. “I suppose you will need me.”
Inuyasha shook his head as his brother's cloud rose smoothly in the air and sped away, trailing the sounds of barbed comments in its wake. `I wonder if they'll kill each other before they reach the tono? Hell, I thought Kagome and I were bad.'
Sighing, he met the querying gazes of the three adults and Shippo. “Sango?” he asked, shaking his head again as he realized he didn't know what to say.
She tried to speak and failed, but as Miroku came up behind her and pulled her into an embrace, she managed a tentative smile. “I think I'll be all right, Inuyasha,” she finally said, shrugging one shoulder. “It's odd to grieve for my brother but know that he's alive on the other side of the well. I honestly don't know how to feel.”
Inuyasha nodded and turned his gaze to Miroku. “I know you have responsibilities in the ceremony, but I'd like to take Kagome back home for a bit.” Turning to Sango, he asked “Do you want to come now?”
Sango took a deep breath and frowned, shaking her head. “Somehow it just feels wrong to go yet. When he is safely on his journey to the future, I will go.”
Miroku placed a kiss on her temple. “Now you are the wise one, lovely Sango.”
“Keh.” Inuyasha turned his attention to Shippo, nestled happily in Kagome's arms. “Will you help them make sure Kanna doesn't follow us?”
Shippo's face drooped a bit but he perked up when Sango reached for him. “Yeah. They're gonna need a strong youkai.”
“Thank you, Shippo.” Kagome ruffled the kit's hair.
Inuyasha looked down the hill again to make sure Kanna was still sitting next to wall. `Still there, still not moving. Gods!' He turned back to his pack and cocked an eyebrow at Kagome. “Well, wench? Ready to go?” She smiled and walked forward to stand next to him as Shippo jumped to Miroku's shoulder, allowing Sango to heft the Hiraikotsu behind her back.
Miroku and Shippo brushed past Inuyasha as the monk strode toward the crest of the hill. “Relax a bit, but try not to spend too much time in Kagome's comfortable bed,” the monk whispered quietly, quirking an eyebrow and grinning when the hanyou growled irritably in response.
Kanna looked up and Inuyasha growled louder; she was staring unblinkingly at Kagome and he pulled his mate behind his back. `Scentless freak! Why the hell is she so focused on Kagome?' Kanna's flat stare met his angry one for a moment before she looked back down at her mirror.
“We'll expect you in a few hours,” Miroku said quietly over his shoulder as he stepped between Kanna's line of sight and Inuyasha. “Sango? Perhaps we can help blind certain eyes to the direction that our friends travel?” Sango glanced back briefly and maneuvered the Hiraikotsu so that it further blocked Kanna's line of sight to Kagome.
`Finally!' Inuyasha offered his back to Kagome and, as soon as she was securely in his grasp, leaped for the well.
“I heard what you said to Inuyasha, houshi.”
`Houshi? Uh, oh, I'm in trouble.' Miroku opened his mouth to form a reply but shut it quickly as Sango glared at him and adjusted the Hiraikotsu. As Shippo giggled on his shoulder, he meekly followed his wife as she turned around and headed down the hill.
As the final members of the pack left the area near the shed, a soft clicking noise disturbed the silence. A hell wasp clambered down the trunk of a large pine tree and walked clumsily away from the village; when it reached a safe distance it spread its wings and buzzed away.
“What the hell?” Kensei struggled to his feet as the entire structure of the time dwelling shook, the walls rippling as he felt the anchors of his power nearly ripped from his control. Alternating blinding light and weighted darkness poured from the room where the blazar pulsed. “What's happening?”
“Gods! Control your anchors, son!” his father cried, reaching out for his mother as the floor buckled, becoming a wall for a moment as the dwelling warped in the time flux.
Kensei gritted his teeth and concentrated on his anchors, holding tight to the remnants near his wife and grounding himself firmly in the Sengoku Jidai. His power shrieked around him, but as he secured the worm hole he heard a faint, fading scream and the familiar sound of Inuyasha's voice.
“Kagome! Gods! Kagome! I can't get through!”
In his ordo est ordinem non servare: Latin; In this case the only rule is not obeying any rules.
Makuragyo: “Death Guidance”, the first rites after death in which the precepts (kairitsu) and dharma name (kaimyo) are given to the deceased.
Otsuya: “honorific-passing-through-night”, a ceremony typically taking place one day after death in the evening. Relatives and close friends gather in order to console the deceased.
Sanzu-no-kawa: River of Three Crossings. A river similar to the Styx River in Greek mythology which has three crossing points: a bridge, a ford, and a deep, serpent-infested area. Where one crosses depends on the weight of one's offenses while alive.
Pfffffft Hhhsssss: Bad Dog (an insult)
Rrowhhsss Pfffffft: Pride Dog (almost a compliment)
A/N: Cremation became common among the elite in the Nara and Heian periods of Japan, but my research indicates (and Sensei Takahashi depicts) doso (burial of the dead body in the ground) as the more common custom in the Sengoku Jidai. At that time, cremation would have been reserved for the elite such as Kikyou.
Thanks to:
RPW the Hun my wonderful beta! 20 pages on this one, you're the best!
IYFG: Forthright and Doggieearlover for nominating `Facets' for best Action/Adventure in the 4th Quarter 2007.
Big thanks to Feni and Ranuel for helping me with research for the coming chapters.
PM: Stonesneatstuff, Inu Hanyou Nikkie, Neko-sama, Sutlesarcasm, Rae,
MM: Knittingknots, sakuralovesinuyasha, Sark, Ranuel, Raeko, Inu Trasha, chienne de reine
FF: Inuyasha05, aradow, InuYoukaiKiyo, Kortir, Mrs. JediK1 (note: I changed the last chapter just for you!), Fenikkusuken, billysgotagun
Thanks to all for reading!