InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Facets of the Living Jewel ❯ Ad utrumque paratus: Primoris ( Chapter 77 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the other characters, Ms. Takahashi does.
Don't faint! Yeah, I'm actually updating with another chapter in the same week!
Thanks to Forthright for helping me visualize Yourei Taisei in this chapter. Also, please be assured that I intend no blasphemy, but have instead written the Creator with love and respect in my heart.
Ad utrumque paratus: Primoris
By Licentia poetica
“Who the hell are you?” Inuyasha growled, squinting against the blazing light emanating from the Being as it stepped around in front of him and stopped next to the well.
“Hhmm!” the Being said, mild surprise registering on its features, “That's certainly a new one. Usually I get the `I am not worthy' or the groveling at my feet in sheer terror response.” It grinned and for a moment the light from its face was blinding. “Not that I'm too shocked, given your past history.”
Blinking against light-induced tears, Inuyasha growled softly and raised the Tessaiga slightly into the chudan kamae, just enough to threaten without truly preparing for an attack. `I don't know who the hell this person thinks he…she…whatever!, but Kagome's still trapped and I can't move without killing the others.'
The Being cocked its head and gestured casually at the Tessaiga. “Transformed or not, I'm afraid that won't work like you think it will. The principles of magic are a bit different here in the center of the Nexus and you don't have a chance of harming me. Besides that, the real power of the katana is over there protecting the humans,” the Being folded its arms and nodded casually to the island on the left, “which is why your human spirit went there when you picked up the Tessaiga.”
Snarling, Inuyasha jerked the Tessaiga up in the jodan kamae, steeling himself for battle. `Why do I feel like a disobedient pup? At least I can't roll on my back and submit…I'd kill the others.'
The reverent tone of Kagome's quiet warning stopped him more effectively than any former `sit' and he lowered the Tessaiga as he turned to look at her. She was gazing at the Being with an expression on her face that he had never seen before. `What the hell…she looks like she's in love!'
“It's You. You saved me before, didn't You?” Kagome asked, her soft voice filled with awe.
The Being smiled gently. “Yes, my beloved child. You are one of my twice-born.”
Inuyasha growled quietly and sheathed the Tessaiga, vainly trying to suppress the vaguely jealous feelings that Kagome's enthralled expression was causing. `Damn, she is in love!'
The Being shot him a wry look. “You know, you really don't have any reason to feel that way. She is your mate.”
Kagome gasped and Inuyasha could feel her anger resonating through their Mate connection. “You're not seriously thinking…Inuyasha!”
Feeling unaccountably self-conscious, he ignored her and the continuing sense that he ought to submit to this Being like a puppy to its father, growling, “Keh! How the hell do you know what I'm feeling?”
“I know quite a bit about a lot of things, and hell has nothing to do with it. Perhaps you would feel more comfortable if I looked like this?” The Being diminished in height and began to take on the features of a taiyoukai. In less than a second it stared at Inuyasha with his father's face and raised one eyebrow inquiringly.
“What the hell?” Inuyasha began to back away but was forcibly reminded of the attachments to his two other forms when several cries of alarm sounded from the islands on either side of him. “Damn! Fucking trapped,” he muttered.
“You could choose to move and destroy the Time Constructs,” his `father' said conversationally. “The connections were already strained by your earlier attempts to protect Kagome from the Spirit.” At the sound of Kagome's soft gasp, he shook his head fondly and prompted, “It is your choice, Inuyasha. You aren't trapped.” He raised one eyebrow and said sternly, “And you should watch your language.”
“If you know so d—, so much, you know that I can't move or I'll kill those people,” Inuyasha snarled.
“It is your choice,” the Being repeated, inclining its head and staring at him meaningfully.
“You can't really mean that you would let him kill—” Kagome cried out, her voice stopping on a sob as the Being looked at her and the face of the `father' became very grave. Inuyasha could feel her shame through their link as she said in a broken, repentant voice, “I'm so sorry, of course you wouldn't. I didn't mean to doubt you.”
The Being's face softened into a wistful smile and a group of stars flared into life in the darkness just above its head. Inuyasha recognized the constellation of hakuchou, the swan, as the Being said gently, “Do not cry, beloved child. Of course you were worried about your families.” For a moment the five stars of the asterism within the swan glowed with increased intensity. “I would find a way to repair any damage, I always do.”
“You won't need to fix anything. I ain't moving,” Inuyasha growled softly, trying unsuccessfully to prevent his ears from drooping like a chastised pup. `Why the hell does it keep saying it's my choice? There isn't a choice here.' The Being smiled joyfully and the stars above its head disappeared. In spite of Inuyasha's mistrust he felt his traitorous ears perk forward. `Damn, dominance gesture or not, that smile is…beautiful.'
“Even a few days ago you would have easily chosen to sacrifice the lives of the youkai, at least, to protect Kagome or yourself, my son.” Ignoring Inuyasha's faint scowl at the word `son', the Being continued kindly, “I'm very proud of you.”
“Son? You aren't my old man, so don't try your tricks on me.” Inuyasha stated carefully, trying to keep all emotion out of his voice and fighting to keep his ears upright. `I'll be damned if I let him know how he makes me feel.'
“Oh my son,” his `father' said kindly, “I doubt you'll be damned for that.”
“Get the fuck out of my mind, you—”
The Being raised one hand and Inuyasha found that he was incapable of speech. Shaking his head, the “father” stated clearly, “Enough, Inuyasha. I appreciate your independent spirit, but I will not tolerate disrespect. I am, for all intents and purposes, your parent.”
The Being lowered its hand and Inuyasha found his powers of speech abruptly returned to him. “My father died as I was born. What makes you think I would listen blindly to anything he had to say or trust anything that tries to look like him?”
“Inuyasha, don't…please,” Kagome admonished softly.
The Being sighed and folded its arms, reverting to its original, gender-neutral form. “If this appearance is more comfortable for you, I will continue to project it. It is no more real than the other.”
“I'd rather you showed me your real form,” Inuyasha growled.
“My real form?”
In an instant the light shining from the Being's face became so intense that Inuyasha had to squeeze his eyelids shut and use his hands to shield his eyes from the glare. The light penetrated flesh and bone and he knew that Kagome would be blinded for his own stupidity. “Stop!” As the light continued to intensify he begged, “Please!”
The light suddenly diminished in intensity and Inuyasha opened one eye cautiously, glancing back at Kagome to make sure she was all right. She was still gazing at the Being with a wide-eyed, enthralled expression.
“I kept her safe, Inuyasha. You don't really think I would punish her for your own decisions, do you?”
Inuyasha's ears immediately drooped and Kagome turned her gaze to him, narrowing her eyes and beginning to tap one foot impatiently as her lips thinned in disapproval.
Inuyasha's ears drooped farther. `Oh shit. If she could lower her hands they'd be on her hips. She's angry with me.'
“Forgive him, my child. He had little reason to trust those who manifest any kind of magical power until he met you.”
Kagome blushed deep red and whispered, “I know.”
“In addition, he braved his own soul's dissolution to protect you within the void.”
Inuyasha whipped his head back to the front and choked out, “I did what?” Clearing his throat, he stuttered, “I braved…my soul…what?”
The Being smiled gently and answered, “The reason you are tied to the other islands is that you have left fractions of your soul in three places. You are still one soul, but the human aspect is in what is left of modern Tokyo and your youkai aspect is in the fragment of the Sengoku Jidai. Most of you is here with Kagome, largely because of your connection through the taijitu on your foreheads.” His eyes twinkled and his smile deepened. “I know a great deal about being three in one. It's not so bad, believe me.”
“There're three of you in there?” Inuyasha asked, trying to keep his voice skeptical in spite of the overwhelming urge to roll up in a ball at the Being's feet and play like a pup. `That smile. How does it make me feel that way?'
“Not precisely,” the Being answered, casually gesturing toward the flaming Goshinboku. “Spirit.”
Inuyasha's ears flicked backwards as the Being's word was echoed from behind by a heated whisper that surrounded him momentarily with the essence of fire; destruction and transformation forged together in a power that threatened to rend him apart. Just before the sensation crushed him the Being placed a hand on its chest and the feeling stopped.
The now-familiar urge to curl up and allow the Being to pick him up and hold him like a newborn pup became so strong that Inuyasha's muscles tensed to begin the movement, but the Being held out a hand, palm up, and called, “Child.”
From the depths of the well the pulsing light changed tempo and the blazar rose up to land in the Being's hand. The tension in Inuyasha's muscles increased as a sudden glimpse of a multitude of realities, endless possibilities, and an incomprehensible number of time paths threatened to overpower his mind. The pain was incredible and he took in a breath to scream, but the Being abruptly closed his hand around the blazar and both the visions and the agony stopped. Staring at the Being in awe, Inuyasha let out his breath in a long, slow exhale and heard Kagome's echoing gasp from behind him.
The Being calmly dropped the blazar back into the well. “Enough about that. It seems that a decision must be made.” The Being's smile became incandescent again. “I can't tell you how pleased I am that there are so many groups of five. Finally, there will be balance.”
“Groups of five?” Inuyasha growled, trying hard not to be overwhelmed by the reverence the Being seemed to effortlessly create within him. “Sen—,” he caught himself before he finished the word and continued, “You aren't planning to absorb us into the three of you, are you?”
“You may call me Sensei,” the Being returned mildly, “It's true, after all, and for your first lesson let me make it clear that there is only one of me.” It cocked its eyebrow at him and asked quite seriously, “Why would I need to absorb you when you already have a part of me in you?” A slight smile appeared on its face as it continued with a humorous undertone, “Besides, if I absorbed you it would destroy the entire fabric of time and space and I have no desire to rip apart something that has taken so much effort to put together. I had to rest for a week!”
Astonished, Inuyasha stared at the Being without speaking for a full minute, his own awe resonating with Kagome's through their Mate link. When he finally found his voice, he whispered, “Who are you?”
“I am that which I know myself to be.”
`How can I even think I'm equal to that?' Without even consciously thinking about it, Inuyasha averted his gaze and bared his neck, submitting as completely as he could. Only the constraints of the Time islands kept him from falling to his knees and rolling over to expose his stomach.
“Don't be so dramatic. I forgive you, my son.”
There was a long moment of silence before Kagome stirred behind him.
“Sensei?” she asked, her voice squeaking in the midst of the word. She cleared her throat and asked, “Sensei, please…why is the grouping of five important? I thought the Living Jewel balanced with four.”
“Perhaps it would be best if we brought the other three who span across the disparate times here with us, so I won't have to explain more than once.” The Being lifted its head and called gently, “Yourei Taisei, Kensei, Sota! Come here, my children.”
Kensei and Sota appeared on the sides of the well that corresponded to their respective islands. Yourei Taisei appeared directly in front of the well, but his appearance was drastically changed.
His tall, thin humanoid figure had lost several inches. The insignia that had marked his cheeks were altered so that fire and water, separated by a diagonal stripe, appeared on the side closest to former Tokyo while earth and air, kept apart by a horizontal line, were featured on the other. The massive wings that had swept back from his shoulders were gone and his pointed youkai ears were completely covered with tufts of feathers. His yellow eyes no longer held the fierce gaze of an apex predator but instead were troubled and sorrowful. They were almost human.
Yourei Taisei was hanyou.
The three males began falling to their knees, their hands brought forward to prostrate themselves, but the Being held up his hand and they jerked to a stop. “I appreciate your thoughts, but every move you make will be felt in the Time Construct that you came from.” Faint cries coming from both sides made it clear that their brief movements had already created a disturbance and the Being gave Yourei Taisei a stern look. “In your case, you have the same constraints as Inuyasha; you are tethered to both.” The Being gave them a moment to gather themselves and then stated calmly, “A decision must be made.”
“A decision, Sensei?” Yourei Taisei asked quietly. “Can you not make it for us?”
“I have always given you free choice. That is as immutable as the laws of physics.” As the hanyous and Time Lords all gave each other uncertain glances, the Being continued on in an irritated tone, “I never really understood how anyone could believe that Calvinistic predestination doctrine. Where's the fun in that? If I wanted robots I would have left things at the Protista stage.” It paused and looked at each of them in turn, and when it spoke again its voice was calm and commanding. “Five of you are here, spanning time, and the three who have not already made a decision must make one.”
Sota, with the brashness youth, was the first to speak up in the quiet that followed this pronouncement. “Someone has already made a decision? Do you mean a decision about the time lines? Who made it and why aren't we following the line?”
Inuyasha sighed and kept his eyes averted from the Being as he answered, “I get it. I made a decision not to destroy the others on the islands.” He flicked a glance toward the Being, who smiled and nodded, before averting his eyes again and asking, “Who else has already made one?”
“I did,” breathed Kagome.
Inuyasha turned his head to look at her. “You did? When?”
Another blush began to creep over her cheeks as she looked directly at him. “When I…after Kouga…when you thought I was dead. I was, but Sensei brought me back, because I chose faith and hope.” She paused for a moment and looked down, her blush becoming even more pronounced. Then she met his gaze and blurted out, “And love! I chose to love you as a hanyou.” She peered over Inuyasha's shoulder and shyly asked, “That's it, isn't it? I already chose, back then?”
The Being smiled kindly at her. “Yes, beloved. You chose to love the hanyou.”
Kensei spoke for the first time. “So it is the three of us, the ones tied to the Time Constructs, who need to make a decision to move out of the center of the Nexus.”
The Being cocked its head for a moment as if thinking, but then nodded.
Yourei Taisei took a deep breath. “Sensei, I am not a Time Lord, nor am I a Taisho charged to be a custodian of Time. Could you please explain to this unworthy taiyoukai the meaning behind the “groups of five” that you mentioned and the nature of the decision before him?”
“You are wise to ask.” The Being turned to the island which held the remnants of Tokyo and gestured. “Here is one time path out of the center. In this world, both you and Inuyasha have anchored that which enables you to feel compassion and kindness…your humanity, if you will. In this world you, but not Inuyasha, will be among the group of five that represent the avatars of the balanced soul.”
Sota and Yourei Taisei abruptly disappeared from the center island and appeared in the Tokyo fragment, standing with Innin, Ojiisan, and a small cat. The falcon youkai appeared completely human.
“Mao!” Sota cried out, picking up and cradling the young calico cat. She began to caterwaul loudly, obviously trying to communicate with the distraught boy, but finally gave up and butted her head against his chest, mewing plaintively. “What's happened to you?” Sota whispered, stroking her head.
“Should Yourei Taisei choose that world, he will be choosing only a part of his being; that which gives a youkai his humanity. As avatar of Ku he will have no magic and thus, neither will Mao. She can only be a cat there.” The Being sighed and continued, “You should realize that your choice will affect five children. Mao is one of them.”
“Who are the others?” Kagome asked, and Inuyasha frowned as fear began trickling through the Mate connection.
“Mao, Aiko—”
“Aiko?” Inuyasha interrupted, bothered by Kagome's increasing dread. “Why her? What has she got to do with this?”
The Being gave a short sigh through its nose and raised both hands, beckoning with its fingers. “I was going to get to that, Inuyasha, but I suppose I can explain it now.” Aiko, Sango, and Miroku rose from beneath the Sengoku Jidai construct and Shippo, Kirara, and Sesshoumaru ascended from beneath the remains of Tokyo. All but Sesshoumaru were bound to their island by spider silk.
Mao began crying and Kirara started to struggle within her bonds, stopping immediately when Sesshoumaru growled a sharp warning; the vibrations of her movement were causing the Tokyo fragment to ripple like a lake disturbed by a thrown stone. Sesshoumaru placed a hand on the tsuka of the Tenseiga and growled again, though this time his tone was more soothing; Mao abruptly stopped crying and hid her face in Sota's chest.
“Unbelievable.” Inuyasha groaned.
“What?” Kagome asked, and when he turned his head around she was standing on her tiptoes to try and peer over his shoulders.
“Sesshoumaru just told his mate and daughter to be quiet and that he'd protect them. He's mated to Kirara and Mao is his pu—I mean, his kid.”
“What?” Kagome spluttered. “They haven't even…they aren't…”
“Time is quite an interesting phenomenon, isn't it?” the Being stated casually. “But you really shouldn't have forgotten your ties to the other members of the Jewel. Isn't it fascinating that they help create two other groups of five? You two,” and it pointed to Kagome and Inuyasha, “with either the three of them,” pointing to the group near Tokyo, “or them,” it finished, gesturing toward the three humans clustered near the Sengoku Jidai.
“Sensei?” Yourei Taisei inquired from the Tokyo fragment. He waited until the Being turned to him and, obviously choosing his words carefully, said, “If I choose this reality, I am human. What will happen to the other youkai?”
The Being did not reply. Instead, Shippo, Kirara, and Sesshoumaru transformed into their animal forms, though Kirara had only one tail and Sesshoumaru was the size of a normal Borzoi. Shippo began yipping and Kirara mewed mournfully, but Sesshoumaru stared unblinkingly at the Being.
“Please, stop it!” Sota yelled, “She's dying!”
Mao was writhing in his arms, choking.
“She will not die. She is the avatar of Family in that reality,” the Being said calmly. “It would be impossible for a cat and a dog to have offspring in that reality so, without the magic of the youkai, she is losing everything within her that is of her father.”
“Family with no father?” growled Inuyasha.
Sesshoumaru gave a low, threatening growl and the Being looked askance at him, raising one eyebrow. Sesshoumaru stopped growling, but bared his teeth and continued to stare. The Being nodded his head and the three members of the Living Jewel were returned to their humanoid state. Sesshoumaru broke eye contact with the Being and glanced at Kirara and Shippo, woofing softly. Mao gave an astonished “meep” and buried her nose into the crook of Sota's elbow.
“I realize it seems cruel, but if that construct is chosen one of the other five children will not only lose his father, he will also lose his life.”
“What?” Kagome cried, and the dread slipping through the Mate connection magnified considerably. “Shippo has already lost his father…are you speaking of Sota?”
“No, but neither you nor Sota will ever see your father again if that reality is chosen.”
“No!” Kensei gasped. “Please!” From the Tokyo island Innin's voice could be heard echoing his plea.
The Being turned to Kensei, compassion and sorrow emanating from his entire form. “You are anchored to the Sengoku Jidai. To choose that world will cause everything in Tokyo to be erased from existence. Your son, your wife, your brother-in-law, your cat, and the humanity of both Inuyasha and Yourei Taisei will cease to be, along with the three members of the Living Jewel attached to it.”
“Wait a minute!” Inuyasha yelled. “Just…make it clear! I can't follow this!” Breathing heavily, he folded his arms and stated, “Do you mean that if Tokyo is chosen Miroku and Sango and Aiko will cease to exist? That I become human? That—”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Kensei held up his hands, forestalling Inuyasha. He looked at the Being, who gestured for him to continue. “Let's get all the information. We've got two worlds here. Who are the kids involved, what are the avatars, and what happens to the people on the other world when we choose?”
The Being smiled enigmatically. “Two worlds?” It shook its head and sighed. “All right, I'll make the choice between these two worlds clear, starting with the five children.” It held up one hand and began to tick off the fingers as it listed, “Aiko, Mao, the son of Sesshoumaru and Kirara, the son of Inuyasha and Kagome, and—,” he flicked his fingers and a familiar figure rose out of the well.
Before the Being could finish his sentence, before Kagome's shock could register through the Mate connection, and before he could even process that he was a father, Inuyasha growled, “Kanna.”
Ad utrumque paratus: Primoris. Latin; Prepared for either alternative: the first
Chudan kamae: katana drawn, held straight in front of the body at midline.
Jodan kamae: katana gripped in both hands above the head.
Constellation hint: the asterism (pattern of stars that are not an official constellation) that is referred to earlier in Cygnus (Hakuchou), the swan is called the Northern Cross.
Ku: Japanese, the fifth element. Chi is earth, Ka is fire, Fu is air, Sui is water, and Ku translates as void, but can also mean sky or heaven. It represents those things that are formed of pure energy (creativity, spirit, thought).
R&R thanks:
MM: SplendentGoddess, sakuralovesinuyasha
FF: TheInuyashaKaidanWriter, lorryka, Forest Sentry Koneji
And thanks to all of you who have made either me or `Facets' a favorite!
Bless you all for reading!