InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ First Kisses ❯ Treachery ( Chapter 3 )

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Disclaimer: I still do not own Inuyasha
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Inuyasha sat and leaned his back against the well. Kagome walked over and knelt down in front of him, and he watched her. She was so beautiful and kind, it broke his heart to have to do what he had to do next.
“Kagome, I haven't asked you how you're feeling. You were hurt, too.”
“It's just a lump on the head,” she assured him. “I'm sorry, Inuyasha. You told me to stay away from Sesshomaru, but I didn't listen. If I had run away like you told me to, you wouldn't have been so seriously injured.”
Inuyasha shook his head. “No, in the end it was you who saved me with your arrow. I'm grateful.”
“You're acting totally weird now. Do you have a fever?” she asked, confusion in her voice.
Inuyasha looked away. “You heard the story about how Naraku deceived me fifty years ago. He's the one who's pulling the strings behind Sesshomaru.” He saw the surprise on her face. Apparently, she hadn't figured it out. “I've made the decision. Things are getting more dangerous by the day.”
“Yeah, you're probably right,” Kagome agreed. He stared at her. Of all the responses he had expected from her, this wasn't one.
“What's that supposed to mean??” he shouted. “We're in serious danger! This time we were lucky, but who knows what could happen next time!”
“Well, I'm not afraid!” Kagome shouted right back at him. “Naraku's a terrible demon! We've got to do what we can to destroy him.”
Once again, Kagome surprised Inuyasha with her bravery and determination. Hopefully, she would forgive him for what he had to do.
He pulled her head close to his, and stared into her chocolate-brown eyes. There, he saw first confusion, then understanding. He quickly closed the distance between the two of them. Next thing Kagome knew, Inuyasha's lips were on her own.
Finally, Inuyasha broke the kiss and pulled Kagome into his shoulder. “I was afraid,” he said softly. “I thought I was going to loose you, and the thought terrified me.” May she forgive me, he thought silently, and pulled away with the jewel shard in his grasp.
“I'll hold on to the jewel.”
“What are you doing??” Kagome asked.
“Kagome,” Inuyasha said, his face impassive. “Go back to your own era!” He saw the uncomprehending look in her eyes, and pushed her down the well. He scream echoed eerily, and he watched as she disappeared into a flash of light.
To his shame, he felt hot tears running down his cheeks, and he hobbled away as best as he could with his wound. Hopefully, he could get far enough away that no one would hear him cry.
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Ok, ok, I admit, I cried when I wrote this. I almost cry every time I read it. As always, please read and review!! Reviews make me very, very, very happy!