InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Flipped: A Different Inuyasha Story - Part One ❯ Episode 15: Heartbroken ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Thanks for the review werxa and Liger254! I really appreciate it!

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, never will. So, stop asking!

Chapter 15

A lump filled her throat and her heartbeat quickened as she choked out," Sesshoumaru."

The said white haired boy looked up with emotionless golden eyes. There was silence as they stared at each other, his golden orbs locked on hers. Kagome found herself unable to look away and swallowed. Sesshoumaru stood up smoothly, his haroi sleeves flowing at his sides as he walked towards her with the gracefulness only he possessed, causing Kagome's breath to hitch in her throat.

Kagome found herself unable to move as he walked closer to her. Kagome felt her heart beating rapidly as he stepped before her. They were so close; she had to raise her head up slightly to look at him as he looked down at her.

Slowly, she saw him lift up his hand. Her eyes widened as he placed it on her cheek. She stared up at him, with uncertainty and surprise. Her throat suddenly felt dry as he ran a thumb over her bottom lip, staring intently at it. Then, he raised those marvelous eyes of his to look at her. Kagome froze at his intense gaze. Her voice was lost to her and her eyes widened her pure shock as he suddenly leaned forewords....

.... and kissed her.


"Mm," Inuyasha said, walking through the forest," Where could she be?"

He groaned low in his throat as he looked up at the tree tops. "At this rate, I’ll never find her."

He scanned the leafy green tree tops again. 'Green. Her kimono just had to be green. Why couldn't it have been... Orange or something?! That would make finding her soooo much easier.'

He sighed when he suddenly saw a blur of black and green pass by.

"Kagome?" he said, but she had already disappeared.

"I wonder where she's going," he murmured, as he walked off in the direction he saw her headed.

Eventually, he reached the edge of the clearing where Kagome had been sealed. He spied Kagome and Sesshoumaru standing close together.

'Sesshoumaru?' he thought,' What's he doing here? You know, Kagome never did tell me what happened to him while I was unconscious.'

Sesshoumaru, then cupped Kagome's chin.

'What's he doing?' Inuyasha thought, brows furrowed, as Sesshoumaru ran his thumb over Kagome’s bottom lip.

Then, Sesshoumaru kissed her making Inuyasha's eyes widen in shock almost simultaneously with Kagome's.

'Wha- H-He's kissing her?' Inuyasha thought, still in shock.

But then, Kagome sighed, returning the kiss.

'Wha-?' Inuyasha thought, feeling a strange tightening in his chest,' and she's kissing him back?'

But then, he saw movement at Sesshoumaru's other hand making him flick his eyes to his hip. Sesshoumaru lifted his hand to his hip, pulling something out of a sheath.

'What is that?’ Inuyasha thought squinting, when he suddenly saw it glint in the shadowy light.

His eyes widened in realization. 'That's a dagger!'

Sesshoumaru lifted it up above Kagome's head, prepared to plunge it through her heart.

Inuyasha suddenly called out, running into the clearing. "Kagome! Look out!"

Kagome's eyes shot open in surprise. "Inuyasha?"

As Sesshoumaru was plunging the dagger downwards, Kagome spied it, leaping away from him but not before the dagger tore through her kimono leaving a long cut on her shoulder.

Kagome landed on her feet, a hand on her shoulder. She pulled her hand away, looking at the red blood coating her fingers. She looked up at him, eyes widened with shock.

"Se-Sesshoumaru?" she said.

"Hm," he said, staring emotionlessly at the blood covering the blade," And I was so close too."

"But...why?" she asked, confused.

He looked up at her with darkened eyes. "I was killed by you 15 years ago, Kagome. I had in turn tried to kill you. You were supposed to die that day, Kagome, just as I had."

He lifted the dagger up before him as his voice became more forceful. "But you did not die that day. You were merely sealed and then, freed by my reincarnation. So, now your life belongs to me, Kagome. No other shall take it."

Then, he turned around as if to leave but he did not move. "Know this, Kagome. I will not rest until I have taken what is mine. You can be sure of this."

With that, he left, disappearing into the dark forest, leaving not a trace that he had been there.

Inuyasha stood there, staring after Sesshoumaru, eyes widened, brows furrowed. He stared until he spied Kagome standing, her hand before her, still stained with blood.

Then, Kagome suddenly collapsed to her knees as if Inuyasha had said stay, staring down at her hand, before clenching it into a fist. Inuyasha could see her hand trembling slightly.

He stepped towards her. "Kagome?"

"Go away," she mumbled.

"But Kagome, your shoulder..." he started.

"It's fine," she said, no higher than a whisper," Now leave me alone."

He tried again, reaching towards her. "Kagome-"

"I said LEAVE ME ALONE!" she shouted.

Inuyasha pulled his hand back as if he'd been burned, her cry startling some birds in a nearby tree causing them to fly from it in a flurry of flapping wings.

Inuyasha stared at her, feeling strangely, hurt.

"Just go away," she whispered, lowering her head.

He stood there for a moment, before quietly walking off in the direction of the well.

When, he reached the edge of the clearing, he stopped, turning his head back slightly to glance at her.

"If it means anything to you," he said," I'm sorry."

When he got silence in return, he turned his head back, walking away.

As his footsteps grew distant, she curled up as if trying to hide from the world, his words echoing in her head.

'If it means anything to you... I'm sorry.'

"I'm sorry, too," she whispered, feeling a lone tear roll down her cheek.


Inuyasha was walking away from a scene that made him feel... well, he wasn't completely sure how he felt about everything that had happened.

'That was...' he thought,' definitely unexpected.'

He subconsciously pushed through the leafy foliage, trying to collect his scattered thoughts and emotions.

'Okay, then,' Inuyasha thought,' Kagome and Sesshoumaru. They just...'

Strangely, he found himself unable to say it as if he did it would make everything that happened real.

'But... it did happen,' he thought,' Sesshoumaru kissed Kagome... and she returned it.'

He felt the strange tightening in his chest again.

'What is up with this?' he thought, placing a hand to his chest,' I've been feeling weird lately.'

Inuyasha furrowed his brows, growling softly.

'Why?' he thought,' Why would she kiss him back? I thought... I thought he hated her.'

He became thoughtful. 'But then again, he did try to kill her afterwards...'

He felt rage flare up.

'I can't believe it,' Inuyasha thought, furiously,' that he'd do something so low! I'm almost ashamed to be his reincarntion!'

He felt himself become angrier with each thought, until his eyes widened realizing what he was thinking.

'Why am I feeling so angry about this?' he thought,' Why do I care so much?'

He shook his head, brushing it off. 'Anybody would be angry at something so low. That was way below the belt.'

Inuyasha then realized that he had been letting out a low growling noise and stopped it abruptly.

Then, he found his thoughts drifting back to Kagome's words.


'Just go away...'

He felt the hurt push its way to the surface again.

'Why should I care?' he thought, his anger returning,' If she doesn't want me around, fine!'

Strangely, that only added to the hurt.

He growled, pushing it away. 'She's so stupid. She's just a baka! Baka! Baka!'

"Stupid girl," he growled, lowly.

But he felt his anger melt away when he thought of her collapsed to her knees, head bent, hand trembling.

'She just looked so... helpless,' he thought,' Just like in the clearing outside of Miroku's village. She looked so vulnerable. Nothing like the rough and tough Kagome I’ve come to know...'

'It was so...' Inuyasha thought, brows furrowed,'...strange and unsettling to see Kagome like that.'

He felt a pang in his chest and placed his hand over it, clenching the fabric of his shirt. 'I... I don't want to see Kagome like that ever again.'

'If it means anything to you... I’m sorry.'

'And I am sorry,' he thought,' even if I don't know why.'

‘Though,’ Inuyasha thought,’ I still can’t believe he kissed her! Then, he tried to kill her?!’

He felt something else bubble up along with his rage.

‘Now what?’ he thought, agitatedly, struggling to identify the emotion.

‘What is this?’ he growled,’ I haven’t felt like this since Kouga and I both liked…’

His thoughts stopped until he thought,’ I’m… Jealous?!’

‘No way!’ he thought, shaking his head,’ There’s no way I could be jealous of Sesshoumaru! …Right?’

His only reply was the emotion swirling around with his doubt and confusion.

'Augh!' he thought, grabbing his head as he shook those thoughts away,' This is so confusing! I don't know what to think!'

He groaned. "How did it get to this?"

"I don't know."

Inuyasha found himself startled back from his thoughts, as he blinked, his Mom appearing in his vision, hands on her hips, brow quirked.

"Though, I might know if I knew what you were talking about," she said, her lips quirking upwards, her blue eyes dancing in amusement.

He blinked again, realizing he had made it out of the forest, through the well, across the shrine, and into the kitchen without even realizing it.

"Eh?" he said, dumbly," How'd I get here?"

She giggled, a smile crossing her face. "You walked, silly."

He mock glared at her which she returned with a laugh, wrapping her arms around him.

"Oh," she said," I've missed you so much. I'm so happy you're back! I kept worrying something had happened to you."

Inuyasha smiled and chuckled embarrassedly. "Sorry, I made you worry. You see, we got a little sidetracked... It might take a while to tell."

She pulled away, smiling up at him. "Well, I can't wait to hear it."


The Lady of the Northern Lands walked down the road, the setting sun leaving an orange glow on her pale skin. Her cold brown eyes were narrowed piercing the land before her with an icy glare as if it was the one that had done her wrong.

The cause of this was the limp arm hanging at her left side.

'Damn you, Kagome,' she thought, eyes narrowing.

She glanced down at the limp arm at her side.

'My arm should have healed by now yet...'

She tried for the millionth time since her encounter with her younger sibling to move the arm, receiving only the slightest movement of her fingers.

"Damn you," she hissed.

The lizard demon a bit behind her looked at her uncertainly.

'Lady Kikyou, has been in a foul mood for quite some time,' he thought,' It's that entire half breed's fault! How dare she harm my lady?!'

Then, he gathered up his courage and said," Lady Kikyou..."

"Just be silent, Tolkein," she grounded out," I am not in the mood for that gravelly voice of yours. It sounds like two rocks grinding together."

"But...” he started.

She stopped and turned around to give him an evil glare.

"Be quiet now, Tolkein," she growled," Or I will have to slice out your tongue and feed it to the buzzards."

Tolkein shut his mouth immediately, moving back a few steps, gulping.

'Lady Kikyou, is definitely still in a bad mood.'

Kikyou took a deep breath in trying to calm herself, words from her teachings coming back to her.

'A good Lady does not unleash her feelings. She stays calm and collected, always with an ear out for things that her emotions can hide from her.'

"My, my."

Kikyou then sensed the presence behind her. Cursing herself for letting her emotions get the better of her, she put on her calm facade, turning to the person before her.

What she was met with was a figure shrouded in a dark cloak.

"I never knew the Lady of the Northern Lands had such a temper," they continued," Remind me not to get on your bad side."

"Who are you?" Kikyou asked, emotionlessly.

"Me?" they said," My true name is of no importance, but if you wish, you can call me Kodokumo."

"Hm," said Kikyou," Why do you come to me?"

"I did not come to you," they said, amusedly," I had only been walking down the road when I spotted you. I'm surprised you did not notice me until I spoke."

Once again, Kikyou cursed her emotions for blinding her to her surroundings.

"I heard about your sister, Kagome, was it?" they said.

Kikyou forced herself not to react but couldn't hold back the anger that seeped into her voice. "What of her?"

"I've heard that she is traveling, is she not?"

"Yes," said Kikyou," That is correct. I also seem to recall that she was traveling with a lowly human. Thankfully it's only one."

"Really," the figure seemed surprised," You mean, you haven't heard?"

"Heard what?" she replied, eyes narrowing slightly.

"Why, Lady Kikyou," she said," Your sister now travels with THREE humans."

Kikyou forced down her shock but anger did slip through. "THREE humans?"

"Yes," they said.

"She truly dares," she said," to further taint what she and Mother have already brought upon this house?"

"Quite shocking, is it not?" said the figure.

"She will not live another day," Kikyou said," Do you know, in which direction she is?"

"Yes," said the figure," but I can be of more help than that."

"What do you mean?" asked Kikyou.

"How would you like the use of your left arm, returned to you?" they said.

Kikyou narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "How?"

"Simple," they said, pulling out a blue shard," With this."

"What is it?" she asked, feeling power radiate from it.

"This is just something I’ve had for a little while."

They held out their hand. "Here. Place it in your shoulder and you will be able to use your arm again."

Kikyou stared silently at it before taking the shard from the figure's hand. She held it between her fingers, staring at it before she looked at the figure.

"How do I know I can trust you?" Kikyou said, eyes narrowing.

"Because," said the figure," We both want the same thing."

"And what would that be?" she asked.

"The death of Kagome."

Kikyou thought for a moment before placing the shard in the hole in her shoulder, pressing in. As she pulled away, she felt the feeling of the bones pulling back together, the muscle knitting itself, and then, the skin mending over it, leaving it smooth and unmarred.

She stared at the arm, before trying to move it, finding that she could use it successfully. She flexed her fingers, bent her arm at the elbow, and rolled the shoulder, testing it in little ways before she was satisfied.

"I must..." Kikyou started, having difficulty with the words," Thank you. I am... pleased."

"Then, that makes me pleased," said the figure," But, I ask for one thing in return."

"What is it?” she asked," I'll do it to repay my debt to you."

"I only ask that you..." they said,"...dispose of Kagome."

Kikyou felt a little surprised at first but did not show it.

'I was already planning on doing that,' she thought amused.

"It is done," she said, calmly, though her amusement slightly slipped into her eyes," Tell me in what direction she is."

"I have heard that, for the moment," the figure said," she resides in the village; just outside the forest she was sealed."

She nodded, hiding her surprise. "Very well."

She then, turned around, heading in the direction opposite of where she had been headed, walking along the road. "Come Tolkein."

The lizard demon turned, rushing after. "I am coming, my Lady!"

Kodokumo smirked under the cloak. 'I saw your amusement, Kikyou. But you do not know, as soon as you have killed Kagome and her companions, their shards will be mine.... and I will kill you.'