InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Forbidden Eternal Love ❯ Inuyasha, Half-Demon Prince ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Inuyasha, it belongs to extremely talented Rumiko Takahashi. But I DO own Kane, he is mine to do with what I want! And the name Maiku is mine!!! It's my friend Mike's name in Japanese, LOL.
All in Heaven are humans and all on Earth are demons.
Chapter Two: Inuyasha, Half-Demon Prince
Out in the deep forest away from the bustle of the busy capital city, sat the great castle of King Inutaisho, amongst the secluded woods. The bright sun shined forth beating down upon the castle walls and windows, shewing intense light onto a balcony protruding from the castle wall. A young man sits perched gracefully on the edge railing, his long silvery hair shimmering in the sunlight, deep golden amber eyes glowing vast in thought, silver dog like ears twitching at any sounds being made, on alert for intruders of his peace and serenity.
A soft knock on his bedroom door, brings him out of thought, he lets out a deep growl as he stalks towards the door and swings it open to reveal a tall black haired, green-eyed man or in this case demon, standing there.
“What the hell do you want, Kane?” He asked gruffly to his best friend.
“Well, good morning to you too, Inuyasha.” said Kane.
“Sorry, I was just in deep thought.”
“Your father has sent me to fetch you, he wishes to speak with you.” The demon replied, unaffected by his friend's foul mood.
“Fine...Tell him I'll be there shortly.” Inuyasha said then quickly shut the door.
Kane just stood there for a few seconds after Inuyasha shut the door in his face “Man, Inuyasha needs a girl...bad.” He chuckled before leaving to deliver the message.
Inuyasha sat calmly on his bed in his chamber He probably wants me to get married, Arrgh I don't want to. Not at twenty anyway. Why can't he make Sesshomaru get married first?
“Well I better get going before he gets really angry.” He said as he briskly exited his room and headed for the throne room.
Inuyasha cautiously walked up the carpet that led to his parents throne. Where he noticed Sesshomaru, his older half-brother standing off to the side next to their father, with a scowl on his face as he stood there in his regal robes allowing his gaze to fall upon Inuyasha.
“Oh, Inuyasha there you are, my boy. I have something to give you and I also wish to discuss something with you.” King Inutaisho stated when he spotted his younger son approach him.
“Inuyasha, my son good morning, I trust you slept well.” Izayoi said to her beloved son.
“Yes mother, I did. And father what is it that you wish to give to me?” Inuyasha asked curious of what he is or was planning.
“Yuan, bring me the gifts for my two sons.” Inutaisho beckoned his advisor.
Yuan left then quickly returned holding something wrapped up in a white cloth and presented it to King Inutaisho, so he could remove the white cloth to reveal two swords. Sesshomaru's cold golden eyes lit up as he gazed at a particular sword, the one he has been dying to wield.
“Sesshomaru, my eldest son, I give you Tensaiga, that has the power to heal a hundred people in one swing. And Inuyasha, my youngest son, I give you Tetsusaiga, that has the power to kill a hundred enemies in one swing. Both are made from my fangs and will give you strength and power.” Inutaisho stated as he handed each sword to their new owners.
“I don't want THIS sword, I require the other one. What use would I have of this sword? I don't intend to save lives, I intend destroy them! I should be the one to have Tetsusaiga, Father. Not Inuyasha, he's not worthy!” Sesshomaru shouted as he reached for the sword, only to be repelled by a strong barrier. “Grr...Father, why have you put up a barrier around it?!” He growled pulling his hand away quickly.
“SESSHOMARU! Have respect for your younger brother, I never want to hear you say he's unworthy ever again. The barrier is to prevent you from taking it, Tetsusaiga, will always belong to Inuyasha, you hear me!” Inutaisho shouted at his eldest son.
“Fine...I'm leaving.” He replied, then hastily stalked away.
“That boy will never be anything but selfish, will he? Oh, Inuyasha we need to discuss the issue of marriage, now...”
“No! I won't get married! I refuse too. Dad I'm still young, and I don't want to get tied down to a brainless, snooty...”
“Now Inuyasha, enough of that. Is it so wrong that I want to see my son get married?”
“Then why not marry Sesshomaru off first, the demonesses accept him, unlike me. They only pretend to like me cause I'm the prince, other wise I'd be looked down upon. So please call off this stupid ball you have planned tonight, I know every woman there will be faking interest. Besides I like to be alone on this night.” Inuyasha replied solemnly.
“I…Well I just want to make sure you are happy in your life, if I were to suddenly leave this world. I will give you time to find a woman who will truly love you for who you are, but I'm still having a ball this evening, maybe it'll help you in your search. Please just go, and then you'll be free the rest of the night.”
“Inuyasha, I understand your feelings. Not being accepted here. Think of how I have been scorned for being a human married to a demon, the king of all the demons. Before you were born I was beloved by every one here but after our treaty with the humans up in the heavens; the demons down here began to resent me for my human heritage. And they feel that you are tainted blood, as well as your brother. But please just go, even for only an hour.” Izayoi pleaded with her son, while tears formed in her bright violet eyes.
“Fine...but I doubt that I'll find someone. Then I want to be alone, I don't want anyone to find out about tonight.” Inuyasha complied as he stared up at the sky through the castle windows, then walked out back into his room. Damn, if only tonight wasn't the new moon.
“Are you ready Inuyasha?” Kane asked as he stood beside Inuyasha, waiting to be announced to all the guests there.
“Keh...Whatever. Let's just get this over with then I want to leave, there's only two hours before the new moon.” He replied.
“Presenting his Royal Highness, The Half-Demon Prince Inuyasha. And his advisor, and friend Lord Kane.” The announcer said, as the doors opened to reveal the said persons to all the guests.
Kane and Inuyasha both walked tall, proud and gracefully toward the King and Queen, to take their seats. Inuyasha next to his mother, while he noticed Sesshomaru next to his father, and Kane a little ways behind him. One by one, ladies were introduced to him, as he had to dance with each one. None of them were quite as annoying as Lady Yura, who kept obsessing about his beautiful silver hair, who he had Kane get rid of quickly.
“Well I was top of my classes, most beautiful, the best at everything...and blah blah.” Lady Leiko was stating to Inuyasha as she danced with him.
Man, what an arrogant person, thinking that they're the best at everything. Hmm...Leiko, no wonder her name means arrogant, she'd be perfect for Sesshomaru. Damn I've got ten minutes, I have to go.
“Well excuse me Lady Leiko, I'm very tired, so go away.” Inuyasha stated bluntly as he made his leave for his chambers.
Once he got there, the sun dipped below the horizon to reveal the night sky with no moon, and his silvery hair and golden eyes turned to midnight black hair and piercing violet eyes. Oh how he hated this period of vulnerability, he wanted nothing more than to be a full-fledged demon, but the only thing keeping him from trying to complete that dream, was his beautiful, kind, loving mother. She'd always tell him, since he was younger, that there was nothing that was wrong with him and the way he is. That he was special and unique; he is her little angel.
Inuyasha walked out onto the balcony and stared at the sky he always hated to see, but then a thought came to him as he glanced up at the far away kingdom in the sky. Something was drawing him there, like it was supposed to happen. Most demons that he conversed with, told him of the evils that the humans have done, but yet he couldn't believe that they were all bad, for his father had married Izayoi, a human. He wanted to go there and just see what they were like, for once, and to understand why it was forbidden, see if any of his mother's relatives were there. He had thought about it numerous times, but finally on the night of the new moon he could go with out being detected.
A low knock was heard at his door.
“Come in.” Inuyasha growled.
The door opened slowly to show Kane standing there, “Inuyasha, how are you doing?”
“Fine. I hate this night, but yet I can use it to my advantage.”
“How so? Oh no your not thinking about doing, Inuyasha its forbidden, forget we ever discussed it, we were young and naive and stupid when we thought about it. Do you even know how in trouble you'll be if you were found out, and haven't you read the law, the treaty, on what happens to people if they...” Kane argued.
“ENOUGH! I know the consequences, which is why I've waited till this night to do it, no one will suspect a thing. Besides something is drawing me there, I have to find out what it is. And you're to cover for me.” Inuyasha commanded.
“Inu..never mind, please hurry back and for the love of Kami don't get caught! Oh wait! How do you know how to get up there anyway?” Kane asked curiously.
“ if I could get caught, anyway there is a portal not far from here that leads to the heavens, all I have to do is sneak out of the castle and sneak past the guardians of the portal and in I go.”
“Fine, but hurry back or I'll be skinned alive.”
“ if I'd let that happen, see you soon.” Inuyasha called as he leapt out of his window.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the prophecy, I over heard, that two beings will be born, and they will unite both kingdoms peace and harmony, and that was made twenty years ago....hmm....nah as if. Kane thought then walked off toward his own room to await the return of Inuyasha.
I'd like to thank my wonderful beta-reader and friend Chelsea, for making this story readable, and fixing my grammar, because of her this story will be of the highest quality. It was kind of hard doing that chapter because I'm a girl and I don't know what goes on inside a guy's head, lol.
MUCH Love and huggles