InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Can't ❯ Instincts ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I can't

*disclaimer- ohh... you know this by now! I DONT OWN ANYTHING THAT I DIDN'T MAKE UP!! There, better?

This is the second chapter! Finally Abercrombielvr07! It's about time! Thanks to the people who have commented. In theory, I was supposed to update when I had a few more comments, but, oh well... If you want to see Chapter 3, I am holding it hostage until I see some more love! I hope you adore the story, because I sure do! Enjoy!

Thoughts look like this: Inuyasha is really cute as a human...
Flashbacks look like this: Inuyasha is really cute as a human...

Rumbling thunder blasted in the distance. A clawed finger tapped her shoulder. She was afraid and couldn't sleep.
"Kags..." A voice whispered. "Kagome..." the clawed hand was now gently squeezing her arm. It was Inuyasha, the breath-takingly handsome hanyou who had stolen her heart. He had come for her just like he did everytime there was a thunderstorm. She turned over on her back and peered up at him. Even in the dark, his eyes would glow an amazing molten gold and it made her shiver. Inuyasha's eyes were the easiest to get lost in, so she looked away and told him,
"I'm scared." He gathered her up into his arms. "I know," He cooed in his rich, smooth voice. "I know..." He rocked her gently until her breathing became even and she fell asleep to the steady beat of his heart...

'Snap out of it Kagome...'
Kagome chided herself as she came back from her daydreaming. This was how it had been everyday since the day... Everyday, right after she would wake up, no matter what, she would go down the well, then weep after it didn't send her back to Sengoku Jidai, then she would be haunted by some memory of she and Inuyasha, today about thunder storms, then she would return to her duties and usually drift off under the Goshinboku after questioning it on why it wont let her through. Her life revolved around that day, and she knew it always would. When she slept under the Goshinboku, she would always have dreams of Inuyasha coming to her and telling her he still loved her now matter what. And they would talk, even get in fights sometimes. The dreams were what kept her going; they were what kept her alive.

Rumbling Thunder blaster in the distance. He tapped her shoulder with his claw as gently as possible. He could smell the fear radiating off of her trembling body.
"Kags..." He whispered. "Kagome..." He carefully squeezed the delicately made ligament. The smell of fear was gradually being replaced by the scent of comfort. She turned over and studied his face for a while. She then got an interesting look on her face followed by a shiver and looked away.
"I'm scared." He gathered her up into his arms on a protective impulse and tried to comfort her the best he could. "I know," he tried to sound confident but soft so he wouldn't wake the others, "I know..." He rocked her back and forth until her breathing became even and was sure she had fallen into blissful, untroubled sleep.

'Stop it Inuyasha!'
He mentally yelled at himself. 'Just thinking about her won't bring her back.' Ever since the well was blocked off, his life had never been the same. He cried the first couple of days, in secret of course. He slept in the well, and wouldn't eat a bite. Everyday he would go out and pick her favorite flowers and leave them in a bundle by the well as if it was her gravestone, and it was in a way. He wasn't able to think straight and reason well in his deep depression. The others were miserable by the loss of bright, bubbly Kagome too. Miroku and Sango both lost a dear sister and Shippo lost the only mother he had ever really known. Finally though, Inuyasha had to claim his bloodright, and moved to the north with Sango, Miroku, and Shippo. Sango and Miroku had been married and now resided in the Takahashi palace and Inuyasha took the young kitsune under his wing- or, paw... Hand? Inuyasha had to snap out of his reverie, considering he would be having a meeting about the welfare of the Amuro families' cow being stolen and a basic report of his lands with his advisor. As if on cue, Miroku walked through the large, double doors.
"So," said the hanyou, "what did you find out?" A grin spread across the monk's face as he said, "We found the Amuro's cow in a clover patch a few yards north of the forest, the rumor of there being a disease among the chicken population was not true, and the crop income will be great this year!" Inuyasha perked up a little at the news of the prosperity of his lands.
"We should be bringing much more income than last year and that was enough to keep us comfortable for another 8 years." Inuyasha smiled.
"We're gaining on my brother in profits, aren't we?" Miroku duplicated Inuaysha's facial expression and nodded his head. The hanyou stood, "Well, if that's all the updates you have for me then-" Miroku interrupted Inuyasha when he remembered one last detail.
"A messenger from the West came to announce Lord Sesshomaru's arrival in two weeks time. Rin is coming along so we need some of the servants to get ready a couple of guest rooms and then-..."
"Could we make that three weeks?" Inuyasha questioned, not knowing, or caring, if Miroku was finished yet. Miroku got a look of uncertainty on his face and said, "Is there something we need to get finished? Do you need to go somewhere?"
"I need to go to my forest." Miroku brightened up a bit. "Already checked it over this morning." Inuyasha smiled.
"Not that forest, my other one." Understanding flared in the other man's eyes as Inuyasha said, "I need to spend some time with Kagome."
"Sure," the monk started, "I'll send a messenger to the Western palace."
"Thanks Miroku." They shook hands and Inuyasha left the large office. He began the long trek to his bedchamber in the back of the palace. All sorts of extremely expensive items and artwork littered the hallway to the room and made the palace look stunning. He made it to the huge double shoji doors and walked in. The room was large and more than fit for a king. His walls were a pale green with murals of cherry blossoms and great dogs on them. His bed had the finest silks and satins draping the finest Japanese frame available. The mattress was stuffed to the max with goose feathers and his overly large, cherry wood dresser was filled with perfectly clean, regal, and expensive kimonos and hakamas and knee-length boots. He still owned his favorite outfit though, the bright red, fire rat robe set in the back that he never wore anymore, since it wasn't fit for a king, as Sesshomaru said. Really, none of the room was his idea. He didn't want some show-offy room with the finest of everything. He just wanted something away from everyone and everything. But Sesshomaru ordered his personal interior designer to go fix his WHOLE castle, and she did a great job! But it just wasn't Inuyasha's style to be so expensive and proper. He wouldn't change the way it was though, he cherished Sesshomaru's kindness too much, and the amazing design of his palace was physical proof that he and his brother were on good terms.
The smell of new cherry blossom petals hit him hard as he eyed the new collection of them scattered on his top-of-the-line, polished bamboo floor. The maids did their job well, especially knowing that this job was the most important. Cherry blossoms were Kagome's favorite, making Inuyasha very fond of them too. She smelled like cherry blossoms all year, not just blooming season, so it was nice to have some sort of proxy smell. In fact, the whole wall opposite his door was one pane of glass, so he could see them all the time, there was practically a whole mini-forest of cherry blossoms that had just bloomed this very day. Walking toward his humongous bed, Inuyasha couldn't help but strech and yawn. The journey to Inuyasha's Forest tomorrow would be long, so he had to plan carefully. Bedtime was always the most painful for the young hanyou lord, so by newly found habit, Inuyasha howled. Howled at the moon, howled at the pain, howled at the Goshinboku. Then fatigue washed over and he collapsed on his bed.

"All done!" Kagome said out loud. She only got 3 hours of sleep that night, due to the haunting questions racing through her head. "does he remember me?"... "Has he forgotton?"... "How is everybody?"... Putting the broom back where it belonged, she began to walk towards the house. When she reached the steps to the door, she hesitated.
"On second thought, I'm just going to skip lunch today." Changing direction, Kagome went towards the Goshinboku. Her first instinct made her go to her special spot. Stepping on a root as she would a latter, she was elevated enough to face the divot in the bark. Running her hand, then her finger over the little hole, she began to cry. She wouldn't even know that ancient mark was there if it wern't for her amazing travels 500 years in the past. That one little hole held a story, a story that changed her life, and the life of a few other people she knew. That hole... Her precious hanyou was there. She wrapped her arms around the tree, taking comfort in it if only for a minute. Just like she did the first time she saw it, the first time she saw Inuyasha. When the arrows of the villagers were flying towards her, the first thing she did was go to Inuyasha. She didn't even know the guy, but for some reason, she went to him for protection and comfort... As if she knew he would protect her with his life. His eyes weren't even open and she still felt something, something extraordinary, in those few seconds of her first contact with Inuyasha. How good it would feel to hold onto that muscular, warm, strong body of his again! To feel his arms tightening around her, the muscles rippling beneath his soft skin, just once more!
"Oh, my handsome Inuyasha... What happened?" Sobs racked her body as she slid down the tree onto the stone bench beneath it. Her head in her hands, she cried as hard as she ever had. Fearing a heartattack, she slowly stopped crying though, but still continued to sniffle.
"Your eyes, your beautiful golden eyes... They are haunting me... They are driving me insane..."

"Good bye Uncle Inu!"
"Yah! Good bye Uncle Inu!" Two beautiful childeren ran towards Inuyasha as he opened his arms for the inevitable. The girl jumped right into his arms and the boy settled to just hug him around the thighs.
"Mai, your going to strangle me!" He said jokingly. He made a gagging sound as she played along and tightened her grip around his neck. The adorable 3 year old looked just like her father. She had his large violet eyes and shiny raven hair, but she acted like her mother, gentle yet fiery and not afraid to voice her opinion. The little arms around his legs belonged to the strong-for-an-8-year-old Ichigo. Looking more like his mother with thick, jet-black hair and warm brown eyes but more like his father in ways that were not lecherous, but more intellegence and quietness, was his personality. Hugging the childeren back and setting down Mai, he made room for his own beloved son to have a hug. The boy ran as fast as he could toward his dad and jumped into his arms like Mai did.
"That's my boy. You be good now for Sango and Miroku, you hear?" The little boy nodded and Inuyasha ruffled his bright orange hair.
"I'll be back in couple of days."
"I love you Daddy!" The little kitsune smiled and Inuyasha kissed his forehead,
"I love you too, Son." He set Shippo down and the little fox ran back to the beautiful couple. Looking them over, the family of four, with another on the way, made him happy, yet sad. Would that be him and Kagome if the "accident" never happened? Would she be pregnant with their third by now? He guessed he would never know and smiled at his friends, neice, nephew, and dear son.
"I'll see you all later." Using a skill Sesshomaru had taught him, he focused all of his energy and made himself a fast moving ball of neon light.

When he got to the village, the chatter started as he moved towards Kaede's grave. Whispers of, "It's Lord Inuyasha!" And "He's an old friend of Lady Kaede's!" And the village girls' favorite, "Look at how handsome he is!!" followed him the whole way there. It made him angry how they only say that because he was royalty. Those girls wouldn't give him the time of day if he was still who he used to be; a lowly hanyou. But Kagome did... He was a mere hanyou, and she still loved him... At the grave, Inuyasha kneeled and spoke,
"Hey there Kaede. I see they've taken good care of your grave, just like I told them to. Well, you deserve it, old woman. I'm going to see Kagome now that I've seen everything is ok here. See ya later, Kaede." He moved from the grave and toward the forest still to the sound of low whispers. They sounded like yells to him, though. Those fools actually thought he couldn't hear him. Walking through that forest brought back all of those old memories that he cherished. They were a little painful too. Okay, they cut him like the sharpest blade. He knew he was getting closer and closer to the well, not just from experience of walking through the forest to get there, but he could also smell the warm wood of the Goshinboku that it was made of. Coming upon the well, like always, made his eyes get moist. He wouldn't cry though, he couldn't. Then, he stopped. The mental image of Kagome sitting on the edge made him stop dead in his tracks and stare. Then the fake Kagome blew him a girly kiss and waved. He knew what was coming next. He didn't want to see her go down the well again, to never come back. "No. Kagome!! Dont go down the-" Before he could finish his thought, she already took the plunge down the well. The moistness in his eyes had already evolved into tears and now they were pouring down his face. He walked the rest of the way to the well and touched the last place Kagome had been in this era. He kneeled in front of the well and wept. Why did this always happen to him? Was he destined to never be with the woman he loved? Why did Kikyo and Kagome have to go? Why did they-... Wait. Was that an urge? Were his dog instincts telling him to do something? Yes! They were... They were telling him to... ugh. Inuyasha concentrated his thoughts the best he could. He was getting something... He needed to... He needed... He needed to jump down the well!! Yes! That was it! His instincts were telling him to jump down the well and Inuyasha had long ago learned to never ignore his instincts. He stood from his spot on the ground and looked down the well. A deep breath was his last action before he jumped down the hole even though he knew what was going to happen. But, inspite of the normal, his leather clad feet never touched ground. He never felt the warm, dark soil that was in the depths of the well. Then, everything went blue.

Author's Note: WOW!! Abercrombielvr07 actually made a pretty good cliffie!! I bet your all dying to know what happens next!! BUT ALAS! Only I know what happens!! I'm so evil *dances evil little girl dance =D I hope you all enjoyed my evil little girl dance. Well, this chapter was kinda hard to write because it was difficult to not make a laundry list of things they had been doing in the time between the 'Accident' and where the story is. So obviously they are both in deep deep depressions and have not moved on. Shippo is now Inuyasha's beloved son and Miroku and Sango have two childeren with another on the way. That's just about all this chapter is trying to cover. It's pretty much just about their lives after the 'accident'. THE REPAIR MAN FIXED THE WELL!!! WOOT WOOT!! =D Until next time, COMMENT!! OR NO NEXT CHAPPIE AND 'I CAN'T' WILL BE FOREVER LOST IN CYBERSPACE!!!