InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Care 4 U ❯ I Care 4 U ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By: Anime-Alee
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha; it's characters or the song I Care 4 U.
Summery: Alternate universe fic, Inuyasha chose Kikyo over Kagome, and as time went on Kikyo left him for Naraku. Leaving his heart broken and needing mending, and there is only girl for the job. Kagome/Inuyasha,
Ages: Kagome Higurashi-19, Inuyasha-20, Kikyo-20,
Side note: I hope people don't interpret this as an Inuyasha/Kikyo fic because it isn't! And there is plenty Kikyo bashing,
I Care 4 U
Part#1- Baby u need a girl like me
There Inuyasha sat, alone in his gloomy apartment; the lights were dimmed and the stereo played soft yet depressing music.
His two-year relationship had just ended, his ex-girlfriend Kikyo had suddenly dumped him after meeting a rich military sergeant; his name was Naraku and he was about 35-years-old.
“ Ugh! She likes rich guys.” Inuyasha spat as, crushing his pillow in anguish over his head, as he thought of Kikyo in the arms of another man. “ Damn her!”
Currently he was lying in his bed with a bottle of bitter whine in his grip. He had been drinking since the break up, and he hadn't bothered to get out of bed. Unless nature called,
He fell back against his soft mattress, sighed sadly, then the phone rang, stirring him from his depression, so he didn't bother with the thought of dragging his hopeless corpse over to the phone and answering it; Inuyasha just smothered his face in the pillow. Until a soothing voice called out to him from his answering machine, “ Inuyasha? Are you there?”
Hey now baby
Why you lookin' so down?
Seems like you need lovin'
Baby you need, a girl like me
Hey my baby
Tell me why you cry
Here take my hand
Wipe those tears from your eyes
It was Kagome Higurashi, his best friend since he was in the eighth grade, and who would do anything possible for him; she had been there holding his hand throughout this whole ordeal. Deep within his heart feelings stirred for her, but not knowing her feelings, he hid it.
“ Inuyasha? Come on…I know you're there, so please pick up the phone. Maybe, if you want we could go out and have dinner? It might make you feel better, get some light and have a decent meal?” Kagome suggested,
Inuyasha slowly stumbled out of bed, trying to reach the phone. He loved being with her; simply witnessing Kagome's cheerful smile was enough to give him the strength to go on.
Can I talk to you (can I talk to u)
Comfort you (comfort)
Let you know (Just wanna let you know)
I care 4 u (oh yeah)
“ Well I guess you don't feel like seeing me, well…I…guess...I'…you...later,” she sighed in a disappointed tone,
But just as she was about to hang up Inuyasha picked up the phone. “ Kagome! I'm here!” He answered; he really wanted to talk with her. Be with her,
“ Oh hey, um so are you up for company…or um do you kind of wanna be alone.” Kagome asked while tangling her finger in her raven colored hair, but in her heart she silently pleaded for him to have a nice dinner with her.
“ You know, normally I would say `I'm not up for socializing' but I really wanna see you tonight, so okay. And how about you swing by block buster and rent a DVD and I'll make the popcorn and by the time you get hear it'll be done.” Inuyasha suggested while he entered his kitchen and opened the cupboard,
“ Alright! And you know how I like my popcorn.” She teased, “ Extra salt, and low on the butter, okay.”
“ Alright saltine queen, see ya in bit.” He laugh while hanging up,
At block buster…
Kagome entered the video store in quick haste, she looked dazzling; she had on a dark purple scar, her favorite dark blue tank top, a matching jacket that concealed her vulnerable arms, a killer black mini skirt, some panty hoes, and a pare of expensive black boots, which came up to her ankles.
And she made her way to the comedy section, because someone who had their heartbroken certainly aren't up for bitter romance stories or rough hitting drama. And so she thought it best to stick with stuff that'll lift her best friend out of the dump,
“ Hmm,” she thought while looking over a comical movie that caught her eye. “ Maybe he would like this.” But as she continued to read the summery she changed her mind, “ I don't think he would enjoy Not Another Teen Movie,” / A/N: Trust me that movie is funny but certainly not for someone who's in a sad mood, and plus it's sort of nasty -- / Kagome searched along for a decent comedy but her search came to a halt as a familiar voice nabbed her attention.
“ Naraku baby, whatcha wanna watch tonight, huh.” It was Kikyo and she was dependably hanging on a rather strange looking man, definitely older than her.
“ Huh, so that must be the guy that slut is with now.” Kagome gritted threw her teeth, that was absolutely the last straw; yeah she was glad that Inuyasha was hanging out with her more now but still Kikyo hurt him, and she could stand that!
“ I don't know babe, you can pick one out. Because I know what we'll be doing during the movie,” he chuckled while rubbing her thigh. Which caused the parents with their children with them to stir uncomfortably,
So Kagome grabbed a random DVD off the shelf and stomped over to the cash register, to pay for the movie. “ Um, ma'am?” The cashier at the front who was just a tab bit younger than her said giving her a strange look,
She groaned impatiently at him, “ Yes!?"
“ Are…are you sure you want this…t-tape?” He asked, with fear in his voice.
“ Yeah so ring it up! I'm meeting someone,” she rolled her eyes as she turned around, leaned her back against the counter and focused her attention on Kikyo and her new toy.
“ Raku-sama,” she giggled while they made their way up to the register as well.
Kagome fiercely glared at the fare skin woman, but the glare turned to a smirk. “ As you requested,” the geeky cashier said while handing her the bag which contained the DVD.
But before Kagome would leave she was gonna have her fun, so she made her way in front of Kikyo and once she noticed Kagome a look of annoyance and disgust was shown on her face. “ What do you want!?” Kikyo asked in an irritated tone, and this caught Naraku's attention.
“ Oh, I just wanted to clue your little boy toy in, you know, like how you're a gold digger and. And once you suck'em dry you leech onto some other guy,” Kagome replied with a devilish smirk on her face.
Naraku frowned and yanked his arm away from Kikyo, “ Hn, I really don't need to associate with the likes of you!” He snorted while leaving her publicly humiliated,
“ Naraku wait! You'd believe her!?” She shrieked angrily waving her fists around,
“ Well yeah, lately you've been begging me to buy you every damn thing you see, so I do believe her. Ciao Kikyo!” He scoffed while exiting the video store, and disappearing from her sight,
“ Ugh! Damn it!” The pale skinned woman hissed while chasing after him, but before she left she flicked Kagome off a yelled “ I'll make you regret meddling in my affairs you little bitch”, and with that she was gone.
“ That was fore you Inuyasha,”, she whispered as she left and got in her car.
Part#2 can I comfort u?
Kagome soon arrived at Inuyasha's apartment complex, she pulled her eyes out and grabbed the bag and proceeded up the stairs until she reached his door, ` I'm so not gonna tell him what I did, he might get angry or upset'. So she decided she would keep her encounter with Kikyo a secret,
But while her knuckles were in mid air, ready to knock the door opened and Inuyasha appeared. “ Finally”, he smirked while moving out of the way so she could get in.
Kagome rolled her eyes, “ Shut up, it was really busy at that damn place,” she lied, and truthfully she was busy ratting out Kikyo. “ So is the popcorn ready”? She asked changing the subject,
Inuyasha shut the front door and nodded while he grabbed the bowl. “ Yes ma'am, what movie did you get?” He asked her while taking the bag from her, and as he saw the DVD he began to laugh uncontrollably.
“ Ugh! What the hell is so damn funny Inuyasha!?” She asked balling up her fists, ` Jeez, first the cashier, but now her best friend! Why are they acting so weird?!'
“ Oh Kagome, I had no idea you were into this. And now that I know were can watch my collection together,” he said with a wide grin.
“ What the hell do you mean!?” She growled while snatching the DVD, but only to have her eyes nearly bulge out! “ OH MY GOD”! She screamed, while tossing it back to Inuyasha as if it were diseased. “ Eeeeeeeeew! Alice in underpants!? UGH! Of all the damn DVDs I could've grabbed, I had to grab a porno!” She yelled out in disgust,
“ You didn't even have to rent it, I have it all ready. And it's one of the best I've seen,” Inuyasha snickered while he patted her on the head. “ But we can always just watch TV”.
“ Yeah, you're right,” Kagome sighed heavily while she slumped onto his couch. “ So whatcha wanna watch”?
He slumped down next to her, and he shrugged; “ Let's see what's on ,” and with that he began flipping from channel to channel.
Kagome sat up then leaned her head on his shoulder, knowing he wouldn't mind. “ So despite your act, are you feeling okay?” She asked in a quiet tone, knowing he always was sensitive about these things.
Hey sexy baby
Why'd your girl leave you in pain?
to let a fine man like you go,
she must be insane
Hey sexy baby
There's no need to worry
Oh boy if you call on me
I'll come, I'll come in a hurry
“ Yeah, and plus I don't act around you. I don't need to,” he replied without removing his eyes from the TV screen. “ Best friends are themselves when they're together, but to tell you the truth…I wasn't really myself around Kikyo, I couldn't be because she didn't except me for me…but it's different with you.” Inuyasha trailed off while gazing into Kagome's eyes,
That action left Kagome's cheeks tainted with pink, “ How so,” she smiled while sitting up and gazing back at him.
“ Kagome, ever since I met you you've always been so accepting of me. No questions asked, I can be a total retard and you just smile unlike Kikyo. She just rolls her eyes and walks away,” Inuyasha placed his hand on top of hers. “ So I really don't know what I would do if I didn't have a friend like you, ya know.”
Kagome blushed even more and mustered up all her courage, “ just a friend?” She whispered,
“ What do you mean,” he blinked; not understanding what she meant.
“ Nothing, let's continue to see what's on,”
“ alright,”, he then continued changing the channels until a familiar picture caught his and Kagome's eye.
Can I talk to you
Comfort you
Let you know
I care 4 u
::shows a picture of Kikyo & Naraku::
“ This is T.N.N. Tokyo news network and today are story is about Japan's richest man Naraku Hitokiri's engagement, and the lucky lady is Kikyo Shikon. Wow what a lady, she's gonna marry a loaded guy alright,”
Inuyasha's face showed a hurt look. Yes, he knew she was dating this Naraku guy but he had no clue she was marrying him! “ W-What!?” He stuttered while his eyes widened,
Kagome saw how hurt he looked and then she turned off the TV, “ Inuyasha I-!” But he just stood up and stomped into his bedroom, unintentionally slamming the door in Kagome's face.
She rubbed her palms up & down the door, she felt bad and knew he did too. “ Inuyasha you don't understand,”
“ What the hell don't I understand! The news said all I needed to know!” He yelled from inside his room,
“ Inuyasha I'm coming in,” she called to him while opening his door. He was sitting at the edge of his bed, so she kneeled down on the floor. “ They aren't,” she frowned “ I would know…I kind of ran into them in Block Buster and said some things.”
Inuyasha's facial expression softened, “ What do you mean exactly by things…?”
Kagome sighed then looked him directly in the eyes, “ I told Naraku what kind of person Kikyo was…and he left her.”
“ But what about what they said on the news?” He asked, feeling very vulnerable.
“ They probably haven't been informed yet.”
“ oh?”
“ Ya know, I did it for you…I know how bad she hurt you, and that made me mad. Because you are such a great guy, and she didn't deserve you.” Kagome weakly smiled, “ So I-I hope you're not mad at me,”
Hold on (hold on)
Stay strong (stay strong)
Press on (for me baby)
But soon Kagome's heart began to beat rapidly when Inuyasha cupped her face in his hands and pulled close, and I mean close. “ No, I can never be mad at you.” And with that he drew her into a passionate kiss,
And at that very instant she kissed back allowing him passage to her mouth. These feelings felt so right to them, it was natural.
He then pulled her onto his bed and straddled her hips without breaking the kiss.
But Kagome gently pushed him away, “ Are you sure you want this?” She asked insecurely,
“ Mmm hmm,” Inuyasha replied while stroking her cheek. Kagome smiled then reached for the lamp and turned it off.
Part#3 At Your Best…
After that night of love expressing, Inuyasha and me were never apart, what we have is truly beautiful…
Friends turning to lovers, who would've thought? But it couldn't been more perfect, and still to this day I've been holding a secret.
When Inuyasha and me were young and our friendship had just kindred, I was in love with him. My heart told me I would have him one day, but I thought it was a silly crush, but it was much more…
But at your best you are love
You're a positive motivating force within my life
Should you ever feel the need to wonder why
Let me know, let me know. . .
And a few months after our night together and after the year of going out on romantic dinners and carriage rides, he proposed. But it wasn't just that he asked me to be his wife, but it was how much thought he put into it….
First he decorated my apartment in roses and the scent of rosemary, and left a small envelope on my bed. It was wrapped tightly in a blue silk ribbon and inside was a love note, and said quote: Kagome my love, meet me at the Lagoon fairy park at 10:00, tonight. I'll be waiting, love Inuyasha…
When you feel what you feel
Oh, how hard for me to understand
So many things have happened before this love affair began
But when you feel, oh, like I feel
Confusion can give way to doubt
And there are times when I fall short of what I say,
What I say I'm all about, all about
My heart raced as I read on, he was so romantic…but I was naïve to the fact that he was actually gonna propose, but hey I was to clouded my love to have saw is plan.
After he proposed my mouth-gapped open, and tears of happiness formed in my eyes. And I dove into his arms, but of course I accepted…
Oh dear, of course the wedding day came. And it was gorgeous, we had it beside the sea and it was at night. There were poles sticking out of the earth the held up the thing white fabric that covered us all, like a tent…and the moon glistened down on us and was shown threw the tent. And there were candles light all around, and with the love of our families and friends the night was complete…
And a few months after the honeymoon, I became pregnant with my very first child. Yukina, and even as I write this I am holding her in my lap. She brought Inuyasha & me even closer, thank you my sweet child. I whisper to her; I our family continues to grow and so does our…
Inuyasha my love…I Care 4 U now, and forevermore………
But at your best you are love
You're a positive motivating force within my life
Should you ever feel the need to wonder why
Let me know, let me know. . .
Yours truly,
The End…
A/N: This is the end of I Care 4 U,I hope you enjoyed reading it…cause I enjoyed writing it,