InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Irony Is A Bitch! ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I make no money from this story and own none of the characters. Nor do I own the fandom. I only own my little plot line.

A/N: The first chapter is dedicated to envyfan1000. Happy birthday Bri! XD


Chapter One:

Kagome sat up and held her head. 'What happened?' Her stomach threatened to heave. She slowly pulled her knees to her chest and took several deep breaths.

When the intense pain in her skull dulled to a slight ache, she opened her eyes and stared at her hands for a minute. She frowned. 'Where am I?' She slowly scanned the open field around her. There were a few trees to one side and a large boulder to her left.

"It's about time you woke up."

Icy claws gripped her heart and her spine stiffened. She turned around and gasped. An enormous bull demon, built like a Minotaur, with black horns and hooves, a dark red hide and onyx eyes towered over her. In his nose was a large gold ring. In his hand was a four foot long club with six inch spikes around the top of it.

'He must be at least ten feet tall.' Kagome's eyes widened. "Who are you?" She bit her bottom lip.

"I'm the one who is going to end your pathetic little life."

Kagome's face paled and she crawled backwards. The bull stalked towards her enjoying the stark fear in her eyes.

"What's the matter priestess? Did you lose your weapons?"

Kagome's eyes grew big as saucers and she frantically looked around for her bow and arrows. A deep chuckle rumbled in the air as the bull moved closer.

"How would you like to die?"

"Excuse me?"

"Should I gore you first and let you suffer a while?"

Kagome's heart slammed against her chest. "You're mental."

The bull snorted. "Maybe I'll use this," he slapped the club against his palm. "I could let it rip your skin from your bones and then leave you to lay in agony while the bugs feast on you for a while."

Kagome glared at the demon. "That's a bit blood thirsty, ne?"

"I could tie you to a stake and let the sun bake you to death." He grinned. "Rather fitting don't you think?"

Kagome stood to her feet and her hands flew to her hips. "Oi, what the hell is your problem?"

He snorted and a puff of smoke came from his large nose. "You come into my domain, kill my boars, roast them over a fire and then ask what my problem is?" He rubbed one of his horns and stomped his feet.

Her back collided with the boulder and her eyes widened. 'Oh shit!'

He raised his head and glowered down at the tiny priestess. "Fucking humans think you're so superior." He raised the spiked club above his head. "Die vermin!"

Her heart slammed against her chest and her stomach filled with knots. She flinched and then tried to make herself as small as possible. She shrieked.


A/N: That's it for chapter one. Enjoy. reviews are an author's best motivation. XD