InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Listen To Your Heart ❯ Listen To Your Heart ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: Hey guys! I found this awesome music video on putfile(dot)come called Listen to your Heart and I got the idea for this songfic so I hope you enjoy it! I'm sorry if anybody sounds OOC or something! I didnt' mean to! I mean, come on! I am only 12 years 11 months! (13 on July 11th! Yay! The big 1- 3! )
Please enjoy this and review!
Disclaimer: Nooooo!!!! I don't own the puppy eared hanyou!. . . . But how I wish I could rub those adorable ears.
Inuyasha: (grumbles) You and every other girl in the world.
katanna tagurasha: Shut up.
Listen to your Heart
The sun shone through the window of the young black haired 18 year old girl's room.
She lay on her back on her bed, with her shining black hair spread out beneath her. Her light brown eyes gazed up at the ceiling, saddened. Her soft lips usually turned up in a smile, now was turned down in a frown. The light of the sun, low in the sky, swept across her smooth skin giving her a soft glow. Around her neck was a chain with a small jar holding a large chunk of a round pink gem.
The radio played in the background and Kagome sighed softly.
"How much longer will I be able to bottle up my feelings like this?" she said, aloud.
Suddenly, a new song started playing on the radio. It started off softly.
I know there's something in the wake of your smile,I get a notion from the look in your eyes,(Yeah)
Kagome smiled softly. " I love it when he smiles.... Even if he only does it rarely." Then her smile slowly faded as she said," But I wonder what that look is that I see in his eyes when he looks at me."
You've built a lovebut that love falls apartLittle piece of heaventurns to dark,
Kagome gave a sad laugh. "That's like Kikyou and Inuyasha except their love is still there. Even though she's dead. He can't seem to realize that his little piece of heaven has turned dark."
Listen to your heart,when he's calling for you,
"I wish", said Kagome.
Listen to your heart,there's nothing else you can do,
"Yes there is", she said," I can just hide my feelings."
I don't know where you're goingand I don't know why
"I'm searching for the shards", said Kagome," because I broke it and i'm the only one who can sense them." She saddened. "After all, I am just Inuyasha's shard detector."
But listen to your heart,before. . . you te-ell him goodbye,
Kagome's hand went subconciously to the small jar around her neck. "Soon we'll have collected all the shards. Then. . . . i'll have to say goodbye and come back here."
Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worth while,Precious moments ar-e lost in the tide,(Yeah)
Kagome sighed again. "Yes. Sometimes I wonder if it's really even worth going back I'm only going to get hurt again. Every precious moment I experience with Inuyasha seems to just dissapear."
they're swept away,and nothing's what it seems,the feeling of their longingto your dreee-eaams
"Well that's true. All those moments with Inuyasha. . . . I bet you he was seeing Kikyou instead of me."
Listen to your heart,when he's calling for you,Listen to your heart,there's nothing else you can do,I don't know where you're goingand I don't know why,but listen to your heartbefore. . . you te-ell him goodbye,
Kagome's grasp on the shards tightened. "Maybe I could. . . No. He loves Kikyou, not me. What would be the point? It's an unrequited love."
And there are voices,that want to be heard,so much to mention,but you can't find the words,
"Heh. So true", said Kagome, sadly.
the scent of magicthe beauty that's beenwhere love was wilderthan the. . . . wiiiii-iiiind
Kagome sighed and said," Inuyasha's so impulsive and wild. . . . but that's one of the reasons I love him."
Listen to your heart,when he's calling for you,Listen to your heart,there's nothing else you can do,I don't know where you're goingand I don't know why,but listen to your heart,before. . . you te-ell him goodbye,
Kagome pulled the jar closer to her chest and closed her eyes. " The jewell is almost complete. . . . There might not be any harm in telling him when this is over. I'll be coming back her anyways."
Listen to your he-aaaart,mm-mm-mhm-mhm,I don't... know where your'e goingand I don't know why-yee,but listen to your heart,before. . . . . . . you te-ell him goodbyeeeeeee
The song ended and Kagome opened her eyes to find tears in them. " My mind tells me that there's no point in telling him. . . . but my heart tells me. . . I should."
Kagome sat up and looked down at the jewell as it glinted in the sun. "What should I do? Should I tell him or not?"
She closed her eyes, and a few tears trickled out from under her closed lids as she said softly," All I know is. . . ."
Kagome lifted her head, holding the jar close to her chest, and smiled, softly. ". . . . I love him. I love the arrogant, pig-headed, possessive, jealous, overly-protective, stubborn, jerk, sweet, white haired, dog eared hanyou. . . . that makes up Inuyasha."
"Kagome. . ."
Kagome snapped her head to the side to see Inuyasha, looking at her with that look in his eyes. Kagome froze, eyes wide.
"I-Inu...", Kagome swallowed and tried again," Inuyasha?"
Inuyasha said, hesitantly," Kagome. . . Did you. . . Did you really mean that?" He looked into her eyes.
Kagome was shocked at the question. She had been expecting him to say that he loved Kikyou and saying that he couldn't possibly love her back or something along those lines, but not this.
"Kagome?", he repeated.
"I. . . .", said Kagome, looking up into the deep pools of gold. Did she see a glimmer of hope mixed in those swirling orbs?
Kagome closed her eyes, deciding maybe the song was right. Maybe it was time she listened to her heart.
She got off of the bed, and looking up, opened her eyes as she finally said,". . . Yes. I meant every word."
Letting out a long breath and gazing deep into his eyes, she said," I love you, Inuyasha. I know nothing can change the fact that it's an unrequited love but. . . I still value your friendship and I only wish this won't destroy it." Then softly, she said," It's all I have left."
She turned around to leave the room, feeling sad tears brimming in her eyes but she felt a gentle hand grab her arm.
Kagome stopped and waited for what Inuyasha had to say.
"Kagome. . . ", he said," you've got one thing wrong. . . . . there's nothing unrequited about this because. . . . I love you too, Kagome."
Kagome gasped, softly as she wondered if she heard right.
She turned around, hope filling her eyes along with the the unshed tears.
"Could you. . .", Kagome gulped. "Could you please repeat that?"
"Kagome. . . ", he said, his usually hardened features now soft," I love you too."
New tears filled Kagome's eyes and she stood there, shaking slightly, from the power these events were having over her.
Mistaking her reaction as a bad one, he said, quickly," I'm sorry, Kagome. I shouldn't have said anything. You know I have a bad way with words. I'm sorry."
He turned to go but Kagome grabbed the sleeve of his haroi and pleaded," No. Don't go!"
He turned around and put a hand on her cheek, wiping away a stray tear with his thumb. "But I made you cry."
Kagome smiled and put her hand over his. " I'm crying because i'm happy Inuyasha. I've been waiting 3 years to hear those words from you."

Slowly, Inuyasha smiled back, and hesitantly leaned foreward, brushing his lips against her in the softest of kisses. Kagome leaned foreward deepening it. Inuyasha put his hand around her waist while the other one still lay on her cheek. Kagome place a one hand on his chest and the other one at the back of his neck. Inuyasha took his hand from her cheek and placed it against her back and pulled her closer to him. Kagome took her hand from his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck, savoring every second she could. Finally, with much reluctance, the broke apart and Kagome layed her head on his shoulder while he ran his fingers through her hair.
"If this is a dream", said Kagome," I don't think I ever want to wake up."
Inuyasha smiled and said," What would you say if I told you it wasn't?"
Kagome looked up and him and said," Then i'd say, I must be the luckiest girl alive."
Inuyasha smiled and leaned in for another kiss when they saw a flash. They immediately, leapt away from eachother and looked towards the door to Kagome's room.
Mrs. Higurashi stood there with a camera and was glaring down at it. "Oh darn. And I was so close to getting a such a cute picture."
Inuyasha's face was about as red as his haroi and Kagome's was probably redder than his haroi.
Mrs. Higurashi chuckled and said,"You really can't blame me sweetheart. You don't know how long i've waited to finally see you two like this. So. . . does this mean I can expect puppy-eared grandchildren?"
If it was possible, Kagome and Inuyasha's faces got even redder.
"Mama!", Kagome shouted.
Mrs. Higurashi chuckled again and said," Alright dear. I think i've embaressed you enough today. I'll leave you two alone now."
Mrs. Higurashi left and Kagome looked at Inuyasha as he cleared his throat and said," Well, I guess we should get going now. We've still got some shards to find and Naraku to kill."
Kagome nodded and grabbed her already packed large yellow backpack. Inuyasha got on the window sill and Kagome came up beside him.
He looked down at her and whispered," I really do mean it."
"Mean what?" said Kagome.
"That I love you."
Kagome smiled and leaned foreward. . .
A/N: Well there you go! I hope you enjoyed this! I really enjoyed writing this! I didn't really plan for it to end like this! But it sounds pretty good anyways! Doesn't it? I hope you liked this Song-fic and the little bit of humor at the end! I know I liked it!
I hope I get lots of reviews for this! I'm not sure how long it took me to write this but I know it was a little more than 30 minutes! So I better get plenty of reviews for this!
Please tell me about any stories you've written or would like to reccomend! Okay? Please! I thirst for fanfics like a vampire thirsts for blood! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eh-hm. Sorry about that. Anyways! Please REVIEW!