InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mother Nature Rock ❯ MNR - Epilogue ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Apology: Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshoumaru although I think he was sexy as hell singing Switch, Kouga, Ayame, Kagura, Hojo, Miroku, Sango and of course Mother Nature. RT you are such a genius! Thank you for letting the guys come over to play!

Format: Song Lyrics – Bold

Format: Thoughts - Italics

Please insert Standard Disclaimer from Chapter 1 here.

Mother Nature Rock – 13 – Epilogue


Deep in a forest in a tiny glen way, far away, from where the gang were busily "getting to know" their respective partners. A single dark male lay curled in abject misery. He moaned lowly as the pain slowly, very slowly ebbed away.

From the shadowed tree line a beautiful but dead miko studied the man and considered her options. The cons? Well he was evil, he didn't like her too much, he was constantly making new children, and he had this awful habit of making smoke - that would definitely have to go! The pros? He was good looking, he did once love her, and he was powerful, and did we say again that he was most definitely super fine in a deeply evil bad guyish way? Oh what the heck.

She walked with a purpose out of the tree line toward the suffering man. Reaching him she stooped and grabbed an ankle and started dragging him across the glen unmindful of his head banging against rocks, tree stumps, or other obstacles.

"If this is going to work" She began, "there are going to have to be some changes"

Startled Naraku lifted his head and tried to focus on who had him in their grip "K..K.. Ki.. Kikyo?"

She stopped and looked back at him, "Yea where you expecting anyone else?"

He gingerly shook his head, "I wa…."

"That's good" she interrupted "Because I won't tolerate other women, got it? And now that we're on the subject, just who is the whitish little girl that floats around you occasionally and what is it with that mirror?" She didn't wait for him to answer, "She'll have to go, unless she cooks, can she cook? That would be a good thing if she could cook, but as you know I don't eat. Do you eat? Hmmmm, just wondering. Oh and of course you're going to have to clean the house of all those bones, I will not live in a rat's nest, while you're at it that goes for all those demon parts in the cellar too, they must stink up the house. You'll also have to do something with that awful smoky purple cloud that's always hanging around the place. What is it that you burn to get that thing to manifest? Nevermind I'll make you list... "

Naraku vainly tried to protect his head, and clasp his aching family jewels at the same time as she pulled him along the ground to who knows where talking, and talking and talking, and did I say, Talking?

"…. now you can't threatened my old village anymore, and your days of gallivanting all over the country side to create mayhem are over, you'll need to stay close to home in case you're needed. By the way what do you do for work? Oh and forget that jewel I want diamonds, yes diamonds, after all they are a girl's best friend. Oh some rubies wouldn't be amiss either. Is the castle near here, do you still have it behind a barrier, and all those insects, well Naraku they will just have to go, and no more blood letting in or around the house it just makes everything smell so … awful, and do you have to wear all those tentacles to bed" she stops for a moment in consideration then begins walking again, "well those might not be so bad but we are definitely going to have to get some ointment to get rid of all those eye bally things. Can we say - Ugh! "

Naraku vainly tried to grab something somewhere, anywhere to get away from the nonstop gab a minute as they disappeared through the tree line, "so what do you think we should get Kagome and Inuyasha for their wedding, what do you think they'll get for ours maybe we should get those pretty little invitations with the ivy over them, you know the ones, right…I can't wear white, hello, dead, so how bout a nice pearl gray? You of course must be in sky blue I've always wanted a wedding with a groom in sky blue you'd look so adorable... "

Gradually her voice died away until silence filled the tiny glen again. Long blissful silent moments before a man's long agonizing scream pierced the air before fading into silence. A collective peaceful sigh sounded throughout the feudal era of Japan, all was right with the world once again.

Now that dear readers is what I call, a happy ending.


