InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On... ❯ Letting Go ( One-Shot )

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*** Do not own Inuyasha… unfortunately.***

Moving On
“I'm sorry, but you need to understand what I'm trying to say.”
The young man stared at the female ahead of him under the tree… the tree where he had first laid eyes on her. His golden orbs blinked repeatedly as his silver-like hair flew around him. He didn't understand what she wanted. No, that wasn't it. He didn't want to understand.
“Why?” The single word that had haunted her every waking and dreaming moment, as well as his, was the only reply he gave.
The young woman sighed as she turned her eyes towards the one across from her. She took in every aspect of his appearance, from the red haori, to the sword at his side, the stance, the hair, the ears, and mainly… the eyes. Her heart began to beat to its own drummer as she felt the tears threaten to take her over and drown her.
“I need to move on, Inuyasha. I need to move on. And in order for me to do so, I must let you go. I can't keep holding on to you the way I am. You were never really mine to hold on to in the beginning anyhow. It's just taken me this long to wake up to reality.”
“But… but… you said you'd stay with me…” Inuyasha argued.
The female smiled softly and shook her head as she replied, silky black hair floating around her.
“I know what I said, and I'm sticking to it. There's no way you could be rid of me that easily, Inuyasha. I'll still be by your side… for as long as I can stay.” Pausing to rebuild her voice as well as her nerves, she took a deep breath, breathing in the scent of the wilderness and one that was all him. “I have to let you go now, though. It pains me too much to try and keep something that never belonged to me.”
“What're you trying to say then?” Though the question was no more than a mere whisper, even the thundering beats of her heart couldn't drown out the sorrow and fear heard in the tone. He was dreading the answer… almost as much as she hated saying it.
“I made the choice for you. No more stressing yourself on which one you'll stay with. No more worries on which one you'll end up hurting… because… in the end, no matter how hard you try, you'll end up hurting one of us. Your promise bounds you to her; my love bounds me to you.
I guess… what this all leads up to is the fact that I'm giving up the hope that you'll ever love me. I'm ready to stay by your side… as a friend, and a friend only. But at the same time, I'm accepting the fact that nothing more will ever occur between us in the future.”
“K…” A hand over his lips stopped him from responding.
Tears had begun to fall from her eyes, and the reasons for them were lost on neither one. Rising up on her toes, she gently placed a small kiss on his lips; a kiss so light that he barely felt it, but at the same time, sent an electric shock through his entire system. Backing away slowly, she stared into his widened eyes and caressed his face lovingly once more. Turning to walk away, she spoke.
“I'll always love you, Inuyasha. No matter what, my heart shall belong to you first and foremost. You were my first kiss, my first love… just as she was yours. I may be letting you go, but it doesn't mean that I don't love you anymore. Remember that, `kay?” And with that, she walked away, leaving him staring after her.
“Kagome…” The wind carried the whisper away, never to fall on the ears of the girl who held his heart.

***… well, what do you think? Good? Bad? Don't really care?***