InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Never ❯ Never ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha…although that would rock.
Story written to the song Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls.
Inuyasha sat high in the god tree watching over his friends. His eyes caught with Kagome's for a moment and he had to fight back a grin when she blushed. Inuyasha longed to hold her but only he new how he wanted her, how he loved her. He had made up his mind last night, Kagome would never no how he felt, he would not let her live the life he had known, he wouldn't let her suffer.
And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cuz I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
He watched Kagome walk toward the hot springs and decided to follow her…just to make sure she was safe. Inuyasha watched as Kagome slid her bathrobe off, her skin the perfect shade of ivory. He watched her slide into the water and close her eyes. Within minutes he could tell she was sleeping. “Inuyasha…” She mumbled.
And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Cuz sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight
Inuyasha's heart stopped as he stared at Kagome she had said his name…like she needed him. “Don't leave me…” the sleeping girl moaned. Inuyasha felt his ears flatten to his head…he dropped from the tree and crawled up behind Kagome. He dropped his haori around her shoulders as he scooped her up then jumped back into a tree. He watched her eyes flutter open, she looked at him curiously and then her eyes widened in realization…she had been bathing. “I wont.” Inuyasha said suddenly. Kagome looked at him, “wont what?” she said quietly. “I wont leave you. Ever.” He said as he gazed up at the moon.
And I don't want the world to see me
Cuz I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
“Inuyasha?” Kagome gasped. “You where having a night-mare Kagome.” He whispered, “You sounded so scared.” He said staring at her. Kagome began sobbing startling the poor hanyou. He felt Kagome squeezed him tightly. “I always dream that you leave me for Kikyo.” She squeaked. Inuyasha felt a growl rumble from his chest. “Kikyo is not the same person I loved long ago.” He growled out. “I haven't felt the same about her since the day you freed me.” He said bringing his voice down to a whisper. Kagome was now hugging him so tightly he was having trouble breathing. “Kag, I cant breath.” He gasped. Kagome quickly let go of him and began sobbing again when she saw the sadness in his eyes.
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you'd bleed just to know you're alive
She felt him stiffen and watched his ears twitch something was wrong. Inuyasha growled low in his throat, there was a demon near by. He new it had been attracted by Kagome's jewel shards. He saw it, “A snake youkai.” He whispered to Kagome. She just nodded slowly. Inuyasha scooped her up and jumped from the tree. He quickly shoved Kagome behind him. “Oi Snake” he growled. The snake just hissed and quickly transformed into a large cobra. “The ssshardsss” he hissed “give them to meee” Inuyasha brought his sword up and growled a fears growl that Kagome had never heard before, not even when he was transformed. She gasped as the snake struck out at Inuyasha. `Shit' Inuyasha thought, `she's still behind me!' he saw the snakes fangs getting closer to Kagome and quickly shoved her out of the way.
And I don't want the world to see me
Cuz I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
He howled as the fangs pierced his chest, Kagome watched as his sword flew across the clearing and Inuyasha stumbled back into a tree. The snake turned its attention toward Kagome and hissed viscously at her. Inuyasha's eyes bleed red and his fangs and claws quickly lengthened. Stripes appeared streaking down his cheeks as he let out an angry growl as he charged the offending youkai. He sunk his claws through his back and with a snarl cut the snake's throat. The snake quickly fell limp on the ground beside Kagome. Kagome gasped and started backing away. Inuyasha's Demon instincts where still controlling his mind. Inuyasha whined quietly and walked toward Kagome. `Mate scared.' His mind told him. Kagome gasped again as Inuyasha nuzzled her neck.
And I don't want the world to see me
Cuz I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
“Inuyasha,” She whispered. “Come back to me.” Inuyasha's claws and fangs returned to normal, and his stripes receded. He moaned in pain and sank to the ground. Bringing in a ragged breath. Kagome had forgotten about his injury, she pushed him back against a tree and helped him sit. Inuyasha kept his eye tightly shut while Kagome Pealed his clothing away. The bite marks weren't what scared her, it was the fact that they where glowing green. “Inuyasha” She whispered. “What kind of Snake youkai was he?” Inuyasha's eyes met with hers and she choked back a sob as he told her. Kagome looked around trying desperately to remember her way back to camp. Inuyasha lifted his arm and pointed. Kagome helped Inuyasha stand, and then wrapped her arm around his waste, they slowly made there way toward the camp.
And I don't want the world to see me
Cuz I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
Kagome was really getting scared, Inuyasha was a ghostly white, and his breathing was uneven and harsh. Inuyasha stopped and moaned loudly as the pain over took him. He wanted to sit, he wanted to lie down, and he just wanted to sleep. “Tired.” He mumbled to Kagome. “Please.” He moaned. Kagome began to cry as she pulled on Inuyasha, “No Inu-chan.” She gasped. We're almost there, She looked toward the camp, Sango and Miroku were sleeping, and she could yell and wake them. “SANGO MIROKU! HELP!” She screamed. Kagome watched as Sango and Miroku both jumped up and ran toward her. “Kagome…” Inuyasha moaned. “Please…hurts.” He gasped out. Kagome sank to the ground pulling Inuyasha into her lap. “Hold on.” She whispered. Inuyasha just nodded weakly. Sango Bounded in on the fire cats back. Her mouth fell open at the color of Inuyasha's skin. “Kagome what happened.” Miroku asked as he walked up with Shippou curled under his arm. Kagome told them the tale. Sango hugged Kagome's shoulders “Kag, there is nothing we can do.” She whispered. Kagome just shook her head. “Kagome,” Miroku began. “Even Hanyou's are unable to survive this poison in this large amounts.”
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
“He'll be fine.” She said quietly. “He said he wouldn't leave me.” She said as the tears began streaming down her cheeks. “He promised…he said never.” She sobbed. Inuyasha's eyes opened slowly. He reached up and whipped away her tears. “Never.” He said quietly. Kagome smiled as his breathing evened out and his color spread back. He moaned quietly throughout the night, but Kagome held onto him stroking his hair and whispering quiet reassurances to him. Kagome woke to the sun tickling her face. She looked down at Inuyasha who was staring back at her. He smiled brightly and said, “I'll never leave you.” Kagome couldn't fight the tears as she hugged her hanyou. Inuyasha smiled…maybe everything would be all right.
<3 Megan