InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Night of the new moon ❯ Kagome's Pain ( Chapter 2 )

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Kagome's Pain
“Where home” said Kioshi arriving at a castle.
When Kagome opened her eyes she saw all the people slaughtered!
“W…what happened?” asked Kagome in shock with her eyes wide open in fear.
“Oh, this we'll I figured that all these people would be in our if I aloud them to lived” Kioshi answered.
“H…how could you do something like this?” asked Kagome shaking.
“Oh don't worry as long as I have you I won't have to kill as much to find shards of the sacred jewel” answered Kioshi
“I'll never help you find the jewel shards” yelled Kagome.
“Oh I'll make sure you do” said Kioshi knocking Kagome out!
Inuyasha's point of view.
“Damn it what are we going to do I can't even catch Kagome's scent in my human form” asked Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha don't worry Kirara and Shippo will be able to pick Kagome's scent up” said Sango getting on Kirara along with Miroku and Shippo.
The gang then headed off to find Kagome hopping she was alright.
Kagome's point of view.
“mmm, where am I?” asked Kagome regaining conscious.
“So you've finally come to my dear”
“Why you!” yelled Kagome trying t charge at him but was stopped by the changes from the wall that were connected to her hands.
“Now, now don't be like that were going to be together” said Kioshi walking up to Kagome.
“I already told you I would never help someone like you” said Kagome.
“Oh yes you will you stupid human” said Kioshi kicking Kagome hard!
“Does it hurt trust me you'll feel a lot more pain if you don't tell me where the remaining shards are” said Kioshi.
“I..I'll never tell you no matter what you do to mean even if you plan on killing me” said Kagome.
“You know I don't mine hurting you like this you look so beautiful when you're in so much pain” Kioshi said holding Kagome's head up with his hand.
He then moved his hand down to her neck and scratched her!
Inuyasha please hurry, though Kagome.
Inuyasha's point of view.
“Inuyasha, Kagome is bleeding” yelled Shippo from Kirara.
“What did you say” shouted Inuyasha.
“Kagome's bleeding she's been hurt” repeated Shippo.
“Damn it”
Kagome please hold on don't you die on me I'm coming just hold on, thought Inuyasha running faster.
“Where almost there Inuyasha look” said Shippo pointing forward.
“A castle”
Inuyasha and the gang finally made it to the castle.
“Ahhh” screamed Kagome.
“That was Kagome” said Sango worried.
“Damn it” said Inuyasha. “Kioshi where are you show yourself damn it”
“Oh Inuyasha how nice of you to visit” said Kioshi appearing out of no where.
“Where Kagome” yelled Inuyasha.
“You mean that damn priestess, let's just say she is unable to talk right now” Kioshi answered.
“You bastard if you harmed Kagome in anyway I swear I'll…”
“You'll what you can't do anything in your human form” Kioshi interrupted.
Inuyasha started growling angrily.
Kagome I'll save you don't worry just hold on a bit longer, thought Inuyasha.
Oh no how will Inuyasha be able to save Kagome with this demon always able to become invisible if only he was in his half demon form will he be able to change back in time, and what has happened to Kagome! Only one way to found and that's to read the next chap. I will update as soon as possible. Please review and let me know what you thought of this chapter thanks.