InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Numbered Days ❯ Kagome! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


This is my first one shot fic . . . if people ask . . . I might continue it . . . well on with the fic . . .

Numbered Days

"Kagome? Kagome, please wake up!" "Shippou, what's wrong?" Miroku, Sango and Inuyasha came running towards them. They had just finished killing a youkia but as soon as Kagome shot her purifying arrow she tumbled to the ground unconscious.

"I don't know. She won't wake up!" cried Shippou as his adopted mother lay motionless and white as a sheet on the floor. Inuyasha kneeled beside her and picked her up bridal style treating her as if she were made of glass and would shatter if not handled carefully. He noticed that her breathing came in shallow and he could barely hear the beating of her heart, in other words, she was dyeing. "Kagome," his voice broke, shocking everyone. "You can't leave . . . not before I could tell you . . . ! Wake up, please. I promise to be nicer to you , . . . to love you . . . . because, I love you!" He buried his head into her hair. Miroku checked her pulse, (he doesn't have youkai hearing :) ! ) Sango tried to comfort the kit even though she herself needed it.

"She's not dead, just unconscious, but very big. We have to get her to Kiede's (is that how you spell her name?)." Inuyasha took off faster than ever towards the village which luckily wasn't very far. He arrived in no time with Kilala behind him carrying Sango with Shippou in her arms and Miroku behind her, on her back. (Does that make sense?)

"Kaede? Kaede!?"

"Hurry Inuyasha, bring her inside. Hurry!" they all looked at her in confusion. "I'll explain later."

!@#$%^&That Evening!@#$%^&

Kaede had been inside that room for hours, during which Inuyasha never stopped pacing. Finally Kaede came out of the room, where they had placed Kagome, looking tired and worn out. Inuyasha immediately began to charge into the room but she stopped him. "First I need to tell ye about some important facts." Everyone sat around the fire and waited for her to begin. "Kagome has been drained of her miko powers. Usually a miko takes the time to recover and regain those powers and eventually even gain and become more powerful. (Think of DBZ with the sayins, the more they fight/train they stronger they get . . . I think thats how it goes . . . lol) But Kagome has unfortunately drained them and has not been able to recover." She paused in which Inuyasha spoke up. " So then all she needs is rest right? She'll be ok in a few days? " he asked hopefully.

Kaede looked at him sadly. "Inuyasha, she drained her powers a long time ago. Unfortunately that last arrow didn't hold miko energy, but her life force."

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault . . . for not letting her go home or stop to rest." Inuyasha kept blaming himself. Sango was in hysterics. Miroku chose this moment to speak up not wanting to believe what was being said. "How . . . how much time . . . does she have left?" his voice shook as he spoke. Inuyasha stopped muttering to himself and looked at Kaede, eagerly waiting for her to answer. "I'm not sure . . . a couple of weeks, maybe months, but not many . . . her days are numbered . . . I'm sorry. She will wake up soon and she will be very weak. She will need help doing certain activities and then one day she will just," she paused as a tear made its way down her wrinkled cheek from her one eye. "She'll just use up what life force she has left and . . . . die."


The end . . . or maybe not . . . this was ment to be a One shot fic . . . but if enough people ask me and give me ideas and stuff . . . (im not that good of a writter) I will consider continuing . . . LOL . . .

Bye . . . For now!

Ja Ne!