InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Life ❯ All We Have ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Before Inuyasha could do anything Kagome was already running towards the place were they heard the scream come from.
`No this is not happening' Kagome ran as fast as she could through the forest. The branches and twigs were cutting her but she paid no attention to them, the blood she smelt made her physically sick. She made it to the clearing but before she could catch a breath she saw one of the villagers charge at her mother from behind. Kagome ran and pushed her mother to the side and grabbed the man who was running toward her and threw him into a tree.
“You nasty half-breed how dare you interfere” Kagome turned her head to the old man who Inuyasha had by the throat holding him in the air, he looked as if he was at least seventy years old. “Just what the hell do you think your doing out here” the man was shaking as he watched all the other villagers backing away “she let that thing free” he shouted while pointing an accusing finger at Kagome's mother who was struggling to stand while holding her stomach.
Inuyasha tightened his grip around the man neck and growled at him
“Inuyasha let him be” kaori said once she got to her feet. Inuyasha looked like he wanted to argue but he put the man back on his feet, as soon as he touched the ground he ran over to where the other men were.
Kaori took a moment and looked each person in the eyes that was standing around her “you all are a bunch of confused ungrateful idiots, Kagome and Inuyasha have never bothered any of you but you only look at their appearance!” She swayed a little but Kagome held her up. The hole in her stomach was killing her but she wanted them to all to know just how she felt about them even if it took her last words `they will know before I die they will understand'.
She had fire in her eyes as she glared at all of them, but then her eyes got cold as ice and she let out a small bitter laugh.
“They can kill you all so easily but they haven't, you're the ones who is hurting them and the stupid thing about it is you're also the ones that are scared of them.”
A young boy step out from the crowd and glared at her “they look weird and they're really strong they just don't belong here!” he shouted the people mumbled their agreement and both Kagome and Inuyasha ears both dropped, even if they knew it was true it still hurt to here it.
Kaori laughed once again but there was no emotion in it “ does that mean that boy deserved for his mother to be killed? Does that mean this young lady deserve for her mother to die?”
Nobody said anything they just held their heads down “well since nobody can answer that then I will the answer is no they don't just let them be” she whispered the last part it was getting hard for her to breath.
Nobody notice the pool of blood around Kaori feet until her legs gave out but kagome caught her before she hit the ground.
Inuyasha gave a warning growl when he saw the crowd coming closer.
Kaori looked down at her bloody shirt and then up into her daughter's eyes that held so much pain. “Kagome my sweet, sweet child I love you so very much you must know that”
Kagome squeezed her eyes shut she couldn't believe her ears her mother was not giving up! Didn't she know how much she needed her? “Mama I need you, don't you leave me don't you dare!” Kaori could feel the pain coming off her daughter and it hurt her very soul to know that she couldn't make it go away.
She wiped the single tear that ran down Kagome's right cheek. “Kagome you get your strength and pride from your father as I look at you I see so much of him.”
Kagome felt sick as if she wanted to vomit but it felt as if she couldn't breath either. She looked up at the sky when she heard the thunder, instead of being scared like she usually is it felt surprisingly comforting.
“Kagome don't let anger change the person you are, the person who I raised you to be”. Kagome gave a sharp nod of her head, she knew her mother felt the pulse going through her body just as well as she could.
Kagome slowly lowered her mother and herself to the ground and Kaori pulled Kagome into a hug and held her as tight as she could. Kagome didn't feel the tears running down her face to be truthful she didn't feel anything, she was numb but that all ended when she felt her mother grip loosen.
“Mama”? Her face looked so peaceful that she looked untouchable. She carefully laid her mother down on the ground and held her hand as her mother smiled up at her even though the pain in her body was almost unbearable. The rain was coming down hard but no one moved as daughter and mother eyes connected for the last time.
“I love you” Kaori whispered as her eyes finally shut for good.
Kagome just sat there, it didn't seem as if her mother was on the ground dead.
“Mama” she said it so low Inuyasha almost missed it, and he wished her did because her silent plea broke his heart.
`She's gone, she's not coming back for me' the pain was horrible she never felt this way before it felt as if someone was squeezing her heart and she just wanted it to stop.
“Mama please, mama” she said a little louder.
`Your not going to leave me like this your not!' she began to shake her mother harshly but Inuyasha placed a hand on her shoulder and stopped her.
She pushed her hair out of her face and held her mother face in both of her hands, “Inu help me….tell..tell her to come back” She pulled her mother into her arms and rocked back and forth as she pleaded to anyone who would listen to bring her mother back to her.
`Don't you know how much I need you, how hard life will be without you' she was still rocking as the villagers started to walk back to their village but as they mad it into the clearing a heartbreaking scream from the young hanyou calling for her mother with all her soul would hunt them for a very, very long time.
As soon as the villagers left and Inuyasha felt it was safe to let his guard down he dropped down to his knees he forced Kagome to let go of her deceased mother and pulled her into his arm and let her cry, yell, and fight all she wanted but he didn't let her go nor did he leave her side.
She finally calmed down as he said comforting words in her ear.
He felt a tug at his heart as the death of his on mother came to mind and he pulled her closer trying to comfort him as well as her.
“Kagome she needs to be buried.”
She gave a slight nod and he stood up and pulled her up with him. When he was about to pick Kaori up Kagome stopped him with a shake of her head and picked her up carefully an held her close to her as she led the way to the clearing where Inuyasha mother was buried with one last thought going through both of their minds `all we have is each other'.
I know it's been forever since I have wrote anything I'm really sorry and please leave a review