InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Past Mind, Present Body ❯ Hurt ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 10: Hurt
One month…
One fucking month…
One month since he had seen her beautiful face…
One month since he had touched her amazingly soft skin…
One month since he had kissed her velvety warm lips…
He thought he would have gotten over her by now, but he still loved as much as he did yesterday, and the day before that.
He didn't care anymore. He wanted her back. He wanted to take her into his arms and forget everything that had happened.
Yash stared down at the cup of coffee that was sitting in his hands. He sat in the coffee shop that he had taken Kagome to on the first day they met. He sighed and took a sip of his coffee. Everything he thought about somehow ended up back to Kagome. She was like his drug addiction and he couldn't stop. No matter how much he wanted to, he just couldn't get enough of her.
“You are one hard person to track down, you know that?” a male voice drifted to Yash's ears. Yash looked up to find the man he hated the most at this very moment, Inuyasha.
“What the fuck do you want?” Yash asked.
“Just hear me out okay? I'm not here for a fight, I just want to make everything right again,” Inuyasha said, sitting down across for Yash.
“I have nothing better to do, so you make it worth while,” Yash said.
“Kagome doesn't love me. She loves you a lot and I didn't want to see that. I wanted her for myself even if it meant taking her away from happiness. I do love her, but I love her enough to let her go and be with you. Please understand that this wasn't her fault. I kissed her and I guess she was too shocked and confused to push me away. I'm really sorry for causing you all this trouble,” Inuyasha explained.
“Why should I believe you? How do I know that Kagome didn't put you up to this?” Yash asked.
“She locked herself in her apartment. She always talks about you and how you two could've happy. Her soul is slowly dying without you around,” Inuyasha said.
“I've heard enough. Leave me alone,” Yash said.
“But what are you going to do about Kagome?” Inuyasha asked.
“Like I'd tell you,” Yash growled standing and left.
Kagome ran down the street trying to get to the bus stop in time. “I can't believe I'm late again!” Kagome yelled as she ran faster.
She tripped and fell to the ground scraping her knee. “Ouch! That hurt,” Kagome mumbled and pulled her knee up so she could look at it. Someone stood over her and she looked up to find Yash staring down at her.
Her heart jumped into her throat as he knelt down in front of her. He ripped off the bottom of his shirt, making it just an inch shorter. He leaned down and brought his lips to her wound. His tongue snaked out from behind his mouth and ran over the cut. He kept his eyes locked with hers as he disinfected her cut with his tongue. He then took the cloth and wrapped it around her knee tightly.
Kagome watched mesmerized by his actions. Yash stood up and helped her up. “Be more careful next time,” Yash said before he began to walk away.
“Wait! Don't leave!” Kagome called out. Yash had already crossed the street and the traffic started up again. There was no way to reach him if she didn't run after him now.
“Yash!” she yelled and ran out into the street. Yash turned around and watched in horror as Kagome ran out into traffic.
“No! Don't do it!” Yash shouted and ran toward her. He dodged some cars before getting to Kagome. A truck was heading for her and she didn't even know it. Yash pulled Kagome into his arms and tried to block her from the impact of the truck.
The truck's driver slammed on the brakes and tried to dodge them, but couldn't avoid them. Yash push Kagome away at the last second and took the hit. The truck hit him in the back, knocking him to the ground as the front wheels ran over him. A sickening crack and squish noise was heard, indicating that he broke some ribs.
Kagome shook her head and turned to look at Yash. Her eyes grew wide in shock as she stumbled over to Yash.
“Yash? Are you okay? Yash! YASH! Please wake up!” Kagome cried as she shook Yash gently.
“Somebody call an ambulance! Please! Somebody help!” Kagome shouted. A crowd began to form around them and sirens could be heard in the distance.
Kagome sat in the lobby of the hospital waiting for some kind of good news. How could this happen? Why did he protect her? Didn't he hate her?
How could fate be so cruel? First they make Yash hate her, and then they make Yash get hit by a car. To say that was bad luck was an understatement.
Why did he protect her in the first place? If he really hated her then he would've let her get hit by that car. Does this mean he still loved her? That's impossible. He wouldn't take her phone calls or even answer her e-mails. If he loved her wouldn't he have at least tried to make up with her, or at least heard her out?
“I just don't get it. Please let him be okay,” Kagome prayed, putting her face into her hands and sobbed.
Kouga showed up an hour later and Yash was still inside the operation room. It had been a total of three hours in the OR. What could be taking so long?
Inuyasha showed up too, wanting to comfort Kagome. Finally the doctor came out, with a disappointed look of his face.
“Hello, I'm Dr. Yoshiro. I'm sorry to say that Yash might not make it through tonight. His ribcage crushed his heart in the accident and he needs a heart transplant for him to live,” the doctor stated.
“Oh my god, can't you do something about this? Can't you give him a heart transplant?” Kagome asked.
“We already found the match for his heart and his name is Inuyasha Taisho. The record shows that he lives all the way in Kyoto and that would take at least a day for him to get here,” Dr. Yoshiro said.
Kagome watched as Inuyasha stepped forward and said, “I'm Inuyasha Taisho. I will give Yash my heart.”
“What? You're Inuyasha Taisho? This Yash kid is one lucky guy, for you to be here. There is one thing though. We wouldn't have anything to replace your heart with. Yash's heart will be useless to you,” Dr. Yoshiro said.
“So it's either me or him?” Inuyasha asked.
“Pretty much,” the doctor confirmed. Kagome watched Inuyasha curiously for a while before Inuyasha made his decision.
“I'll do it,” Inuyasha said.
Kagome gasped and then hugged Inuyasha around the waist. “You don't have to do this. You can keep on living,” she whispered.
“I want to do this. You deserve to be happy Kagome and I will be damned if I'm the one who stops it,” Inuyasha smiled.
“Thank you Inuyasha. I will never forget this,” Kagome said and gave him a small kiss on the lips before Inuyasha followed the doctor to the OR.
Kagome slept soundly on Kouga's shoulder as they were waiting for Yash to get out of surgery. It had been a total of ten hours at the hospital and it was close to midnight. Kouga looked down at the sleeping Kagome and smiled.
He didn't love Kagome, like how he used to. His love for her turned into a love you share for a little sister. Of course, he wanted her to be happy and he would always protect her. He admired Inuyasha greatly for what he had done. Giving up his own life for the life of someone he didn't even know.
Dr. Yoshiro came out and smiled at Kouga. “Yash is stable and when he wakes up I will come get you two to visit him,” the doctor whispered so he didn't wake Kagome.
“Thank you,” Kouga said and the doctor left.
“Kagome. Wake up,” Kouga whispered as he shook Kagome gently. Kagome moaned and opened her eyes sleepily.
“Is he okay? What's going on?” Kagome asked rubbing her eyes.
“Yash is fine. He's sleeping in the recovery room right now,” Kouga said.
“Oh thank god! I can't believe I fell asleep,” Kagome said, blushing slightly. She was so relieved that Yash was okay. This was great. She felt guilty because of Inuyasha. That was the greatest thing he had ever done and she loved him for that.
“When can we see him?” Kagome asked.
“After he wakes up, which shouldn't be very long now,” Kouga answered.
Yash slowly opened his eyes and felt pain shoot through him. He looked around and found himself in a hospital room. He held a morphine button in his hand and he pushed down on it. God, it hurt so much. He kept the morphine button pushed down until a nurse came in and took the button out of his hands.
“It's good to see you awake. Would you like visitors now?” the nurse asked.
Who was here to visit him? Yash shook his head no. He didn't want anyone he knew to see him like this. He was weak and he didn't want sympathy from anyone.
“Okay, I will go tell them,” the nurse smiled and left the room.
The morphine started to take affect, dulling some of the pain. He closed his eyes and sighed, trying to relax.
Kagome stood up when the nurse came out of the room. “I'm sorry, but he isn't feeling up to any visitors at the moment. He is in too much pain,” the nurse said.
“Okay, would it be alright for me to stay here for the night? He saved me in the accident and it's the least I could do,” Kagome said.
“Sure, but you're going to have to sleep on a cot in his room if that's okay with you,” the nurse said.
“I'm perfectly fine with that,” Kagome smiled.
Kouga came from around the corner and asked, “Any news on Yash?”
“Yeah, the nurse said he was awake and she is letting me stay the night here,” Kagome said.
“That's good. I have to be heading home. Ayame is getting worried. I'll come by tomorrow though,” Kouga said and hugged Kagome.
“Bye Kouga,” Kagome smiled and he left.
“You can come in now, ma'am. I've gotten everything ready for you,” the nurse said.
Kagome walked into the room and gasped at the sight of Yash. He looked so pale and weak. Kagome felt like crying at the sight. She walked over to the bed and ran a hand through his hair gently.
“Oh Yash. I'm so sorry,” Kagome whispered and sat down next to him.
The nurse left and closed the door behind her. Kagome looked down at Yash one more time before going to the cot that was set up for her. She laid down and drifted off into a fitful sleep.