InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pure Ridiculousness ❯ Bad Bad Dog... ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer- I own nothing of any sort that has to do with Inuyasha or any of their characters whatsoever. I know…I cry about it all the time.

This is…absolutely stupid. Trust me when I say that. I’m sorry for subjecting you to it, but I figured it belonged in the ridiculous compilation of one shots filled with cracky goodness…or badness. You be the judge. I honestly can’t tell. This could in fact really suck.

Oh! By the way, the song is MSI (Mindless Self Indulgence) “Bitches”

Bad bad dog

Lounging on a plush couch in her’s and Sesshoumaru’s lavish penthouse apartment, Kagome began to reflect upon her life thus far…even while her left leg shook uncontrollably.

bitches love me cause they know that I can rock
She sighed, but supposed she should be grateful to have found such a wonderful youkai to spend the rest of eternity with.

bitches love me cause they know that I can rhyme
“Well”, she mused, “To be more specific, an INU youkai” At that admission her leg increased it’s vibration.  

bitches love me cause they know that I can fuck

Of course as an Inu he was very loyal and protective…errrr borderline possessive. She could admit to herself that he certainly watched over her with a single minded intensity.
bitches love me cause they know that I'm on time
And while he was attentive to her every need and she wanted for nothing, there were certain…canine tendencies of his that were hard to ignore. He always turned into a puddle of goo whenever she scratched him behind his ear. He was incredibly allergic to chocolate (Kagome winced at that ill timed thought. That was the last time she EVER baked him a chocolate cake for his birthday).

Although, those doggy traits were endearing and somewhat life threatening others she could certainly do without.
Throughout the projects
Just then her leg jumped a couple times and rattled her teeth a bit, then resumed it‘s rapid vibration. At which point her eyebrow seemed to tick simultaneously. And although she momentarily lost her though process, she immediately got back on track considering the circumstances.
Throughout the projects

“Ah yes…Sesshoumaru’s less than lovable tendencies”, she said aloud as the beginnings of a migraine was setting in.Done.
Such as chewing the crotches out of her underwear. She always found the remains shoved under the bed, and whenever she confronted him about it, he simply exclaimed “Hn” and walked away without so much as a backwards glance.

Though she knew without a doubt that he was smirking at her. Did he have any idea how expensive it was to buy new underwear every week?!? And damned embarrassing at that.

That’s not even the worst of it.


He always seemed to know whenever she was bending over to pick something up since his nose seemed to be right up her butt crack whenever she did so. “I swear he drops random crap on the floor for that reason. Damn dog.” She grumbled. *twitch twitch* her leg seemed to do in response.
This is how it should be done

Increasingly frustrated with her train of thought and the “seemingly” involuntary shaking of her leg, Kagome decided that she’s had enough lounging on the couch and wanted a nice cup of tea to calm her nerves.

*twitch twitch*
this is how it should be done

However, as she tried to move her rogue leg she realized in dismay that, aside from the “phantom twitch” she couldn’t move her leg.


Looking down at the source of her immobility, Kagome let out an exasperated sigh. Remembering that this was also one of her mate’s “puppy problems”.

She put her hands on her hips and ground out, “Are you done yet? I want some tea”This style

Grunting from the vicinity of her leg, Sesshoumaru forced out through clenched teeth, “Just a few more seconds. I’m almost there”

And just like that, the *twitch twitch* became a *hump hump*

Kagome sighed.

There were just some things as a human miko that she just couldn’t understand…aside from the leg cramp.
*hump hump*



*hump hump hump*

There was one thing she did know…
*hump hump hump hump*

Suddenly her eye tick became full blown irritation as he neared his climax.



And as he lay in a boneless heap on the living room floor, Kagome wished more than ANYTHING that she had a rolled up newspaper.Muthafucka...
“Bad bad dog…”

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