InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Remembering A Summer Day ❯ Can Last A Lifetime ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: When you wish. . . upon a star. . . it still won't grant your wish to own Inuyasha.
AN: This is the extremely WAFF-y version of Remembering A Summer Day. As I stated in the previous ending, this version has also been revised. Thanks for reading. . .

Remembering A Summer Day
Ending #2
It was precisely sunset. The clear summer sky let the vast array of colors glow around the setting sun. Inuyasha stared out into it, pupils slitting at the glow of the light on the horizon as he went over his thoughts. Their hunt for the Shikon-No-Tama had been ever more successful. With several new jewel shards added to their fast growing collection it would only be a matter of time before they would have to challenge Naraku for possession of the jewel shards he currently held.
A resounding SMACK could be heard for miles around signaling that a certain monk had gotten to close to a currently blushing youkai taiji. Shippou was out with Kaede, the two were picking herbs for the various scratches and bruises that came with the job of running around in Feudal Japan. And for one young Miko, the bruises that came with jumping in and out of wells. Inuyasha looked towards her, the light summer breeze lifting her hair. For a second it flew around her like a halo before leaving it to settle down conveniently in her face. Inuyasha let out a snort before moving towards her, reaching out to tuck the loose strands of hair back in place. Kagome looked up to him, there was the sudden appearance of a light blush on her cheeks as she realized that his hand had not left her face, and that his thumb was idly stroking her cheek.
Inuyasha knelt down in front of her, slowly placing his head upon the girl's lap. With the now fully set sun, his hair grew to the color of midnight, and his eyes that of amethyst. Her hand idly ran through the smooth locks of hair, and a deep purring sound resonated from his throat. Her eyes closed and she wished that this moment could go on forever. But the day was growing late and her own time; her own life was calling her back towards the well. Looking down at Inuyasha she smiled sadly and he nodded and sat up. He took her hand and gave it a light squeeze. Taking in her scent he couldn't help himself as he lent forward pressing his lips to hers. Her lips were soft, warm, moist, sweet. . . so good. . .
Inuyasha could have lost himself in that moment, in that day. . .But he knew that she would have to go back to her own time, and he loosened his grip on her, moving away. He was no longer quite the same stubborn Inu hanyou that he had been only three years before. Soon the quest for the Shikon No Tama would be over. And he knew that Kagome would go back to her own time. He would not fight her, he would not try to stop her, now he knew his feelings. That he truly did. . .
“It's Finally Over.”
Inuyasha, with assistance from his elder half-brother stood up. His haori was torn, the one underneath crimson from the blood of the wound at his side. His eyes ran over the site of the battle, resting first on Naraku.
Naraku. . . how long had they sought, fought, hated, cursed that person and his name? He lay now, there before him, dead. Sango and Miroku were holding each other up, the taiji and monk respectively having more wounds than one would think humans would be able to live through.
The kitsune-pup and the young human girl Rin peered out through the shield Kagome had cast to keep Naraku from hurting them. He could hear Shippou whisper in disbelief
“They did it. . .”
For what was probably the first time in his life Inuyasha gave the kitsune a grin and whispered back in a hoarse voice
We did it.”
Kagome, wearing miko garb, looking tired and radiant at the same time placed the shield down. She watched Inuyasha pick up the kitsune, and smiled. Inuyasha himself looked to the young miko, his eyes filling with an emotion that was rarely seen in the hanyou…love. He still questioned why she had decided to stay for the final battle. When Naraku and the Inu Gumi had come close enough the two jewel fragments had come together, much like their mismatched group. If she had wanted to she could have left. . . but now. . . It was over. . . But the question remained, what to do with the completed Shikon Jewel? Standing up, limping a bit from a small injury to her ankle she walked to Inuyasha, and held out the purified, glowing jewel to him.
“Inuyasha. . .”
“No. Keep it Kagome, you're its guardian.”
“But I thought. . .”
“It's not what I want anymore”
He walked away, ears flattened, towards the well as he waited for her to come and leave him. He waited for the night, and the following morning. . . he didn't want her to leave without saying goodbye. But she never showed up at the well. So he walked back to the village and found Kagome, dressed in miko robes serving the group their stew. She held out a steaming bowl of ramen to him and smiled.
He took the bowl mutely, setting it down and grabbing her by the arm. He dragged her silently to the well and pointed to it.
“Aren't you going to go? Aren't you going to leave us?”
“No. Why? Do you want me to?”
“I don't. . . I never said that.”
“Then what do you want?”
There was a brief silence before lips met lips, her arms wrapped around his neck and they held each other for dear life. The seconds passed so slowly that it seemed an eternity before they finally broke apart.
“I love you Inuyasha”
Mrs. Higurashi stared into the small shack that contained the well. Kagome had never returned from the future. As she went through the old shrine records one day she came upon a dusty old scroll, written in familiar handwriting.
“The Legend Of Inuyasha”
It told of a tale of a band of brave souls, fighting against a devious evil for a magical jewel. It told of the trials that they went through, of battles and shards and resurrected priestesses. It told of how a girl from the future fell in love with a hanyou. And how, at the end of their quest, she couldn't bring herself to leave him…It told of how they grew old together, and of how they lived a happy, full life. . . and at the end it gave a sentence that gave the woman hope
“I'm all right momma. . .we're all right.”
AN: There it is.