InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reunion ❯ Chapter Two : Finding Kaede ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Two

A/N: I have returned! Sorry for the delay, but I just haven't had a lot of time. I have been catching up on my reading, for one thing. I like Mercedes Lackey, Robert Jordan, Alan Dean Foster and too many others to list. I also like Del Kaiden and Mija Maryanne. They have some interesting fics. Anyway, I don't own Inuyasha and with two teen-age daughters, I'm glad!

The three horsemen rode into the village in silence. Someone would stop and stare at them every so often, and then would return to their business. The leader and his companions ignored the stares as they made their way through the village. They pulled up in front of the inn. The innkeeper quickly came out. These travelers looked properous and the innkeeper was anxious to please these potential guests.

"Hail, travelers! Stop and rest! I have good food and better wine! Dismount, my boy will care for your horses!" he spoke loudly and with exagerrated cheer.

"I think not, innkeeper, at least not right now. I have business to attend to. Could you direct me to the high priestess Kaede's hut? I have a message for her guest, Inuyasha."

"Guest!?" the innkeeper exclaimed with a barking laugh. "Nuisance, is more like it. Besides, he doesn't really stay there unless the miko Kagome is around. He usually just eats there. Still, you can probably find him there. If he isn't there now, he soon will be. Her hut is on the edge of the village near the forest. Just go through the village heading south and you will find it."

"My thanks, innkeeper. Here is something for your trouble." The leader flipped a coin of moderate value to the man.

The innkeeper smiled broadly. "No problem! And when your business is concluded at Kaede's, come back for a meal and some of that wine."

The lead horseman nodded to the man and nudged his horse in the ribs to get him moving. The others followed him.

The ingratiating smile of the innkeeper disappeared when the men turned away. 'Nuisance! I can't believe I just said he was a nuisance! A curse is more like it! If he left this village for good, I would dance for joy! And others would, too. He would probably be gone now if it wasn't for Kaede and that girl who woke him up!' "You would think that demon exterminator or that monk would have rid us of him!" he muttered.

"Is there a problem, innkeeper?" asked a voice, coldly.

Startled, the innkeeper looked up. He hadn't noticed the horseman turn back to face him. Quickly, he smiled and stated, "Problem? No problem, friend! Why do you think I have a problem?"

"By the look on your face, innkeeper. Your sweating. Now why would a man with no problems sweat like that when he isn't working hard? Perhaps your problem is with the hanyou, Inuyasha?" the horseman asked quietly.

"Look stranger. I don't know you or what your business with the dog demon is and I could care less. All I know is that demon hangs around this village and it's bad for business! People hear of a demon and it doesn't matter if he is good or evil, they don't come through and if they do, they don't stop! So, yes, I do have a problem with the hanyou!" the innkeeper said with some heat.

"So much of a problem, you would wish him dead?"

The innkeeper drew a deep breath. "Honestly? Sometimes yes. He has protected us in the past but half the time if he hadn't been here we wouldn't have needed the protection in the first place! The only good thing about him being here is the girl, Kagome. And she needs to learn her place! Her clothing is indecent! Now, I suppose that you won't come back here after your done with the demon, huh?" concluded the innkeeper in a huff.

The horseman actually smiled at the innkeeper, but it was feral. It did nothing to ease the innkeepers apprehension. "Why, innkeeper! You should become a fortune teller! Because you fortold our future perfectly!"

So saying the horseman turned and rode off. This time the innkeeper watched the retreating back until it was gone. He sighed. 'Oh well, at least I got something out of it.' he thought as he tossed the coin into the air. 'It's just too bad that I couldn't have gotten more.'

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The leader of the group fumed at the disrespect shown to Inuyasha. The cousin of his lord deserved better treatment than that! Daremo pulled up in front of the hut that he had been directed to. 'Let's see if that innkeeper gave me adequate directions.' He dismounted and approached the door of the hut. He tapped on the door.

"Aye? Who is it?" asked an elderly womans voice.

"I seek the high priestess Kaede. I am seeking a friend of hers."

"Indeed." An old one eyed woman opened the door of the hut. "I am Kaede. Who is the friend that ye seek?"

"I seek the hanyou Inuyasha."

A man's form appeared behind the elderly miko. "What business do you have with Inuyasha?" he inquired.

"That is none of your concern." stated Daremo. He glared at the robed figure. "My business is with him and I would stay out of it, if I were you." Daremo was getting tired of these nosy peasants! 'Why can't they answer a simple question?'

"Miroku, let us hear what the traveler has to say."

"I have nothing else to say until Lord Inuyasha arrives." Daremo said with some heat, not realizing that he had given Inuyasha a title.

"Lord Inuyasha!?" exclaimed Kaede and Miroku. "Lord Inuyasha?" was repeated from inside the hut in a young woman's voice. The owner of the voice appeared.

"Now who would call Inuyasha lord other than Myoga?" she asked.

"I don't know who this Myoga is that you speak of," said Daremo with disdain, "but at least he knows proper manners when in the presence of a noble."

Kaede's eyebrow raised. The faces of Miroku and the young woman grew cold.

Miroku spoke first. "We have been Inuyasha's traveling companions for some time. He has never been one to stand on ceremony. He has never required us to acknowledge his birthright. He has never claimed it."

"But you did know of it! Even if he did not claim it, he should have been treated with the respect that he is due!"

The young woman's eyes narrowed. "Why are you so insistant that we pay respect to the son of a demon lord? Most humans could care less that he has that heritage!"

"It is not his demon heritage that I am refering to, even though it is due respect! It is his human heritage that makes me call him lord!"

"His human side!?" all three exclaim together.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Inuyasha caught up with Kagome and scooped her up with a grin.

"Aahh! Inuyasha?! What are you doing?!"

"You don't want to be a rotten egg, do you?" his grin got wider. "Because you won't beat me, and if I don't carry you, you won't beat the runt either!" So saying, he put on the speed. Soon, they could see the little kitsune running ahead of them. They were getting near the village and Kaede's hut, so Inuyasha increased his effort. Shippou glanced over his shoulder and let out an "Aahh!" and tried to speed up. Inuyasha caught up with the kitsune and paced him for a second. "Now to show you how to run, squirt!" Inuyasha crowed. Inuyasha passed Shippou with ease. 'Just in time, too.' thought Inuyasha. 'Kaede's hut is just over this rise.'

As Inuyasha topped the rise, he suddenly slowed down.

"What's wrong, Inuyasha?" asked Kagome. "Why are we slowing down?" She turned her head and looked toward Kaede's hut.

Inuyasha set Kagome down as he came to a halt. "There are hor......" he was interrupted as Shippou plowed into him from behind. He had been running with his head down trying to catch up to Inuyasha and slammed into the back of Inuyasha's legs. Of course, he just bounced off but it did distract Inuyasha.

"Owww! Papa-Inu?! Why did you stop?!" wailed the fox demon.

"Feh! As I was saying, runt, before you ran into me, there are horses at Kaede's."

"Why would there be horses at Kaede's? We don't know anyone with horses." asked Kagome.

"I don't know, but I intend to find out. Stay behind me just in case these guys aren't friendly. They better be friendly, if they have hurt Kaede..." Inuyasha's voice promised much pain if that was the case.

Inuyasha took off at a run toward Kaede's hut, leaving Kagome and Shippou to trail behind. He stopped at the side of the hut when he heard voices. 'Let's see what these riders want.' he thought. As Kagome came up behind him, he motioned for her to be quiet.

"Who are they? And, what do they want?" Kagome whispered when she reached his side.

"I don't know who they are, but one of them just reprimanded Kaede, Miroku, and Sango for a lack of manners."

"What? Your kidding!? Miroku has perfect manners, he just can't keep his hands to himself!"

Inuyasha's face took on a puzzled look. "Now, they are talking about traveling with me and that I never wanted something ..... respect?"

Suddenly, Inuyasha's eyes got wide and he paled slightly.

"What's wrong, Inuyasha? Are you alright?"

Inuyasha straightened. "We need to see this man. I have some questions for him." His face was beginning to get angry.

"Why? What did he say?"

"He knows my family. My human family."

A/N: Sorry for the delay. Had a bit of writer's block. I know where I want to go, just have trouble getting there, sometimes.