InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Romancing the Enemy ❯ Scroll One: SIT! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Romancing the Enemy

By: TuxedoUranus89

Disclaimer: InuYasha, while I wish he, Miroku, Sessho-maru, and the adorable ikkle Shippo were mine, does not belong to me, the storyline and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi, the greatest manga-ka to ever walk the earth!! * throws confetti *

((in the words of my Spanish teacher, sucking up will get you everywhere… at least in her class))

Author's Notes: Okay, I decided that there needed to be a good InuYasha-Kagome story written by me… And write it I shall!! LOOK I LIVE!!! I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD!! XD Now… to the story…


And with that, InuYasha was once again pummeled into the dirt by the cursed prayer beads around his neck. The others hardly noticed, as the punishment word was a day-to-day affair, and kept doing what they had been: Shippo laughing as he spun his top again, Kirara watching with interest, while Sango and Miroku were arguing about the monk's 'wandering hand' again.

And Kagome… she was busy grumbling to herself about arrogant half-demons, and splashed water from the river onto her face to cool herself from the heat, and her fiery temper.


"Before you what, InuYasha?" Kagome asked sweetly, preparing to say 'sit' again.

The silver-haired demon grumbled into the dirt, and fell quiet, wishing to whatever god was listening that he didn't need this gods-forsaken pain-in-the-ass woman to find the Shikon Jewel shards. And yet…

Miroku sighed, having caught the end of Kagome and InuYasha's latest argument. "You'd think they were an old married couple, the way they carry on about such nonsense." He commented.

Shippo laughed again as Kirara pounced on his top. "You could say the same thing about you and Sango, Miroku."

Sango blushed. "Don't be a brat, Shippo."

"I'm not!!"

InuYasha, finally freed from the sit-spell, walked over and picked up Miroku by the back of his purple overrobe. "I heard that, monk. Say it again and I'll personally make sure that you won't have a reason to ask women to bear your child."

Miroku was as calm as ever giving his answer. "Threaten all you like, InuYasha, you're only talk."

"Oh yeah?!"

Sango left the two to their one-sided bickering, and took Kagome by the elbow away. "Any more poison from either one of them to my ears, and I'll start sprouting it like Naraku." She told the schoolgirl as they walked into the woods.

Kagome smiled slightly. Sango took the hint. "So, what was the argument about this time? I didn't hear it all."

"Oh, I don't know… It started out fine, he asked how much of the jewel we had, and I answered. Then he started going off at me that it was _my_ fault that we didn't have that many shards, and… OH, I want to kill that flea-bitten rascal sometimes, he just makes me so MAD!!" Kagome yelled, stomping her feet.

Sango hid a smile. "I'm sorry to say it, but I think Miroku is right in some ways… You two sound like an old married couple."

Kagome turned the faintest shade of pink. "Don't say things like that…"


The blush deepened. Sango smiled knowingly. "So, it's more than I thought. You love him a lot, don't you?"

Kagome covered her burning cheeks with her hands, wailing. "Not so LOUD, Sango!!"

"Tut, those two are arguing, his ears are focused on the pervert. So it's true?"

The younger girl was too ashamed that her secret had been found out, and only nodded, sinking to the ground. Sango sat down next to her.

*~*Miroku, InuYasha, and Shippo*~*

"Both of you, be quiet!!" Shippo yelled, throwing one of his firecrackers on the ground.

InuYasha quite rudely dropped Miroku on the ground. "Feh. Your life's been spared, monk…" He snapped, and jumped onto a tree branch.

Shippo dangled the string to his top in front of Kirara, while Sango's partner batted at it. "InuYasha's just mad because he can't find the right words to ask Kagome to be his mate." He said to Miroku.

InuYasha threw a walnut at the kitsune. "Shut up, brat." He sneered, his ears pinned to his head in anger.

((AN: It's now a walnut tree. If there were no walnut trees in feudal Japan… there are now. I said so.))

"It's true and you know it." Shippo said, pulling the string out of Kirara's reach.

Two more walnuts came his way. "I said, shut up, brat!!"

Miroku smiled. "Ah, InuYasha… If only you knew how much you were lying through those pointed fangs of yours."

One extremely large and fast moving walnut pelted Miroku in the head. "Aaaaargh, shut up the both of you, I do NOT love that woman!!"

Kirara mewed. Shippo laughed. "See, even Kirara knows it."

The silver haired half-demon jumped down from the branch, snarling. "I don't love Kagome, and I certainly don't want her to be my mate!!!"

"Of course. You still love Kikyo, even though she's dead. And while you do still love the lady Kikyo, you will not die with her, so you can be with her forever." Miroku said, in the way that said, 'of course I believe you, why shouldn't I?'. "Tell me, InuYasha, why won't you die with Kikyo? It can't be about the Jewel, that's less important than true love."

InuYasha grumbled under his breath. "…Just butt out, it's none of your business…" He finally muttered.

Miroku and Shippo gave each other looks. "InuYasha loves Kagome, InuYasha loves Kagome!" Shippo taunted in a singsong voice.

InuYasha leapt at the kitsune, snarling, and picked him up by his tail, throwing him into a bush about twenty yards away. "SHUT UP!!!" He yelled, his cheeks redder than cherries.

Miroku stood, patting InuYasha's shoulder. "Faint heart never won fair lady… Though, if Kagome's fair-haired, then I'm no longer a monk… And you yourself are not much of faint heart, so perhaps the saying should be changed to 'brawny heart never won dark lady'. Though, that's hardly-"

"Get to the point, Miroku." InuYasha snapped, interrupting him before he got so wrapped up in himself and whatever he was saying that he forgot the point of speaking in the first place.

"Forgive me. What I mean is, if you dance around it, it'll never happen. You want Kagome. I know it, Shippo knows it, and gods all be damned you know it and don't deny it!"

InuYasha grumbled under his breath, amber-gold eyes fixed on the ground. Miroku smiled triumphantly, patting InuYasha's shoulder. "Don't worry, my friend, I can help you win the heart of fair Kagome."

Shippo hopped from one foot to another. "Oh! I'll help too!!"

InuYasha growled. "It's one thing to have the pervert helping out, but the runt? No way!"

"No fair, I wanna help!!"


"InuYasha, be reasonable, he could prove useful-"


"All of it! I wanna HELP!!"

InuYasha snarled, punching the ground and making Shippo fly upwards, and Miroku stumble slightly. "OKAY!! FINE!! Damnit, why the hell do I bother with you people, you'll just end up making it worse…"

"Will not!!"

Miroku sighed. "Now, come on, let's not start this again…"

*~*~*~*Sango and Kagome*~*~*~*

Kagome was drawing in the dirt with a stick. She blushed when she saw what she'd drawn and scribbled it out. Sango saw the picture before it was destroyed and smiled. "Ah-a… You've been with Miroku too long, Kagome-chan."

"Be quiet, Sango…"

The other girl laughed. "Kagome, I have a plan. It's almost foolproof, and it'll be a surefire way to get you and InuYasha together."


"Of course! Would I lie?"


"Okay, don't answer that, but I'm sure this'll be the greatest plan ever!! Now come here-"

Kagome leaned in as Sango began whispering the first steps of her plan into her ear.