InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Romancing the Enemy ❯ Scroll Nine: A Love that was Meant to Be ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Romancing the Enemy

Scroll 9: A Love that was Meant to Be

By: Initial A

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha! I have random merchandise and that's it!

Author's Notes: Well. Here it is. The last chapter, under my new penname/secret-identity-as-and-artist. It's been really fun. I'll miss the reviews, the constant rising in numbers on the favorites lists, and scheming for new ideas for the plot... Oh well, next story! Heh. (Also, I am very sorry about how the last chapter turned out. I've been reading Tolkien lately, so I got back into description... and there wasn't much dialogue, so I found it harder to get things going. I forgot how difficult those semi-silent chapters were to write, I haven't done one in a while)

I just wanted to let you all know that I've loved every review I've gotten. Every one of them, even the ones that made me cross at first, I got over them. I've never gotten so many positive reviews before, and you've all made me so happy!! So, here's the future for Romancing the Enemy.

UPDATE: I will NOT be publishing a doujinshi of this story. I'm really sorry about it, but I've found I really don't have the amount of time needed to work on a full-scale comic. I will have artwork related to this story at Tekkoshocon this coming April, but I'm sorry, I've abandoned the Doujinshi Project.

Thank you again everyone, and I hope you read any new InuYasha fanfics I may throw out in the future!!!!!

InuYasha shifted uncomfortably, his ears dropping like a dog's when he knows he's going to be in trouble. He mumbled something incoherent, and the blush deepened. Kagome's face softened. "InuYasha... what is it?"

Another mumbled reply. Kagome began to smile. "Come on, InuYasha, you can tell me."

He glanced up quickly, then looked back down at the floor. "K-Kagome... Why... why'd you leave?" He asked.

The girl was about to say that she hadn't, when she remembered Sango's request. "Oh... that..."

"What d'you mean, `Oh that'?!" InuYasha exclaimed, his head snapping up, his temper filling his eyes.

"I'm sorry, okay? I... wanted to get away for a while... And you didn't answer my question." Kagome hurriedly changed the subject.

InuYasha blushed again. "I... I don't remember the question." He answered lamely.

"Were you just kissing me?" Kagome demanded.

InuYasha looked down again. He was silent for a few minutes. Kagome scooted over towards him, and reached out, affectionately rubbing the tip of one of his ears to shake him out of his moodiness. The hanyou growled and swatted her hand away. "So, what's my answer?" The girl asked.

InuYasha reached up and pulled her down into his arms. Kagome `yeep'ed in surprise, and turned a cute shade of pink. "I-InuYasha!!" She stuttered.

One clawed hand gently ran through her hair. "I... I was. You know it, I know it. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done it."

Kagome readjusted herself, getting used to being in his arms again. She remembered that he hadn't held her since she'd asked him to teach her combat. Well, outside of her dreams, anyway. She thought out her reply carefully. "You don't have to be sorry." She said finally. "I was surprised. I... haven't been woken up by a kiss before, and it sort of startled me."

"Sort of?" InuYasha asked in a disbelieving tone.

Kagome shifted uncomfortably. InuYasha's arms instinctively wrapped around her tighter, and she stilled. "Okay, so I was really startled. You scared me. Why did you do that?"

"You... were talking in your sleep... You said something about me kissing you. I wondered why, but then something came over me, and..." InuYasha drifted off.

They sat in silence. Kagome buried her face into InuYasha's chest, ashamed almost to tears that he'd heard what she'd been dreaming about. `Of course, if I tell him now, he'll probably feel that he has to accept me... just because he kissed me, and he heard what I said...' She thought, then to her extreme mortification, started to sob.

InuYasha's eyes widened when he heard her start to cry, and felt warm wetness leak through his shirt. "Stop that!" He ordered, more roughly than he'd intended to.

Kagome didn't want to admit it, she probably never would, but she loved it when he attempted to boss her around. Which was why she always refused to obey, so he'd do it more. Though, sooner or later, her temper got the better of her. And we all know how that always turned out. "S-Stop wh-what?" She asked, starting to get the hiccups, which only added to her embarrassment.

"Stop crying! I mean it- What are you doing, girl?!" He exclaimed as she gripped him tightly, the damp area on his chest growing larger.

Kagome tried her best to stop. She succeeded a little, but tears still came, as did the hiccups. "I-I can't h-help it... You... you heard me..."

Suddenly, it all came spilling out. Her mind told her to stop, but her mouth couldn't. "You h-heard me, and ki-kissed me- and you only w-would accept me now because you'd feel g-guilty about it, and that's not wh-what I want!! I want y-you to love me because you love me, n-not because you feel you need to!!"

InuYasha stiffened. `What the hell... did she just say?!' "Kagome... What are you saying?"

Kagome was so frustrated with everything that had happened, she wretched his arms off of her, and beat her fists on his hard chest, tears running down her face. "You stupid- stupid-" She couldn't think of a fitting insult. "I love you, you idiotic hanyou!!!!"

She fell against him in exhaustion, still not over her bout of weariness from the other night, weeping still, but feeling as if a weight had been removed from her shoulders. "And I don't care if you love me in return..." She whispered, knowing he would hear. `I don't care anymore...' She told herself, then thought wryly, `And I'd thought I'd die if he didn't love me in return...'

The hanyou was silent. Kagome started to pull away, thinking that she'd hurt him, and that he wanted to leave. "I understand if you want to go..." She said quietly, starting to turn away. "I won't bother you anymore, coming down the we-"

She was shocked out of her sentence by InuYasha roughly grabbing her chin and tilting her face upwards, kissing her with a little more force than he'd intended. He realized that when she struggled a little, and let up a little. Kagome was glad she was sitting down, or else she'd certainly have collapsed from shock and the overwhelming passion in just that one kiss. Kagome pulled away briefly, looking at him with slightly unfocused eyes. "Inu... InuYasha. What-"

A clawed finger was pressed to her lips. "Shh. Kagome, I love you. Now, be a good girl, and let me finish what I started." He told her huskily, and captured her lips with his again.

Kagome had to make herself break it off. She needed to know something. A factor she, quite stupidly, hadn't considered before. InuYasha moved to kiss her again, but Kagome stopped him with a finger to his lips. "Kikyo?" She asked softly.

InuYasha smirked, taking her hand into his. "Kagome, would I really be sitting here, driven to near insanity from my need to feel you against me, and still love Kikyo?" He grew more serious, tilting her chin up so they looked each other eye-to-eye. "I do love you. I'm sorry I never told you before, but that's how life works. Now, can we please finish what we started?" He asked in a more tender way, lifting her hand and kissing her fingers, one at a time.

Kagome was only too happy to comply.

The Next Day, Feudal Era

"That's it?!" Sango exclaimed.

"Yup. I made him stop before it went too far." Kagome said, casually taking a drink from her water bottle. "I mean, really, I didn't want to go and screw him with things so... confusing."

Sango laughed, used to Kagome's slang. "Well, it sounded confusing. Generally these things are."

"Oh, shut up!" Kagome laughed. "You and Miroku got together so simply, it was like a fantasy romance story!"

Sango smiled shyly, blushing. "I owe it to InuYasha... even though he won't admit it. Miroku told me all about it."

Kagome smiled too. "He's sweet. Though he likes to pretend he doesn't give a damn, I know he's happy for the both of you."

Nearby, InuYasha, Miroku, and Shippo were discussing something of the same sort. And since the women weren't around Shippo wasn't sheltered from the adult-like suggestions that the two older men discussed. "So, nothin' on your end either, eh?" InuYasha asked, after swapping stories.

"I'm afraid not. Sango was quite insistent that we wait until we are wed. Considering I could have had the entire thing done in five minutes, we could have explored more thoroughly that night, but when I mentioned it to her, she said she wanted you and Lady Kagome here to witness it." Miroku sighed, then hastily corrected himself. "The wedding, I meant."

InuYasha snorted. "Keh. Like I wanted to watch you two go at each other like rabbits in heat."

He was back to his old self, after last night's confession, but Kagome would swear up and down that he'd changed profusely. And he had.

Sort of.

Miroku gave his easy-going smile. "And did Kagome agree to become your mate?" He asked.

InuYasha turned a faint shade of pink. Shippo smirked. "Turned ya down, eh?"

The hanyou whacked the kitsune on the head. "No! She hasn't turned me down..."

"Then she accepted." Miroku said, smiling triumphantly.

"Well... no." InuYasha was growing more flushed by the second.

Both Miroku and Shippo were confused. "Then, what did she say?"

InuYasha shifted uncomfortably. "She hasn't said anything... because I haven't asked her yet..."

Shippo started laughing. "I knew he didn't have the guts to do it!"

"Oh, shut up!!" InuYasha snapped. "I just... Oh, forget it, you're just gonna harass me about it anyway..."

Miroku was genuinely interested. His unusual friend wasn't one to beat around the bush about things, especially when he was pretty confident that he'd get his way. He'd also been sure that Kagome would accept InuYasha's offer quite eagerly. "Come on, InuYasha. Tell."

"What, don't I get a private life anymore?!"

"Nope. Friends do that to you." Shippo chirped.

InuYasha growled, eyes flashing in annoyance. "Damn bastards..."

He stared at the ground. Miroku and Shippo waited patiently. "Fine, I'll tell, but I don't want to hear any of your snide comments later!

"I didn't ask her because she didn't seem... ready. I'd scared her pretty badly, how I woke her up and all... Then with the crying and the sudden outburst on how she felt. When I tried to go a little further with her, she begged me not to. She said it didn't seem right, when we'd just admitted our feelings. I could tell she wanted to, but the girl's common sense got the better of her.

"So, I respected her wish. I'll wait for her."

Miroku was staring at InuYasha. Shippo wiped away tears. "That was beautiful, InuYasha." The younger demon said.

InuYasha's jaw clenched. "I thought I said-"

"InuYasha, calm down." Miroku ordered, getting over his shock. "Though, I must say, I'm very proud of you. You made a mature decision, one that I'm sure Lady Kagome will appreciate, and pay back in full, with a little extra, I'm sure."

Instead of giving a smart reply, InuYasha flushed, ducking his head to hide his face with his hair. Miroku noted this with interest. `He really does care for her... and he'll be true to his word, I'm sure.'

A little later, they returned to the women. InuYasha passed a hand through Kagome's hair as he passed her, earning a smile in return as he sat down at the roots of a tree. Miroku sat down next to Sango, for once not making a go at her butt, but put one of his own hands on top of hers. Shippo rolled his eyes in disgust. `Lovers...' He thought, fighting off the urge to throw up, as would any young child.

The Next Day

InuYasha and Kagome were sitting up in a tree. The hanyou was busy nuzzling Kagome's neck, earning giggles from the girl. In return, she tickled one of his ears, laughing outright when he growled throatily at her.

Suddenly, InuYasha stopped, and kissed her thoroughly on her lips. Kagome made a noise of surprise, reacting quickly. When they came up for air, InuYasha looked at her with such a degree of love in his eyes that Kagome shivered. "Kagome... I need to ask you something." He said softly, resting his forehead against hers.


"I know... you don't want to go any further than we've gone right now. But, someday, when you're ready..." InuYasha took a deep breath and let it out slowly, closing his eyes, then looking at her again. "Will you... accept me as your mate?"

Kagome blinked in surprise, confused by his terms. "W-What?"

InuYasha's ears dropped a little, his heart sinking. "It's nothing, really, forget I asked..." He muttered, looking away, therefore missing the look of realization that dawned on Kagome's face..

Her reply was to throw herself against him, squeezing the life out of him in a huge hug. "InuYasha! I can't believe you'd think I say no!!" She cried, hugging him, if at all possible, even tighter.

InuYasha tried to breathe. "K-Kag-"

"Oh, sorry." Kagome loosened her grip.

As soon as he could breathe, InuYasha gripped her shoulders, looking her straight in the eye. "You mean it? You'll have me?"

Kagome smiled. "I will, someday. It's too early for me to be thinking about taking a husband, or children; I'm too young."

"No pups?" InuYasha asked, looking sad.

After kissing him reassuringly on the cheek, Kagome teased, "Only think how weird it would be for me to walk into school one day, huge from what you did to me."

InuYasha growled a bit from her tease. "Why can't you just quit that school thing of yours? Then we can have as many pups as we want, and you won't have to worry about it."

"We've been through this before. I can't." She replied. "But, be satisfied that we'll be together one day, and then we'll have all the... pups... that we want." She fumbled a little, using the dog-term.

The hanyou smiled. "Can you give me an idea on when we can mate?"

"In a few years."

"Can you be more specific?"

"No. Deal with it, or I'll make you wait longer."

InuYasha grinned slyly as he made a noise that sounded like a growling purr, pulling her in closely. "I could take you right now, without a problem..."

Kagome gasped as his hand moved under her skirt. "InuYasha! Stop it! Really, I-" She gasped again as his hand started to wander...


She managed to grab onto a branch as InuYasha plummeted to the ground, her face very red. Carefully she went to the trunk, and eased herself onto the next branch down, watching InuYasha with a look of death. "You pervert!!" She yelled. "That's it, where's that monk, I'm going to beat him senseless-"

"What'd Miroku do now, Kagome?" Sango called up, coming back to their campsite with the monk in question trailing behind.

"He's tainted my boyfriend, that's what! Where is he?!"

Miroku sighed, considering running for his life. Kagome couldn't `sit' him, but he was fairly sure she could kill him with all the fighting arts she'd learned. Maybe he should try to reason with her... "Lady Kagome, I must assure you that I have not `tainted' InuYasha in any way possible. I cannot be held responsible for his actions, because I did not tell him to do anything."

Kagome narrowed her eyes at him. "You're just saying that so I won't kill you." She snarled, her legs tensing for a jump.

`Gods, she's turned into me...' InuYasha thought in awe and slight fear as he watched his lover preparing to jump Miroku and strangle him to death. `And damn, is that scary... No wonder she `sit's me so much...'

"Maybe I am..." Miroku said slowly, starting to sweat as he noticed the same things that InuYasha had. "And maybe I am merely suggesting you not to jump to any wrong conclusions..."

"Oh, believe me, the only thing I'm jumping to is the ground, and you'd do very well to run for your life, starting now." Kagome stated, and jumped, landing with almost catlike grace, a feat hammered into her skull by InuYasha several weeks before.

Miroku was off like a shot, but unfortunately for him, Kagome did not have the nuisance of robes around her legs. She lunged, and tackled him like the quarterback of a football team. Down both went.

Behind them, Sango was doubled over with laughter from the entire scene, and InuYasha was watching with a look of amusement on his face, making a mental note to never make his future mate mad.

Kagome got off of Miroku, glaring down at him as he flipped himself over to his back, looking at her with surprise. "Grovel, and I might spare your life." Kagome ordered.

"What? Absolutely ridiculous, Lady Kagome, I will do no such thing." Miroku retorted.

Kagome's foot lifted, and stepped on his robes, scant inches from where his legs met his waist. Miroku paled. "Beg. Don't think I won't." Kagome said icily.

Even InuYasha pitied Miroku now. `Now I really have to be sure I don't get her that mad.'

Miroku fell flat on his back, and lifted his hands as if he worshiped Kagome. "My lady, I am terribly sorry for the wrongs I have done in perverting the mind of your beloved, InuYasha, into thinking like me and making a move on your lovely-" He stopped what he'd started to say when he heard InuYasha's threatening growl. "I mean, on your lower half."

Kagome smiled in her triumph, and removed her foot. "Good boy. It's nice to know someone around here knows when to listen." She said, shooting a look over her shoulder to InuYasha.

Sango, still laughing a little, came over to help Miroku. "Oh, gods, you should have seen the look on your face!" She gasped, putting her head on his shoulder.

Miroku looked at her with a look that said he was less-than-happy. "I'm sure I'd rather not, thanks."

Later that Night

Kagome was sitting by the stream, bathing her feet in the cool waters. She heard footsteps behind her. "Kagome?"

"Hi, InuYasha."

"Listen, I'm sorry about earlier, you know I wouldn't take you if you didn't want to be taken." He said, looking at the ground.

Kagome smiled. "I know. I just wanted to hear you say it."

InuYasha came and sat next to her. "And I also wanted you to know, I've sworn to never make you mad again. After what you almost did to Miroku..."

The smile became an evil-like grin. "I owe it to your teaching, sensei. And I highly doubt you can refrain from making me mad, knowing your stubbornness, and my quick temper."

InuYasha shuddered. Kagome laughed, and slung an arm around his shoulders, leaning her head on his shoulder. "You know," She said suddenly, "Sango was the one who really pushed me towards telling you how much I love you."

"Really?" InuYasha was surprised, moving his arm to wrap around her waist. "Miroku and Shippo did the same with me!"

Kagome laughed again. "No way! So that's why you've been acting weird, with the flowers and agreeing so easily to teach me?"

"I was acting weird?"

"Well, you weren't exactly being yourself." She explained.

InuYasha chuckled. "So, what prompted it? Sango getting you into this?"

Kagome smiled, looking up to the stars in the sky. "Well, it all started with that huge fight we had a few weeks ago..."

((The end!!! That's it!!! There ain't no more, cuz that's all she wrote!!! I really enjoyed writing this, and I hope everyone enjoys the doujinshi, because I hard at work on it!!!! See you again in another story!!!!

Initial A))