InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Random Place ❯ The Favorite Question of the Imature ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Hey Kagome!"
"What Inuyasha."
"Were do babies come from?"
She stopped what she was doing, completly taken aback by his question. Looking up from the fire, she fixed her gaze on the hanyu. It was obvious by his look of innocence that his intentions had been anything but innocent.

She glanced at the others to see what their reaction was, only to find Miroku doubled up with silent laughter. Sango had her hand over her eyes, but though she was shaking her head, Kagome noticed that she too seemed to be trying to conceal the fact that she was silently laughing.

Glaring at them indignatly, she went to throw Inuyasha a dirty look, only to come face to face with him. Litterly.
"Well Kagome? You gonna answer me or what?" Quite used to him being up in her face, she simply stared back at him. "Inuyasha, si-" A tugging at her sleeve stopped her.

"Kagome?" She looked down warily at the small Kitsune, fearing she already knew what he wanted. "Yea Shippou?" He blinked innocently up at her. "Were do babies come from?"

"Uh..." The sound of Inuyasha snickering interupted her random construction of a lie involving blue trees, enchanted fruit, and, just for the hell of it, storks.

Narrowing her eyes she turned her annoyance on the hanyu. "Inuyasha sit!" Grumbling as he crashed into the ground not a foot from her, she climbed to her feet and stalked off to the laughter of the others. Which left Shippou to look between them all confusedly.

"What's so funny?"