InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yami no Toya ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Look at her!"

"She's so weird!"

"Look at her hair! It's the color of peaches, the reddish stripes and all!"

"Have you seen her eyes? They look like they have cat slits!"

"Her nails are long! It's like she wears fake ones. See how pointy they are!"

"She's looking this way, act cool! Don't look like we were talking about her!"

Whispers drifted to the ears of the girl they were talking about, she glanced at them. They seemed to busy gossiping and such to notice anything else going on in the world. 'Stupid humans…'

"Hi! You must be new here… I'm Kagome." Amber-gold eyes looked up at the tall girl standing by her desk.

"Toya. Why are you not gossiping with the rest of them about me?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" she asked sitting next to her.

"Wait a moment… Aren't you the one that they say has all sorts of medical ailments all the time? You seem very well to me," Toya told her.

"Heh… It comes and goes…"

"I just moved back here… From America. Where do you live?"

"I live at the temple near here. My Grandpa is the priest there."

"Could I… Would it be all right if I came over? It's been a long time since I've been in Japan and what I missed most was visiting the temples," she said looking down at her desk.

"I don't see why not! I mean, we can talk and get to know each other!" Kagome said smiling. Toya looked at her and gave a small smile. 'Wow.. Her eyes are like Inuyasha's…' Kagome thought. Toya said she'd meet Kagome out front after school, near the gates. Kagome agreed and headed to her next class.


"You're letting her come over?" asked one Kagome's friends.

"Yeah, why?"

"I bet she'll do something real bad! I mean did you see how she looks?"

"Guys, she's really nice!"

"I think she looks like an American gang member or something." Toya walked out of the building to see a bunch of girls saying things to Kagome, more than likely about her, that the black haired girl obviously didn't agree with.

"Her hair is so weird!!"

"Have you seen a mirror lately? I'd say the same about yours!" Toya said sharply from right behind the girl.

"Uh.. I gotta go!" she said taking off.

"Don't you people learn manners anymore? What have I done to you? It's my first day and all you want to do is talk about how I look! Get a life!" she told them. The girls that had been talking about her took off leaving a fairly bored Kagome.

"Sorry," they said at the same time. "It's okay." They looked at each other and laughed as they started towards Sunset Temple.


"Inuyasha. What's got you so upset?" Shippou asked as they headed back towards the village.

"Nothing that concerns you pip-squeak." He turned his head away scowling even harder.

"Is it because Miroku is still around? I know you don't like him cause he likes Kagome!" the small fox demon said jumping up to be eye-level with him for only mere seconds.

"Can it will, ya?" he said shoving Shippou towards the ground before walking off and taking residence in a tree watching over the village while Shippou went to see Keade. "She's going to be coming back… I can feel it… that stupid little traitor…" Inuyasha muttered. There was a reason it had taken him so long to actually trust Kikyou, or Kagome for that matter. And she was on her way back. And soon.

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AN: Mel: Chapter one! I'm so proud!

Shippou: So am I! I think it's gonna be a good story!

Dai/Yama/Takepon/Pietro/Joey: Suck up!

Mel: **glares at them while Shippou continues to read over her shoulder and point out what he likes**

Dai: Please review.

Yama: Toya is hers.

Pietro: So is the story.

Joey: But nothing else.

Takepon: weirdness!!!!!!

Shippou: Please review for Meli-sama!! **other muses planning his demise**