Naruto Fan Fiction / Gakuen Alice Fan Fiction ❯ The Bodyguard ❯ Back At The Village! The Thruth About Sora! ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

2 pairs of hands landed on Sora's shoulder. Sora turned around to see 2 Iruka-senseis pulling her back toward the car, she struggled to get free. “Get off of me!” Sora thrashed but found no way of escape.
“Sora you're coming along now.” Tsunade gave a smirk to Sora as the real Iruka-sensei tied her hand behind her back and tied her feet together so she couldn't escape. Iruka-sensei lifted her onto his back. “Let's go.” Tsunade directed to the four as they followed Iruka-sensei, Sora and Naruto to the car.
Later that day in the Hidden Leaf Village:
“Let me GO now!” Sora yelled as the group of 7 entered the Village where Sakura and Kakashi-sensei were waiting.
“Not until you get back with your team Sora-chan.” Tsunade said. Sora legs were untied but her hands were still and a rope was attached to them so she couldn't run away from Tsunade and her incredible strength. She ran the other way from Kakashi-sensei but Tsunade pulled her toward him where she was tackled to the ground by Sakura. Kakashi walked over and gave a smile from underneath his mask. “Yo, Sora-chan. How are you?” He asked, but his reply was a glare.
“Sora is still the same Kakashi-sensei. Mad, still fights like a girl but she's the same Sora 2 and half years ago.” Naruto interrupted. Sora's eyes twitched with annoyance.
“Naruto! How can you say that after I beat the crap out of you with my Crystal Ice Mirrors and Rasengan! And on top of that I healed you!” Sora yelled in his face, she pushed Sakura off of her and rose to Naruto.
“I wasn't prepared!” Naruto yelled back at her! Sora's face turned red with anger as her fingers did the sign for the Escape Jutsu behind her back.
“Escape Jutsu!” A puff of smoke appeared where Sora was standing and after it was gone a pile of ropes laid there while Sora was jumping toward her clan's mansion. (Sora's last name is Yuki. Her clan's special ability is transformation, because of this she can transform herself into anything or anyone, plus she can manipulate any of her Justus or opponents.)
“Sora!” Sakura jumped after her leaving everybody else at the gate.
“Mikan and Hotaru you'll be staying at Sora's mansion while Ruka and Natsume will share a room next to Naruto's at his apartment complex.” Tsunade informed.
“Mikan let's go.” Hotaru and Mikan got on Hotaru's flying duck and rode after Sora and Sakura.
Where Sora is:
Sora jumped on the rooftops of the Village heading toward her clan's mansion. There were tears streaming down her eyes like a waterfall. Her face was red and her black pony tailed followed behind her with her step or jump. Sora turned to see the whole Village. “Just like old times.” She thought she wiped the remaining tears on her red fingerless gloves. A sight caught her eye as she looked over the Village past the forest. Smoke was coming from her favorite ramen shop, Icharaku.
Her sadness quickly left her as happiness filled its stop. A sharp pain hit her like a baseball going 100 mph. Sora's stomach growled causing Sora to remember that she hadn't eaten since that morning. She jumped away leaving the trailing Sakura and the hiding Naruto to guess where she was going next.
The red curtain moved as an old customer popped at Akane and her father's shop.
“Welcom-“Akane stopped her sentence and stared at the old customer before her.
“S-S-Sora-chan!” Akane exclaimed, her dad stopped what he was doing and turned to Sora.
“Sora-chan, how have you been?” He asked. Sora smiled as she sat down in a seat in front of him.
“It's been a while oji-san. I'm fine but can I have some of your ramen since I haven't had any.” Sora scratched her head as a steaming hot bowl of chicken ramen appeared before her. “Itadakimasu!” Sora broke apart her chopsticks and started eating.
After 10 minutes later she jugged down the last of her ramen with a big SLURP! “Thank oji-san doe the ramen.” Sora said, “How much will that be?” Oji-san raised and eyebrow then Akane laughed.
“Sora-chan you don't have to pay! Just coming back here after 2 ½ years is good enough!” Akane explained. Sora sighed at this since she didn't have any money at the moment but when she and her team went on missions she would get some but that wasn't going to be for some time now.
As she exited out of the shop she remembered that she had to get a job to extra cash before she would be on missions which wouldn't be fro a long time. She turned around back to Icharaku, Sora entered again. “Oji-san……… Can I have a job?” Sora asked, she closed her eyes and bowed then went back up. Akane and Oji-san looked at Sora.
“Sora-chan, you how things work around here and you know the Village like the back of your hand. So you may have a job here as a delivery girl. You'll be starting next Monday but you'll have to tell us your schedule since you're a ninja.” Oji-san said. Sora smiled at Oji-san and Akane.
“Umm Oji-san, when is the next Chunin Exam?” Sora asked. Akane looked perplexed at her.
“Sora-chan the next Chunin Exam is tomorrow; Naruto-kun needs a partner for the exam.” Akane said.
“Naruto huh, seems that we both need to pass to be what we want to be.” Sora whispered.
“Sora-chan, you better get going. Looks like that night has already fallen.” Oji-san pointed out, Sora turned and saw that the sky was dark filled with bright stars shinning.
Sora thanked Oji-san and headed out once again but to see Sakura and the idiot Naruto outside of Icharaku. “Sora-chan, I overheard about the Chunin Exam.” Sora looked at Naruto.
“Yeah, I need a team for the Chunin Exam. And since Naruto also needs to pass as well.” Sora stopped and looked at Naruto who looked back at her.
“Will you be on my team for the Chunin Exam?” Sora and Naruto asked at the same time. They looked at each other and blushed a shade of dark red.
Somewhere Above Sora, Naruto and Sakura:
Mikan and Hotaru was over them in her duck invention. Mikan laughed as she saw Sora and Naruto blush. “Sora, you need a team to be in the Chunin Exam?” Naruto asked Sora nodded still blushing a shade of pink.
“Why don't you team up with Natsume and Mikan for the Exam?” A voice said behind them, Mikan and Hotaru watched as Ruka and Natsume walked towards Naruto, Sakura and Sora.
“What do you mean team up with them?” Everybody looked up to see Mikan and Hotaru flying down toward them. “I don't even know the basics of the ninja's and now you want me to team up with what I don't know!” Mikan yelled, Ruka-pyon backed away a little but stayed close to Natsume.
“Well I can't exactly jump nor do anything special except to call help from animals that are in the forest.” Ruka snapped back.
“Well polka dots can't really do anything to protect her.” Natsume coldly said Mikan turned red with anger. She pointed her hand toward Natsume who started to get dowsed with 100 gallons of water that seemed to come out of no where. Hotaru smiled, Sakura & Naruto opened mouthed while Sora, Ruka and Mikan started to laugh so hard that they turned red. Natsume looked at the 3 then suddenly small flames started to appear around them. “AHH!” Mikan yelled as Sora and Ruka-pyon looked at her in disbelief that she still hasn't got use to Natsume and his fire.
“Tisk, tisk, tisk.” Sora shook her head in disappointment. “Natsume I thought you would come up with more than just these things after the 2 years I spent with you in every class that I had.” Natsume raised his left eyebrow but still kept the flames coming.
Sora the snake, rabbit, boar, sheep, sheep, dog, snake and the horse signs in that order so fast that even Sasuke wouldn't be able to see it! “Water Style Jutsu, Ragging Waterfall!” Sora faced her right palm toward Natsume and within a few seconds a ragging waterfall came rushing out and onto Natsume who was carried several feet away because of the current. He grabbed onto a light post and held on for his life knowing that he didn't stand a chance against Sora.
“Natsume!” Ruka yelled Natsume was still clinging to the light post when the water stopped coming. The water was washed away to the storm drains. Sora smiled as she saw Natsume touch the ground, drenched from head to toe. His flames disappeared. “Natsume!” Ruka, Mikan and Hotaru rushed towards him.
“Are you okay?” Ruka asked, Natsume didn't answer he just stared at Sora who crossed her arms but still smiled. “I'll join your team for the Chunin Exams.”
Sora and Naruto didn't do anything for a minute before their mouths opened wide and started to point at him. “I'll join your team for the Chunin Exams.” Natsume repeated. Sora closed her mouth and stopped pointing; she let her hands rest to her sides. “Good now we have full teams for the Chunin Exams.” A puff of smoke appeared next to Mikan who jumped surprised. “AHH!” Mikan yelled the puff of smoke disappeared to reveal Kakashi-sensei.
“Yo!” Kakashi-sensei smiled at the teens. “We now have 2 teams in the Chunin Exams.” He pointed to Sora, Naruto and to Natsume and then pointed to Ruka, Mikan and Hotaru.
“Us?” Mikan pointed to her and then to Ruka and Hotaru. Kakashi-sensei nodded.
“Tsunade said that there has to be at least 1 team competing in the Chunin Exams out of this group not including Sakura.” Sakura huffed out a breathe, Kakashi-sensei eyed Naruto, Sora and Natsume. “But then she said Hotaru, Mikan and Ruka had to perform a group and compete if Natsume joined Naruto and Sora.” Sora and Naruto looked at Natsume who gave a glare back to them. “Well, meet at the Hokage Tower at 7:00 AM tomorrow morning since the Exams start at 8:30.” Kakashi-sensei started to walk away then turned back to them. “Oh yeah, Sora and Naruto you have to teach them the basics of the ninjas and then tomorrow Sakura will be giving them a review of what they have learned. Don't go easy on them either. Tsunade has already signed the teams up. Mikan, Ruka and Hotaru are Team Alice while Sora, Naruto and Natsume are Team 7.” And with that he jumped off to read his Icha Icha Paradise.
“Natsume and Ruka-pyon, Naruto here will be teaching you at the training grounds tonight while I and Sakura will be teaching Mikan since Hotaru already from me when we were back at school at my clan's training grounds.” Hotaru looked away as Mikan turned her head slowly to reveal a mad face to Hotaru who already flying away on her duck toward Sora's Mansion which was next to the Stone Faces. And with that they split up so that the boys went with Naruto and the girls went with Sora.
Yuki Training Grounds, 1 AM:
The moon was full and was covered the sky so the light reflected on Mikan, Sakura and Sora. The three was furiously sweating form working 6 hours straight. Sakura was resting on tree while Sora and Mikan was still fighting head to head with Kunais and Shurikes. Mikan has some cuts and bruises but they weren't Sakura or Sora couldn't heal. Mikan had already mastered the basics of ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu and was working on how to throw the kunais and shurikens which was easy for her when she kept on hitting Natsume and Ruka with something sharp. Sora stopped running and crashed down onto the statue of her ancestor, Daisuki. “Mikan-“huff “let's stop for now.” Mikan slumped down next to Sakura. Hotaru came out with her silk blue nightgown.
“Bakas, do you know how long you've been out here?” She asked in her cold manner.
“No, how long?” Sakura asked, she took another breathe.
“You've been training for 6 hours straight so that means that you've since 7 and now it's 1 AM.” Hotaru yawned a bit before looked at her friends faces. “No wonder I feel so sleepy.” Mikan yawned stretching her arms.
“I'm going to sleep for 6 hours before getting up later. Good night.” And with that Mikan passed Hotaru and entered the mansion.
“Sakura why don't you stay over since I bet your parents are asleep now.” Sora suggested, she stood up and walked over to Sakura who she helped up.
“Sure it's been a long time since I last slept over.” Sakura yawned. She and Sora passed Hotaru until Hotaru grabbed Sora's arm. Sakura stopped. “I'll meet you inside Sakura.” Sora said, she had a serious face on meaning to Sakura that Hotaru and her were about to talk about something important. Sakura nodded and headed in.
“Sora you have to tell Sakura and everybody else about what happened or I will.” Hotaru exclaimed. Sora looked at Hotaru, she had a serious face on, and Sora knew that she would do it.
“Hotaru you may tell Sakura but tell no one else I will.” Sora lifted Hotaru's hand off her arm and both girls headed in.
Inside Yuki Mansion:
Sora laid out 2 futons for Sakura and Mikan after they bathed and changed into one of Sora's old yukatas. Sakura looked around the room, it was blue wallpaper with a white rose design going all over with a high ceiling but a sense of loneliness still hung around. “That last time anybody was in the Yuki mansion if I recall right was your family Sora.” Sakura exclaimed. Sora stopped what she was doing for a second then resumed again. Sakura looked at Hotaru and then at Mikan but both just hung their heads.
“Well I'm going to bed now,” Sora stood up and walked to the door that led to the hallway, “Good night.” Sora opened and closed the door behind her.
Sakura turned to Hotaru who was getting something out of her backpack. “Hotaru you brought along THAT picture!?” Mikan asked sounding a little paranoid.
“Sora let me. Look at this article it will make it clear why Sora is so good now than she was before.” Hotaru handed her the clipping. Sakura read it before gasping in horror.
The article read, “Fire Breaks Out! A Pair of Parents Try to Rescue but Fail!” The article was about how a pair of parents try to rescue a child from burning building. The child came out fine but the parents perished. The very last sentence was this, “The honored parents that rescued the child but didn't manage to get out was the parents of Sora YUKI.
Sakura dropped the article, “No wonder Sora has gotten better to become Hokage.” Sakura murmured.
“Sora doesn't want anybody else to go through what she has gone through when that happened 2 years ago.” Hotaru exclaimed Sakura looked at her. “For you see Sora has became really popular in school for her athletic ability and her determination in Hokage Ninja Class which if you don't know is a class that only certain ninja can enter. These ninja are specially chosen by the administration that is made up of ninjas, Alices, Jinchurrikis and the parents. The Hokage Class is a class that only Ninja capable of being Hokage can enter. And out of 10 years Sora is the only person who has been accepted into that class!” Hotaru stopped Sakura looked shocked at what she had heard. Unknown to them except for Hotaru Sora was standing at the door with a small crack so she heard everything. Small tears ran down her cheeks as she silently closed the door.
Mikan pulled the covers over her, “We better get some rest or we won't have full strength for the Exam.” Sakura and Hotaru laid down. Mikan closed her eyes and fell into the sleep's trance.