Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Asylum ❯ ARC2: Day11 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

ARC 2: Day 11
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and Characters.
Thanks: To my wonderful beta-er, Susan.
Note: `Death' doesn't necessarily has to mean `death' in the literal sense of the word. You might want to keep that in mind :D

The past few days I had reflected on things a lot.
Like that I really didn't enjoyed group therapy, because of the stupid assignments. And that my private Coach really was a chain-smoker, which was quite hypocritical of him, because I had found a `no smoking' sign near the entrance of our building just yesterday.
And that Lee liked me. As in, he liked me, liked me.
Every time we ran into each other, he was all like `Hey, you look so awesome and great, Neji.' And then he all too unsubtly wanted to hear me say the same about him.
Lee so totally liked me, liked me.
Just the other day Lee had given me one of his `awesome' drawings, so that `You can hang it above your bed, Neji! You will not forget me this way!' Sure, I merely grunted and looked sour, because I had caught sight of the horrible green blob of paint what was supposed to be called a `painting'. But secretly, I did like the gesture.
Lee probably had a crush on me. For real.
He was so self-conscious when I was around. `Neji, do you like what I am wearing?'; `Neji, do you like my haircut?'; `Neji, do you like the way I look? I hope you do!'
And I?
I.. kind of liked getting so much attention. Lee didn't mind if I was rude, or annoyed, or irritated, or downright a prick; he really liked me. I was sure of that.
I liked being in Lee's company. And I didn't mind giving Lee a little bit of the attention he seemed to want so much.
I really liked being with Lee, and I liked to listen to his crazy stories. Though I hardly looked content and satisfied whenever Lee started another weird anecdote, it was calm and peaceful to listen to him. With Lee around, I didn't need to say that much, and I didn't need to do that much. Lee was happy if I just watched him, and told him I was paying attention.
I liked.. Lee.
We might have gotten off on the wrong foot, but I had grown fond of Lee over the past few days.
I'd started to like the weird way Lee dressed, and talked, and looked. I liked the weird things he always said, and I liked his company.
I didn't particularly care that Lee was a boy. I considered myself not one to follow the rules anyway, especially after I had started faking a disorder.
And I didn't care that Lee was leaving tomorrow as well. If Lee was better, then I would surely meet him when I was diagnosed `cured' as well. And because I was a brilliant faker, I wouldn't stay in this place for a long time.
So everything would be fine.
Because I was Hyuuga Neji, Boy Genius. I always got what I wanted.
And besides, I was only surrounded by loonies and hypocrite doctors. What could go wrong anyway?

Afternoon came, and I found myself on the dusty old couch in the recreation room again. And I was reading Real Literature again.
This morning, my coach had finally given me a recommendation list of the books here - Dr. Asuma had recommended me six books.
Six fucking books.
Of course that was done on purpose. I'm not stupid.
Naturally, I had to make a drama about the whole thing, because Dr. Asuma told me I wasn't allowed to add a seventh recommendation.
“And how does that make you feel, that you will carry around a paper with six suggestions on it?” He said, before lighting another cigarette.
I didn't talk to him for the remainder of the hour.
Yet here I was. On the couch, with the damn list-of-six next to me, reading recommendation number 1.
I was incredibly irritated. No, not because of the stupid list; six or seven, I really didn't care about that.
No, it was Lee.
Or rather, the lack of him.
This morning everything seemed fine. During breakfast he greeted me as usual, and I ignored him as usual. It was a game to us; he knew that I only acted stuck-up because I was used to behave that way. And Lee also knew liked his company.
But then lunch came around, and Lee was gone. Sure, I brushed it off, thinking Lee simply had to attend private session or something.
But right now it was afternoon, and no-one had bothered me so far. Including Lee.
So yeah, I might have felt something that could be qualified as `loneliness'.. which was silly, because I liked privacy.
No retarded roommate had bothered me so far; no Thick Brows had asked me to `sit in my incredible awesome presence'; no girl had attacked me because I had to cut my hair off, for `Sasuke-kun likes long hair, and right now you have longer hair than me'.
This made me feel a little bit lonely. But only a little bit.
But I also felt really bored.
There were no weird people I could stare at. There was no one around who was doing silly things, so that I could mentally laugh at them.
Nothing. I was completely alone today.
So here I was, incredibly bored, and doing nothing really, when suddenly, it just happened.
One moment I felt great, and I was thinking about how I would say goodbye too Lee tomorrow (One particular far-fetched fantasy involved seven kisses so far). And the next moment.. It was horrible.
Sitting on the couch in the recreation room, book on my lap, and suddenly I didn't feel so great anymore. My hands were a bit sweaty, and I felt my stomach acting up again. I've had stomach aches ever since I started taking the medicines for my fake disorder, but this time it felt worse than usual.
But I said to myself, `These reactions are normal if you're swallowing medicines when you don't really need them. Of course I feel sick sometimes'.. but I really didn't feel great anymore.
When I felt my throat tighten, I closed my book. Perhaps it would be wise to get back to my room and rest a little bit. Lee would leave tomorrow, so it would be a really bad time to become sick.
But when I looked up, the room was spinning. I felt dizzy. Really dizzy.
I got up, but immediately regretted that fact. I felt my throat tighten considerably, like I was going to throw up for the umpteenth time since I'd started taking meds. The nausea was suddenly a lot worse, and I felt my heart beating faster and faster and faster as if it was going to explode in my chest.
And then the room wouldn't stop spinning, but I could only concentrate on my heart, and my breathing, for I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore, so I breathed faster and faster and faster but then my vision went black and I felt even worse and then I was falling down and the last thing I thought was `I am going to die' but then I vaguely felt a hand on my shoulder and was that my own arm no that couldn't be, and perhaps there might have been yelling but I wasn't really listening to that because my breathing was too fast and my heart was really exploding and I couldn't see anything anymore and then..
I died.