Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto's School ❯ Naruto's First Day: Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Naruto's First Day of School Part 2
Eventually the bell rung and everyone got out alive of Tsunade's History class. Sasuke walked the opposite way of Naruto hoping to never have to look at him again. Naruto pulls out his schedule and it's Science with Kabuto and Naruto said “Well, at least Kabuto isn't as crazy as Tsunade and scary.” He walks into the classroom and there are more people this time. Kabuto is standing on the other side of the room and props his glasses back up and says “Hello, Naruto-kun.” Naruto looks around to see who's in this class. There are Sakura, Gaara, Choji, Ino, Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino, and Hinata. Naruto screams “YAY SAKURA-CHAN IS IN HERE!!!” Sakura thinks “Nooooo, why Naruto-kun?” Naruto sits down next to her and Hinata looks suspicious. The bell rings and Kabuto claps his hands. He says “Ok let's get started, we will be putting our chalkra into the beakers and we will put unordinary chalkra and mix them.” “This should cause dry ice to rise and if you drink it, you will become five times more powerful, but then die.” He says “So no one drink it! Now, put your chalkra in.” Hinata puts chalkra in and is adding more than normal and puts a LOT of unordinary chalkra in and has an evil smile. Sakura raises her hand and says “Kabuto-sensei I have to go to the bathroom!” Kabuto says “Ok Sakura-chan but hurry up.” She leaves and Naruto goes to talk about ramen with Choji and Hinata walks over and pours the whole beaker into Sakura's and starts to stir. She runs away and starts to do her own but with not as much. Sakura comes back and adds her chalkra and it explodes. It went all over her face, clothes, and hair, because of the amount of chalkra, her hair fell out. She ran up to Naruto and started to punch him and she ran away crying. Ino was taking pictures of Sakura and Ino screamed at Sakura “YOUTUBE, YOUTUBE, YOUTUBE YOU'RE GOING ON YOUTUBE!!!!!!!” The rest of the class was normal and the bell rang and they all left the class. Naruto looked at the schedule and sighed. He had Gai-Sensei for P.E. next. He walked up to the boy's locker room and Gai-sensei was standing in front of the girl's and the boy's locker room. He said “Naruto, here's your P.E. uniform.” He hands him it and Naruto yells “WHAT??!!” It was the green suit that Rock Lee and Gai wear. Naruto just grabbed it from him and walked into the locker room and he changed and he saw a crack in the wall. Naruto looked through the crack and he could see into the girl's locker room. He saw Jiraya sneaking in there and nobody noticed and he grabbed Sakura's clothes and started to smell them. Sakura saw Jiraya and started punching him and he ran away screaming. Naruto started to giggle and said “That's what he gets.” Sakura sniffs and says “I smell Naruto blood.” Naruto runs away and Sakura says “Must have been nothing.” The bell rings and everyone has the same rock lee/gai-sensei suit on, the girls and boys. Gai-sensei comes out and takes attendance and everyone's there. Gai-senei yells out “OK, WE WILL HAVE A RACE, 6000 LAPS AROUND THE TRACK, WHOEVER GETS THERE FIRST WILL GET TO SKIP MY CLASS FOR TWO MONTHS!” Everyone smiled and were ready hoping to win. Obviously, they all want to win so they cheat, except Rock Lee. They all stand by the starting line and are ready to race and Naruto has a huge smile and says “I'll kick all of your asses.”